clinsi, l'hilip tin(' fred...

Post on 28-Mar-2018






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I \ III I )( \I. 1,111.1).

11.111y1111111 . 111 .11111 %1111111 1 10.11111. 1 111.ot1 All . 1111i oto•• 1114

1 o'll 110

„. 4'011111111 1 1111111.. 1111 L'111""'$.1114.• 444114N 4• I ii., 5, N, it

I 111111111, 1.4,11111

'.slilitil sin ii, ii', luiiuu 11111,fill oil I It

1,14 • its,1444.

I II is II ltuit.Ii. .11,11111, 111111111

it. ‘1,,,, .411V-1111s.111/11;

1111.1 1%111 II 11111111., 111 liii1'11%

'I s 1 ui\ col \\ I ii 1/1% 1,V

1111111:.• 111111 1 1.11 I.:•11: .1111g Iloso

1. 41 I .• Its'las., anal 111:01,1

11,,ii Isisl.',,agat, all Mill l. 'ii. mei is

1 '1%11 8111111,141V. III, . %.1

1111110iil liii,

I ii' I liii tutu its I 11 1.,

1.1,1(110114 1 4•4 011111 1.1 :11111 114111,1 01,1 1111

11•1111.1111111V Is, 1101, 1111' r111%%111

..r I list us its iii

l,iilu,iifsssl ,is, Ilsor:Ispasps,s,'pool 1,1 .1 Nloasslay oil Ilia,

11.% 411111 Ill! C4.1111.1.1..1 tottnioatisa,ala

liii us. stilt is ..1 hiss. llo

wars nrosaill,:siood hi AI PI. II.

1V11111,1 II. A1111,11, of hylle1/111W114/14,141 t0'1111 sit'. lit /11111:11111111i1 011

11111 1 /1.11 1°111111 1111'1 11,1'1, 11111111r /1iftI. V 11/1 11111111, tisi 'iuiIi'iiu,iuI 101 1111.

4q. 1'11011 11l ti 4 iii hot... 4 hut. tu here,

slid Its,' %\ ill hi, 11,111661661100

ill mu eitily

I I '. 1111%01 4 1.1 ill, III In In

il T11.11111, 1111% 4•1 ill, paintsi,,,

fir Mirvilmlit. Istri ol.

1%1%111 111111 Will moo on IN% wilily li t flu

lirst els painting. Ile has engaged

Isi 1 ,4,141 of I list Ifirgoid

III limit

14,1 1,1 I I 1'1%641

I li4, I 1111.111 $111.11,to I/4,1 4111y

1.111141 tutu NI Mond 8111% 4.$ 41, lot ilorto

1111% n11111111111 (hut Int '.'.ill i lti tilt is,

Ill, "lii liiiIs I lip1144

in Ill 111111N1,111 % ruling in Littleton, N.

lists 1441141

their t.sloon 1111/111111111 141 1.1111111t .1.

\\*lash. NIr. Blodgett, will engage lit

1111, 111111111111011111% iii I olio+ fun' this mar

het, while 111r. IlIct 'iutIs huts pur

slitirasI another lid u.l ill Minipill

iitet‘ i•reet ii 1/1C 141444.h 141(41141


.1. P. Mayon, the Half Mike' incr

Omni, i pent Sunday Sat l'oltanibiat

1°1111111. 11,1141 11111110 arrlitigments to erect

a building and engage

here. Ills %yid', acquaintance in Ibis

hell ion of lint it4 nil assur

mire of a guild trade from dist day lo,


lintsivillo Stuart, 'Aide land Coln

missiimer, is visiting :lie Pliallams1

count ry and Nasal Salithay iii Ilia, hilk

City. list'smiting the school lands

and gathering information necessary

It, diseliarge of his duties. his

will return to this part of the valley

(hiring the mining week.

:1Iontlay \vas ii lively day in real es-

tate cireles, lint! eleven lots %yore sold,

the purchasers being 'limn C. White,

Henry Lindliihr (two), Joseph l'iethi.Jcril I'. Sullivan, A.O.'Westburg,

F. S. Winnett, Clutssily 515541(leorge Buchanan, Reuben 11441114,0,

S. D. McCarthy and Father IL Al-


Dr. jos. Pietialue, late of Irencli-

town, has Itteatetl in Columbia Falls

and begin) the practice of mtslicine.

lie will have his office in the Conlin-

Miller ltuiltlitig, now in course of

erection. The Doctor is known tt)

scores of people in the valley and will

continnittl a good practice from the


George Blodgett and three men

started for the coal mines 7yesterday

for the purpose of bringing down a

carload for tin' Parrott smelter people.

Frequent tests have:been made with

small lots, with most satisfactory re-sults, and it is now proposed to makea test with twenty tons, "which willrun a 'furnace for twenty-four hours.

A. R. Jones arrived on Tuesdayevening and will represent T. C.Wills A: Co. at this place. The main(Alec of Wills tit Co. is at Ravalli,Where a general terwarding businessiS done in both freight and express.The eatablshment of a branch officehere is necessary, owing to the great,amount of goods now being shippedto this point.

Any one in need of house liningand wall paper should wait for mystock. I can save you money andgive you ninety patterns from whichto select. C. F. FULLERTON.

1'11 1111111111 1i1111', is , I111:11111';'' 1./ :1,1 111,1 :.1.1 oil it 1 ii 1111111111 111 11111111 111 11111 /111.1 1111.1

11111E1111 111.111.11111.,

'1141 1 '4 lo 1. mit it loll . .114 4.41.1 \ 1444

,•,1 144411 it..,,io 14,114,o 4. 11.4.41 1.1.111'111111s11,1 I mo I t 1 1114% 11 1,.11;'

1111011111111..11 ill...111 1111 i,u. us 111

11,11 ..1 $1 I:: 1.1.1, 1. 4404.11 441111.• Ili il‘ Ill/11111 41 I li lts

4 1 4,1 1111 1.4•4•11 141,1114•41. %%1144•11 ,44%,•1,1to 11 , 1 I tit 14 'Ir. oullioto 1.

lioillo .1."A14 11 .44 1141 Iso.,111.AI lu.ui II 11tVq 1111141 It s' .1, 111 111 11111'111.11 111.11 ' :11411111,

'1111, 11 1 11 111 1111S' 11 1111111,41 11110 111110

I:10111111g 111.0111,, 111.11 1.11., 1.10%1.1111

it lo n, • 441 14'41 '1.114,4 44 14 44 NH:. liti1 .140,1011V los 11,,,

1...11. ;or; 4.1 Is itui ucst.,, nod sie

the pews,

it .1/4' Item., it ii hate I.. '1

1..1 il I.. 1. It tutu. I% los smallsof ial,,,,,1

NI,,‘ 1., hit slut, Ills, uss dos II 11.1W Ill

1'1111 101 1111111, 1111111 1111111 11116

loll. loll woof It ts II gots) slit1 1ell

are eiseplest Tito elny found it llsa,

a wool s of 1 ',amok'', Falk ntsalsors 11so

foal Ills, clay lia,11,1

soccossililia nod ',wady

1 & 1111411,11 1‘1111011 1,1 1,1 '1'11

1111'11 111,W ‘V111111144 111.11.••• ton N1 .0111111V

111".1 11 W1111 1111111 1/S 11,, a, 'Ay

l's 11,404 orio•41 NMI it slut t•oli,•oll I'.'

"itt •u'.'uI' '‘111"11101 111011 111 11,•, ,1 •

',bee, in Me,' pieseet. 51 is11..1 , die t'

hate to 11'141 11/%111 1:111' 11111111

1 '1 II" '111111 '111.

11111 11,11'111111111111111, 11 11111.11 111,11f.1.1 1111111


11,1, 111111 gum's. 161;•,1.1,.

tormill ill 1655511 8111141:tv

1.m: 6. .111.'1N 11 10 11111111 111, WM.'. 1.1.1..11

4111 ill) II. 11111/1111111.11011 1101/II 111. 1.1111.

1111.. 1.1...11 I It 1111:%:1' 11.1111

loco of Iloilo ow 4% Inv lip I le, 11%1,1 144 (hit

111-1"11'• 111% 1orstilic+1 ii assinisis.r

usE sal, allaplatialid alovoloitini,a1 %%oak

441111 111141 111i11111111 1'1111111'i itt 111111

II sit 111111 Ilett ii large )atelem ef 11,,,leo Iambi in (Ito Nandi Folk

%Alloy will Ito Istkon alp Ilaim tantosis.i.

Henry Lindlithr, one of Ito 111,11,1

haissinatans moil sal hlitryriville, Mon,

spent. Saturday mid Sunday in 1.4,1

militia Falk. Ilo so,.s. the

ground carefully slid I utsiaghil I t%i)

ino,!1,4 1441:1 1114,1 1%111 69 owl, it Iloilo l i olg tuti

olio of I hisuts. 11111is 11.ov 01111 Of 111st 1111Kil. KO it's,

n u I4 lit 11,1 in this' 1411114. um, 114,0

1110 ill: C.0% PI.% Mill ill.%

mining 1° • .l.i'II if114 1111A I. Iii 111'W

!Ifs. int.) all Ituituhit of 1118.11

11/41ar3'eville people nifty al& „II. I

lahr thiltkii

Altheugh water iii Ile. iit.'r Ie•

rine,' fully hits' feet during the

ten days, the werkinen ssiu flu, Isig

1411111/11111111111 11r1144.1, !MVO 1111111111 1:1111 Itt

!WIT 11.111 1:141 41r 011' %%liter t'. jilt the pierwork, mei it, oow roil tot I al high

water will not interfere with the eon

strustion. Incidentally it may 1st re

marked that Ili, bridge mit this pond,

Will 1/41 11Is% I:1 thi,1e

kind in Montana. Thus Pilaf /A41110'4

she Will appreciate the impolVellIP111,

Wins' walla relieve thi,in of crossing

the primitive ferry.

Columbia F111114 Was visittsl by an

Ohio tlelegitt ion on 1Veditesdity,

imunig them W. I). Bill, of Defiance,

0., an ex eongressman from his dist-

rict. Fred Clinsi, l'hilip tin(' Fred

Ymick, of Bryan, 0., snit Mr. Clark, of

Mey, 0., were also inemIters of the

party. The places of interest were

!stinted out by Major Baldwin, well

known throughout Montana. Mr.

Hill was especially pliseowl with Co-

lumbia Falls, and spoke in highest

Itritise of its location and stirrounil-Ingo. lie is about ready to move toMontana, aml his present visit is oneof investigation.

C. F. Fullerton has opened a stock

of provisions and groceries in the

Kennedy building. He has a stock

of drugs, stationery and toilet articles

on the road, and will in a fortnight

have one of the most complete stocks

in the valley. Mr. Fullerton had

made arrangements to embark in bus-

iness in Demersvale, and went so far

in his preparations as to erect a build-

ing, but Columbia Falls needed just

Ruch a man as Mr. Fullerton and just

slid) a stock of goods. Ho is here

now, and has done a splendid busi-

ness from the moment he opened his


George Clailson, the pioneer and

pathfinder, returned Wednesday ev-

ening from a trip over the Smith-

Chilson stage line. "In the same

time" he visited Ashley and Demers-

villa. He pronounces Columbia Falls

the best town in the valley. On his

return he bought a few more lots and

is preparing for the erection of a large

livery and stage barn.

Judging from this trade Mr. Gide,,,r Inimersville, hiss, his prier., andgisids inuat satisfaetion.

I ,ulu,hu, II NI ri:•14., 41•41114 41 o or 1644

I • %I. ,o•il•••1 list. 1111,111W 11011111111 4.1 1 44.1 , 41 I loo, n11114,4 • !wool N101111o1r 1111,1I it, ,1.,‘ Ito 1111, 1°1111 : 1 'II % 1144 1 4'44

III 1/.1%1, 11.0II, I 'Wild I 11111111 V 11

11.1,1,11r. 11111. 11.' 11 1 111111 //1.

111, 1 .$1111.111411 1:: 11 11 Iliri I.. iii1

1 ...1 11.1. 11111' 11101,

11/111.01 1/1 : 1,1 11111 111111111111 1114'011

1111' I. ,t ti I Hui! siiiii111111,i1 fir lliti I Jul

, , S 66 s'ic111.1" 111I II" /114,441ooro 'lists I 'fitleit,I Ili , Iii 1.• 111 Illoi

ill I lilt hhiuiuttu s.f 111..I.7111 I %if...It:164 lotvItio 1116616, lutsut

it ellittlii•i1 •1111111g11 if.

S!..1.1111, 11.14111111 u it 1 1.4.1111,/, 11111411y

111111141 1111141 101111', 111111 1111. 1111114111

111111111111S: 111 r11111S•141 • .1111111.111.11,

hood r, 11,41 4111.4 I...1 4111Ni 4.. O i l 1144,4

II:111111i ...1 11,, Imo, 1.1,11..1 III Ili.. 11111111110111111.M 11111111i11•

1111 11.i111 111111, 11/ 11. 11111.1.

'Iwo:..• s.,,Itssi 11ii• 11..11117 1111 111111 1'111/

,11111.111,.1 0,11 11111111'1 1111 111111 1/.111.11 11'1 0

I hi 1.10 list lis Itir.1 ;111 $. I i.'. it 11,,

II ii taloa, and ',howl I.foot s,1 Istp:Ta sal II,.

Noillwasa LtinslavsstilII III 1,1% 1111$'11 'I loo, 151.11,01.4w ow

III:II II, 'ht.., it ill 101 ill• 0'4 14141141, Stool,

cow .141, i 114.• 'm1,411111 4 11 Will hi.

1/114, hit Mt' lei, 1 $,11.44.1111r1111111t1,1111V1,1

1111..1tli Ili 11101 111i11 iif the ie.' lloveel.1.1„, S i t uis u l Ninth's!' 1,111..1..1 I 'wept%

ii'. 11 1 111.11t1•11.11 111

1111' ',§11111114141. F1/1111 Mill :owl 11 1111%4•1

11,11 Vloto,1%.

IN '1.insillity ssl hist week l'..titeilits

Ici hs.iulIsutly moved hie eloek of post

and paistplienithit Is,

lap loin juli‘S• 1%1,11 story building

clime stveime, where lie for, lie hi I.

fiteillilies fin. giving the

public Ile, lie it pivioillieciierviel., A nd

1,111, hew it isIle, fact 111111. 1,111' 11111111.1'1

itu eig hiss, ends dity,:ei gem inp; itt it

11.1., elect, fueniiilies an idea usi Ile,

env Ilici lovably is Idling ills. 'I'wor

m.4111111 Mgt: orliii4.1y• hilly11,•,.., %‘ 1,J,, to day fully

lit,. huielied peoioici thi

fer delivery psi ,ii,I

int.., nI 1)einersville, Ws lbs. 11111411

1111511 Of 1/01/1111/1111 in llot flat

hint! valley.

A ltk hilitisig Deal.

fifteen thiseatnil s Is il hints W51it 'still

mit hint Saturday at I Valle

1"littlieusl mi iii lag I sri sin ly.

payment wail motile to .1cfrer

mid aseoeiittisi for 11141191 ill 1161,

North Fork sir Upper Flittlesel Isom

try. . _1411,11,41 Ill111 11111.

TIM Col.( 11111AN 11:ls Ono: Of Illst bl•

Stsrli1/1/1`11 jolb sollii•PN ill flit% W1,:41.

Whilt• Ilsol 1111140 1IN many Mordants1,, „life to say that tau ill/ ON

lltbli14111111•111. ill Allifilionla county is

better prepured to turn mil first-class

mirk. l'he latest and neatest sly hit

Of Ina. Inn's, baton purchasisl, and sit'

erything in new. The ineonvenience

heretofore felt by mereliants and loin

Mots men mewling their job work

away need not How be repeated. The

Work can be done al, home in it satia-

factory manner. Remember Tits

COLUMBIA N job aim.

The New Stage tine.

The recent change in the stage

schedule instituted by Smith, Chilson

& Co., will no doubt, be fully appreci-

ated by the traveling public. The

round trip from either end of the

route can now be made in one day.

The Columbia Falls business men can

leave here in the morning, have two

and one-half hours in Demersville,

and return home at 6:30. The Dem-ersville man can leave his town in the

morning, spend nearly three hours in

the Falls city, and return home at

6:30. In connection with the stages,

Messrs. Smith, Chilton & Co. propose

to meet the demands by putting a

fast freight team on the road, thus

bringing express matter to Columbia

Falls within twelve hours after its ar-

rival at Demersville,


Twenty first-class carpenters, wages$4 per day, by

DEAN & CowEtt,Contractors,Columbia Falls.


Have Opened Their New Saloon andKeep the Best of Liquors

and Cigars.

Dr. E3t i

I) I \ I 1

1: : ft .41',// I I I

C1 )11111111.1.01

is II, 1 . liii 01 lal.',1 1,''. I 6111. 11,1, 101 \\ 1.1.1.

't s', .11.1 111'.I

0.1,1.44.-i .0 1'11111111

••„ W.441...„ 4 44.1.1, A11 ....

1. 1

1' it, 1 •Ir...1.4 l•o h,

T. C. WILLS ,1</,(;0.


1,41 1,4o I . 1. 11 4'4

M/1.1 Irne 17/1.vra.11 I,

;IV'S.* be *1 a Irts•

I 01.1141111 111.1.4, !A ' I.1 II.1,1'11'.I.1"100

141".1441,411•01141.1,., 1••.111,1•Esol /1 01' 14%11 P„ 1:0 l' It 11"/ALI:11'1A. 11141,4:1'. l'I.A1:441

'I'. if: WILL!, 1,, so till NbinageiA. It .I•,• !•1 ,.1.66,61.61t 1 till •

11 AN/1,13...1, RP IA H. 4,



Family Trade, Solicited.Nigh Ildivind.

I' : 1)0'44: '4'4, V.! '41 11,, :.



C;f-a.t.t•rsz.,V,r•:; ELA:IrlAcorr.s.

PIN41111 flOs1 40•Pifill11.10fill filth:4104

On 1,414011. 141.41.ie49 11•4',/14711,1S%



1:01.1:X1:1A PALM : : '.fus 1'. 1..


efrap4 too :1, to, r I 14 rt • -

Entirdy rebuilt. New Furniter,.,

Stearn Heat, Electric Light and m

turn call bell system in every vim.

l'ammenger elevator running night ar.d

day. Elegant Bar and Billiard Room,

11W; 1:1 ' 1 1:V1 I) 1 ()1:

(1141I 11 FULIIIRTONW 1 I; ; ill "Am awl ill It ;111. ,i I I

cot twit *It; li(lt, 1)1

Fine DrugsAlit)

StationeryIII I III I 111110;it1


Wo also have in transit

2,500 Rolls or Wall Paper,

Building Paper, 11011130 Lin-

ing, Paints, Oils and Glass,

Lamps, Crockery, Jewelry,

News, Novelties and Cigars.


G-ive: T_Ts a, 7.Nuelmin A von am (j1/11/1111ila

GREAT NORTHEN : LUMBEROcsittrnialt Ivi 4.1 • •

FO.1 I 66, NiOri 1,11.111t.

: COMPANYJ n tar la..


Conoco, Ilionsiu, FAasood,Kilii.drip,r1 Iledv,11 Lumber.

VV lubt,o 11110, Y0110 %os/ P1114), Far, Talf1:1.1n.l;k ;1:s1:1,1, ii FS:11 4



; ISy our 1.scalio.o :LP III, ion of :all flo;11.1.1,1, . 1,, I la' lii,a/1

'utissIry, wo ars. a1,I,• 10 ,,a•s•sirs• hs• .1 Toth, y of all Ito.s1 of I iss,lo•r.

Sinitsass111.1 5:51' I' i1 I)' la., .10.411.•1 111 all RI 1'1 141111 I./110• j. /$1,1

C Co MID.A.1\TY".

,1 i 11.1)•1:1 : : ()II t:1 i W.


erroc1C-IIOLDER-8:FIRST N ATION A L5K, 1:111 E, Piviciturr copPER co., BUTTE,



PPV.SIDENT, JAN(110 A. TA Li:oiT, BuTTF.; vicE N.:MI/ENT, L. C. TRENT,




LANDS, MILLSITES, WATill; POWERS, TOWNSITES, COAL, LUM- °Six! Cigar Stand, Dining Room and

BER, MINING'. AND INDUSTRIAL Finest Barber Shop in the State, 'in

ENT EINIUSES ground floor. Large Samplo: Rooms

for Commereial Men. Tilt CoLcsai.tx

Ill the Flathead alidKooton (amines. Voir: found on file in the Rfading




Will open on or about Mon-

day, April 27.


The House is new and offers the

best aecommodations in the city to

the traveling public.

MELO AN SURGEON.Columba'. F13.1 Mont.



Land and Eueral Surveyor,PRIVATE SURVEYS M11/E.



AM,:fiCAD Mau.. : sad srlyward yor 4414,•&aim Extra.


C1.1•11 W *OWN I 110111111111AWW5.WAISAG111111

WALSH & MURPHY,- PlICIPlaWr1,111.2 Sly —

Wanted.A party to contract L000,000 to

3,o0o,000 foot of logs at Columbia

Falls. Half milt, haul. Address,N,01,11CHN (%).

They !lave Furnished Rooms for

Lodgings. That Boat of findts.





Attorney at Law.LAND AND MINING MAI 1 It A


Deaner 111V111.0. : Mon

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