club’s annual barbeque is once again a great success · the diablo toastmasters club is a...

Post on 06-Oct-2020






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The Diablo Toastmasters Club

is a community Toastmasters

Club that meets every Thurs-

day at 7 PM at Denny’s Res-

taurant, 1313 Willow Pass Rd.,

Concord, CA.

Volume 20, Number 7 July, 2017

The mission of a Toastmasters

Club is to provide a mutually sup-

portive and positive learning envi-

ronment in which every member

has the opportunity to develop

communication and leadership

skills, which in turn foster self-

confidence and personal growth.

Publisher: Irving Joe, Club President

Editor: John Peterson

Club’s Annual Barbeque Is Once Again a Great Success The Diablo 598 annual summer barbeque

proved to be a popular event once again, at

John and Jo Ellen Peterson’s house in Walnut

Creek on June 10th. The weather was glori-

ous, the food outstanding, and the company

delightful as always!

The event was attended by some 20 mem-

bers, their families and friends. The menu

featured barbecued chicken, spare ribs and

beef, accompanied by an assortment of sal-

ads, other side dishes, and some truly delec-

table desserts — all brought by members!

As the dining drew to a close, Cindy Johnson

rose to act as Master of Ceremonies for a joke

contest in which many participated. Pictured

at left is the contest

winner, Barbara

Hughes with Cindy.

Barbara is proudly dis-

playing her grand prize

— a bottle of Gloria

Ferrer champagne.

She won by telling a

fabulous joke, in which she revealed she is left


Note: Our photographer took lots of photos,

with those deemed the most flattering being

presented on the following page. To get into

next year’s rogues’ gallery, be sure to attend

the 2018 annual barbeque or picnic!

Welcome to our new members:

Chuck Plummer, Kirk Newlin

Please support Chuck and Kirk in every way

you can on their Toastmasters journey!

The Spring Toastmaster Leadership Institute

will be held on July 8th at Diablo Valley Col-

lege, from 8:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. On-site reg-

istration begins at 7:00 A.M. Admission is free.

This outstanding event is a “must” for all newly-

elected club officers and highly-recommended

for ongoing ones as well! The outstanding pro-

gram will provide training in all officer roles as

well as a variety of group training topics and

electives. In addition, it is vital that at least four

officers be trained to count toward our eligibility

to win this year’s “President’s Distinguished

Club” award!

As an incentive for early registration, a $25 gift

certificate is being offered to all clubs signing

up from 4 to 6 officers, and a $70 certificate for

signing up all 7 club officers! However, at-

tendees must sign up in advance to be count-

ed for a prize! Advance registration can be

done directly on the District website: Click on Calendar, scroll to

July 8th, and then click on the blue box!

Jerry and His Friends.

Read My Shirt!

No Kidding — It Was THIS BIG!! And Furthermore...

All Smiles!!

Deep Conversation.


“What’s Great in 598” is the publication of

Diablo Toastmasters Club 598, Concord, CA.

Publisher: Irving Joe, President

Editor: John Peterson

I’m privileged and honored to be the next Presi-

dent of Diablo Toastmasters 598! I want to thank

everyone for entrusting me to lead this great or-

ganization, and I’m looking forward to a highly

successful year. I know It will take teamwork to

keep Toastmasters Club 598 as one of the distin-

guished Toastmasters clubs in the area. The in-

coming mix of new and returning officers I believe

will continue the positive environment we now

have, for everyone to grow at Toastmasters.

The reason I joined, and I believe that many of

you joined for the same reason, is to improve my

public speaking skills. Self-improvement is always

a key to our success in whatever we do in life,

and strong skills in public speaking definitely lead

to strong self-confidence and career success.

Since joining Diablo 598, I’ve noticed that our club

has made major improvements in several areas

thanks to our leadership team. We’ve added a

training session in “Toastmastering Fundamen-

tals” as part of our weekly meetings, and also im-

plemented a program to assign meeting roles in

advance. Now we need to make this program

work! So if you’re looking for opportunities to

speak or take on a meeting role, I urge you to sign

up in advance at

The link to the meeting role sign-up page is at the

bottom of page 1. Please use it regularly!

Communications is the key to success for any

Toastmasters club. I believe our club members

are the best when it comes to communicating with

each other in advance if life gets in the way mak-

ing it impossible for us to attend a meeting we

have a role in. Please keep up the good work in

notifying the team when you can’t attend!

Keep your eyes on your goals on whatever you

want to accomplish at Toastmasters. Stand up,

rise up, and be proud at Diablo Toastmasters 598!


By Irving Joe

New Club Officers Installed

By D57 Rep. Dilek Alkaya Following their election by acclamation earlier in

the month, Diablo 598’s new officers were offi-

cially inducted at the meeting of June 29th by

District 57 Program Quality Manager (and former

Club Growth Director) — Diablo 598’s own Dilek

Alkaya, DTM. Several first-time officers were in-

ducted, which attests to the club’s vitality and the

commitment of its many new members!

Pictured at left, from left to

right, are incoming VP

Public Relations Rose

Falgout, returning VP

Membership Jerry Hurd,

Dilek Alkaya, incoming

Club President Irving Joe, and incoming Ser-

geant-at-Arms Destinee Cooper. Unfortunately

absent for the photo were continuing VP Educa-

tion Ashley Harkness, incoming Secretary Kyoko

Ii, and incoming Treasurer (and former Club

President) Cindy Johnson.

Serving in key leadership roles for the first time

are President Irving Joe and VP Public Relations

Rose Falgout. Congratulations to both of them

for “stepping up” in traditional 598 fashion to fill

these critically important roles! Let’s all give

them a big hand — not only in applause but in

helpfulness by pitching in to support them when-

ever called upon. Let’s also support them by

making a real effort to attend every club meeting

(unless we’re out of town or in bed with a broken

leg)! Strong attendance by current members

leads quickly to enhanced “meeting energy,” and

also is a key factor to strong club growth!!

Finally, let’s give a big round of applause and a

heartfelt “Thank You” to outgoing President Cin-

dy Johnson for her hard work in leading the club

to a successful 2016-2017 term. Her strong

leadership set a great example for all of us!!

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