cms 316 final presentation rev 2

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Over qualification

Over qualification


The state of being skilled or educated beyond what is necessary for a job

Companies Belief

They really want someone younger, cheaper.—No employer is going to state that aloud.

Companies belief

The employer fears I will leave for a better opportunity.

Companies belief

They think I will be bored

Companies belief

They think I will be unhappy---Why would they?

Companies belief

I think I need to change my resume to remove my more senior experience---Do you know this is a firing offense?

Companies belief

The manager sees me as competition

You Are An Asset

1. Level of experience

2. Healthy competition

3. Source of inspiration

What not to do in an interview


Can I express myself and still be a valued employee? Location: Ring Finger

Square Inches: 1Estimated # of Treatments: 11Cost Per Treatment: $75Full Package Cost: $619


I just got my nose pierced, is this a problem?


Does someone smell anything?


Things to avoid saying during an interview:

If I get the job, I will have to have every Wednesday night off to attend my court ordered AA meeting…

I am an active member of the KKK and being sought after by the FBI…

I will need a minimum of $75,000 to start…

Prison was fun but I wouldn’t want to do it again…

Those glasses make you look very attractive…

I and my previous employer didn’t see eye to eye…

No, I have no questions. You went over everything…


Posture and the way your carry yourself says a lot about you!

Try to look natural, not nervous.

Don’t slouch, sit up and look interested.

What to do with your hands: Place them in your lapUse them for emphasis, not


Firm handshake, don’t appear weak.

Eye contact is important but don’t stare the person down.

Don’t cross your arms. Can display defensiveness.

If offered something to drink, accept. But don’t make it a distraction.


Is a jogging suit appropriate for an interview?

Dress “industry appropriate” airing on the side of conservatism.

Guys: if you were black pants, wear black socks!

Jeans and a T-shirt aren't appropriate attire.

Ladies: miniskirts wouldn’t be a good choice.

Solid colors without designs would be a good match.

Army boots don’t work with any outfit!

Good rule of thumb: “If you wouldn’t wear it to church, don’t wear it to the interview!”

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