cnam azure ze cloud resource manager

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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Cnam 2016


• A lot of material from the session was first introduced on Build 2015 less than a month ago

• This is a major change in cloud deployments since the beginning of Azure

• This is how deployments will be performed from now on, and earlier approaches will be deprecated






• Manual

• Use Azure Portal to create resources

• Use manual deployment steps, e.g. from Visual Studio

• Client driven automation

• Write a PowerShell script to automate the process

• Cloud driven deployment

• Use an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template

Several ways to provision resources

• It’s not easily repeatable

• What if you need to do it all over again?

• Or you need to deploy to a second region?

What’s wrong with manual deployments?

You decide

• Solves a lot of the manual deployment issues

• Puts too much logic on your client

• Uses imperative logic

• Hard to parallelize

• Round trips secrets through client

Client driven automation (e.g. PowerShell script)

• Cloud based orchestration engine

• Fully declarative

• Automatically optimizes the deployment based on dependency graph

• Secrets never make it to the client

• More transparent use of the API

ARM Templates

•Containers of multiple resource instances

•Each resource instance has a resource type

•Resource types are defined by resource providers

•Every resource must exist in one and only one resource group

Resource Groups


• Lifecycle: deployment, update, delete, status

• Grouping: metering, billing, quota, UX (portal, PowerShell, CLI)

• Access Control: scope for RBAC permissions

• Identity: resources can talk to each other

Resource Group: Management Container

Resource Group LifecycleQuestion:

Should these resources be in

the same group or a different


Answer: Do they have common lifecycle and management?

• Centralized auditing of operations

• Simple tagging and grouping of resources

• Consistent access control (e.g. RBAC)

Resource Group Manager Services

• Declarative, model based specification of resources and their configuration, code, and extensions

• Idempotent

• Consistent deployment

• Source file, checked-in

• Parameterized input/output

Resource Templates

SQL Azure Web App



• Execution engine builds a state machine

• dependsOn and reference() establish dependencies

Template Execution


Service Plan


Auto Scale


WebSite Alert


App Insights

MS Deploy


After App Service Plan Completes

After Website Completes

Once All Complete

Demo: Resource Group Templates

• Parameters: user input for the template

• Variables: allows model reuse and “mappings” (e.g. different image based on region)

• Resources: models all the resources in the resource group

• Outputs: captures information from the execution (e.g. DNS name for the created blog)

Template Sections

• Functions are delimited by “[{dsl keyword}]”

• E.g. “name”: “[concat(‘foo’, parameters(‘p1’))]

• Basic functions:

• concat() -- “[concat(‘foo’,’bar’)]” = foobar

• variable() – “[variable(‘foo’)]” = variables “foo” value

• reference() – “[reference(‘VM1’). IpAddress]”

• parameters() – “[parameters(‘blogName’)]”

Template DSL




Where to start?

• Enterprises and System Integrators

• Internal Software Development Teams

• Delivering an application

• Corporate IT

• Delivering a capability or cloud capacity

• Cloud Service Vendors (CSVs)

• Support different multi-tenancy approaches

• Distinct deployments per customer

•Within the CSV’s subscription

• “Bring Your Own Subscription” model that uses customer subscriptions

• Scale units within a central multi-tenant system

• Support ability to make available via the marketplace

• All deploy known configurations/skus/t-shirt sizes

Common Use Cases for ARM Templates

• Lots of variables makes free form less desirable

• Potentially different VM types, different number of disks, and instances

• Hadoop with 8 master nodes w/ 4 attached disks and 16 disks pooled on each data node would have 208 VMs and 3232 disks.

• Resource constraints need to be factored on the fly

• No math capabilities in ARM language

• Harder to price, manage, support for the Enterprise, SI, or CSV

• T-shirt Sizes / SKUs are the common approach

• Known configuration makes testing easier

• Easier to model cost/price

• Easier to support

• Easier to manage

• Allows for better density within a subscription

Known Configurations/SKUs vs. Free Form

• Capacity

• May be one or more linked templates with a scoped purpose

• Delivers an environment, with appropriate security and auditing for compliance

• Capability

• May be one or more linked templates with a scoped purpose

• Delivers a technology or a capability that can be utilized post-deployment

• Examples include delivering capabilities such as SQL Server, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Hadoop, a Web Server, etc.

• End to End Solution

• Compositions of one or more capability scoped templates

• Examples include end to end data pipeline

Common Template Scopes

• Template describes the topology (outside the box)

• Template extensions can initiate state configuration (inside the box)

• Multiple extensions available


• Chef

• Puppet

• Custom Scripts

• AppService + WebDeploy


Inside the Box vs. Outside the Box

@ a glance - template language expressions

{ "apiVersion": "2015-05-01-preview","type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines","name": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'), copyindex())]","location": "[parameters('location')]","copy": {

"name": "virtualMachineLoop","count": "[parameters('numberOfInstances')]"

},"dependsOn": [

"[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/', 'nic', copyindex())]"],"properties": {

"hardwareProfile": {"vmSize": "[parameters('vmSize')]"

},"osProfile": {

"computername": "[concat('vm', copyIndex())]","adminUsername": "[parameters('adminUsername')]","adminPassword": "[parameters('adminPassword')]"

},"storageProfile": {

"osDisk": {"name": "[concat(parameters('vmNamePrefix'),'-osDisk',copyindex())]","osType": "[parameters('osType')]","caching": "ReadWrite","image": {

"uri": "[variables('userImageName')]"},"vhd": {

"uri": "[concat(variables('osDiskVhdContainer'),parameters('vmNamePrefix'),copyindex(),'osDisk.vhd')]"


• Resource loops deploy n instances

• Fixed or parameterdriving instance count

• Concat + Parameter Prefix + CopyIndex() for dynamic naming

Deploying Multiple Instances

• Provides the ability to link multiple templates

• Can be used to facilitate decomposition

• Template URIs can be dynamic

• Allows for re-use

Template Linking

{ "name": "cluster-nodes","type":

"Microsoft.Resources/deployments","apiVersion": "2015-01-01","dependsOn": [

"[concat('Microsoft.Resources/deployments/', 'shared')]"

],"properties": {

• Execution engine builds a state machine

• dependsOn and reference() establish dependencies

Template Execution


Service Plan


Auto Scale


WebSite Alert


App Insights

MS Deploy


After App Service Plan Completes

After Website Completes

Once All Complete

• Multiple types of state

• Parameters

• Static Variables

• Dynamic Variables

• Templates accept parameters

• Templates return variables as output values

• Simple or Complex object types are supported

Passing State In and Out of Templates

•Easier to pass a number of related values with a single variable

•Object.Property approach provides additional context when reading the template


Passing State - Complex Objects

"networkSettings": {"vnetName": "[parameters('virtualNetworkName')]","addressPrefix": "","subnets": {"dmz": {"name": "dmz","prefix": "","vnet": "[parameters('virtualNetworkName')]"

},"data": {"name": "data","prefix": "","vnet": "[parameters('virtualNetworkName')]"


"osSettings": {"imageReference": {"publisher": "Canonical","offer": "UbuntuServer","sku": "14.04.2-LTS","version": "latest"


"tshirtSizeSmall": {"vmSize": "Standard_A1","diskSize": 1023,"vmTemplate": "[concat(variables('templateBaseUrl'),

'database-2disk-resources.json')]","vmCount": 2,"storage": {"name": "[parameters('storageAccountNamePrefix')]","count": 1,"pool": "db","map": [0,0],"jumpbox": 0


"availabilitySetSettings": {"name": "pgsqlAvailabilitySet","fdCount": 3,"udCount": 5


• A template can return values to its caller via the outputs section

• These values can then be used by the caller

Passing State – Output variables

"outputs": {"masterip": {"value": "[reference(concat(variables('nicName'),0)).ipConfigurations[0].properties.privateIPAddress]","type":"string"}}

"masterIpAddress": {"value":"[reference('master-node').outputs.masterip.value]"} }

Passing State - Common ParametersName Value Description

Location String The location where the resources will be deployed from a constrained list of Azure regions.


String Unique DNS name for the Storage Account where the VM’s disks will be placed


String For deployments that create a new Virtual Network, the name to use for creating that resource. For deployments that use an existing Virtual Network, the name of the VNet to deploy into.

username String User name for the virtual machine(s) and potentially the application(s). More than one user name can be requested from the end user, but at least one must be prompted.

password String Password for the virtual machine(s) and potentially the application(s). More than one password can be requested from the end user for different VMs or applications, but at least one must be prompted.

tshirtSize String The named scale unit size to provision from a constrained list ofoffered t-shirt sizes. For example, “Small”, “Medium”, “Large”

enableJumpbox String Parameter that identifies whether to enable a jumpbox for the environment. Values: “enabled”, “disabled”

• No control flow logic built into ARM template language

• An approach with parameters, variables, and linked templates

• Use provides parameter value that provides context, e.g. tshirtSize parameter is passed in as a value of ‘small’

• Using concat and a pre-defined variable, a new variable value is created which points to the specific , e.g. ‘tshirtSize-small.json’

• Template linking is incorporated into the template and uses this new value to identify which template to deploy.

• Common examples are “tshirt sizes” and optional features for a deployment, e.g. “enableJumpbox”

Control Flow




























• Templates can be made available via the marketplace

• SKU/known configuration is the marketplace scope

• Small, Medium, Large t-shirt sizes

• Community or Enterprise skus

• End to End Solution or Capability scoped templates work with 2 simple edits

• Remove SKU / known configuration / t-shirt size parameter from Core Template

• Use static variable assignment within the core template, e.g. tshirtSize = “small” to take the place of the parameter








• role based access control

• audit logs

• resource locks

Control with Azure Resource Manager

Role Based Access Control

• Allows secure access with granular permissions

• Assignable to users, groups, or service principals

• Built-in roles make it easy to get started

Two Key ConceptsRole Definitions

• describes the set of permissions

(e.g. read actions)

• can be used in multiple


Role Assignments

• associate role definitions with an

identity (e.g. user/group) at a

scope (e.g. resource group)

• always inherited – subscription

assignments apply to all resources

Role Based Access Control

Granular Scopes


subscription level – grants permissions to all resources in the sub

resource group level – grants permissions to all resources in the group

resource level – grants permissions to the specific resource

• Encrypt keys and small secrets like passwords

• Import or generate your keys in HSMs

(certified to FIPS 140-2 level 2 standards)

• Grant permission for your own and third party applications to use as needed

• Monitor and audit key use with Azure logging

• Pipe logs into HDInsight or your SIEM for additional analysis and threat detection (coming soon)

• Provision new vaults or keys in minutes

• Scales to meet peak demand w/o having to deploy dedicated HSMs

• Provision vaults across Azure global DCs for global redundancy

• Microsoft does not see or extract your keys

Key management with Key Vault

•Azure VMs, ARM and Key Vault are fully integrated

•Benefits of using them together –• ARM templates contain only URI references to secrets

• Actual secrets are not in code, config or source code repositories

• Secrets stored in Key Vault are under full RBAC control of a trusted operator

• Full compartmentalization of assets

• Loading of secrets into the VM at deployment occurs via direct channel between Azure Fabric and the Key Vault within the Microsoft data center.

• Key vaults are always regional, so the secrets always have locality (and sovereignty) with the VMs. There are no global key vaults.

•Proven practice is to separate ARM templates for• Creation of Vaults (which will contain the key material)

• Deployment of the VMs (with URI references the keys contained in the vaults)

Secrets and Certificates

•Each Network Security Group• Has a name, is associated with a Region and has a descriptive label

• Has two types of rules, Inbound and Outbound that control traffic to one or more VM instances

• Inbound rules are applied on the incoming packets to a VM

• Outbound rules are applied to outgoing packets from the VM

• Incoming or outgoing packets must match an ‘Allow’ rule to be permitted; otherwise, it’s dropped

• Rules are processed in order of priority, with lower numbers taking precedence over higher ones

• Once a match is found, no more rules are processed.

• Can be associated with a VNET, Subnet or a VM within a VNET

•A VM or subnet can be associated with only 1 NSG, but each NSG can contain up to 200 rules

NOTE – endpoint-based ACLs and NSGs are not supported on the same instance.

NOTE – NSGs are not compatible with VNETS associated with an affinity group

Network Security Groups

• A rule specifies the following:

• Name: A unique identifier for the rule

• Type: Inbound/Outbound

• Priority: An integer between 100 and 4096

• Source IP Address: CIDR of source IP range

• Source Port Range: An integer or range between 0 and 65536

• Destination IP Range: CIDR of the destination IP Range

• Destination Port Range: An integer or range between 0 and 65536

• Protocol: TCP, UDP or ‘*’

• Access: Allow/Deny

• ICMP cannot be specified but is allowed within a virtual network

• A range of ports can be specified with a hyphen, e.g. 100-500

• Rules can be changed at any time

Network Security Groups - Rules

Network Security Groups - Default Rules

NSG Examples{"apiVersion": "2015-05-01-preview","type": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups","name": "[parameters('FENSGName')]","location": "[parameters('location')]",


"securityRules": [{

"name": "rdp_rule","properties":{

"description": "Allow RDP","protocol": "Tcp","sourcePortRange": "*","destinationPortRange": "3389","sourceAddressPrefix": "Internet","destinationAddressPrefix": "*","access": "Allow","priority": 100,"direction": "Inbound"


"name": "web_rule","properties": {

"description": "Allow WEB","protocol": "Tcp","sourcePortRange": "*","destinationPortRange": "80","sourceAddressPrefix": "Internet","destinationAddressPrefix": "*","access": "Allow","priority": 101,"direction": "Inbound"



{"apiVersion": "2015-05-01-preview","type": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups","name": "[parameters('AppNSGName')]","location": "[parameters('location')]",

"properties": {"securityRules": [{

"name": "Allow_FE","properties": {

"description": "Allow FE Subnet","protocol": "Tcp","sourcePortRange": "*","destinationPortRange": "443","sourceAddressPrefix": "","destinationAddressPrefix": "*","access": "Allow","priority": 100,"direction": "Inbound"


"name": "Block_RDP_Internet","properties": {

"description": "Block RDP","protocol": "tcp","sourcePortRange": "*","destinationPortRange": "3389","sourceAddressPrefix": "Internet","destinationAddressPrefix": "*","access": "Deny","priority": 101,"direction": "Inbound"


"name": "Block_Internet_Outbound","properties": {

"description": "Block Internet","protocol": "*","sourcePortRange": "*","destinationPortRange": "*","sourceAddressPrefix": "*",

Resource Tags

• Name-value pairs assigned to resources or resource groups

• Subscription-wide taxonomy

• Each resource can have up to 15 tags

Tagging Tips

• Tag by environment, e.g. dev/test/prod

• Tag by role, e.g. web/cache/db

• Tag by department, e.g. finance/retail/legal

• Tag by responsible party, e.g. Bob

Audit Logs• journals all write/delete/actions

• central location

• common format

Resource Locks

• Accidents happen. Resource locks help prevent them :)

• Resource locks allow administrators to create policies which prevent write actions or prevent accidental deletion.

Key Concepts• Resource lock

• Policy which enforces a "lock level" at a particular scope

• Lock level

• Type of enforcement; current values include CanNotDelete and ReadOnly

• Scope:

• The realm to which the lock level is applied. Expressed as a URI; can be set at the resource group, or resource scope.

Testing• Templates are code, manage in source control

• Test, test, test

• Test different distros/versions

• Different Linux distros may have different default behaviors

• mke2fs, which formats disks on Linux, has different default behaviors across distros/versions. Fast formatting is not turned on by default in CentOs 6.5

• Test different regions

• Different service availability in different regions can impact deployments

• Test different VM SKUs / Instance Counts

• If you offer the customer the ability to choose different VM SKUs or different instance counts of resources, test.

• Identify potential issues with performance, resource constraints, script timeouts, et.

• Decomposition allows for isolating key aspects for granular levels of testing (solution, building block, linked template within either of these)

• Websites

• SQL Azure DB

• Redis Cache

• 40+ other resource types

• v1 Virtual Machines, Network, Storage

• v2 Virtual Machines, Network, Storage

Resource Group Supported Resources


• v1:

• Not fully integrated: no RBAC, tagging, templates

• Clunky network modelling

• v2:

• Fully integrated into Resource Manager

• Revamped control plane with asynchronous, parallel operations

• Network resource types are separate from compute

• Part of Azure-consistent private cloud

What’s New About the v2 Resource Providers?

• Many examples available @


Getting started with templates

Getting Started

Azure Resource Manager Overview

Using Windows PowerShell with Resource Manager

Using the Azure Cross-Platform Command-Line Interface with the Resource Manager

Using the Azure Portal to manage your Azure resources

Creating and Deploying Applications

Authoring Azure Resource Manager Templates

Deploy an application with Azure Resource Manager template

Troubleshooting Resource Group Deployments in Azure

Azure Resource Manager Template Functions

Advanced Template Operations

Organizing Resources

Using tags to organize your Azure resources

Managing and Auditing Access

Managing and Auditing Access to Resources

Authenticating a Service Principal with Azure Resource Manager

Next Steps

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