co. - - .. the trmure tnjl sc:mlc 'f oil'paintings choice...

Post on 01-Jul-2020






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'.CHOICE MGHWAYACREAGE FOR SALEOYer, tom..~ tweiho~ oft paved~ Nek Ruldoeo.

WABREN BABllE"rrRealtor' Insuror. .


Phone 3345

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Co. Cl~rk, Lirlcoln Coun~

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..fta'ftl U'~ S. inghD' 70. the TrMure TnJl Thro~9.~ the Sc:MlcSoumw~ to R_ Riu~-World-,

1M'9'- 'Y'Mr·-Round M9urU{lil1 Pliyground

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ASSORT,EP .'CHOCOl;ATES'. ' " ~' .

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ALW.lY$ tItEsa.·.....AQ.d Sq Dtn~ou.


• •.. , •.POST OFFICE. B~Q¢K

RUlD'OSO.NEW MEXICO"'OneBl~Welt of ther P<*toBICf,

.and·' J'Qlf q.1W1lable'"•

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:rrom. 'U. s, '1'ul~ ancl Approved Cow. '" .. J?d1nr04Co Y~lU' O! .Fa.vonfcl 8~,n.ur _ . • .~ I

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WARNING!Wo C' lAI1I:c Jeltr ear Uw.l ...fte~ .... tho htthwa1. "l

1'0 e...·t ,"yel:l~ acd'el11.1.T. tieJ1I' New lIexk. ebedc u. rS.tI.n6 hlIbwa, WJ.


•I. ~ exlrlhn,ly, caui!OUl and oburia :thelaWl,2. Cooperate with law enforC~IIleX1t agencl",3. Bt lUl'e your car Js in top condWon.


Hom. of Gulf Motot Fuea - Dial 3535~•••••' j* ~


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Burdett-Campbell·SwearinginD'ependable lnJurance .

J'DIWI UISJlw401f, New Kczk.HElImEl' lU.l100S0 ~It\.lmh Of' CO)IMUCE

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.ere S 0 ubstilute for·in PLUMBING FIX

and WO' '. ,- '.. '".. SHIP, . "


I .J)Jal wss.~«11IWoio~-of~'

WoDonPa~ ,',-l)IaI'~ I IoSSllof,.lO~r-~' ..~ ~,



Conunercia1 and Some•

Bttlldlng.AJ GOOd ., the net

, At tbe.ttp as fro/! :RestF~ rete :tsttttl.a~a CaU-

Woroblp llnd Communion ellchSllnday Ol l1~OO A, M,

neve D. D. UlJylll, Pootor of·the Firet Chrbtlon Church otL;lll Crucc!!, l!I guclll mlnilitcrtorthe month or AUtlUllt.

It you. do not IJO!;c n chlm~b

IlOrtlC, yeu ore (:ort:lllllly Invltt:dto worll1llp with tel,Summer viJ!­lIorn will fiM u wn.rm wl.'!ccmoI;('~. "

CONST,RUCTION co.W. G. J01l\!llI.':"'1l. II. ,AD.......

"J'(IwWa,.Ja .()Illo ".rWe build the WIY )'0" ~ntit built- .

J!Ot:lJllIIDUIll1tl11 BaltcUnr.CablnJlcimoa'elb1r

" Add'UoIl,l •otrleoAt

B. B. AndersonLumber Co.,

1>t&l. u't!


--....:.....:.:....~ -"~-~---.,,

BUSTIC INN1"d" &Ut.t

A.l4lnuUCl FlftI' JI'.\'lIIltdl'~e'ncs I

1". 0, lUIjt U7 11l£lf.Mt.. H. )lex. I"'.""~-r,~"- _'C"N''''-;:;-?,~''~IO':~'-:'' ?'r-±e~ 1, ,


Just Completed2' BedrOOm.l -- 2..Bath

Ranchero Style Home· in Cool Secluded Agua..Fria

Pure Spring Water~ Funw:e HWf


:F1Iggtd andWalledPaUo,~utUu1 VI.w~ SUdbig Glut Doon.

AReal ValueP=~i:~~s i AGUA.~ ESTATES

..~.:~:~~;~~~.~~.l-~~~~~~.......................................... ..... .... . .c • ..~. .. _",

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Ladies' 100%NYLON HOSE

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I La I&at

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'"1""IttlIIII I Ittttit

!l! SALE STARTS 9"A. M. FRIDAY::: -THIS IS ALWAYS OUR BIBGEST SALE OF 'THE YEAR-ttt ' J P • ai 7./7 at ........ _"...' ..,~~.-.~~_.';_~.. ·_~.....,.._:~,_:._f_~'_C_,:O_~-;.. _·w P« ; ... 'ttln: BATH SETS I . TAFFETA-'. Boys.'::: $2.95 Value S2.29 I 79c Value -- All Colors WORK SHOES:::. THROW RUGS : ' 49c Yd. ' Values to $5.95:: I $2.95 V~IueS2.29 ~ ----GmiS'~SCHOoI-SHOES 52.95 Pair!! .-' i '. •• .'." •• -, • Values to $5.95 Pair 52.95 = p 'M~n's

Ladies' ~.......-.-.-.~~ ..--:: Wool &Nvlon tadies' Moccasins & Squaw Boots LOGGER BOOTSII SWEATERS Valnes to $6.-95 ' Pair S3.45 Values to $11.95If SpeciaIS!.!9 r---SQ1JAWDRESSBRAiir~-- S3.95 Pair

t . " . . . lOne AssortmentMetaUics & Cottons .Men's ColoredI' .j9o~~h o. I 1/2 PRICE Broadcloth

MUSLIN -'--'~"' ..-''''' ..=. "'·.'''''-''_=.·_..'_C_'.'_'''=__ DRESS SHIRTSExtra Special.~ Ladies' MANHATTAN BLOUSES Sl.79 Each

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LADIES' COAT SWEATERS h Men'~One ASfIortment .OXFORDS~~~ .Values to110.95 I

REMNANTS S8.95Pr.AllMarked Down Men'.Western

" ~ . AsMuehAsl/2PRICE 'PANTS &~v~ .."iMh........-...rx."nh.;xtiwbLt --",...;" ~ _l";'" .. -"'-- ....... -... ... S'LA'". CK·····S"- ,..- ..... ....- ;. -:'"' .- - ,. --:' "'" ",- ~ ,"" ,., ........ ,..- --.- _ .., -. .,.. ...- ~ .,::;;.r;:v;V4AV-i>#V_*fliAtlII'Ir- '

,,- MEN'S DRESSHAJ:S'reatlyJteduc~·

. . . "

, ·I··'·~'...~... ." " - "¥',

We GifeS.1H. Greeit 'I"; .• ·1;:==:=:=;~:=:=:1:::=::(;:=:==:==:======::;===::::=:::;===1=::=;:;::~:=:r.:==&=:=:=ti:===;s:=:=;=S;5:=:== .


. ' ~.

, R.:id:oN~ i;i~~dP~u~ti~t~s j gotto~~d 010/ ~~YENVE ~QUESR:JSO' ME IHoneymoon Club ~~~RGpgg~:,· .".,.._ ~ "'""~ f"'he-f"""in~~st"'.· ...-!.., "." ~ .

rrldll1. M«Ust 24.1055 C e mel ,amp,} Qncen ampa~gn .' ,J,:IJ.:.W, . ";.,I;~, ...,.' .~ 1,_'b'4i" . ' .. ~ . . . . .fN:t$h.o$f;yollccrn huy 'c.-.. ,,~,.,. • • > Steak Fry Planned Starts August ~9 . In?~h~J:foibA&-~~::~ltti~~~ L\,Ib!:ock; Te~" ll~Wl/lywi!d~ her~ sc:'i t~~:fe~~::r ~~~o~!~..RUIDQSO, HOST 1ft, CII"~C" JC~poa-n:R) / AlamOIlOrd(l 'Will' It, 119~ te~urn~ Jto~ 1a..t Tueldl'Y Aug\1S1 UJ were UI'. and Mrs, V. Cwming\'llOfi. wYfb a sUtprilie , . 8'TO' LJ1I.T:COl' N '. SUIan Spencer. dal,llhter ()f Mr. membership drive fgr tllll'pCom- m<lmU1S.· '. CharIe. if. WestbrPQk, Tl1ey Were P3rtX At tb~ home at.M.... and Mn, ' .Wet';.',' .

• .\.'1' 1...1. llnd Mr$, TrumllQ A, Spencer. Jr•• ' m.untt)l Goncem Association Mon-, V,l$itlnJ Mr" WJltlamJQn were married Aug. l7 il\ arllwnUeld, HIlFot~ J01:leJ Monday 111~t,. A118· ." ." .'.BAPTIST MEET of Cllrru:pzU; repre.ented coUJlfy day, Aug, 211. with II ,~pper at MrI H ',J.', TIcket{ t:1f NQr/ol,k Va" 'tfll(:, . 22...... ' .'

o' Th I II f th 1-1 _ Epl,lC1)~1 Church~ at the '.recent TIl(er Fleldr " MtJ' Sala. Shultz ot Vemon Tex:q Th~ hdd' f. the tormef Wy... Mtll. Cunnin_ham, SPPlUIOr for JVlV .'of ~:g8~a A~:lll~tg WI: tleid Junior High S!lmm~r Conference 'fhCl' li,rIVLw~ll continue lhrqugn Mrl(Holen McClo~ of San An; I:rumf• IMler. daughter /;It 1'/.••~, th~ cia.. Jj~ year, wlli teaChmeANDJ E5WI'~lnellday at' tho First Baptlst held at Skyllne'ttanch near 'Moun- Saturda1,· pt; 3, wnii>, Tex,~ Betty Iud J30bby Tlly.. ,auUef, CrOfb,ylon. re:"Jn~ l,&'~ stetson Park scMo!, UIIs year and .' . ..,,¥/,~~~.,.Chun:h of RuldollQ. Tho /lssocll- will Park. Aug, 7..14, 'fhl:s week Followlnsr the O\.lti!QOI' :supper, loi', Lllm~a. rex,: MD. 1. ,B. II'Qom ls ~be.l~~ 01 • • esf.. will /?t! unavailable to liPOnJOr the- " >,['tlon CO mt'll ull the Ba'ptlst Rev. Chl,lrlcs r.., Cander, l.lncoln whl¢h .(nrt, at 7p, ro.. Bob Stll!- Wynn, Trent. T~x•• and .Mrs. A..J. ~rook of \J """"" class this rear. ~ ,<,' frZt'chtlrchl,:n~fl Otero and I..lncoln County EpiM:opal minister" Js lord. C'olum1::Ia Artist. manllle- Brown. Bayt(lwn, TllX, " IA?fl: .~uP~ was re~Istere<l at Mr•• CU~fngham lind her hps- I , ..... , "·~(Otllll1CB servin" !ill_Chaptaln ot the Sl!nlor ment rllprenentnt!ve from New Mrs, Williawon reported that I' Jl n~ otet '7' baAd. C. V. "lfeIlVY,': were pre- • ,,' ~1'~

• IIIHh Cqnference at Plying B York. will bo prIncipal speaker. of .till her company en'Q,Yed' their .tay I ere 11"- . sented with a lovel)' gIft al\d serv- ,,~ . t~Ol~udelJ 9n ~he td8~8 pr~gr~r::' Ranch n~ar 1'1111 Vegllll, He wlU 're- the Introduction program' follow- 1r1 (he playgrounl:t 01 the JOldh- j Honeymooning In nuldQsQ Aug. cd a lxlaut\tuU,Y_ (Iecorated cake' .. ~~;~ .'

w I( ('f(l11Yl'nl~. II It.:n c d turn Sflturallj' to eO/lduct A\.II!. 211 log tM meal, Workerllln tM drIve WCllt.o '1 were Mr. 110dMf$. J. B. ~ckey, InlWt1~d ")3e"t Wishes,t() TeacherIi1slcd u IIlOrlllng, It cr oon ~n . ncrvlcc~ nl Olcncoe lit 7:31) fl. Ill, to /len mcmbcnhlps In the sedell. , '" , ,., l'they were united m. mt!rdage and Heavy." '.('VI'OIIlIl sC1lsionB. Wlln lit dlse\1/8fi~hn : and at RuldQsa al 11:30 lind 11:1)() 01 llrUsb' performances wilt re- TROVflLE "OR TWO" - ',Al,1&. 6 In Spade. Tex, They will. . d , i .

by lh" lh(cclltlV(' 5~rr! liT)' 0 ~ Ill, m' . . , I ceive spe\lilll kits to aid them in . make their home --hl,Llttlefleldt Iff LAT ~~a .'_~'I!\..~\c ~onven\lOIl" Or. Uu.rry (. Mcelil18/! of Bishop's Commit" ttleir campal,n, . I When an Imp<:tUQUII heiress. taUs. Tex. - 0 fhUUp OflliS, RQllWell. was lay

SlaJ.:ll· Olhcl9 llPPc/lrlnK were Jefl teCl! have' belln llet lor Mondll ' Presldeot at the- AIllmogordo in love wIth a '''''If(ll'lous-lIllnded Thl: bride, the tormer Wanda rellder INt Sl1Jld1iy- Ior morningR\I\llt'rfotd. ~c('fl'l'lrJ of lltl'WrJd- hUll 29 lit Holy Moun! UUldOll~' unit of 1M Association this yellr· 1:oolofP' 'prQ!essQr It meant trpuble Whl(~, Is the dllujthter of 14e Bud ffJyer aertlfces ~t ~;30 a. m: and&11111 lind mlll:lJOrl!'. lA.'Wls A. 1~ lit 8"00 'p m,prld Tuesday Aug' is Kenneth Bender Mr)! Mllrtln' with 11 <:apltal "1''', for the pro~ Wh!tl!s, Spade. aPd the groom IlIa, m. at RuldQlO'..- I{()ly MountNt, edttor of tbe litate pUbUcn.lI~; 130, ~l Our Redeemer. Fort' Ston; Bartlett ill curnp\1.1llll· chnlnnan pnd I!,elllQr but fun for tnc apdlence In the' sqn of Mr. and 'Mra, 01, R. Ep~opalChUrch. Jilt wAs 4ocom-HI'I JC'n~lnll, slUdt>nt tll~jon dlrtc-! tun Rev, Cotld' will ulan cele- headqulIrter/; /lCc-retaty Is Mrs. C., Brlnglnz Up Bilby. which tomcs Lackey ot LittlefIeld. Pll111cd hel'l' ·by his p.rents•.!Qt, 1, 'J. lierron. suplrlntendent I brate Hoi Cor:i;:nunlon WediU!3'- A. M¢NlItt. Ito the ,l1leplo Thelltre Tuesday 'rh~ cOUllle. which registered at, . . ""'.ot OlQrh:ttli o$Scmbly, 1•. 0, Bnll" da hug)1 t 0'30 u mlit Hoi Already booked tor this season and Wedn~.y next w~k. KaUI~ ..\.Jplne C<ntrtJ, rllporlcd a won-, The W. N.L4>max taroU)l'ls re­a(·w·t",r)' a! lOvllngclIslIl\ W C; \ M%unt lluldi>:O this tX-lnK the lU~ in Alamogordo 1,'Alec Templeton nrlnn Hepburn Is the hClres,s and dertul time .rId enjoyed the seen-, tunUng to Dall.s after a Visit inJlubbI.lTl! of the ('htldrcn B home,: Wednc$IJay m • in" servIce 01 lhll and Ihe St, l-aulll Sinfonieltfl Two Cary Grnnt is the ObJet.:t ot her ery. \lMdOW.H C nt'lIVIB, Uapllst nook .tore; I . orn .. . . tI t ill ~ i)9 ked '1 ter I aftccUoa.. . ' -,.................n C Slwlln. tlCc~ctary of Droth- ,tummcr scus~.r' • Imoro aT, ~ S W 0,) II 'I 'rAUl ffow,ard Jtl1wk, production TM J.Y. ~ndcr.h~v~ returned 14.rcella 'l'h~m ana Danna Kus-('rhood work; Chllrll!lI r~ro~.1 n~3C;~c~lh b~n:/J~a Jlitrrl(~:Ih:: o. E, 8. QVU.DINO ·FUND rates III qnc of the Jcreen's mOllt 11> Denison, TelC,. /lfter wendinl ianovich. Albuquerque, visited In

Jtrl!:~~mllt Ut~At wt

orslt, dllnd. SrhC:OI' 'unn()uncemcnl. 5t }.nne·c Glen" CJ,WJJS TO f130 I memoh· rabItc

lI;omedlt riCII, witb IJ1d UCt"b sllvet,) weeks here In theIr Cllbll\ l\lUdwo b.rleDy Ia" w~k•

• --." ,Il' sac un Ily • j 131 h ' C ' it' • '. 1 of 1 ~ ac on cen e ng IIroun ..e 011 tbe Ruldo.o. ' " ,,,'q ...., ,. • ,lI"p'tiI1ment, cae,,, ~ ~p II ammo ,ell ~et u.~t Since lallt week's reP9rt of tM expllrlenCQ o{ tM I,1nus1.loal p31r -of " " d' , • , ,.. • N. CUt ~ oa tJ\ll', QI,a ,

frav,. McMinn, 1II;(;(,('13tlollol TueWd

ll1 dOlt. Edn? SetI hlc.rclnbbl:r7~38A ~tal climbing ,to $70 tor the Order romantics when theY are callw' ,.,1; .ptP::l:;.;,:4t (l~ ,B'; '" " "au.., Claft.a.~ .t.IIe'! I (t.<tv, fIlIV(' hIt IInl1ual rCj)ott flnd eel el. to can nUl! e S ' ",or tM EtlStern Stllr', fund tor upon 10 aot as "baby sltlerJl" tor . " .. I' '..' ; ...., :' '

t.o Ih,' I!WUP n('v HlIrrl~ [lilY, fl. m· hour tor twlco monthly. un.. bulldl"" a new tulll In Palmer's a JlIlI-growrl pet. leopard. : d =.. i F i I • -,llulm <Ie the fl'trut Baptlst Church day llcfvlces thtough Sepfember O/:lfcwny, .noUler $40 hilS ~n' An RKO nadia til-release.IIf ('lit rll.lltlJ, was modrrotor . lind Orwber. Pllinn were laid for contributed. Mra.C. W. MUler of. "Prlnglng Up Pllby" hilS Ii :!l$~ J'. IE' I

' ... . - - . II Sept. 30 conllrcgatlOnill llteak~ I the Ways and Means Committee, whlcb ~I.5Q lncludcs Chllrlle Rug- . • :

H ita! N.fry III LA Huerta, saYtr. ContrlbutlO1l$ have been sol- tM., Wjllter' CaUett, Barry, Filt- . • •'OSp ews; ....4_ fJelted by Mrs. Susie Miller lind gerald, Mar Robson lind Frltz.·

)JACK ..nOM .EURO"~ , Mr/l, nelen Pl()r. Some of the do- J!'cld. . 1Pallt:nll rcco1vlnll' tr~atm~nt the I 1.111<1 p, ~llVl'Il, wM hllll tl #um.. natlll/lll, raOjl!ng trom "1.00 to $25 I· .' - .. ,,-. ". ,

I,,~' 'I'v(Ot~1 dllY. In Ruldono.Hon- Im'r cllbln III lluldoCo· MId III lin rllme tram: A, L. ;Dunn and Wm, 8'V.NJ)",'r' 8cnOOLdf) V"lIcy C1l'lIl'rui Jfon{lltul hllve' IlOnlllll vlaitor h~re. /lrrlved Mon.. 1\111e,v, Alnm0S<lrd\'): Chlls. Camp- HAS ,.rCNIChl"'n' !dllY flboUt /l\,lOllown lifter driving bell, IAvlnitor~ MU. W.L. aaker.1 Members ot the UOIY Mount

1I",;wPlJ WtllillmA 1':1 P,ut); AIII'Il . 'n from f.uhbork whl'r~ she llll"~t... Hobbs: Ruidoso DOWnlr. D II n EpillCOPill Church SUnday SchQQll ..."lllll W M S'~ott. Ill/Iduno,; ro lrolll II plant! that mornm~ Swearlnj;ln. Harold Brown, End I elallll enjovelt II picnic luneh Wed.. "'l'hQ; hAtt1 In tbe ine$'kwliere,J";II. Whwlpr, U0tllllr. Mn J I whwll bnlUllht hl'r tlOma from til Putnam. Joo and Pat 'Baco!!. Hol- ncllda,Y. noon at tho Fore.t .lIer- Ihll moun 1I1ru meet tile • y"t'rall'ln. Hollywuod, Itubt'rt Kl'I)-1 tnut or EU"?Il<l· She lIc~<lmp"n'l,!d ' Iyw(lod OuItSetv~c), FrllnLulll. vic!)'. Cedar Gr~~ I!~cnlc. .ground.. 'tHECO~nedv Albuqtlllrqlll', "rumllr ('i'! llmupllt 33 pennnn on the tour, I1m, Wlmb(lrly anti Pamey Ullin dldn't dampen the splrltJ ot ll~ODIST CHURCHnilIow,'ll llt. 1'.11'11 Verla Uilugh.· SIll' tt'lll;:ht>ll llccounlln" In the bUII- I HopkiltG, . Ithe ten yoUnllsterll Who attended. '"y,LW... 'O'"'1\ All/mllllord", t;mmu OaTl"II.! ItWD:! u!1mllllr.tratlon d~'J1nrtment ot .,••••~~ m ._, . ArranglM tbe pIcnic were Mmell, ~~ Mexicon"ullrh Mr!l It (1 Shannon.. Tl'Xllll r"drnoloKI('/l1 (oll('lKe, 1.ub- It. n. 'Daniell! and family of 'l'll- Forrellt San~rs :lind VIc 1-arrib and U, It. Atkins, xu. MIDLtkr,Yc,ll'la T(Ol(. (iql!' ('ruudl. V~llu,1 bod, .~ .d-~,='~'-" , 1um wcrcherl.l thllT week VIlllt!rll1l Mill:! JOllctto llrookll. Church School -_,0-- 9:45 a. m.rt. , !>It 1lI..1 Mn J J VU1l'yanl.· ". - -. -.. hill J\llrenill. the U. U. D.tnlels, ot A..., M. Y. F _........Il.30 p•. m,AI.. m~lhy, 'fill I\'IHITINO('''~ROY . ,Jloliywood Drive-Tn 'I:heatrc. I l.. S, (Heavy) Drake, Ollcura, Worship Service••--. 10:11:1 •• m,

II•. ,". to MI and MI1l J IIl'r., Ur. A U ~on'trlan wan 1(lll'st I .="=="'"' . was n bllslncslS vJsltQr tn RuidosO ana 8:00 p, m."'/" I JlII'IIlU II daU/thlt>r, Aug: 1l.ltIlnh'r Innt .lillndrl.Y durinst morll. l.ydla. Mea Sllllln returned homo Mondlly. Mornlrlg_ItA P!Dl:C in Ood's!II "I IJ lin, II ,,:t , \ 1m: ·t:l'rVII('~ nt tho illeal ,runt., ll;lnt SllturdllY trom a throl,l weok I ' . '.. .'L=... ·'Fllmlly.· ,, ""," 10 Mr lind Mrs fAlwnrd, 1'11'~"yl('f1r1fj ('hUH'h, (('phll'lIIt: th" VlIl'lItton in TUCIlOIl. Am: She ,\ VIBiting hero brle(ly hall been Text-LUke 15,~ 1'/'>""0 .~I.tll'I"IJ"l·311 ,llllll/l,It'f, Aug IlllrHlllt·r. 1l('V Wm III/1mI'll, Jr, ~ lIptnt Ill'r varallon with her nunt 'lhhC X.nv~rnl c Carlton Illm!Jy at Ok.. , EVC~lm:-T''TtWOI~Cilld81 ~htISOU'I0Wt·o" "_2~~~~~~~~i~i ;:.~~?1L

• .. I • In, "I ,~llI, Wiln a II::..." I and llIllll' nnd two I.'oulllnll. :'.a oma .... ty. ex -. or. nf Ollll : • ::::• r _ ",,,,, • ~_ •....,;--'t,,~-_.·:=o~ ~_-~-:.-~F";_·" =:,->;_e::--~--:t:t~ """.;c..' -';;T"l"--;:;- -~.:--~ t~_, :'1-=-" ",='=:o::::-:.I:~='''''=''~~'~''''''''''''''":'-=''''

__..,. - -'...-..~- -~'...~'S_'"..~~....~ _ ....~:l_C_ .')_,,-,,"'''J'_ ,. .. ! .,.i;..; [ \It .li... eJ.b "bi.tn_r:,_~"._1J_li_n_~_c", ~ _'il""••Il_t _"_._r_l,l_t'_ti_~_Q_"_12_~ _ _ ~~~.. _~,~""'~_f'''~_''_~'''''(l_':P...~..t_:;;_;''~~-'-~'''''''''_4_I_U_r_f,l_I_t.VCt4_lJ_\I_li_~I_S;"~••II_;_I.JtI11_11"'Ii_'_4_Cl_tj_"_ _ ~_t_{I_

_,_~ .- ,...., ..."~~~ _~"l;;" ~_~;;:._'t_Q_:t_::)_~""~:"L_~_t:_!J_~_Io\'''1 ..t1_,_.,,~_"_,''-iJ>~ _1 '-:tl.' _C'~Cl_"_Ii_Ji_Ij:_""_ll""':_1'_".• < •


--" '.

., ,


~ .• c


r, .


, ,



J ., .







,." '

, .,




. '



, of Beautiful

, '

New Shipments



Anivlng Every Week



.To Ruidoso Downs for

, ...,.




Contributing the Gate Receipts

Last Friday to the

Ruidoso-Hondo VaUey Hospital..


That'. Allen lJarrUeaux'. ' .NAVAJO SERVICE STATION



no w~tbor this «me of reu 1I1U1prodlet.&ble. n-.atJ'll1a. it~7 Jlo\' Ken.rd1$ ,,01"wIu:Ul~r 70Uf ...~ ...~. '111, U .UIS l\~ .. ~rlKlt" llnd tbWOqb. dftDlq .. Wet

W\ ctvtll~ tho bes~ of~k~ You'U tf.nlt wo~..f.n rood. wAlh l'Q4 ~aao wOfk.

. '

Weekends CJnd Holidays..




-, ,-



APPLIANCESMay1ag - FrigJdaite



Will begIn then _ • .. .

We have Scltool SuppUu, Blue Jeans, Ma­

terial for School Sewhig and Uems fat

..Will ring 10011, and "Mom's" V:acatlon (?)

!hose youngllen' lunch box..:

Shopping her" can .a.,. some 11m., IOlne•

money_ lOme 1811 minute worrlel about

gGlling thoM YOUl1gllet.

Sack fo School on Sept. S







Horse Racing in the Pinesl,

a,A.CING,I .SAT... SUN.,IPostTitne: baap. n'4I














. ,


. NeW 12Nolt $\'511:1.\ delivers ',tkJublethc punch fot qulckctsUttmg, and 1incrperfornlanec.


WO/tK..$1'YlED "~AVY.DUrY MOD~L$look 11J husky and efficient 11$ they 1tC.

115& Cll"rol~ -t·il"I", ,.1110 .lJ !INter .. r. '. • ., • ' .. __ '1115un OI~bU~J .. 4101". l'acllo I#. bel'ttr. laJ'clrI.m.&~ '111111.53 F....8~URlVQ"n, l'aeU. iii beater, onrlrfve ,. ,U'S1151 l'bmotlth C4mvtrUWo C.lIlPb "' .••• .• 'I"115'111&*-, (~,.....u. '" _~r ".'c,.·. 'UI·11(1 Bilk1&: t.etflvtrttW. ftfUPe b.,,"'" " .• ,.' ,.. ... $%'5l'ff WlIl,.. St&tIen W"'I:I .c • , " • .• • g .. ,: 'c ",,' 'tU

. * * *1.S1 :F«II !.toa... .. ', ..•... ".. ,. ,_ .. 0 ...._ " $I"1.51 Chevrold:·c.a. ' .· ...1 " '" •• ,. '. JUI. , .tis. Chev'hltel !i·ton rkk'llt) ....• 'c d. AA18ef Fori ,.·ton I"tll-u, ...,. ..," .. ' . ,..• ,. .. $SU

OF GOOD USED OABS AND TRUCKSOan Be Found in Our UIGd Car Dtpatiment­

Many of Them wUh the OK That'Count&-

• .. I.' _





.. '

POWELL CHEVROLE'TPhone 461 Tularosa, N. Mex.

CLAYTON BENNETT, RtddOio Rep,"l 1'IIiffie 23!Jf":-Wul of 1.Mtkft .. H1,b;va, .,1

I ~' ,FinancIng -- Insurance .'2,+ t ~u u ••••••••' .....

• '. t -e "2 \ t::"", t3 ,",. -qt => __z=;,. ~ !t'-, h",,?, ,"''''1''C;"'''fp:!r.

• •; ,;

lU(;H·lEVEt VENTIlATION .'pro..vide! ~ trlClrtl constant &upply olotltside nir'.


, II:



- ."

Sl.98Ii ali _r - s••,


~----, -. - ,~(~~-- ------,-_. ,pt. ....·r

, . ,,';ol, ',~,;;~ ~, <j!''" ~""""",,,)I,..' '.

- - - '., " ~"':':'


, ,

...... /' '. It. 1 hM' ; l:"'~=""

'", "


Here's why we say New Chevrolet ~ask.£orce 'I:'rueks•

are the most 'l4otletn trucks for any job today!




WORK-$TYt.ED LI~In'.. AND M'DKlM..D-U1Y MOI>ELS hav~ their own fresh design.

,t _,•

YouWani~hop Ruidoso', Newest ".





Lovely New Costume Jewelry'New! Annl. Laurie. Ceramic: Ash Trays

Mad. EJPltCiaUy lor Ruidoso and New Mexico. Large.! Stock of Color~PottcardJ In

!he NeIghborhood

Featuring "" Hit Records. ·IS of the Latest Tunes

" .


~ .' ,

" ".Ii"" ,; i . " .•. 'a C'PL..... "'*.u...... ro.-....... " CO:.....: 'S' '" ' , u: h ~_'L ''1. .;'" • ' c."Om' If! SEl,.LlNQ us if I A ~w firm ~n111 membe,t tp , P,l\GJ:~-•.,' ~""'''~~""",Y\lPII ~.r.&,Lo:tI: ~J: ~;t"Ig , ~()O... ~"""", ' " ., Q"Almlu ot J'\ui(Joco hl,h ~hool f11ea(l a caSe mapother town. Soon .llu.ldoeo .........'-"

WlTIIA~OF I 'lJ" a. .._ .....'ll.;......._ de Senio cf RuldQllO' hi h h I ';£'he 19li5 edlUon ot tl;Ie Tom.- 2 ', 2 inc advert~ng~ tinan¢t tM p~ Ilas prevailed!' I,,' ,, F ~$~~*i~"~~hiun- will feer:. vi$1~rs to~Qrr~wjJ;I:ht, hawlc, l~iarbook for RUI~Ollo high : ',' " ~:r~y:r\~~r:%~~~~:'~$~~~ .The ~\rm wired bAek: "Appeal I ""' .' , _... i , •

'1'OtJlt FING:eR. ,~ri l,liPeom~~rJ: ~n~llde ar<l (SAturday) at ~ ch\lC~llgol\ SUJh tt~~~l!t~t~lb?~~nd ~e~du:f~ llM WIT & WISDOM \l,le sheet ~o. ~ J)Q$ted in stilres \1t once. ,B~ mOSE WANT~""Sr, • h-e Ii ~iD di:I ~ b ltl Ial y per on .. vacant lot: pear the schoQl.! "J' .. ~." .. .. ....", By EI T fa around wwn f':" , -' , ' " " •

Q lilt ~ ~ '1 g C~~ d ~ 9 cid~ I The sup~r 1$ Slated to $tart ~t t Remaining $U~rJ~ ~o' the . ,0 ' 'Till: s<:hlld'~lash~twllliist both .. I I , , P : I:

.~ that . 0.1 fllg giv~ t~~uJ}fex~s' .hiI~el~dl_ II p. m, anll wlll last l,mt11 1111 the jl»oknln Wid11 ~~~ltbseier fP'P1elf 0\»0 .\n ,1D.tereostins !lllr's9nallt1 in the football'lInd ba$ketballllChed'; t RUIDOSO GRAVEL SERVICE. , .. ',""'~' tq ~.v~ fQur c'lted> i4el wUl a,tten!i. I toad is cOll.Sllmed. FOl', 'the menu c g Il)' (1.0, $C,~:;v, . Ph 6. l)Ur cCllllmUntty ,Is MJ'$. lJ. ],14. Gra. l1~S ,this. :)'(:lIr. ProI«"Iltl'lS wUl l'>!: , .

~'~J.l'lNJ!:ST I'Il(). Thktl: riders fr,Qmthe ¥,tlI fue selliQr$ win .5etv8 bnrbecUl:,I ~torll Color tnaJlllyer ~fore baa ham, write),' and student. l'''rom distributed at every h<lme gatt\<l' •~oReOi &n&e R1qe),'I!' of Am"rll1o ~et'll()t"to sailld, home made sQur ~el\ Used ill, tlus ,;ren $ annual. t'~ .~ 'I h·t h thr~ l!eal1on. 'Palmer Gateway

;EEcnON. • ~' Tex '2n tram the CaHle':Klng dough bisCIlUs, belms, pickle:;, l)n.. .\ sectlO\\ of the' !a'Vpr\te:s, aud aU ~me '" ~ me s e wr,' ~ t\ ~<:orc .. .:,• , , . ~'i~ 'J' '" CQW1ty RidiJlg Club 'Paducah ions'and hot coUee. Del1i' was po- dlvIsiQn pJlgejl are in ~ep, !Jr inJblletiff to edltQ~ Qt va~I(JUS 'I'be fUth annual N<!w Mexico DOZER WOU i'\Ll.. KINDS 0'"(Ju~,:nW 'l'eJf'j and,. 20 riders lind 3t> peoPI~ nated bY' P~eli. t sepla..tone.,The ij,leme:ot the bOOl>.I,pl,t <:a oWl. e~ptes ng Ill' v eWl Her~ford Rllm:h tour lNgllls lit ,.' EXCAVA'lTNG , ' VRl1~BED GRAVEL

Il.'Qm the Gaines CQu!lty Sheriffs For tnte.rtainment II western I Js based on 'liCenie Vlewll of the In no l,!.I\ee.rt~ n t~r~ltun ~act, Wallon' Mound Aug. ~ I. Tile cara- ROlU) ,GRAVEL SOR~Nim SAND" 2725 . l'QS~ of Sea~r'ave$, Tex" have aU ~r:ld. wll.lplay near ~he qic;l \lhuc~" tRuidoso jlrea. r~~I:r~e:;~i~~~Sot ~er ~~:t ;~~ iVim WlU vlslt rancMs in the Wag- TOP SO", 'l'OlJJ"DEBS "

,i stated 4hey will be her~ fQr thll wll~on. 'Xhls year'l1 voillme Ja d~dicated ioU em" ks) UlIw,sqmeVer $hll j olll,\found, .Las 'Yt;!gll!r CQnchll$I, ' ' ,".l:'$~ l"1C1(•..; anual, tollr to view 'he autumn 'tickets wm be $1.50 tor adults to Mrll. {..oyse C!l\lbbuck. sponsor {' ixsua11~ hl~ the nail all thl1 hend, "I,:)Ilm, 'rucumcadt IUI,I\ ~:t. Sl,lmMt' I" ... ' FREE ESTlMA!l'E ON JOBS 'd ~l s.,~ \1;9)01,'. and children will rece.lve a special Of the senlo:' class and lInnulll. lind the letteJ'$ sbe wrlte$ often reglonl!' Au•• 31 ~hrllu~h Sept. 2. : P O"B "35 H II od N .... .... '

• ' ", ,-0", ,.,,'.,.. '! Date tar the A$p~cade hl1$ -not plate. The 'llenl\l\;'; Issued l\. ~PQn..JildltQl.' WllS l!:d.dl~ WlmlNrly and bring %lllJ mail to het'. hel"(l. Her _'" ... ." " " ' ' •• OX f4 • () Y,WfJ , • -,"I.. ,hcen s~t yet. ~ut the annual tl"<lk timeous InvJtaU~,n when they urll- business m II n II gel! WjlS C~U Ifavorite subject Is cancer and hQW ,hO\lSll plant. by mlln. } Phone 4045 J. B. CLOSE

, , tl1 the w~ IS w;Uall~ held the ed "Y'all cllme. Clarke., '. the medical profe/1lon tend!i tQ ig", * ,* * J , •

Estes C"I~l!li"ers . !,second Sunday in Oct.!) er. bi D1cl';, IStterlrett Js credited with a d Favorit,ellt"dnd QUjtstan~lng ~tu.. nore some discoveries QI1 this 11M ,:nuldQ,SQ Pawns and the Ruidoso ,F I • lll' or 2& • _. ....s ,zen.' ., " .~., , .,. ", ., g ass s n I,Irrlll)R!ng the bar- ents, se ec e dIU' ni t.,e sc"Qol \> the much abused clInic lit Dlll~ : Board of Realtora and some iudt- . "''' ~ . " , .•-- . ."

I J~k Shrlvlilr ot Shrivel"l! Stiire, be~ul!, bandllng the cOQldVK chor~ ,term but ke~t s~ret until the pook lis, Tex., whiCh has sought to es.. vldlJals in .~uldoso. includiJlg ~u!-' II••••••~ ,~••Q.reenTr~e. Wl!li' In Albuq,uerque tor the c1as$, wlllle Payne Ii Pnck,- '~, releu~ed lIre. m?st bllllUtUul, tablillh brllnchesln. oUler parls of d~!i'Q Chamber ot Commerce oft~- •

• early thl$ week on p\UlnesSo in!' comWlny is /isslstlng wll.b con.. gul, Ada Lu' Gragg, mo~ halld.. the country. Her Interest lies in cllll~, worked hllrd to enterl<!in the, '.' .',' Inbutiollll of meat tor the IlUalr, some boy, ROlmle Perry; ~st IIIl, many dirl:CUoml besIdes uia.t-fQr . New MeXIcO PrcS$ Association

a IIChool patron ),'ept;lrted.arouncl ,girl, NllllCy Chapman; best she bthe authQr of llnarf!c11'! In ,mem1>erl>ln their JunQCorlVention, ,.,., ,." "'n. aU around ~y, .\!:ddlll Wlmoer!y, the current Issue of Fate mng;aune here. aelow is typlclli ot tha way

AgllC$ ~llndell'.returneq here and \>est all around alhltite, £IU'I which' you might :eojoy. 'Qn top the press llltelY hl!1I 1>een llhow..trom O,,!~oma Clty!!llit week- ""IUlion. , of ,that, Iihe brought to lIS recently Ing i~ apprecIation to RuidOSO. •en~.., " 'Faculty meml'>!:r Cy Leland Jr. II largeenvelopjt stuffed with This IS trom the £dd)" Count)'" 0,1.11', SoU is our Strcngt}). highly prAised the year boOk and pamphlets PO the project of ram.. News nt Carlsblld.....they Iovll us,Thata the slogan tor SQ1l C<;lI\sel''' s:tld the sehQQl owed an extra med earth h9using' which we l1on't th~y1 'l'h~ Qnly thing wron,

, vatilln Uontll. The month wJll ~ large vote ot thanb to ChlrkCil and seannedthls week. n teUs Qf the I with theparllgraph is that It Is011lerve4 in New MextcQ tn Sep... Wlmbet!Y for p.todu~Ing luch a rlUl]lerous families who hl\ve used I esscntlull)" II lie-SlWlIed cBp\talteml'>!:r. ,high quam)' 1;loQJc. the resources Qt the soil l\round LIE:. 1 :=:'''''' ; ",." t'" r.:'-.... ~~rll)r d::'1I11:r~~~e~nOs~te~~d:i' U~~e~t~storY brokll on Rul..

• cilly-soil whIch they pounli into I dOSQ ~oncllmlng State. llQllce be-+

A . b,rICk form, or /loUd wall lorm, to ling wined, boarded .00 dined d.. ano'uncyng cQnattuct a warm ~or cool) test-I Nob 1I1U Lodge anll re;IItau,rant,• • .' " ' , " .. " "donce. Churl;he!!, and bllslnes!! Lincoln CQUnty tolk lImlled l'>!:. _

" { " • buildings, too. have ooen built in blndtbelr plllrns. Nothing waS 'Crowson's Anti-que &Gift ShopTh.e n.....-'-g Of . this Inllnner, needless tQ' la)' Ilt'lI, sljle! about it In the public prints, . , 'vJtV.u,u& grcllUy reduced cost. It you are bul Nob Hill iodge lind ,bbtro' il .

HARRIS T V & RADIO Intcmted iJl th!l idea, )'ou might owned lly Jeffrey ~aveJ. member, • roUl Mala 1\N4. ' contact her for nllmes of llrnll of the Stllte Police Board. It I. •

, ,..., .• which provide in.tructlon and opcrlltcd by one of hi. relaUvea," •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. - ~.~+~.. ,*,.¥""*'_en= '10.~~ 'lr." -,;; "~"".~="'__ "~_"""""''''' ~"""",., -:,--~_~._......a.




, ,

On MaJnRoadln-P.Jl1mer'IS'Gateway .-:.Feahuing- .' ,

PhUco, Zenith and DuMQntWhile in RuidOJO Be Sure to Visit - T.leYlflon and Radio

FOX .CAVE I SALES & SERVICENllWMo);leo', )lod Unlquo C1lrlo " Gill Sbop .. Phone ~191 --=:- A. B. HAlUUS

Nine MUes E~t of~,RUido,o .'\ i-Iii:i;'~:~IC~'.~:&~;~;"~' ~7~:r~~'·~·ili' ii::'J~~~]j~iiiilP.~qi~~;;' ti::o.I~_;r_;•.;;;;;;;;;;u;;;.-_•••;m;;;;;:';p;;;;;;;;;,.,:=;;;;.;;;'1:;";;;;;;';'.,••ri;.',;;;;;;.l i., .,.=••'..... '




, '

... .




t '





• ..jIIi.,, .,,

· ~'4,i ,


. ,, . ,'" ,


,,... if '~'Ii ,

t.'I,1\ ,. ,

~JI;JiU,I:_;,UJIU4III!IIIlItiiUUJLi @Ii ,lila ,I L> ,,' iii! UL,j) II Ail iL iii i,Jl1I1 I JPJ II: ! l."ii""b",~""b" " d' • ,"j, "',""'''' ,.,n,""~'








. '•




. \




'1,452 COLO'HS




Your ChoIce Of


Xomac - X~m·Tone - Super Item-Tone

Thoseliving ina radiusoraomilesor so from the smokestack at theChino Mines Division sm~lter inHurleylook upon the5oo·rootchitn­n~y as a business barometer. Smokecomingfrom thestack means2.SOONew 'Mexicans are at work drawingnearly $l.00{),OOO a month in wages-money which will bespent for thomost part in New Mexico.


. - i ,..



Thig ~mokf! ligpal. .

tpOlig Procpetifg

All ovet the state-even beyondsight or {}hino-this smoke signalspel~out a vitalrt1~age.. Itmeans

. that Kennecott Copper Corpora..I tion, a major New Mexic<> industry,

. is payingtax~, pro"li?IDgjo~j b~y..ingsupplies ll1id eqUlpment......domgthethingswhich helpcreateabetter

, O~ 1it~ for all ~rus.-: ....." '<I\;J ~. -~..~ . v~ d&.' , .

.. 1Iit., ~."'.__ .... - I"""r- '.... ,.~ .. ,st, ,~ -.- .........--: •• l ..... -, . v"~ ft...I: ~.J'j-.

':.._ --:;:. .. ": - •• ~ ,~I 4~ "~ If ~ .... ' ':'~...... ~ - , ~ "\>- - ...!) ~ ,-'-' ....~\.- ,;"";".£,,.;"~" .. ---.~;.~.~.r--::--::~~'~~::r~1';::::'~~ .' .,tII; -OIl ....~·t -~ .. "_.,, .~ '. ,~' ~~~-- -

'~- "


•, .

A Gul ·fIldl"'.... Hdfi•• f. " ..Hl ... «&iUi' ./ltl1i" 114••11. •

$ANtA ttt" 'N£WMeXfCO HU.u'£'l~~.'_'l.l'.._tM.-'oi""',," '" tc.......oItOiftott~ liM'iIdo t'\all·~ 'bl~ lIiI7(.Ilrliilllio' 'loiIOM~~...Ul......~ ..........OI'jo"~.~tW...,...c...-c..i lfOPi ......!o/.iii~'""'...ii.....,.Kot.Jo:ll_-..........

-,'.'. ,- -,







, . ., "

" , '

.•• ~lUl1.. 'lou SchMdtitcltaniD<!' =.lhod lor~ ,and tClitPeta <=d lot. .

···bo~.c-- - .

• rdctory =<1 l\lthH·~e:tti," <m. all~lobi.

• .......*llolh.~loll ~tH. ,'. ,"

• FIn..t t<{U1PlDftlL

.• t~t tJPedaJ- t .• 'AtltOU 1.. ...1............~~~ .. 1\. PI'I--:r _ ...

. ~ ' .

.--""'-- ,.,''''",""-",,,,", • _ .....~......,~ ..... .......:!:.'_ ....-'---'---./-',~.-"'-".,,--,._.,-'"~,•••• --.~"-,,



, .

In lhat tpl1t aeeol1d when tragedy O"8rlak..YOU-Iii an auto accld.nt, 111 • fire or In lIck..l1.........why ldd to the angWsh and wotrtwIth financIal problem-why not be have adeqU*f. Insurance" to m..t lb..m.rgenett.? It will http YOt11'tCOYU muchmore qutclc1y wlthlhe of mtnd that-com.. with 1'10 mon.y wornii'. W.'U btt gladto d1seutl yO'U1' lnturanc:. cov,rage· all tJPH......wUhyou.

/ \


l"h••••U It ...

I ..

Rates Will Be Over ~ ••

" \

......~.-...,.,....• • ...,,.; (',Uf<lOl(

... * 11:




Lant Times Tonight

EXPERTWatch Repair

.......K ......


"" AIUfO AUln, "i>doCh"",'Ill. ",11',,1«,11 Rhol1 'hlbj,.,,,,. . ...






"'lao GUllftIl&eed Cleek ~rUan )"~r wakh or eloelt .,



" 1 1'j •• j;,.

: ;{..

,. ,


.' .

fI··' 'c,f! .

...1IIII!IIIlII!i1lllll!ll!l!!_1IIIII!II!Il"""""1III\l!lIII!I!I.......~~-......"....,................"".,....,~_.---~--~ -'---' -' ..-!"Il'III'P' ' .," ".' " ., _', . , _ . ,_,,' , ," . _,'" . " ',' ' "A" ,:",. • : - , ,"" '_. ,

•, ,e '

..• \






lluldOIO ..

Fo~ Night CallJ-Dlal 5363 or 2958,PROPANE and BUTANE

• •

BJ,ltane OJ' Prop~e

.GAS h~at~ plenly of water3~ TbnesFast~~


Be Sure Your Wllier Healer b theBlght Su.Ca1l67..04 Colled For Senlce

.g,~......·m LINCOLNCOtJNTY. ·ANDVICmm

'" .





•~" , "





~l'Ind QhQke9

__ -

Interest, CQIQ.PfJuudedSemi·Annu~y



50BW. Second RoswellMail Orders Promptly FnlEkt





ii " , , «


~~7__; r-----~--tt .... 7~',

FOil SALE­J·bd~m bomC'. modern witht.lIb al'l4 'bower, 5 mlln tlorU1 Itil Alto road. Oil REA anA sc:hootbill rouu, hall Il'dnr wAfer,!J Th D. Q'llrru of bill!. ":' ~ I .. e eury ueeD

Call 2725 : Optll At~ 1 p...'bTl; ! ;! d!! ** 8~Daa)".••~,••••••••••••••_~. • ,c-:;;; ~= _=::;;;;;;;;;;;;~.;;.:;... ,;;,;:;;,;;:;;;~.....__......_---"""""---




"'~, ~.,.



------ ----~-'----'-- .- ----~.~---~---

Sold AU (her Lincoln County tit Your'~a.orUe l\ood Storu~

~~. ~._........~ _ .....r,'..;ii

i-rlSIJ ~ttite1JfJ/n"'NYHi*-l~.".. WNi~tl

CIr,'·v D'·-AI'R y" ltuidoJo~New Mexico.. "t.lephone-101S

I .c~~ttallncl SUl'Pl~$l00~.OQ ..~ellilid 'tHtlral De-tttIiHI'~ ~u. ....

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 , ."- .


"tIt ... &lkt '1'raIe See <Nt • .u.s. 8iI1.....-~er'It8MUI

sHAna MOTOR CO,D.aie·1"bm..U. S.Tes" 8'mlee-New 1111..Can, Tdob

thee 1" . P. -0'.~'11· - ~,N.".,....~~.~....~..!.~~~'.~~'.~.~,.~.,••~••~~~~. •••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••,




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•"" \,. _ i';". ' . ..' ,,'.,. ,v:...L.. ~w1h. '. e' W:ll.i"-6ft . . ~~W~~ , '\r.l.l'~~r;JW,l". foe.•t.v;;, St~ "~lf.>(l ·h.vtJ llot ,been .pj<:!ltc:d{y , '. J»AGZ~""" '~~ NIfW!lt'. '.. < .. r II*,¥~ ~', 1,.U1(, 1~ . ,,~~~~ 9n !1ll ml~~ ,,<ater.. Umlted tbls :tea!,'n ""Il~ ~ • Ilftl~ '. "

F Wr(>~.,,"" H"I ·o'M" 'b" 9' '......... ~1:lO.~Jr'~. xop. . !~li wU~lllP'n dl'l'ov. 3 inN ~flW1W ral kJ:take the ".llP¥~~JI1 ~ ....d·~A )'"''''. or '_ ~. ,., ..' .. -l'~~ iOlt , '_e::l; CO. ':'" ~DI .t~ .... " l)v. ~ !!p,eJ~es. .' " ""'., -,;1, u -."J ...... ,. arnera ere em er a'qme fld~ for ~ 'Warrlon fW Wu.onf, ~pe, ~. J1 for ' , , . ., "".' ir - , 1

9~, , , .'

., ".. ,;{':- ..~...~ '_.'., .. 9. "." :~, ' . on1YeotnP1.~ted · ,ui~e ,rau. ~(l Pllin\l1..- a,Qd. Pat 'Chubbuc:k an4"'tut Ion, Visl~C:,J P!l'~- aJXl JUi1~T ...l .....d y:.. t!W.u.....r..u..... ~p~ln'lp~Q )4PTaljl;ll, 1ol$ pc;mnds, WC'li~tM ci)itdltlon, Ii. hl!~v~ tm:;f 3an. IUol' dUc~anJtl»Q~; H"oura-,pobn, ree:en\1y-' -retllfhta 'from ~ ~un<l'Y 'w~~·~rII. ~. ~.~ of~~~ AD w\,,!~. ' wlU llett\e ijQWI1 In. the ~11~~d. cQ'Jel"li! ~ ent~' srldltoh.'&.' H,' at_ half hour 1;I(:t,(0re lunt~ to' Colora!lo 1labi:lllf~ trip- ~@!lab~'~, <'l'M'!? vwt~-_. .. .pC!.........a U UTI.... • Jim WUSQI1. ttle other. retumlng J'uel!#, custodian, spent jhe.umo- .UI1I8t.l}ae. and poI&elleiM )Imiti: Mrll. Allce)l, Lac)dand, E1 Paso, band, .guests of ~e Ie .....mb tam.-~~~ of+q .u.",..,~e Ilettenn'!ll, Is lXlln, trll!,1llferre<l f~'r. J\'ow..ln, lM btaVJi mttf. '~"'. Wij§~'~ ~JM\ a .. AllY or ~ pO$.- wall tn Ihtldaso tt1l1t nU¢,-we$ on i11, and MJ.....La~~ and oa

n, ,Jim,

l:J • . --I .' - . . from hiS center position ~ tM lftM A~ m,mberll of Ule !!9l,1ad ,s.e-aloA; ~eeR ~ a day Qr I~ PO$.- buslne;w,. IUId Mr" ••• "'• ..,.e.rl~. ' r.,uidoso I hig~ e«:hoolmtbaU 1 I1!Ickfleld. "WilSon was lin e)«:el", ..-e 'trIMm~ the Ueld n9w.,l'{ihY ,~hltl. Ql Whl~h ClinMl 'Beese' i ' , I" " '-, -. = .' , : :

t~~,!"..~UI epe.ll astoulfu el~t9game Ilent center, but w~ can't afford tettdpmeM lor t~e Uetd is bt\ttlX an4.- rnbllJjecles and wfUtetront i . g. J p.-; n T~"f."",,"e ••~ ,ellwm~r ,but to let nls speed gil to waste;" J.,e~ received everY daY. New bleack.,. gee~ AAtll not ,!lure,ate. more •~l1h Cy- ~lan~ :tr., after view- l~ e;xplllins the move. Wilson Is: "C;fA %j;lt Yl.I~' side of 'thff'1l.d~ thl/,~ 2, ~tli !S'll dlW or in PO$- #.t~!hhIS r,'.l\lad,_;Xpec;ts to finish Ia heavyweight lit 160 pounds, lll\Vcf ~I( erOl:ted, and -a bet(er $flllitfop'\ ;al'inuTes 15. dllY or In. i ,

. ' ._. n· w,e c:ou.e~~. ,lJeaviest man on the squad, J>at coverll.e 'wnlt a PlIWlc ~'ddri:~poll$e$S oP--i ducks () a 4a)', 10 In' Butane or Pron2~~~i~r ~~:j;i~~:nsq~~~~n b~~I:()~~;;tjl~~ 1~. t~ee~;~e;a t~a~~ $Yl;temr:llct~~~;:d p~~\~~:gnr:-.,~~~o~ .a~::, ,first, ~ay. snow~ . .~.,.

. with new 1>IIlN~8 and promlj1lllg and 140 pounder- !4ax J'~MS will ~. ' .\ back at mid-wellk to a.sume lWid~reserves stepping up, I"l!lll'ld e~· I ll~ely llee lots t;l! defensive /lctlon: ~~~~ 1'9 fJ*~ ItmCl ' an¢e p! the line. Ml:Q\.Ilrq WllS re-pec;~ to field n tellm that w)11 av" After vlewlnl; tlle men llnd tbelr " :a,lph-M¢G\lir'e .o\l\--QI tOWA for I1tintly ,no 9Utda.l at the Nw 'Mel(­

, crage I;)ve,t 16l) pounds, The tor- ~b!Uty the cOllch t'eadily Mmlhl th,~: ~t sevel;al liaYs, rntll$ed the I/:.() poaches Conterenee in Mbu~

OJlenln'" Qame Qe~ InIlS' been dJsplayed In every· "e~ - I,' IF! 11 1 13 J : : ;; J IS TRE '1-DEAL FUELIRQswell high school'$ B tellm/ Pllrtment,'· he grlnneci. ~,' '.'! '" "0'''' ,...,"L'"'. ., '" ". 'n-':'. -. - '''. -' - •

·tradltion!!l operitt\.g f(ame foes for S9ua~ Is LJs~ ". U'. .""y. 'WAVItile W,lrrlol1i. will c;om':! to Rul.. The rest of tile sqUAd is: . ...." , ,:. I • ,-

d050 this- year to:r 1be tInt battle Allen Ul\rrllleaux, 132., .• <. '. 1"\,.:.l....~. i'I\".~.... .J.:;.' Of~" ~. . f H· F- C kitJg-~pt. 9. Tile ppwerful llobbs'lJ Billy Goodson, 135 . w",.-.. V~ ,......0",'111' """Dl nr 'eal-in« or AAtellm vIsit, 'RulgOl\Q thl'l foUOy,'Jng . Jimmy Goodson, 116 NOB' 'HILL RESTAU'RANT .. ,.... '. ~.,," '.. ~v .. ' '.w~ek~end, Sep~. 16. .' 'BIU E;tSley. 176 . . . . _. ". ~

--""TV'::',"'-,"r"."""'."...: . . S:~5 ~e"C'h':r_'I·s·.~'o:~~er·. se·rl;.'./~,· v~~f;:~~~l:~~1t Ilen~~d,~~~~~:. J~IIJ:Yu~::liJ15 . ," STEAKS -':'ciUc~' ~ "I.I·.~'l;_· FI,eXJ.,·b.le Ec:ono-.. :·...:.·_1p Rgr!llne -. "'II • ,,, .... ference play Sept. 23, .when It. Alvin QIl)', loW . .' ...' . .~, . . ~ IJ.ltVCU• L.~_; 'fW''b~.·~ :;gg ~:T.I.ny if::'~~.~JPj1lo{~ fllc;esCarrlzozo un.der the lights RGoYte ~t~~l, 15~ . . s· -.murrCHE$ _FldU

VYW J$: l"'~,"'."j "I'¥~~ lIlCarr!zQZo. 'l'hefollQwlng week r(lver .......wllllen. HO ~1~"'''' .. .... . ",.r...,..ft!DAl: .... "" .,..,.."- 8:.5 Wellther storr.- IIrchrlval-Capltan vIsits Ruidoso . Jerry .Maroney" 92, . i! tmAnll a m to 10pm.'

21" T~tPlltt~m ~;~g ~~e~\~~rJ;,~Casforthe $ec(md conference "lime ~f . Fr"nk Odell; 138 . 1 - ..- Cl---:S"';"d ." ,. 3;84 J~Wll~~~:1 •. 8:~ SOld{b- Parad~ -ABO 1lie Ileali-On. . ... . ,Ronnie Perry;'l'lO . . U'l:tOU ........on an

4,3'. Rgy :Rolers Show., ,:tn3(:l . '9;3.. HoU-•._~:.I · ~tober '1: the Wlll'rlOrli mpve Chades Pen-y, 153 .' . '. . .lI'tO'C~ II :bbit· \}OO ",..,lJVU .-...... Into lW$Wellto face New Mexico R¢ed Stlrmall, 113 • ' Ii , ;;; .z. :z , J. • '!":5;e5 Cartoo;~ll~lval' -9ho ~~.~~et.~!.,!hfN'e~ Military tnstltute's13 team, llnll Lewin p~, 140 ' ", ., ., "., • .:.5 30- H D 'D' .".., "" """,.", then to Capitan Oet. 14":(orl\ re~ Dpn Sllndel1i. 16S ,." ...: .E:1ap'py /lYe ",Itb Delen J!c~ 9:25 Traders Time t\1m battle' wJtll the Tiger•• The ilale Wilson, 160. TROUT' F'I-SRIRG "

:MUlan a'l\d Ulekkb-U.,ll 9:30- Texas RaSslln '. teams wUl1>la)' under the Ughts. - BObbb W~.tklllS, 128 . . '.. g~~ ~~I:r~~3Us~ 10:~0 ~~~'d~:,~~nottd~~atller . Another night pattIe 1$ 9n tap Ben onathan, 101 ' ..,. ,.... .... ..8;30 Dally Newsreel 1'tn!:SVAY' '" ... 101' the WJlrriors when they travel Lee GlallCPek, 111l) • AT ITS B~ES'T~. .,8:45 We,llth~r Story" 2:00. 'telt iPattern to Melrose Oet.'2t 1<* a non~con· Ronnie l?odIlPn, Ito. " '". _ .'l:~. 'arn<!~ PJ,ayb.OU$(l J:30 J'({cW, Place terence clash. final tnt of the'sea. - ""-, - - •1:30 CorlLu A,tcllet" . 4:55 Crunder Rabl>!t Il(ln is the conterenc~ game with U ~ il:fi:ro RAJIBOW L'AKE;~ ~C-o~ ~ltJt~~tW~1mC g~~ ~:~~ ~~:~hOW. Uv'" _~av1~m:~1,w_'~(~t~;;I~I~~~~e~;; .. ql«!ga~ _.•In -- -. -.. - .' -'-', ...- ' -..:vv . haMel EI~tNew. - 5:3~ M :' W'·;"i'd, NBC '" hl... ....,9:10 Sporta De.k .... Wf.ld· ....~ill u.I.t.o-k liewto~ers 1'. Aid .In Wh 'the Bl On -At9:25 T If i' Q ~. ""'" Coach L\lland 1$ puttlng lots of ere . . ges . e';3~ S:~~il~~ust, CBSg;~g g~~~~~~' ~l:~. ~~~ ptro~,~er;.=~~ f:~ml~ ~_r~.". NO LlCENSE'REQUIIUm

10:00 Topper, cas Comedy· 8:55~Weather Storv "h ,h .. ·U~ C"·ch G~-_.a 1lO:JO New S ...~ A W'" .. 00 .... of ~,. oenix, .... Iz•• ha' lICen receiving ~ VV\&t, PO' .. a~... e....el' r: ",He. of Jeffrey JOlIN e"te~,lvedrilling In the bacldleld. Fno Ba.rtM:ep.e rit &1'4~. Sf 7011 wU$ to frt 711V . I

8· "'TvaRD°li"ycbJP< .Jm on . ,1:3Q Arnol and AndY. CBS P'-r "'a" a lett"rm·" on n'e P''"OR ._u_.... ... 8':00 Platt Sew,ln" Show, 'lIve,....... ... ,. _. ..' ....~ u-.wt 0''_ or Uavo~ tried at C.mzo IA4n- I

· • .2.00 Telt P.t~m 8:30 Cr9wn The.i-, CBS n,lx B team Jut .alOn. . w.moN --- ....... . . I, " 3:~5 Slcn on and B~t. HlghllJbtl 9:00. Channel Elgh't"New. UarrySwanJOn ia- 'In uJ\known ....,... Up CanJzo Canyon .

4'.,00 We.tern pt.ylip\Ulfl $1:10 Sport, ~k qJ.\.nUty. Swanson ham't llrrlved _I' ,It...u " . It' -1lft1_ South fro"'" 1:1_" IUdlnrr Stabl.. ' ItUO w:••hl.pltlln'N'ew,Rpundup 9:25 Traders Time yet. but the 155 \:>OuncJer played ,..... /fI¥t r;" -.L""",",,-~ IoU ;;;HUl,......1IO ~ I6:15 l3lipUU: Belf&'.Pte~tatlon 9:30 Dartlon It\lnyon PlaybOUle1unior vamty ball. tor a Key Wctt, ~'''''. Ii WE CLEAN ALL TROUT PhQne 40258:3Q lmplratlon thm Wor~.HU,llO;OO Tred. Men In AcUOtl, ABC Fla.,· ht&11 /iChool lalt year. W·"" ......... ., . .8:35 D.lly Newsreel 110:

30New;, BPOrIa lind Wetathor f hhJ~nd htr alar P~lnf t~ots of ' -.11 I h iTT' a, E4 .1 1 I I I.. I I I 1 :: I: ." ';:gg ~~\~ll~~~POrta Time WEDJiW~VI ,110 oft.· ~d res~.rve:,.rOV~Donn{Uf.~~~ '. ..iJ ~ ·H••••.••U•••ii'.· 'ii.i4i .- ..

'1'30 13 .k'" k .....n 1'" pound t.ckle. and RonnIe Chal~'• re.....e- n ,............ 2;00 'rest p..Uern taln, 155 .....und JlneJnlJn, wUl an~8:.00 Ethyl and .Albert. C$S 3:30'a Placo. h ..~8.30 EddIe Cantor Show 5:10 Crusader Rabblt ChOf t <l forward w.U. Cilptaln1:00 Professional Father. cas S:lll- Wlllker ~m Review ~~c~~,}45 po~d8. nn~•9:30 Channel Eight New. 5:4~ nange RIders, cns I.................. •1).~O Sports PNk 8:16 rns Ncwareel • -" t ' . r 7" :'. 7 iN" W I"-9:~0 Moonlight serenade 8:30 Nat'! OUard WrcsUlll,( B".·uild.

10:00 And Here'; the ShOW, NBC 6:45 Weather Story10:30 Armchair Thelltn! 1:00 Tho ralcon NBc JUg12:00 News, Spotts and Wuther '1:30 Ftad1de Laine Show CBS ....

Roundup, sian oU 8:00 I'm the Llu'r, Oeor,; R dlin8UNDlt.y8:30 To btl annoJnced emo e g

1:30 Tut P4t!ern 9:00. ChUnnel Elatbt NeW.2:25 81m on, program hllhU$hla 9:10 Sports Desk2:30 Facls Forum . D:20 Moonl/Ilht Serenade C t ti"3:00 DllmevJllnd, ABC D:30'It'1l a OrNlt Life NBC . ODS rue on4:00 PbUco J>ll1)'hou!:c, NnC 10:00 Arthur llIurrllY Dance. NBC5:00 Lawrence Welk Show. ABC 10:30 News,. Sports and Weather0:00 Dlnuaf Date Roundup, slen ott6:05 INS Newsreel TIlt1RSDAY~:20 Weather SlorY 2'00 Tcst Pnttc!rn6:30 Rnckct Squad ABC 3~30 Jor:k'j;l Place1:0l) Thl!l Is the LIfe ' 4:55 Cru'Jder R\lbblt1:30 DraWlct's Badgc '114 NBC r 5:00 To be announced8:00 All' Stat PIayboust!, NBC 5:30 PelllCloa! Profllell8:30 PrivMn 5ecreW,ry. ens 6:00 Superman9:00 Cameo Thtatr~t.NBC . 0:30 'Oeneral TIre SPOrtl Show9:30 Chnnn!?1 Eight rl'cwa ~:511 We:lUll?r Story

-' 9:40 Sportll DI!5Ic 1:00 TIle nay R~Cd Show. llvc!" 9:50 1\foonllgbt serenade '1:30 Waterfront .

; iO:oo TIlc WhlsUcr,CnS 8:00 KJecnt'x Sum.1"hc••• ·NBC10:30 NeW5, Sports and We.ttber 8~30 I tA!d Three Lives... . Rcunt1up, .Iltn ott 0:00 Channel Elcht Newl_ONDAY 0:10 SJ-lOrU De$k .

2:00 1'est Pattern 1}:20 !.1ool'l.lIlbt sert'J1lId~3:30', PlllCC . 0;30 m~tlrt O( thl!lClty4:55 Cruuder Rabbtt 10:00 T(lWJ1 and Coubtr)" ".rI.tne5:00 Cartoon Catnlvnt . 10:30 Nl'!wl4 Sporl, md W••thff5:30 Boy Seouts o( Amer_Uve . RoundUp, sign oft<.... ..' "'-. Mr" - ,.,. =e......*_"" h








, -








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Now, you (an hove the beauty of living room colort inyour kitch.~ dod ICllJndry ••• with heW Hotp<>int COlOR10NcAppliance$.ChbOlt from SUN8URSt YEllOW. MEADOW GREeN,CORAL PIN" SeA~OAM 8lUE, WOODlAND BROWN orgfedmin; StAINLESS'flntsh"u to mateh.bltnd with. oraceent .YotIr fovorit. tolot' «heme. OntyHotpOtntgtvl1 you 10 n1<inyappliances in $0 rt\Qnvc()tQrt.~.for .$tRh tt widesel«tion -.of tttikirtgly ~utiful d.cototlv••tr~ Ctmt. fn"H·lorfufl 'irtfotmati<u\•••~I





, .

, ,

i: " ,IJT~ Aooo~II2..I'Id:~":A""':"~ ~ "," .. , ' 't'!r~ -'¥7J"+ '...~_ ......tP..,~ ".f$ ,o../It,$JlU,~ '~'" " "" L ,' --. .b ...,. Ilk ' , '

, ~"'" """""'"~"" ""'"", """, 1, , ....,l'~...~ ~k,~, '

, Nek!lHJok. ..uter, 150" lfl1. ~,' ,Ie , ', ,.r1Ny.u"Jdf*JlClR--W·(1""JU'J·t~'!~',' ,,'" , """,::;,:,""',',,,,"'"'' IX;'"

.every cOUnet' ~~t n:~ter - iWOA~d~' maJ~~t1 ~~la~~r"~J " -C;U~' ", " ,I~~O:~~~~~',-- ' t'M~~~o''DOdo~ , ,!. Bitt;:Ne~' ! ..

Amendment No.2, '''fho I.eilJlat\olre may onact J4W, prO'Vl4\iJcStat' Of G' • , fOtt Rt1n!O$O lQt,r' ", Get HOl,UlbJ,g :Up'uS,. .' ~rt.dl1Y, ~il!st ~!J. J955 ,.~telr the voUng of qu~lftJe4 el~t!m abllent from thel/." jllal;e Pt. n:sl.... . a $H(j ;r~~l=ted' tlJ,!' prominent 'JP1~r$.~ M.escalero WUI /."l::i:elve tw.Q of ~EXAS COuPl.~' 'r.NJuB:tJ). '

~l ~enee on tbe dan~t lin t11<l1:U9J1t!" . , -, tlla:r~ RufX::o ~gh 4Chlol gym~ rhO tf~~ ~~~~~1t~q~le:t~leu:l!om~ 250 Pl'efallrtc~te~hellPUri~n~ T 'Nl.f. anll :Mrs', J. 1. VlPeyard of •i Tho.., dl4tavorln, the llr0p08111 seldom n~d f'>Xlut up lIl1Y ml,llum fa mll!/lll.wrecked (Ondl· ~~3uct$ at the sh~lh aMya1 CQn. units ~lni move'" ~m Pickett,! Ab~11111ithy. Tex.; esca~ ,mt.racu~ tf, .

.• . Ilr~ume"t Iliahlst thl} m~"ute....otber JUlt alt '~c~ Jmd let yPti>:r- tion litter 1\ ,qmmer pf little: or no ~entJon of tile New Me~I\lO Petrol. ~:~~~f ~~~~"iridlarid1vi,ion IQUllly wlt4 hi)urles when their, , ,'~"''''''-'......."",---.......- IIpathy thwllrt the lIttempt to pa., tlle Amendment. . . care. '. eUm IndUlltrles Committee 1$ Ja*dQl:tots· In <We~m Jtiflll, . '1latlf' model Oh~rolet p¥l'enger

Mr. and Mr•• Vic ~umb "" £<litem & Publhhefl The only rcmarkc Ilgaln.t /l.bRntec votln,J_ thllt Jr'wol,lld. ~- th~():~~tt~g~lv~:b~~I~rn~~r~:~ .f'1iC~~h. ~agt'~:~e~i ~lrc~:: i Qftlcl~t\I saJ4' the 'movln'Job C~~hwa~l'~~~~~~'i>~ J: ~?WJ:~Jim Lamb .. .. , ... ,,'., A,uoc:i.tll' low for crOoked elQCtlona aM .tutfin, ot ballot box~. TQ date ~ar)(~ i~a~ hj.\'t!.' be glal!. to ta\{c ml1~;' or. . 1wut be Qnll ~( ~M ~1"~llt ot,itJ : "",,eo abol1t20 mlleHll3t,(ff heta(Found,',l Mav I(, I ?46 by L10Yl; /locl Idl.l Olo<'dworlh) tbere's never ~n A,law enaqled Uult cpuld pr4!Vent l'AOra1 cor· Intere,BtCd perspns (In a tour Qf Ihe ,P NemClth'~ /lJ,lpjeef at thc conven~ kInd on re$c~rd. tfi~ Is eX1lccle4 to "lfJftlY afte!: noon, TueWay. Vine.."~ntn ..,l ". ~ron,1 Clull AbUer at th.. ro,t'otf\l'I'. R\lldQ'o Nil'" . rtlPt!on in an individual; If .be's dllwrmlned 11> trr to juall1e 1m iQ'rn. "l'l'tc pl~c hlUl been lett open tlon, Which. will be llC14 .in Rul~ c:~st abQut )l) on. '. yard: fflelved. a palPfpl leg inj\l1'Y

Melll:o. un.ler Act of .M"""reb all, 18,711". ,_. . . ." .•1.1

/ ',,'" cllXlthm he W(ln't wait unUl .ab.centee ballQtin, ~ .uOWed. nelltly all_ III-lmI mler .tInd.. kid. tre dOIlQ Scpleml>er t1. 12 and,13, will ! '.J.'be hQU/les, tttree-ol lnIeddroboml:::11 anll hi, ;wlt~ a Jractul'edr ell?ow. A" " ,,-, . _. '} • . II t". h tb been plaYll1g, n~ de an... wrec. ng 00 "Merchandising at the Point 11)' units :to~er y u; 1. 09 YOUni ,on With fu,em ~sca~d Ulj.~

LS"b.u'lpth•••z.~ per ·,••r I.,. ,tul"...... 'The bll{ crime ,in New Mex co. YO n,,,,. em , l .e Wf!,r e p~r!S ot n," ~e declared. Ttte of Purchalie," , . personnel, wP;I ~ re~mlllelf at1hurl. The :i:ollple aJ.;q· suffered

I servIce me.n are not allowed to Vellee their opinJoIl Oll- the ~d, drllllls \I,Ilder tAc ellVfl/l Are full Nemeth haa been with Co,nt,ln.. the dillS. . , . rnmor cu.ts ~Mlr cal' walt 4emol.........r' ~.... "'-.I~. ,.r.... A.I~""I.., they're defendnl.c. A major PelrlloJ1 of the men in Armed For~a anci. aJlow water .to JXlfJ down:;e ~ntllt ,mee 1933, workin; JUs way The n~d 'lor th~ ~li1S lIes:-rlJtl1ed, Re~r~ lII!Iid the truck skill· 10

_ ' , 'A_ . '--:'''''''' llrec1411ed; WI not their deetslon; a,ncl~ten thelr witole economic i~~eb~e~:Jt~W~:~!ls:it:~ thllt UP to hi. pl'Cllent m~tlore from the the l~Ju:::at ::: :lli"A~ ~r4oe: dell: on wet llllvemeJjt a~d the.eareer Is Jntdrl1JPted. It's .no,t ..urprillnl{ that lOme New Mexico It wpuld be wreckcd It Action JSIl't Jo~~~ertJge ~'r~c~ ~~~uctl! fo~ In it.. i:dlan dlvllllcm ~ipl:¢ Jt I 'X!:;.craa:::rr:~~~c~~ i~uf:a;:~;;

How T,b Paint A Highway. service men ar,!! iUscotlragCd a~ the treatment and he.l~te befo~ taken m the very neal' :future. dlsrtlblitor. and their· wives liN tOQk ave/.' nIl, work :from, tbe In-,lItretCh of tJ1e route there. 0 I

lJIood llpaUercd on a hIghway lJ not II very pretty light, returning to a .tate that allow. them no ~y In the democraU: . . " ' .• , expected to IIttend tbe Petroleum dian ~ureau c>n .Jul>' 1. '., I , •

And yet II lleem» Iiko thero ure a number of New Mexico procelj~th(t one theyr.e'defendlllit. ' TO DENV)l:a '. lndUlltrieJ CommIttee CQn~enUoQ. • .. .. .. . 'Robert .Gll~ Nelson ~lIld tamllyn-llll!(,ntl1 who would. Rther have it colored that way. 'l'hat'$ the tt's common knowledee ,that thole whQ oppo~ Amendment JOlleph S. HwaldJls. owner lind ., . , , . Luc)'" Smoot MS a~kedW~hlto are to leave tllts weelc·emi for

t II hft t th If n 0\ tIll"" n" "un' . . " " ful·" T&'A' • t h k ma,llager of Ruidoso Gas CQ., was SALE IS PLANNED· change her address frllm.c; llcanyon' .wllereGene re..entersv.roull Ihnl ('on InUCll t.o ro n.....u c u -'Pvr. Il.....· Np. 2 h~vo no tear at n. 11,ICCC$ pauage. .w)' re au. a c ec . to no tp Denver, Colo., tbil week.''''' I' De aVL:e' ;""'Storehere Fllllsto RuldO$( ~n4s, Weit Texas Stille <;oneie•.l'tblrli'" methodll now employed by the State' Pollee to aid In Dllmocrac1 by UJllll Olle ot it. peatelJt bel1efl~tbc ()f the to compleUl papers (In a small b ~d~~~1s'nit: ~r:~e~ale be~ a few weeks »er., In her !I\lmme1'f Mrs. G.l'. Overby, wb~ vlslt(l(1·, t.", klOll the rlalng hlgIlway dcpth toll. pcople to vow 01' ,ta)' Mme.. bu.lnes$i loana corporation loan forIginnIng 1(X1ay (J!'l'lday) w1t!L clr~ l1ome. . • hler da\I,lhter. U,.• .;raclde Tltomu

It vtlll rocmll thnt /I breach of ethlcll Is beUer than. broken. DOll't stay home Ind rulll democrlcr.-J, r... ' blslpcsl r CQnc;el'n, M reported. culatland a~l.x adve1'UJement .. )'1. N. 1l0berl,s w~ ~edl.A.lbl"~~erk here several W¢l!kll'Whartb'ret\1J'1ledI I b k I dl' . . .,.., ' .., . I· today's NeWll que th1a week tor am ca I"!cc to her home in:Ft. 0 •

ilW :;~hll;~ec:o ;:'tc~~lned tQ color NIYW Metxlco highways they Aliano; tii'f;iT·'··~-'·.' :'ci~~~o~'tf~~jj~~~~r :;;: 'l'~~~~fo:W~P~~o, ~io.! n. . ..... , ',. " uPJ.~tt~.t~t;;)'j~~~Ui:;e~~~rG.aB~~r:ri:Z:~~lt1~~ep::'mIght write to tho Stllte H1ghwllY Department and request (l, U~ AnlluCt!(lU of lot. In t»aradl.o Mescalero Apal:llo fndlan Reserva.. neer Ruidoso, lluinme.. visitor, Will r~1~"nCJ,fu:gAWSE. ·frQm>(l~zo ~ellday~ Tuesday'. " •. •eral rOlltlng at ft'!] paJnt. A lillie morll,'lInltary,-J. L. .1any~ 1Je~I' fs slatedf~~ s~n .. , lion Tribal Council.' is to leAve carJed to a LubbOck Mspltal far .V~tll'furlher nOtice Ruldo.o "...,, __ .~.",.~,_~ _., . A_"~'" .", •.

~~ - _.- -_., . ~..... , I~~~ er~g~f till~~~"".~rurbCIne:: .this week :for Wallh.\nlllon,l>. C., medlc~l attlmtlQll :Monday. He i$' postofflce will cJoee at 1'p,m. each . ,.

H T n··'- D M PUood ill ~11 tor bll1l In thl;! to hal1dlo detail. (In thd' reserv"A, rCp(lrted to be very 111.. ::iaturdaybegfnnlng Aug. Z7,ltWill, " "'>,ow 0 ~ emocracy n fix. :t',. c: t 10· . .... tion'. claim to theJand of the )1't. ., . .,-. • • n ed b.ere this week. ' .On SeplcmtH!r 20 New Mexico voter. will tfY fot the seventh tlc Inll, !ta, ,ng

.(1 , a. ~. tStanton l'lUlch, wl1lch Is POW.lll1 Mrs, H. J. Engman has returned anno\J C,',.., ,, .lime to amenr! thu IItat.,·. constitution alld allow tor.~nteo SF-U..s nOME Iprocel"t1 Ofks.blellkngt,~1ls.x(lp$1·e C:l~~ Ito her bome In RUldosoLaftcbor ~~ Mr. anl1Mrs. J'at. Cilubbuck,

II . •. , lay. ()Oe "e llC... UlnCII\lOntined. her In ul! c,.." with Pat's lOll, John, enjoyed a, VII nit I h h ld th· d J. It Morrl. thl4 week. repQctedl'cstllbllsbed an unshakeable clalmfTc"•. She IIxeported to'w much trip last week to Antonito and

There lire lew, If IJny po nls t llt /I au caUie 0 Ilmtm.. Ihll 1I11lc ot hilS- a.bedroom bomel to the rich pasture land, . lll1provCd. Plateau, Colo. _\ 10 tull, 'rhe hill hurdle In llllowlnl' Democracy to tunctlon In Green Tree to Mill Lulie! l3rttt, ' , , . , . Mrt.Ruth Moore and iter dnuglj,· 1.1 Stubbaanci 1amlly were here

lututltJlI !'/lIIl! t',r !llnt'udlllil tho voler qUa1Ulc~tlot1l~ '. . •·Il~pelill~:!S 1TI~~leJ1\,c~I~~~~:e':tt'~c~t:ndVgfrll~£UdJ~:·~ ~~~ ~~~~:e~~rtfl~~I,l::':~M~: wiler!> Alis emploY~d with. tileThrCil-tourth, of Ihe voll.'f/$ rnunt IIPprovu tho c/ and rc.n(dc,nc~~ome dar.· • Iderson ot J'hqcnlX. Fred carrIed lngp! school. " pc D~r.~~0~~8.Lamar McKenzie,

~__" .•_.>,.o==,.".~_,._ = ..,,,", ...•~ _.,~.. Ithem (In a tpur ot the county. Mr•• l,'.':IlZl:iootb Colllnsl who hilS who'onell' owned a summer cllbln :~~~~~~ti"""""'~~~~;~.~';"~'~.~'~';'~'~.;'~"""~~~';.~'~'~~, 1ii••ii•••ii-••ii"ii'~ been receiving medlclli llttcntlpn hete, selling II only three ;years _, .. , . . ,,' ,. . ,

• . hI Roswell tl'lo pAst few weekll, hilS ago, mud(l tbelr flr.t visit here III

SEE THIS , For-.. returned ho~o to RUidoso. . nvo ycars last week-end. Mc~en- ,., "'TII'1'QYTe'~ AND C'fn:l'fOS ...• , I '. Mr. and Mrll. Sam Romerel, de was l'lurpr!sed lit the gr'owth A.L" ..."''''~ "'''''"'', .' . Snhool Suppl1l/Oes jSprlngIield, Ore.. have been vl8lt~ ot the town in that time. He .ls ·Shi f Old·C···.. G'-"-Supreme Apartment Gu Range, 4..Burn.1' . '" . In" hill mother, MI:I;. Virginia Ro- from· Abernatby, TelC. • . prnent o. \oUo ..~. Imer(), this Plllt wee~ ROJl1ero Is an Kenneth XllyUah, who hal been Anaorda d Seth 'l"t.oDUll Clocks

Ono Pieco Porcolaln Oven-Slain Bultfant Porcelain Enamel ~'. old timer 1n Ruido$O, hQvlng tint In tM,.VcterlU1' IJospltal I.n A1bu. . an ........I:or- Imoved 'hero 1n 1022, and letlvJng In qucrquctO't sevel'l1l weeJ-.s, return.. , Reservation. Jewelry :

1 , j. 'H 'p" IV35• They lett. Wcdl\Cl!ldll)". lIo IIIIcd to RUIdoso recently.., yo -- Hanftt.-." --Fiborg ass Insulation-FOR ONLY A ! ome ermanents .1lJl ('~ploye<,l ot Weyhucecr Tim- John orld S~aron Moore ot San Studel1t....:.awpl --:' ~ .....g .wuuptJ. . i . . . . , ber Co, In Sprln(tCield. IDiego hn...cbcen vl!lltlng Mr. and Hurd p-t_iil _ R.......UPrints

. • • • 1 Mr. and Mrs. Volncy Aehe!loll Mrs: C. D. Weems this. week, They ,r;.u;u. ~

S89 95 i • ~ nnd dllUghtc!t'. JOYCIJ. ot CllraCatl.· lU'Co i!rllndehlJdren at Mrs. W~rnS. Copies of ALIAS Bn.LY THE XID• .' I',· C· or-, VcnC2:uo}a, \lIsre rNceCcntc"I15ItCirG 1~;: Visiting in thel. E. Brownfield Splint, B"-koOota _.·.u.e'MJ'. . omm·.elte the llomu of ~.l'S, •.• Cl veti lln~ bometho tn!lt Cew daYlI wen! Mrs. _ ,.. ~ .u. .. J:

II ~rr. 'lltll! Mr!l. Bob Rico. KathrYn Lee. nnd Carol Leo ot Ft. MRS EVE BALLGas Appll·ances· -Installatt·ons .1\' Mr. nod Mrll. Jcrrt Ccoley aud Worth. Mfa. Lee ltl a tastcr dllUghA .• . .

~, Hos.-e·ry $on, BlU, new 111 from Amarillo, ter ot Mnj. DrpwnlJeld. • •• I , Tex., to v/!llt Mrs. N. C. Colvcrt DavId'Munson oC Denison. 'lex,. '

SACRA BROS' 0 ~ I1nd thc.,.DobRJcc:l. ,wna n recent visitor In RUIdoso. -... al -rt'rk t Highway ,

. Ii A;Jr.lIlr:~ the Wt'll nu!'.:,'clla llera, C. E. nnUlrt W05 In RODwell on ~,...esc er() r 0 OJ,, • i Shop ~~~~nr ~~~ycr~ 1ir~lIg~~Y za~t. !.~us1n~£. '.futt4.,.~_. __ .,..__.1

i $ ,., Phil LtlWry and lIu, nnd Mfa. Cnl' I!ii f,FOR SERVICE~Dlal 3205 Day Time, or 2769 or 3772, Night U ~ry Clnd li1mlll of Fort WorUI. . 0 ~'l IT MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE! ~l

B P D- -b COO K'S vun: the most M.:luU/ul rUde)'S ... C rj . Mutane.. ropane Istn utors .tore In UtI! SouUtwrl\&-lhaL', a . tJj '.

RUIDOSO CAPITAN PROPRIETARY ~ Ell: return I'to BuldOlO- So Do your ChriIbnU .

~-------------,-=-:-.-~~~·.L-.-~,,-_-~.-=-~-.-,.~~~:~.' =!ead~ .~~~.. 0 ~ ~ ;: I1IwalWa Prdw:a(!-P.ldllte Ktllto BlIsts

I, ~ > Z ~ Suk1.d. WM4i Int:t pi s..~t1W'!'aDa:I 8 0 - =-. Hulcer 1'''' W"" Tr&7' It'01A KawaU

tY. mC:n i . ()mjLmpta! CJt.p SUcb tor ihl! 'Ua1t2 . ~_J!~l:I2'. IroDi Ute OrleutCS At· CI:>. ."C1cIt.beaIntail Ht.waUu. ~ rn .."

CHO'RC1{O:r THE i f: j 'n=HOLY MOUNT 11~! >- 11 :.

I Epltcop:l1) n I:'!.-n 'f::)l\L'lDOBO . ~ m rn

': Mottlloj( llrtl)'er, lot, 3rd nnd ~th g.·/Sundl'lYll. U.39 n. h. nn:111 1:1, b:\. . . ......

I, JfolyCl.lmmunJol1,2nd and 4th P IWIT'"

SU/ldtIYlJ, tl;30 a. b. nnd 11 •• m. ~ ....

t HolY: CommunIon nlld Children'. w, " ."nou)', Wtdnts\1ay, l'h39 II< m. r ~

Tho Ch:lpcl .il opc!n lor:~ 'i'l1t~btatllll1 ana .': p~'ers • 7 • 71~, ~_, a_

i0 - ,. "L~"~Ic;·'I-_'_~_ 5-- #. --- ......~ t .1~,-~- -- ....... ~-~._~-, ..

... "' __ ~.'&. ~""_ ~ .... --_ .....--....--.... :...'_A:+ve A ~"'re- ~~"'~ ,wcvva_~ )


---.%.-v••"- 4Z44JW=.wV.4AV=_<_ ~ - - - _.- ~ - ~ - - ~ - -

I .....\... ~ . :.I... t.~n' i ... \ PHONE' SiUl1InU V'lsU01'1l Are Always Amazed atP , ~ . 1· Ai... l~· ih& Winter Growth of RuidOIOa .~ J ~ n NOW yOU CAN WATCH US GROW!II i 'e"trt~ 1Y HOME ~II t [; U,l'll,;,nn,u ~

:~t MULLIIiS-HAMllTON ~i "_~~!?~~-__"-'__i_N_-'-.---J i

I I,.".". ¥CUJl4.X4i4lSUP4I ... 10: - - - ;: - ::.-: - - -;;;.~ ~ ...~... o;"'-_~"" _ 0/ .-=-r.~ ...e-~ ....."o==. .=..- _ :.---"- -,• ......:o-=----Jiiq- ~~=_ ~? -";='"-~ - ,- ,

. 'l~'1,. . . ."'

SunbeamilJrd.versalandOsiel' ,__-....1-+-­

-- ·····Home AppliancesRCA WeTDI TALERT

lEi TlUiII AI tow ~ $1.98


12LUS, ,It. $10 Doll···· and $19.95St~ Ci.bhlet

FOR -ONLY $69.95·0·£ REIIHAIDT·J . . 8'B"O'"nmnCOR» .... p


IMt.n~-~ ....~vt·.~-IO·n. .Fl'M~..•. . .....•



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b..' ..

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"THe p.LUMnm"NO Jon 1'00 LAnGE



Wht'n in Doubt. . •=Call~


\Vhen You :Need '1'0Make A lIurtied Trip

->Contact...'--RAIiPn-nROWN--~· ----.~-­

FIN CltAfl'tEItEn Pf,ANE~I[Won't ..



,~ ", .

, '

" . ~


,.,. ,



. 24 Modern Cabins•

, ,.'~~....;.,-:, --......... __ '- liiiitiiliioioiililllilll'"1IIi'iIii"""iIIIiiii'''Iii''.·'.''iIi'Iii"1ilii"iIiI'.'.--."'Iii'__MM__._' , '~".

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. ._..., ". • .............-. J:IIAG*~~ ~..;....~"""",,_'l"W __"""'_~~~"""'''t"'''''~'''''''~-''''''''"'''~--'''''''''''''''''''''''''_'''':'''~~~~~~~''''''''--''''''''''''''''''''''

TheseA(:c~~cida_ "Are' oPEN .yEAR 'ROUND Ft~~a~a,~~ . -' :;=,==10='H::::..::e:P=,~=:f$=:Y,~=.-'101:::«1::0:",t1l::.)1

e:'~:r.,Otl::th=.·w:::es=t,=.,.::,'.:::.::' ii.'$ -,. II. . ~:ayJim'r'" .Marke' Plo~. of CQny~n &Volley-BOStNess ~IREC"'OllY ....~.:Wher. to Find I.)" Ruidoso, VI,U"G"H'''t&ff:i:N''D ' 4\.~ CI...III~ ,Io". lII\&ItoW pal'" I. t4 .... . ,,' . . - . I··, . .. .. .' # .~n., nJ.:.H '. ' 'Ui~I;~'::~,~~,= :-~r:::5~:J~~Ji'~~'1.r:,tl~~~~~ ..... HOME OF SOUND INVESTMENT' : SPEe r AL.

, Jl\!lldn( (~t~.,~~b· p~ ~~~ =":r:,.,,,~ ;:=. ~"l~b~:~~~*l'~ Q be-"ronm, 2 baths. modcrn.· I . be'au'tt'ful 3 'bedroo\'VI• -~ !lho~Cl ot, tOp" forces us rOJ _. ,..~'. lnll/ll"llon anO I'<flll W .1ll- 6 lot4. with. sh'Cllnl lhro"l:h ... "'I t"l 1 I h d h • I P .' . .' . . ~~~ us his ~""tlse, P.....'llunll.pol~ 1/"11<14 b1 lb. """'\lOr .r ,\Io~1tI \bll M ... It, 2 blockstl'om PPst Ott!ce, comp e e y "rn s e puse, h 'th 300' f. . . .. ." ..., iii b& I'\UI. MUllN NAr..ING IN CLAIIlll.· model;ll furnished. :J ;room 4eecl.ll.d lot and ,Year rountt .' orne WI "cros 0(ld~). -IIlD • ...8· "Lll;,\$lIl "NCI.OSli: CUIIOK 1 "... ~ 1 ".' 3"" on I' .. ~ '" .Homemaker-; at Americ!'s OR 1oI0Nmll' ORJ>Kn on"l.. TOl) LlVIIj Iii I1pus~J hardwood floOl'S, flllW"' OC!l,I<),•••01' on y ...'" "".. I d '1 h' thO

'. time vourecQ/.«l.iii:d aMappl(tud." RtJIDQIlO IlmliG TH~loI BY Tall 'OJ'. Frlgiq"lre bQx, Ideal' for 9M Ql the M,st buysJn ;Rul-"'an I'C OS.; lnl no mgAmong The Pines.. ed th~ man-who makes brel\kfalit ~~,. IlJ~~ TUE8DAY A""'\Il»NOQ~ tourbt court location, Onl)'. ,,010, .•.• ,'R 'd

possible, TodllY, not <lnly does ~ ... $7.500.QO., wiUl tl,lrms, , ~ Ulcer 10 Ul 0$0. .O Th ' N 1$y'R''ver :veur gI'Qcer provide you with all l)."'S. Highway '71> property --... . , '. '. n . e O. 1. Itile' Jlutril!,llts tor ;Your mellIs-he's ~OTS-~Qt1t tor cabins and ' with 7(1() teet on !,avement, 2

, .; . . - . a provider of eVllrythlng fl'om lie.- . • Tl'bT mllnS!onsb/riced .from $l50'SltrlgaUOn weUs, well built. FlYER L~!!::,:!.~.~"i'~'~fi~;;~··E~~:;;;;;;::E;E=;;;E~' ". 'rea~e and a miniature %09, to a .....;cOy,!.lo ,7 $lJ $7,500, ..• ;1; l\lso have l$om~ l/lr,<:, modern home. Thill is HS-]'eet (ll'l RIver wellt of 1'0Ih.,......riri..W.S ~ ............-.---- Open Year 'Round .super s~r/!tcode ring with atomic 24 U....t '1" s IhwtI l' . g c\lolce'!>\l.siness'l\its. ~ot\ •.al1y~arb Ifl\uon .lor oCfice.· ,

,;";'M'~ f, y"'~,... K-a-d";' "K'" I reamot., ' , 141 Sp U ~~e Ivtn weU 10<:lIted 'l'ourist Co"rt. l"lanr ...·jle 0 . us neliS. --J\1dclMO'. Newest" Jolon Modena ' . '1' Ie 'orrlJi V"Q, to be the first meal was ' .. . 500 f t It d d 'nr :l:I BUS 11\T ,., S S.PMel a.,. :U~"""TlToc1.UI. . ..•.. . '.' e- "CQmPllrllbl~t9 a HubUe execution. quarterst Qver • . ee ~~Yi~;no~' m~ :~c~ i';;c:; :l:I \1NI14PROVED .AI CRUGE. .l.ll"I

C.fpeUrJr-IMenpl'ln.r M.ttrnaea ~or ChUd C-"':"', "Live 'J,'h~ I.ife o~ Riley • Spirits nnd joy llre a little litralnen on paved highway room iii,; .addltlonitl units only §41). lIcres close 1'1, stream I Lpcnted in Rul'dollO,. and baaPH. 314I-Box 15'13 . K:' cuu 1n A Cabin' In the 1',111...... that '. early in tM mot'nlng. But ' .., . $12000 tt" 000 00 .: ..nod running through It, loll. and been It. consistt'nt fllOI)PV maker.o It .,. 1 ,.. j ttl • f "'~ 1 t . , · ...", '. cas.....", lots "'f beautifUl :Mlne' trecs IT"'- 11\ be I t1 -,n 03.. I~ !iblan!! . l"JsODot~t . J,lDw Us urn oose a .our yellr 0 r I eAy.aDSl,Qn, arges tertll$ on balllnce.. . rn on it: no Testrlctt~nw on It ..... w Ill' llSpe<:Qn,

. 11El\lBltR aVlDOso O. OF O. . Nl"I, AloenGlucock Kitcheneit~ aa"" . ~6~~na~d,ta~ll~h~~11 :;e:rrea::i~~ court in Ruidoso. Liberal SmalllrrJgntl1d farm In Vjl,~, 0 aM call bll bought worth the New .-rQQ~. upper can.._. ~~." • • , the klfchlm, travel from Alaska to't' . l~.r. IOVllly' large modem p mone)'. Must be $een tu be yon on d~ed ~perty.

APACHE VItJ.AGE Ji.........."S .s....- .... ~...ds Compl\ltely Fufn1s~ed the M'()(ln (",itl\ II side junket by I erms. l\9ll\er .t;lose In wlth wonder- appreciated. $4,2IlQ,QQo Th Alt Rd" .~ ~"A4,,,,,Ql.' wJY ot Venus, ~Ipce M J.uJt IIc'l tul vJew; NJce Qrc.hard. Can0, New IS-room })ome On river w~DdN C~8 .~ 1_....... T ..1_:.... ~ulrelf a one way rocket trIp tic- -. be bqught wllh some terms. IIlJ One o( the nicer. year rollnd Gateway. '

:M . • '. r&-_._~ oI1UI'uurns .,r~g Pl.\,lGllOlJND 701\ CHILDREN ket to Earth's slst!!r plan~t.) 'll)..aere trallt 11'1 COUl,ltry Club ._ f.I Tourist ,cof.lrts ill this area, $6,lIOO.00=YYi'-"- l1ef Jimm.le Stewart, $On of Mr. lind NQt" 50 ol;)ad it' the trlnket~ ahd HeiChts.lev!>l. on aU-weather road. I'our l"Oomli moliern, fUr- on pnvement, wonderful ______, 1.. ....... qet;.;; E. 8lau -- MrJ. l\OY Stewart. l'lultlosQ. bas 1(ltts come right In thep'ltekage, no better· vl~ In RuldOflO, nllihel1 river ClIbln, two vieW. Owncr hall other In- 15/)-FeetCllcing GlIlt Coul1ie.!mtlIlS~ atmmeq O. 01" (l, just c(,lmpleted Basic ------..-~-:::-: but woe be unto the homemaker deeded 1013. Yellr TOlI,Ild 10- terest which lt~S bk .t- $1,7/;0.00

-- '~lninltt~thc1~beNn~ed States ExchangG Stu(ient ~ ~vbo sl!lects..a pllC~ at ct~eal cation, flrepl\lC8. Onl,.. ,.... tentlon. Priced vcr)' rta:um- -'Letter to Ye Editor ~:w~rt, 'wh~S& c~uJe lasted SpOaJier· At Rotaq $::$eh;taritilcr;.~hc~~~l;l~ ll:~~ , HOM E S 500..00. Terms,. able with good. terms. 21P-Feet f;~~~Co,&flt Courae:

, .' . three weeks, has bt'en a"l1omed to Clem Houston, an exchange stu- sorrwJlO,'select$. pllckl!ge with no Two bedroom home Qverlo()!dn, P A U L H DO U G LA S S ---.-.-All Cal' and TrUck Drivers and C c<lmpany at the 5Utb- Airll9me .dent to ,AustraUlt!rQm the unltedf~mt\lm). With ~nly a coupOn Go}! 'C1~b. It has ~rytbint yOll . '. • '. 12~ Berea Oft Alto Toad. unre.

CH!Zens 'Qt the State ot New Mex~ Infantry of the 11tll ~irborne Pl- Stlltes. lPelke to the Ruidoso 1\0- many tllronIzlng 11ays are..9)lent by are looking tor. JO<:I\t!on clln't bl' RE-AL' ESTATE' strlcted. llelluUful Meltel Site. 8MIco. • II vision, , Itarlans last Tuesday at their reg.. the younger set awaiting the prb:~. beat. • Me.flAV!!:. YOU SEE~ JDSGDl...T The local'm"n ...vent throulith Ula", noon lum:heon In the Navajo (This also entaUs severlil' phone ~ " In POS"""',ff~ce Block ------PESCRlPTION: yy t., ~o 'bf.r ht" rb(oroU$ llhYslClil trninlng before t.odge calls to the breadwinner to sce it - IN I-

4~ inches: blUe eycsj' blond hall.'; completing the course with Iln ot-I Houiton. from Hobbs, WnS sent the coupon has been dispatched '. . CO URT Bus. Pho. 3005•. 23.65 W.A LTC R 0 S BYw~rlnK blue and whtte strfped tlclld Jump. by this d"trlct oC the Rotart to thrQu4h. the mllll,) : W' 11 I ..... C t ' , tal'ldtess. . , 'I . the foreign countrY. 1£«)' was III But lJrea~laat now bears the te- e oca....... our I aeven Ten ..' ,- ---; . -_ ... ,.-.... _~,_'~.E ~"f/ATq~ FoR mm. ITEMS IlIII"OR~D FROM l.guest here .0' Art GUllland. Dur.. somblance or a .cracker-Jll1:k p:lrw lJIl1~ .furnished. Haa plenty rooM I .t:::::::=======::::::=========== FINISH JtJOJl SCItOOL (lr Orade'shlt u. ..tarting to- .chao1 with- M1tXlCO All'ftJVE -, ~lln· his talk he enlarged on mcth~ I t;y. Only rteen\Jytbe two younger tor more units. Thil Is located 011 - -I' Sch091 at home spare time. Bookl

ftverllI other thoUSUid boy, lind Crowson's Anilques, In Palml1r o~ ot f.romotirig International' ones (res thllt means two bol(ts I river. Also 011 pavCT!lent. '16,000.00 FOR SALE .fUrnl,hed. DIploma awarded. Start_girls. She- haa. belm wid about- the Gatewar. bls JU$t recilived a lars;e. good wil. Besldes-traV/1l1ng .to I of cereal) nave 'becomc·'Pilffiel1n . ~:...:..:::.-- ~. . , where you l~ 1<:0001. Write Col.

I, ~ haz3r~ 0nt tra!lc land Illbok


beinl, .hltllpent or Imported adUqU!'$" lind; Australia. the studCnt als() visited owners In' Alaska, been invited to,' C t t . umblil School. nox 1433, Albu-.' care'u~. ut s..c \'I qu c , mpu - gltts trom Mexico and France. I Egypt lind India, Isee Il mUlor league baseball team. on ac 3 Bedroom Furnished WANT,TO SELL •. ? quert,tuc. N. M,' ~-U-Ga

alve and she tor't;ts quICkl)'-b Mrs. C, E, Crowson trAvelled' to :Vlsltor. lit the meeting were: (We cllught 'the >,oungest with' " . '. • .=, - .~. =~Rer satety ls your responsl 11- .EI. Paso lns~ ThursdaY' to bring tI1e Houston Jack Deason. J\oswell' knllPsack strlldng out for St. Louis W A LTC R 0" S R Y Cabin 1.Ist Your Propert)' With US' HOME GROWN tre~h 'V~CClt.btea

Jty; please drive .slowly' and with Items throu,gh the fiustoms 'house Jim CI~k N(lr1hwest Waco Tex.: to sec the Cardinals pllly ,the 01- tf .. ',lind cut tlowent at my Itardel'l onextra care nenf $chool\'l lind plIlY- there:, 'n. w. Per~lns. Petralia. Te~.; 'Dr: I ants}. plnsth: rolnlaturc Mlmnls, , n"" .11'0n With 2 bedroom guest WANT TO BUY ? tho ne('~c tnI'm 'tWIt ~Iow Greengrounds and In the TCsldential Among the items llte liomc soUd End.Maldne. RosweU' J. P. Car- that 10dl:e In tho throat Jf not re~ c.n... , •• ITree. Phone (8) 231:1. W. Scottnr.:I!l••Alwaya expect the unc,,- bra~ npothccnl;'y tenles. benutiCut, son. Midland. Tex.; huster Par- moved beCore adding milk und OFFICE. cabin, servants' room . ., ~amp~I!. ~ , _ .. =l'e~cd, d 111 t.. t II French brass candelabra with bllc- I ri!lh. llalllngcr, Tex.: Wa,Yne West, Ilu"ar. and enough llccnlle piali'll Th~erblrd and sto com It you an> Interested In 1'"11111 es.. 'j HUlDO'So. MAP GUIDE & Dlrec- '"'yoUo~~nT~~l~rprciYcct ihls~f~. ~~~aD;~g~ ~:~t~~, aWd.lf.t1:;i~:~ IO~~d ~m~h Dalhart Tex' Bill ~e;~~~tcr ever)" vehicle In New It Dial f~25 . r r 0 (, :~~~ ~"o thil.! orell, check our list- Itory. liOc. lit RUld~o ~~~

• • DThl!! L1ttlS..G11hrl'1l CrowllOn'!l is open diilly. . Dirks, Peltus,.''1'e~•• J. 'E. Aicxnn-I After thIs valuable tre;wuro hI On the River ,. ~ roll RENT- I)-room modem

Ad and ...0 or. del'. OraMe, Tex.: L. L. McDal'llcl, ,rollceled' Inlong with u delicate .., Terms. lleaideneel\ • houte turnl!lhclt or·, unturnillhed• . AOVENTURE STORY Clilton. Morenci, Ariz,: Earl Van-l throat operuUon it taUler III 011111 .WI , nonche. i '.' tAil 11 Be t 15'

Hollywood. N. "M. FJL1I'1EO OVERSEAS . dervort, SWe.otwater. Tex,; lltucc, n lilllo ~r(lugy frerg lAte hGuf1l)·. :r. Courts ff Pg,~~'lWII. va n I c P • •Aunullt 10•. 105a . Macdonald, CArey portrnYD II pember, Slaton. Tex.: Mllt'Vin' It coUert!11n out ot the WilY plncell,l ' nU!1lneS!J , ~nl", ",' tCe

'rho Ruidoro Hewn. rour.h-llnd-tumbl0 mnrlm,r 1n the Doyd Mldlnnd. Tex,' Vern Rob- llkr the bath tub, the rdriCl'rator'l - LELAND ,t'rot,crt)' , WAN't'Et),~" Smull n:tlwh, one to:Ruldo::o, N. M, exotil' city or Tonalcr tor Colum- el'tson. Ito5wcll. ond'UcJton Xli'" or ot the rodio. , " ~= _. c, 0,'''' I , .\Ot'OIW i tl\"(O f,I'l'Unnll wllh \\'(It('1' AIlIO, forDear Sirll: INa Plctu(rs' "Fi!'tl Over Atrlca," dCI'll' Midland Tex. . nut·til() tcot troucd~' ill Ibut tew WANTED .-. Your Ficstn oml \ REALTY CO. ' '5 111;\1('. t\~a\lhttl\r \'UlhHnl!' nlt0-3

Our ItOIl~""'OOll Voluntl'('T Fire,' new ndvcnturc dralll:l 'which nIno '. 'e c,= ~o, 0 '0'.0 c" pl'op!e (:t'lcct a brc'lltf:l.'lt 10nd be-I Squnw Skirt!!: We nll'at 'rm for I ~ - ~'f' i (lffr:! FrJIlIt 1l.1flC1ll. noxnS4, nul-Department wi:;hcs to (txpre::s ito. stant "Maureen O'Uara at; tM Pu--,..':U50 they're flood. TlI('~' nr~~I $1 tiM up, Phone 2~G3, , ttc" Dial gUOS ~ J"n-"i',! dct:l' . _ ,thnnlm to )'OU tllld. your statt tor Iohio Tbclltrc Saturday only, Film-: I even Irlc{L vemo with milk cncc! 1- -' ! - . -the won.fertul hl'lp' you l!!we u" In .. .l'd in calor by Tchpicoillr. the tUm) I' ~~ ROSES IN DLOOM, phlox. dtllnlell. ~ Ruidoso, New Mexico ,Fon 8At.l,} , NllrWI rcmp!!!tetltllr:1nr. tile benefit danec on SnH wn!! nllOt In Tonc:cr and Maloua, List Your Property Mr. and Mrll. n. '1'. U<,lm!l were double hollyhocks. peonleD, nhrub:J!i HULL'S "twokkl'<'JlIOr. ts \' II t (' m. comp:!c!,urdnynlgbt. AU!t. 13. In nuldo~o Sp:Jln, __ _ . _ I ~ In Roswetl1lfonday. In cnn., 4:nn bQ jlluntcll lIOW, Dial" ~ speedy. t'lOlhllllt (lwrlnnkl.'d, FluOsm. Your help In t:C!curlOlt the - ~-- ~~---=_. -=-=-~ '1t7

1'th I 1::045, nU,ldo!l(l NUTtery. Ii! . m:lhv ltllld!l lit hl!lillCl!::l'll, The

{lre'''':·:Jl. on6 ndvertlslng the I ERNEST '\VOOD vv = '" ==~='o,,~ URAL gSTA'l'g :Newt!, teeevent went a long W4lY towordll • ~ 0 SAl E 1I..-on SAi.}}-Two hl'dtoom hou!:!:. ~ i "t'NSlmflASSEO Foil~ f~l;:\voilm~klnglt ~hc blllZluet:~'l Jt Willt.~ PLUMBING S PEA R S I F R J:J Iurnl~hcd. moocrn, Jtn1'dwood~ dIlU1QI'tl~tottl(l'm.!(k=,ntcl130IGIANU l'lU'imNESS -Il('~dl(>~ tinWithout )'OU1' nid, our dep:ntmcnt rt ,/l00TO thtout!h.ouf. nl.lW tlour turw I I . I I ,"" '.,'- 'I ", • ",-would be $32'UC!l5 richer than it, CO NT nACT 0!l .. Spudnut Shop I noc~ jU!lt ln~lnllcd. Contact Tom " 2:1 Ye.lI11 fll'511Icnn' III flUldll~O, II t'1,1, tIl." Llrt>IIt',. nil: ':"" rlnhi now. IRox 1M ntl!d()~o. N. M. ! Dinnhom. lIatrln Dulldernl Supply, • 'I· uoob (ltlll!~~. t.1tmn ,tw.lI p. l:II\lMll,

Sinl'l' th!!! bt.netlt. wo have hod Dlnl 37/11 REAL ESTATE ' I oltri). lIlalk (>H.I JIGI', lu~umberatwo verY nice (,;ltlb gltl5. from • MEMnER rmmoso C. OF C. AU ~ulpmcnt, lrnnehtcc, IlANSY PI,ANTS !lnd mlx:c:I ttrq.M ~=_" _. 1'.:~ ',. ,Mid, ('Ilm ~"'1Il 111('1 n:'lIIr.r~dlipMr, J. D, Gozaway rmi trom AJa-1 Otl:er bmlnl'll' torrell thl. teed. Irlll in mixed colom, Dml nOOK MAT('Ue.'i _F w:;t Ull f' }ion SAl••, )lelX'll a barGQIn Ill' nUM'1I at Ln 1,1.1: JohrulQ II ('ate-1nU Lumber & Supply. which. willi , ,-. , II., - For a QUick Sale rota now. 500 Dert D*"nle~ ~~~~,}!,u,,~~~" ~oU~tefY. __ .~ ~!~ book mrJtdU's j;1 A~~t1l'o. \~irh n r.o~ll u~~~l Sun:!r.wll C\!<JU1tt ,fl,o- :: tC'rlO =oo~tblC1ITOtney we m;r~ ,r.\.t~~r~:~'! NEW MACHINE ~~~~cN~~Y~~~I~~tl)), nul I1,1S1 tlOur llropt'tly tor lole wilh .titcmdard drtlll1' l!l. nltlSllc or duuh:e ~~~~. 'u~illo!J:~~'\~~' Ofl,'y $7"'I?c EmU-AI,lo; .(' .tl' l'llllI;;n:ml, wcd'W e un pratc~, ~... " !l. For Digl.linc OIficc3 In- ,,, Spear!! Rl'o) E!ltntc, Wo hov(' tOV- iii&-. tome With ~ft W!lflt. or write ", , .~ It.' il',fl'll 'lillro mllllll'Oj Wl'\>rorto bU;; alPuml1 ...~ \~crc ncedlllul Ditches, Foundations .,, Hnl tustomt'l'tl wnntitll! GmolJ,.onc your own (,.tJfW (oil i!W:![I::O Nt'wlI' JlUVAf. 'J'YJ'1o:WlU'l'EI:S IT tiP!' rr~{lfd('r (J~lil l\~tI ,dl!1 otvei~ :I~u;\md to eVCfsnnc who. C('il!S Pool Dl/Jailll1-Trtlcl:lng 1l0m~S RUIDOSO . , "" !llltl two bt'drl\llln cpHm.l NfJW, ,llld :::l!(rll1'lu '''Ill ('0.111 With !l:lll1

a ;lS;\U~S ANn mmvu'!-: \11 «HJeIl'; t:JJ;~ r.,.fllh<~l" ~ .:ll I:f '--\'4' nt Ei}jtol'pl'd In arty way. (,!lpt'clnllv tho' LEO GREEN'IITOOD' . O',g 1'tTANTED SlICtlt:._ Jt(1tll F1,tat<,. p~x 1..011., ~E.:...~, ~,'. " ~=!!! ~ f) pCWnlnll: owl nd Mit tI1a(luncll. ~ AI " lIm,UI1 t" <JmWilbur Coe ol'l'hl's!ro trom O1e'll-~) " . 'liY ./l03 N. Turtler 4. I} nUt, • Main \'If' Hobb= nox HIt};" llulMU), IFOR HEN'" ~-!h H,t' day, WHIt or tl~W or ~l~c"l 1\11:1'\1. Uu~mi'tl1 ~111' I ru~: ~t\U~ .'ml'e'l!,1 11'111 t"lth('ct!. Wtl WOllt to toy cur IlII'lCCfe:;t ..I 11(\,np :!U1l2,.. ,n,uldo!() 11G~ 1200 nox J095 Two Waitresses Needed ron SAl.E=20,!:oU0I1 Udll auto, mrmlh. IMt',' I {'j!l. IW~Il,!ol bl'ilg"i ';:~1Ilr.1 \ r.~1 U I 1::

1)1"fg· n,:~wdl. I!'~I r. [I x II ('r!ftl1.m n,lIIRrIl and

thanks,. • .' i .- e=:, '--:'- Imm"dl·atal....,•. Apply at t1l:ltic hot wnt('r llcott'r SIS,Col! t'"Il'O\~o... JcJ~ eml r.C.~UIlI!, Inn' fl~'ll:m{\ :1 U , ur 1:4 1_ .~. 0:0 .~\V!Irou:ll Itl'J J11.!I~'·J ~HNhil~1'Sli:lfllyYO:Jtl1 truh, ""I ~"I'" AL'ICE SPEARS '" . " )" 214:1, 2!Jl dUt'lfJ. U;ill ..OJ~. I\JI:ldIC Ftlltll- fOR nENT 'UlIf<' ):(,:,!r4\..m. tltr~ 'J !flite< ah.~l' Nt I~~ Wottf I.ulJ,e

Uenry JCl"lt~lln. ~ t'(> ".r.. BEN 1'\ 0 Y I' Sp"nl'S}l Nook C"l'e • ttlre. tte . I .• 1'·' • '" t' ' ,- . ,. - "~r__ .. '" ,=IUolb'wal:l1l. t.f. 1\1.. vrn, ".n. u nl' WANTED = Pertntll'lL'llt wotlt in. .,~=; _ . -, ,_ ,; ". .,", Ih~ It,, ""nc. 1l1.1t.1Il1l <>lfH'nt 1ft· •• '. ~ INSUUANCE , i ,. '. .. llUi!rCl), Annlo. 11I1Nl '41. n\tlrt!c,!. ron, m;NT~=;\w'lt~I1I\M\·,~th psi- 1 WmtcriJ:'.~<i. (JIl},!c:lIItlcr ,1!oa,'

ACUo~~~Ilt.n';tNt· 01;,1" n 'lrfXS~Ilt,~!CEN~. 1 Licensed Broker ~., ,. - ~ , - ~,rhd:l,m., E"~ll'ritm'd. in.~rut'trtt... va!e b~UI, Dbl 3VO:! tte fOnJlt!c!Olm;'~II;~,;·fi8r 1I~~'~1;1:~J; ALCOHOLICS..-~ ... , "a .ulJl(';" .UiuC~. • ...., l' T P (J ,. )HALEY I nr.('. 1':m uu {j, Itt' WClht, ••..U!i '<I tl')ST .. I 11'1"" .j T '" 'r',' . • • ",','

Dl':!I'Vir:. DillI ~245 . • . J t. •• ol\e . • ~('or oround cmployment an I .~~ ..... n • Ii vW(ll;" ur~ut:ly OC, 0.)) ANONY,MOUSJl,?n Sep!. 3, the LiUlf~~n )C01UldUJIV " '" , ,. '" I BUlLUlNU CONT.tAL'TOn. twnU!tl 1ilt(O to m':llt(t UUidMo m!>' ~~l~~' ~~O~II1,~tl,!l~ l;u~I~~ l~I~~{(j!I~~f~I~~- N'm'lI. SJlN~J\Emmq(',lfhml~Idc\'c,mmlD:Jv wi • ,m 1(' n n I" f I'" (8) "I"" homl!, Will tUfnEllh r(lfrrrnC'('11 "t ' .".--' ,.. 'J '" • ., I' '1'1 0 • . 1 Will "el if " HI'" 'hi kJ...Covilcn ot U:(l CPPU:ln School. ' • •en .., ,,,eM .. v;J ,,{'''''l:tidoblltl'' Can ('Ufn(O SunJavJ;l (";Ilion. \.rCjt tho mm:l:'y It ;tof'll Il.ll~(,I, .h( Int:! fIIJI • nt• > tj.lfl~ r·fl\,' r "p you 0:1 •. " u, n ..t

'l'h F nih 1 I ! ' ... T N M II "" : J~ \'''"f l' I h n want, 1 lit f11('J~(, r('IUUl ....lhml;l1' }I.' z,I(ll:111:l. P flU t .t,~. {It(' 0 ,,0 fOrd lrm Nlllttn'~ No 1.'i'5(l ,artrt "leOU!l <' p.nt! 0 ~ urtrll (tc. •• dnr antcrvif>w. fI () ,11 P , l'1!l' d P:lVN!J t.ol 11011 !lui- t", !I,'I,'\Hlln rIH\l,lnr" Nt', ot I' 10'11

moke 1I1l!! tl nutccC".q 1'Y 1'U!1n!l'Ict "." • I.': 1'!lrhell, f:IWl MI, 'Whitney, or coli ~~~u D~~ .!l. It" IWmotH J NEW~ .i/X ..It loml bnoth nnd Hoao [!1me, I H -=~_=,_ '" =,0_. h.~~<4· G.S5M coUrcl, El Pas-o. 21p:IJ, , , _ .. :, _ (',lin 3025 - 2143 • SM2nm l1~kin$! nU ~hl' Furm Durt>:ln .:=0" .,.~ ~ ~, .. :._ I .;.'" "=--', ~'on SALE~Ar1l1e!l,crab uppk~. "Itm IMff/t W!\N'lEll F'Jt n"\,\ n~I(ll n\el'lin~ c'in ~u'idoym~m1:;l'rg to brmlt? flake whl"'" Q!J:l1!tic.ll by 10 YCllr. I.OST=P~rutr:i(~~lr.IPU!lnt:l:li~~iMUll DOrmtltl plum!! omJ .1{':'Ull. E, ~1,nrc', \\-1111 /11"\\ clrmt, tricd tlu,1 m' m,flfl oi , .lll~tI Itltd{1(twdl ho used M a wnc~ ptitl!. All nL'sidt'.nC(! on the l~lf°ti~ .. ~~'N' ,,:tg'7 !o 1~ It. 1'OI~l't lflllhway 70 'Hil:W IIH(lu'lr hd"f(t "utII'm',,"prtH;tcds frOOl the~ .wt11 loe me:! 'RUldos!) ~~..g, ~?!! "", • Ute" ,~ .~', ",f' '.. ,.,d . II ~1!:j!J }'or fUrlhl.'r dli'tatt, 'I J(J 39 t\ M10 !monee tho Acll,tt\etrtent Dov. . Y(W Di'!,l't "11" I1W f'm I c1nlioll roH SALt:,cTt~,l SlId 11'101' !):In· t\tlll! t..IlC M, (H' lloidow NCWA .. l'ul,lIl' IIWl(rl!Ple~~tlttt'n:! tlnd help mtikc lhlij Iva Coleman ,. 1 t- ."1"" I'" "'·'1 t !Ina oml two 1I!,,;r l'J!t:N'l Mrll It . ., .. ',-- •

a Lincoln County ll.t:oJ~t we eon .... • tWi tlcl1 or <;<> a tf! "'1.' r~>u~f' i S:.1IM )lhcl1(' 2301 Up WANT':O SHmCCf!C to C:lt('l kr -.-, -= . ~ ", -,o-_ .. ~,=nIl 00 ll!{\utl bt. • ltcaltor t~ !a2~hJw otmut it.<'1' " . ' two {'lllHrcn in tn" hmr.e .. t.l\thl ' .... '" ,. ,.

Sincerels. i Sales· ltenlah J !Iormoey. .,. 1fe FOn SAI.E= IlJ41 I'onlio(' of·dollr Jl()u~('kcrpJIl!! Oil€' doy nft lIcrgJ Mm Ch:ltlcs.A. JCltM, I ~ Phooo,21@ " P. O. Box 2 •hVUY NOT~':'Utlv(' y~Ur-;ir.n; ft!- $J:i~~ 1041 Nosh 4·dnol' $15.22 \\('(!t ('cntu(l nllx D. nUhJo=u"

, .' .' , ,-'. I _.,. === PO' deft!' now and SOlo/e. C;llill'anlcc;l1 gun. Arvltl ro~Jtll. tlpl'Z1l!er ami N0.~l1. __ lwULI"'! Drt'{e ~cuneU to »tilth, ,_. _ • wctk or M p:1Y. Oulduot llil,irt!l, Dl!fiol. tUll nlm!l:\t oil <'01'9, ('1:l~tI1ll WANTEO--'1'o ttffil~~e 't~r ('.1~b,I

• . , " ,-- ... ~~. '"wlndo,w cnr!!s. house p:llnUnrr, It lle,lItl'lt tim Trcd<'r. U1ahwllY 10, 1;(:1';(1 In UU:dG¥o c.;i\:"e lull :11'- ~;. & W DRlLT n..""G FIREPLACE woon "R Fr~s. Whlt0 Ucuro .Apt!!., ~r ron TltAnE =. Three ~Jrol;.m UNlbm wht'tl vau wrlll' to ~Ilt-au. • [uu~ Any KIna Ii ~~~dW,!lfIJ .2.t_!'.fc~a_,otll~. up hettie wl!J. tbrel' Jnra~ lots In Ad Dmc IJ:J. tl"itfo~o News. ttc'COTo.tmnACTORS !"""R .....-E ... b " ..."," ·_-}--t" DrownfieM. TelC.• lcr home in Itu••

J.~,I,n . .__Mo, , - Any Amount ~"'.V ~ v~ Y.Ul''' (olTlpe~··dMO. WilIlk! 4,5 mile Wellt (jf rOnSAr,E~r(j!Jttoomfurnlshc<1"We Put tbe-1Vater on Top" FOR SALE--- ., Ii ldcl:!' new, $1'1.5l}. dlluble"wnsh toh Thunderbird LodG(' the wc~k- c;lbn ill lIjllltr ('(lIlYan, ('orner 101.

ClmlHete Lineal Betkelq Pump' . WElte a Postcard to l$8;.cl1t!lt of drl1wm ~1...UuP; box end; Wvcdtow ~!IIJ, 020 W. \'t'ry (!I"iralJle If)('nhGn Ct'lU own-At JlaltlOlI.t~i~Sfa· l& cafe BesuUlul~ Uuee:-i;e1J:room bl)~f JW$' """mp~:tl!d.......11.. ART' BRADL E' Y .!Pt1•ngs ~l'Jd Itltl~tt.Jlrlwlit .matdtteu Foar\h St, Ur(lWnti('1J. . et at 3011 ottCt IIvc. ,'. "'", Slar R '1 ,n rattle 0 " J ...u '" ""'V , $3". lltfa'!tht ebnJ\'lt $ till. cn "Of· ... -- J A . ~ a'" "

• _. ,n '" , _ h:lwlated" earpcterl tbt(Iu&hout. Large liviDI room and .arate. G T' N '110", •. ' UMt>n dellrllnte ll;Jlc now (ln with" ,. ··Ii ...', lIatnlliemt vi~.Lot Ii 1'l1x200 toot In she. overlooldn, l<Wely reen ree, ew lneXlCO priftf ft'duced tlti maDy itetni, A. C. KELLI~Y

APPLES, PEAltS, Ctel! Meadows. Priced to tell. Com/! by and lee It, oWtier ItV" .. , '~lApJcbe;:c:itllte• dial 283~. Itc Dial 2495 Ruidoso I f;tt'ENS~O ('OmflAC1'On.....1':1 A rn-.l'T.I~ PRUNE',S rtf!J(t door. •. :' c" •FOR R"",u-1'wo .ap;lrbn~n15 in . . i n&K & CEMt~NT WORKr ..e..t1'-'n£A:7, t t'inpUu - rtooi' rumattl .~i • ... Green Tree, 0110 2--room aM (Inc H rt EI t., nuld(l~6, New Mt'xlco

GREmN GAGE PLUMS '. ~ R. T. llELMS . ',' ' B JaTIOIte .~8~~T5, ~di1:;r~t~' ~~~~ a e9 nc:., , f),inl .,1~5, " . ,:ELZY PERRY FRUIT Dial 4363 ilUidoso.N.M·as . - . , S WAm'En-Wotnnn tor .operation Retri~etJflIltl S;ll(>~ &: Sl'rvi«(! t, ,."" •. ,., ",."

STAND or ORCHARD ;: 'V"""~ __"~-;"_" '. -~ • ~--= .. -~" =:~' , ..~ ~...*: ' and ('leanlngM moteT for the win.. Shtc ll(,NI~" 143 Cntltrl1(~t Ditvh Work

f. .' . . POTTED t~mrgnsAG it!!r. 1.:'1 Fonda Motel. ~EPENDAnl.ES~~·{\·!('.t;_~L_ J.fA(,U~r[f': t) __

AT GLENCOE RENnY ~ WfeK-E1t-REA~TOlt~ ~__ tFlow~Or Banquet:t, '*nnlvel'.- !'OR !t~-1'wiJ toom moot'rn - - =~llf y~rzr tJt1tllal{Jif_~ I IJ:, Yi'/f'! L" ItO"!" ~rlJYt"lnrdPOST OFFICE .,- n"H- ,:t~hft,t Pl-(\nn 3l!t;., ., .... '" ...... aarlll' rftp:u'tn"nt. wlntetlt.ed. 81"('1"'fI tlEAsnNAfuN !'Rte'En rOtNDA1'InNS 1>1 <!P

1r:tO,?TE' 8..234-7' I l.·,", '·'0·'- - .--....... u ......, 1... :0<1 n,n., .. cr I }JoHdays 01' Any OCcasIon lor two. rt'easonnb!1f fent AVliil_] ,DIrect Ih:pr('.~cmtnuve I JOlt; H:'\WKiNS.0. 'J.'t . L~ave W6ta at Desk of NavaJO Lodge . . .PliOnl\j 32tl5 01' 2135 Able ntfer Lot-a/:' D;lY tor fl'inall'i- ned,l Sotmenll! Ie PttmpiS I nJnl 2935

'." ',""w "_"M~',, ~._".,~.._.: ... OIfers: . I}lOLLV?,OOD, NE~ M;EXtCo - t r 0fN~:~f. Contacll)ox E, RUi-, ."'",.,,, '" , ,,':.,' " • ':.: •. ,'" I I ... ,'M' '... --'''' ~••. ", - $O~,_.• , =.... '~""'''''''''''_M'''~_ .".~-. -,,~., , .. - •••~,~- ..~_..," ," , .

We hav~ to ofter for sale and exchange the RAY· TAYLOR' MET AL 'WOR.'-K '''1'' RUiDOso REALTY" Painting & Decorating. :'~~==_"_:":~"~"-;,~-'"-".'-~

FOR' I listingssecutedby280thermehlberl'ealestate . Eo'n'de·d&Lt' tised· OuU!!rs, Chlinnl'.1Topi:·'I'llnkj C01l.,tPANY· I . Floor Sandin~ ME"SCALERO, bl'okersand also have their services in helping <; Paytle C<,ntrllll1eill &. Cooling I' lV1 . • nco H. \V. HUNTER

SALE ' to find buyers for your properties thatyou have . Well Dtilling ~AJl SLheAet1rCfeEla\;votk .Lots for.' 1).r Snle ttuldoso Ph';,21U INDIAN AGENCY

Three unit modern court, Wilt' listed with: us, i.rcmbe~ gC:~~~~~.t.t Well SHEET METAL SHOP 1 Cabms ior Sale ' I-:::',:,,-~ :~I,~_~-- ~::::::~ ~AT-Wtl! cafl!! ot 24 people, Wet! ]0", Sales and exchanges on Real Estatef Busi-.:.~~a~~~:~~~ C6ntaet Joe Ibwkln( at ;, 'tOM &t. £MrDAItt CHASt JON~9 1<""""'~..J.c~V~"~2~~_+-L.A.LO.l:U.t.-¥¥-1.I!V-J"-'\\,--~taled, larte ~~5~.x 350~. ness Investments aridAmple Securities for Real Auocl.Uot% U'Ruidoso Gas Co~ Dy' Has ~., OMthitd down,batahce on Estate Loans in LinC()ln~ Chaves and Roosevelt 1'. o. DOll: 12ti--t,1rtC'om, N.J.!. I' DrAL 2935 ~ Huidoso and Upper i· Torn W. Jones Junip"er and Oak

eaq ttllDlt_ C i I Llecn~ to :Drill Al'itwhettt Ot 0{13 1:. 2dd St.. UosweU' C .d C k' i 1.ount es,'. ' .' i tIl the Slate or :New MexiC\) . Phone 2asS-W tor ttee ~t1mates e ar tee ~ \. Rea tot -0-

Sit lot> '" a........ 12,. 250" -P.O. :Bole 832, RuiddSO-' • I~,':. :::,o' ~ ,::"'-, ,,'•• :_, :I .:: >. ~-;; ~."':,-.: •••,:: ..:...... . ..:.:. - ': -,: " : ".~::' :: f At Ruidoso Really Co. ,.ro$rl~.OOa1'lIs

-...~r=..- ! ~~d.¥.se~\cg·,*~tg~/~~~:l~rafI~~ I - BU~l~~g~;etnod:l~~' J~" . I A'"'L A' M' 0" .M': a'T··'0 ~ , C''0 .' ,.. .. i In ~~utltul Cedar Crbek 4.FOO~GTnS,,~~i1yx:J.$OX1:lO,·etee<t~i Jd~;11 fol' Uranium Prospectors., !.-Construction i DODGE PL;MOUTH !~kn~:;:::'~~;a~~:l):~::~ $~O

.~. ~G~ home.! J1ttt11tlOUiU Tune an.d E.fto...a: 'm'"'!l'''~ WALt~~_ I . M vIew, '4'1M. .:f'lii'!A'~~~.~ Given~o Exclusive ListinS.= ,. ~itUicfotO. N.IL'-I Sales and&rvice ......._.. _.'...."'...,, ~~~~z:: ~~eatt~ig~ :~••~:;

Granted Stteet i ""... ..J n..... E h .A"-~ 'I':'I~' "'..1 l' n ...v GDS' " '1"K.'o'n··c" 5.6· A(ltliclh'e Me·J't)OOt clbln. . 15100 ~tl~.or ll'QrU('it1 thtre-<t:III..L~ ....:.....= ""'.."= ........JIo, iIU\.l.r.w·.• ,:I'\ld,.w..·~XC aildes USU' .s: "r~e .. ~$ U .t"u I.j· l' i/O I .... 0" "(lrd.wood, Load .Vtlraaetl~~~.... I.·.. )l~.,aw~it~~~.. : AT A BARGAtN' . ~a ~OJ; ...oup If. 2~ 'to"':; t:orlU. ~IVA COLEMAN' . -u,.aIigof·tfoc1t~U4~.u. . ':a ~.d.....~~, HHIe. ,% ~....~.1 . Alamogordo, New Mexico -,,' ... ' '", . -0-. •

'.,..~:'~i, ~~~,~t'~~~~f!L.,.~",,:·,t~~i;"~.~~'~~" '- ",- .',. _::~~::/~'~'}' qd ~~!f~!l~~f~I~~J~~~~;t:~.. " ... ,v,,~.o~~,2?rt51i'f''''1 00'~~?,~~~,~1~, .•










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CrilcoSHORTENINGAll Flayoi'l



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.Ffesb Local Ky~ Wonder

BEANS •••.


Ruidoso, N. Mel.~

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Igi S J









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""''''1 DtBord".,~- ,',


Swift Premium 41/2 Lb$. For

Picnics, in can · 53.49

Fresh Dressed




Shortening~~~~ '. . .... I , . 1, • Ii 2 &.,. $ q. 4J j' _I' ! t i, i i at ' •

. Klmbelll Pound XimbellJ 303 CaIlJU:JDbo 3 FQ.-

Oleomargarine .• 19c' BUTTER 4 BEANS 35«? J2'

I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••U••••••••••••••••••••••••••:•


w ". t,,1... Iii -'-'~'. . ..... .. . .... 1

Y~ur $ $. Buy... ·More At Our '.. tore F~S1~i~~~~ .Joj' '. r:~1i~~~~~::~~= ' '.. :'. '" .,.. 1: ~,. . .....~IUl~ q . 110'''''' '. ..., .....•. .•• . .:: ~r!l!~u ...~p~.r .. , l". cbW''!.S 0.1::1 Gr- S'f 1_' .. S·t-'"·· ~ I . . .. . ~o,....., ..~ ' p"f: 111/: ·u .' . ;\/.

, .. ' or; A'A. . _n ...~...~ qqr . ........~ "eM> . . Pan. Andrew$, wbc>m. ,.o~· !Jav'

GAS G~II"" ,". '2'&'9 'lJil·wee.n· in 1he'.l'ucion tUmlld

... .' .... , mJ,OD ..~.'.. '.'~ .' .., .. '~ . ..... ill...· . . . mov.fe, "Str""e loadr .lIt TQW1'l," .~ and Ida ~'UJli!1\), wlJl)m~uhave

S Ie .S F" . ..~m .ollle !"fall;y tillft motion '.

.p ..... IA.L. .:.... O.B' ::l>lcture_ in tlle. plIst, wlll@·.!reat·

FBID' AY SA"'T'DB'DA'Y 1:2:i::L:~;;e::::n:::::'. tlla the. has jU!lt slsmC!4a ~Ollu-.~ ." .' . .. .' .' .. ." '., . ,.' wUb. Allied ;A.rtist!lw :film " roO<'

. . . tl.on plc:tl.lte. ot Llncqll1 C.Qunt"l...

Wl1lo.-" YeUo~, ~edJ?';~i;:t;~ .' .' pC.·..Uft'...AJm.. 'l'ftr.JON,, OLD MILL.,~GOLEP " •. >e. .. . • .'1.. 8,61. wood "'r-"'Mt'lin. 'this one at ~i:t, ,r""",",4• . 'Wt.. thouB!)....a""'~';" of New' :M'&lc;' rhotocra,~ •~~~ • W ~

Hok1UD, Be M$ad ~ge told .wY,1 ,be tU.m~ 1~.~~<imJa; 'Tb~ . tt." .~"'m 'Gittl •~ ~~

.BREAD ., .24 , j ••••••••~!•.•••••••••················i ".' •••••••.. ·C·:· . Nor JUS '." ,~tl80ARD"":No.1 White Poun4 : , .ASK r ~ ···.·~':'ueUee : ...POTATOES • • • • • 31/2t5 CEI.O'F~' ! 'Lean PORK ST~S. Lb. : 37c! 5. .. .... ,-. · .~llILD'NG 80!lRD 5

Gorben Strained 3 For '. ChuckRoast, C~olce Beef, Lb. 33c .~i ~ {5'BABY FOOD'. . 25e .Big Mike DOG FOOD, Can . 5« •. n-.8 Clncb "{ ~''. ~

-- .,. 7 I'U 1. $ ? U \ Ii a I1MI; i' 8TRAWHATS. ~.1!2 Price That Leaky

Coffee popular brands lb. 89 I - LORG'S - : . ROOF

rF"'REE¥!, i A"SIISlI4J


1;\ J1I." "Pi I........ If 1_" ? I I I I . i J ,I HOLLYWOOD MART ••: Needs Fbdng

. __~__77=-_ as ch-P-Ur~baseof a Before It

25 Lb. Bag of Gold Medal FLOUR at . . . $2.19 i.::. ~:::,:~e~. ~~~~ ~m:'~.,. :...! 5 •Gets Worn," . . 7 ,. ., , .' , " ,'" , j er. more debonllir and· more ppl. ment. There were lust II choJen • .aI. --- d h

_. 7 " ~ ,-~=-~ h_~•• , ~-==",="r__=__ ~. '~_"' C=' t Ished. And wJth ttll, new ~Ucceu few on hand tor ttle melllc' pre- • "'._~' ~_ In. pvur t ateo '" ._ow _ ........ ",_ ••, ,-" Htlolr.....,-", r~n' Ihlll young man llCll/'l'led dt' tined I tame trouble with hIs boMeS, of "lew and, after ihe pIcture wa. I U1lJJ. vu.;r •. BUILD" .'

B.,A- d I NlIlr;o Ions: PliO II new alar loom- J to lwcomct 1\ atar lind' t' rtt WhIch IIny moving plclure atnr J'ja, over 'we an a,..eed on Clnc thinK. • .,ummm roun ('d on tho horl~/)n ot tho motion lover nl,hl. Mnny ot his ~lIrt;(jplc~·l'JUlnY.Sfurica were wellk lind 'the That ~en though It was hll • • INSUL .'T·IS'

o Ipll'turo Industry.· One .or .tho turc~lI ,ut'li I'ltl "Valle)" ot Ihe Sun"Ipnr" lIssllC1led did not tit. And • la,t piclure tor a whUe, It cer.. • Eatbnat. ~Track Talk From bnghlclIt lltllt. In mllny yellr•• llis und other. too numerous to men- lot of tlmn It Will much mo~ fun talnl)' w" onc ot the but plr.:tul'e$ W •. DECOR .&TJI!$ ,

Inllmll. Jlll1lt'O ('rull! You n lC, lion, only worked toward malcln 10 go ffshlng thun 10 work trom hohad ever made and cerqlnl)' • "" JiRuidollo Downs .IIflll101h·nhllvc:n llOll jUllt II mUll .hlm m()rc ilnd mor!: popular, el~ mQmlng to night shooUnt: ihc one ot the b<'tt J)(!r!onnllnc"4 h~ WI" 0J:l a Good •

rlJ vllum. RONI) , dly III hi, llCtlOrlllllOd mllonarlllmJ, "Ccfl.lll,)':, with the younger Jet, .flame scene over and .over aram. had ever ,Iven. SOme ot )'OU ma)' • ~ . , •"en II fJf M I rl t ~~~=7_~~=~'=~'~O'==- S . ",lli.&t picture un· remembcrthclllclure••omeotyou. ' .. ~~ollwlth~l't4tapplkat~n~OMIow@tf

I'll a IIV nc "um 'ItEAI) TJlOHV- WAHT.A.,St "108~CI1Il10 II llew con,rllC. al derTIio old contract and. already may not, The tlUe, "Prom. In th~ • 'b__1- ,. b." , , " ",'. f' , /I year llnd ,.JllmclJ Craig It bl'ld become apparent that bls .Veep South." .. . 'oUlJPIIoK ",0 _-=>

!I ! ~ft11 ~~Jl~u:~~u~':~~~:::·e~~; contrllct wQuldnot bcrtllewed. And..o, alter many IUccentul • '.t"ha~~produet-<Xl'fcn ~S mat ft~td.l1n.0QC .,.III Il"nJOt'iln, Uo~ I.eUt an4 Nllrabt...· • dltliculUcll, A new /lnd dlttcrent I I r:d tho 0lllpor~uhnlibi o~ atltetod- yoara In picture. Jimmy went Into • . puIC! ap;pUoa TOtdcaUT oI'ort~~S COTotaP. '1he :• /\rchr". HrlJl _ Jloor M.ta _ Rllbber .,..., Ma"'. Jnmcil CrAI, (:limo fnlQ b<'1n~ Old. nied t!'trev ehw O. til JlI', P CUU"' temporary rcU~ent. I ..,. tem.. • .• Job" COIl2~ III~ IMti1.atl4S 1' ••• ..,.. •• ' • A" '. 'h '0 •• ,_ ' " I ma It ":' are: (l wen 11 ore .re- porary bc!tnUMl I bavo known JIm.. • "" thr~ _ ht r.. itooLl.J t_ '1.t~ .'• HI Y.( JA'F"f.I~d,ICl Dill! 01'111. Ji.1Af~ . •. tn,lI. ll1Jol~~.o"A~~my tor. lonK time and, In ,pitt! • .......t ~_ ~~_....~'WbOlluIMSqauo .• 111""1101 nom,.. alld Jura - Allrafnvnt Sk'I' Ud4en • . . ot any .t.ul~ he mldJt bav".· and • UpC7P' '" iIJMd, JolAt~wJdll)lMtlu),: ~p ••• D S WUI B' H 'D·f v· • TO THE bC!Jng buman, lie 15 certaIn to l1ave • .-~__ .1...l1 -..1. ._.f.... 'FA~ .......~..JI . _~.....l-. •• eer 0880n 0 ere UtI ore ",ou ..• fOm~, he! certainly litis the 'llblUty • ....~~ 1!Y~....~~__...tltt~nr ••• RoalizeIi-. SALV.'ATION to do n wonderful job of tlctJnlt. II. ' V·poo.,. fob\t rtiA'1be~ idlb.llt:tclCiftit.~ =.,\, I .• And. In lilj own wardo, he had . •: I' llot rom.- III an4 p til O\1t J~vr ~ew rlJ'\ll M' • lome J/ootl brenks. nut It to1ces : Hett·.;tu.~m..tao.~_~tl*.fll'Yiap. •• Ir. ua la, U awa, lor )'011 II'''. Gl marc than brenks to make a .I5uc· • aaC)()tCCcfotcxldl.aadnJhUdlf:lS!Ioud"""""fo.t~ • t.

! HOME & AUTO STORE" .; ARMY Cc~~:I~:~::::~IJttlcthltll(knOWn,= b1clccotadol:lol.r..tlIlltaO;~I~'~:• ., • ' tiS ability. Jlmmr hnd lr.\ved hlJi., . . -. ,5 a Of Ruidolo : '-'" .£0-u0 P · "~t?Il~u':n~lr~~dJ~~%~g.~a ~~C!~i: WHEN IN NEED OF BUILDING FIGURES, LET U~ HELP YOU =• =Uome or- "." 18,000 laying hlmJ with the most t· B II Hd &B -Idi S Ii' -..,

, A/~" mol1~ b:lrnl$ nnll faelUU~ to 'be • onoe we w ng'". - upp es'.: I~HIN AM-EL 5' oJ nu'do~, Jr. /1'1.' ! to~~ ~~~~:;t~~ l;~~~~~~;~Mi: ' .• .' 5• .., fo! PAINTS l1 VARNfSfiES " .. RUIDOSO'S PROFESSIONAL to kccp Jimmy 1lC('t1plcd~t thei· D... la~O' . Ph' "8~5 :'D--tel N' ".~..t . • . ~• ~ _=... n~t t\Yo years. A mUG Ulcv\ll!on •.. ..ovX .. on. t;J t,1 nw OIO~ IW .....WJUcc I(• ('·\lII',' 4t 111"(''''''''1(' TOOl." - MI\('UlSt. WORK " PHotOGRAPHER" Including on oPJlCot/lnre nnd n :••••••I!!'•••••••••••••••.~~••••••!I••••~~!I.................. ·• "t'n'I'SI' Wll)O~IlE WE 'J'l\ltf. TIME 'ro LlVE" .. 1ttl'mbrr l·h....""'bt...•AM... .,. N. MtlX. JUl•••~ 0, .to. 1ltClrllllit 'Pt!rCortnnnce (It\ tho Ford! - - ~ =;"==o=~ .~••••••••••••••". - w ~._-- - -" - ••••••....,.--_ -._ -_.-... TheCllrc, tlJ well Mllome olber line, .--

• • . .••-"~-.~_. . ..v , .. e.,..........."., ~v-:.:~....:.:."'"~= ·l;rt:~~~~:(~f~'\,it:;;:~~I, Right On The~ Stamps WUh~~On The Price

II ('ome thIs tormer tltar who, Jn hllIi two pIctures Just cortlJilC!ft!d. bas 'fIi;l;~ .......~ '" c::-~.,~..........,--=",




_~~__~--~~~.SaleJViIL.~ 10'A.M."SIA8P"

top related