coach playbook a guide for all season - iamkoine.orgcoach playbook a guide for all season ....

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2018 KOINE Sports Production

Scripture taken from KEV (KOINE English Version) KEV

a translation of the KJV (King James Version) bible.

COACH Playbook

A Guide for All Season



The KOINE Way is a uniquely designed sports experience that develops the athlete mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. To be a KOINE Coach, there are some practical keys to coaching that are necessary for success:

Teach the game through drills – The ability to execute proper drills enhances skill level and improves athletic foundations. Your practices should utilize drills that enhance skill development.

Teach the rules of basketball – For players to grow in the sport they must understand and apply the rules of the game. Take time to explain rules and why they are important.

Instill sportsmanship with a competitive spirit – In sports, winning and losing are a part of the game, just as it is for life. Knowing how to handle both in a positive way builds character in young athletes. Teach your players to play hard and play to win, but also teach them to put others before themselves with a positive attitude and sportsmanship.

Communicate effectively – In order to teach the rules, explain drills and teach sportsmanship, you have to be an effective communicator. Likewise, good communication and organizational skills are crucial in keeping parents informed throughout the season. This includes keeping them up to date on practice and game times and having a plan in place each and every practice.

Coaching Keys


Suggested Practice Chart Below is a suggested practice chart to help you organize your practices. The below is suggestions the purpose of you as a coach is to make practices your practice, take charge and lead. Week(s) 1 & 2: Practice Focus

· Get to know each other · Evaluate skills · Set practice rules

Team Meeting

· Teammate introductions · Discuss practice ground rules · Introduce basic fundamentals of the sport

Game Weeks: 1-7: Game Weeks (Practice, Devotions, Gamedays)

· Explain gameday format · Focus on adjustments from gamedays · Implement Plays and Drills to better the

athlete for Saturday(s) · Continue working on rules of the game · Drills – focus on fundamentals · Mid-Practice Huddles (Devotions)


The below chart is designed to assist you as

your organize and prepare for your devotions known as the mid-practice huddle. It shows the virtues and verses for each group of practices. These will be the focus of your practice devotions.

Practice Number Virtue Verse

Practice 1 Get to Know Your Team


Practice 2 Know Others None

Practice 3 Service Matthew 20:28

Practice 4 CONTENTMENT Hebrews 13:5

Practice 5 HOPE John 16:33

Practice 6 Love John 3:16

Practice 7 Celebration None

Practice Chart


Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 1


Gather players together in a circle and ask everyone to share their names.

Explain that you will call out different things that may or may not apply to each team member. If it does apply, player should jump up, run into the center of the circle, and give a high five to anyone else who joins him, her, or you, the coach.

Have you ever gone horseback riding?

Do you have at least one brother and one sister?

Have you ever ridden in an airplane?

Have you ever helped cook dinner for your family?

Do you have a frog or turtle for a pet?

Have you ever not been to the zoo?

Have you ever gone camping?

Do you like to eat salad?

Is your favorite color blue?

(Add more, as desired.)

That was fun! Getting to know each other better is something that we’ll do a lot of this season. As a team, we’ll work hard to encourage one another to do our best at practices and games! As you play games during your KOINE Sports Basketball Season, you will be rewarded afterward with different colored stars that each means something special. Your actions, attitudes and words on game day will determine what star you will get.

At each practice we will stop to have a Mid-Practice Huddle. We will learn about God and learn a verse from the Bible together. Our team is going to have a great season!

Let’s pray and then get back to practice.

(Lead the team in short prayer as you thank God for all the players and a great season ahead.)


Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 2 Practice Card Reminder: At the end of practice, remember to distribute the practice cards entitled “Service.” Introduce:

Virtue: SERVICE - Lending a hand to help someone else.

Scripture Verse - Coach, review the verse together as a team.

(KJV) Matthew 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (KEV)Matthew 20:28 Just as the Son of man came not to be served, conversely to serve and to give His soul a ransom in place of many ones.

Bottom Line: Have a good attitude when you lend a hand.

For the next few practices, I want to talk to you about service. Service is lending a hand to help someone else. And serving others is important to God. Do you want to know how I know that? Because when Jesus, God’s only Son, came to earth, the Bible says that: “He did not come to be served. Instead, he came to serve others.” Sounds like service is pretty important! Sometimes we’re really good about serving other people— like if it’s really obvious that somebody needs our help. But if we’re honest, sometimes we don’t really want to lend a hand. Sometimes we just don’t feel like it. Sometimes we need a little reminder to stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about the people around us. It’s not enough just to serve. You have to serve with a good attitude. What if you were helping your little brother or sister clean up a mess he or she made, and the whole time you were complaining about how clumsy he or she was? How would that make him or her feel? Or what if you were helping a friend with his homework, and you were griping the whole time about how easy the assignment was and how it should be simple for him to figure out? Serving with the right attitude is a big deal.


And it’s a big part of being a team player. Sports isn’t just about passing and sinking the ball in the hoop or dribbling it down the court, passing, catching a touchdown or kicking the winning goal.

Sports is about working together as a team and serving one another. We help each other all the time by passing when we’re supposed to, or setting a screen so the other team can’t steal the ball. We serve each other in practice by encouraging one another and running drills together to get better. The only way we can succeed as a team is if we serve each other with a good attitude.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (3rd Grade and Up Only) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (3rd Grade and Up Only) 1. Tell us about a time when one of your teammates served you—either in practice or in a game. 2. It feels good to serve someone else when it’s your idea. But why is it so hard to have a good attitude when someone else asks you to do it? 3. What would it do to our team if each of us had a bad attitude about playing our part? 4. Why is a good attitude so important to a team? (You can trust each other. No one player feels like they have to be the one to score. You can set other people up to succeed instead of just looking out for yourself.) So I want to challenge you for the rest of the season to have a good attitude as you serve and help each other. Let’s pray and ask God to help us. Prayer – God giving us strength and help to serve others even if it is not in our best interest


Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 3

Practice Card Reminder: At the end of practice, remember to distribute the practice cards entitled “CONTENTMENT” Introduce:

Virtue: CONTENTMENT - Deciding to be happy with what you’ve got.

Scripture Verse - Coach, review the verse together as a team.

(KJV) Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

(KEV) Hebrews 13:5 The style of life should be without love of money, while being satisfied by the present things, for He Himself has stated, and continues state: By no means might I give you up, neither by any means might I abandon you.

SECTION ONE: Bottom Line:

When you focus on God, He can help you be content.

Guys, today I want to talk about something that’s really important to God . . . but it can be difficult for us. Even adults have a hard time with it. In fact, it actually gets harder as you grow up. I’m talking about contentment—deciding to be happy with what you’ve got. The good news is, there’s a secret to contentment that will make you truly happy and satisfied, no matter how much stuff you have, no matter what’s going on in your life.

Let me put it this way. Do you think that if you had enough stuff, you could be totally happy and satisfied forever? Maybe it seems that way. Maybe you think, “If I just had that new game system . . . or those new basketball shoes . . . or if my family had a bigger house or a cooler car, then I’d be happy.” But the


problem is, even if you had those things, there would be something else that you’d want too.

The secret to contentment isn’t about what you have. It’s about who you know. This might seem hard to believe, but when you have a relationship with God, that’s all you need to be content! It’s not that you can’t want things for your birthday or you can’t think that it would be cool to have something you saw in an ad. But you don’t find your happiness in those things, because they come and go.

You find it in knowing that God loves you, that He is with you, that He’ll never leave you and that you can trust Him no matter what. And those truths are more important than any things that you have. When you focus on God, He can help you be content. And suddenly all that “stuff” doesn’t seem quite as important anymore. So how does that work, exactly? Well, when I’m really struggling because I wish I had a fancier car or a bigger house or more success at work or whatever, I need to step back and ask God to help me focus on Him instead of cars and houses and my job. I need to read His Word, the Bible, so I can see how He wants me to live and so He can help me get my heart focused on things that are really important.

I can focus my heart more on God by going to church where other people who follow Him can encourage me in my faith and where I can worship Him. Another way I grow closer to God is by talking about Him with you guys here at KOINE Sports. There are lots of ways you can build your relationship with God. Just like you listen to me, your coach, to play a great game of basketball, Flag football, or Soccer we need to listen to God and focus on Him.

Contentment comes when we remember that our relationship with Him is the most important part of life. When we always want more, instead of being content with what we have, we’re putting more focus on our stuff instead of focusing on God. It’s not easy, but when we choose to focus on God, He will help us be content.


DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (3rd Grade and Up Only) ISCUSSION QUESTIONS (3rd Grade and Up Only)

1. Can someone tell me a gift you got that you really wanted—maybe for your birthday or at Christmas? Do you still use it? Is it still just as cool and exciting today? What about five years from now?

2. Do you think the happiest people in the world are the ones with the most stuff? Why not?

3. What are some specific ways that you remember to

focus on God? (Ask them to elaborate on their answers: When do you pray? How do you remember to read your Bible?)

4. How do you think focusing on God can make you content?

Prayer – God giving us strength and help us to be content even if it is not in our best interest


Mid-Practice Huddle – Devotion 4

Practice Card Reminder: At the end of practice, remember to distribute the practice cards entitled “Hope.” Introduce:

Virtue: HOPE - Believing that something good can come out of something bad.

Scripture Verse: Coach, review the verse together as a


(KJV) John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (KEV) John 16:33 I have spoken and continue to speak these things to you all, in order that you all may be having peace in Me. You all are having pressure in the world, conversely, be being courageous! I myself have overcome and continue to overcome the world.

Bottom Line: Whatever happens, remember what Jesus promised. For this practice, I want to talk about what it means to have hope. Hope is believing something good can come out of something bad. We all face difficult situations. Maybe you’re going through a hard time right now. Maybe your best friend has decided not to be best friends anymore. Maybe your dad lost his job and is having a hard time finding a new one. Maybe you’re struggling in one of your classes and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. How can we have real hope that things will get better when we face


difficult situations? One big way is by remembering what Jesus promised.

God has given us the ultimate reason to have hope. In

fact, that’s why He sent Jesus, His only Son, to earth. Before Jesus, we were all broken by sin—our hearts were stained with it—and we couldn’t be close to God because He’s perfect. (Our sins are all of the things that we’ve ever done wrong.) We couldn’t wash our hearts clean from our sins. We were stuck and needed rescue—things looked really bad. But then, Jesus came! He lived a perfect life and died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. Not only that, when we accept what He did for us, He trades our sin-stained hearts for His perfectly clean one so that we can be close friends with God forever! Not only that, but Jesus promised that He would be with us always through His Holy Spirit. That’s why we can have hope. That’s how we can believe that something good can come out of something bad. So whatever happens, remember what Jesus promised—we are His friend forever. And I want to make a promise to you as well when it comes to basketball. I want you to know that you are more important to me than a winning record at the end of the season. I want you to improve your skills on the court and to do your best. Would it be great to win? Sure. But is winning more important than everything else? Nope.

So whatever happens, on or off the court, good or bad,

we can still have hope. Because Jesus promised to be with us. He has made a way for us to be with Him in heaven forever when we trust Him as our Savior. And nothing—absolutely nothing—can take that away! What an awesome reason to have hope.


DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (3rd Grade and Up Only)

1. Sometimes people break their promises. But how can you be sure that God’s promises are true? (You can look at how He has been faithful, and how He has kept His promises ever since He created the world. He has always been the same.) 2. If you have a relationship with God, do you think that means your life will be easy? 3. When you’re going through a hard time, what are some things that you know about God that will help you? (Knowing that He’s strong, knowing that He has a plan, knowing that He loves you) Prayer – God giving us strength and hope so no matter our situation you will always be the one to guide us through.


Mid Practice Huddle - Last Practice of the Season

Practice Card Reminder: At the end of practice, remember to distribute the practice cards entitled “LOVE”

Practice Card Reminder: At the end of this practice, remember to distribute the last practice card to your players. These cards contain the verse below. Virtue & Definition: Love- You are part of God’s Big Story!

Bottom Line: God loves you and gave us Jesus to trust and follow. Scripture Verse - Coach, review the verse together as a team. (KJV) John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (KEV) John 3:16. for the God thusly loves the world consequently He gives the only generated Son in order that everyone who is believing into Him might not be destroyed, conversely, may be having durative life, Introduction: We’ve had a GREAT season! It’s been so much fun watching each of you become better basketball players and better friends with each other! We’ve learned a lot about how to play the game…but we’ve also learned a lot about ourselves and about others. Think about the things that we’ve learned during our huddle time this year. Do you remember the three virtues we’ve discussed? What were they? (Allow players to answer the question.)


Season Virtues

Virtue: SERVICE - Lending a hand to help someone else.

Virtue: CONTENTMENT - Deciding to be happy with what you’ve got.

Virtue: HOPE - Believing that something good can come out of something bad.

Listen to this week’s verse, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Joh 3:16” we have all made mistakes. The Bible tells us that because of sin, we are separated from God. But because God loves us so much, he provides a way back to him. Our verse teaches us that this way is through his son, Jesus. He sent His only Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life on earth and then pay the price for all of our sins on the cross. And because of that act of forgiveness, we can be with God forever. I’ve got something else to tell you. Did you know that you are part of God’s BIG STORY? That’s right…he has a BIG STORY and each one of you are in it! You will learn more about that BIG STORY at the award’s celebration. It’s going to be great! Let’s pray to God and thank him for all he’s done for us.


Dear God, thank you for an awesome season! Thank you for teaching us about Courage, Respect, and Faith. Thank you for sending your son Jesus for each one of us. And thank you for reminding us today that You will always forgive us when we mess up. You are awesome! In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.


Warm-Up Activities

Use the first five minutes of practice to get the players

moving. This can be done by incorporating athletic

development exercises like the examples below or by

incorporating a drill from an earlier practice.

› Leg and shoulder stretches - With players sitting on the

floor, have them stretch out their legs and touch their toes.

For shoulder stretches, have players roll their arms forward

and then backwards.

› Donkey kicks - With players in a standing position, have

them jump up and kick their heels toward their backs.

› Power jumps - With players in a standing position and their

arms above their heads, have them jump up and down.

› Feet on fire (running in place) - This drill helps players get

their feet moving.

› Jumping jacks - Instruct players to count out loud.

Many of the drills described in this playbook require one ball

per player. If you are limited in the number of balls you have

for practice, you will need to modify the drill by creating lines

based on the number of balls you have available.



Proper footwork promotes balance, quickness, and readiness

to make something happen on the court. Being proficient at

this skill will improve a player’s performance both offensively

and defensively. Here are the three basic footwork skills:

Triple Threat Position

› Provides a player the option to pass, shoot, or dribble

› Position the basketball in the “shooting pocket” with

shooting elbow over knee

› Have “strong hands” with possession of the basketball so

that defenders cannot easily knock the ball away

Jump Stop

› Allows a player to establish a pivot with either foot off a

dribble or pass

› Leap/jump should be low to the floor (like sitting in a chair),

not a high jump

› Both feet hit floor at the same time – good balance

› Land on floor in triple threat position

› Use when catching a pass; teach “ball in air/feet in air”


Front Pivot and Reverse Pivot

› Lift heel, protect ball, stay low, and lead with elbow


› Allows a player to pivot in one or more directions by

keeping one foot planted on the ground

› Allows an offensive player to move away from defenders,

while protecting the basketball

› Skill is also important for setting screens and rebounding

Rotate the following footwork line drills:

› Jump Stop/Triple Threat

› Jump Stop/Triple Threat/Right Front Pivot

› Jump Stop/Triple Threat/Left Front Pivot

› Jump Stop/Triple Threat/Right Reverse Pivot

› Jump Stop/Triple Threat/Left Reverse Pivot

Have each player raise his or her hand in the air that

coincides with the desired pivot direction. This will help each

player pivot in the correct direction.

Variation: Add basketballs after your players understand the

above concepts. Allow them to practice the above skills after

picking up their dribble and receiving passes.

Pivot Drill (no basketball required)

› Players should spread out in your practice area – no

basketball necessary

› Players start in triple threat position, protecting an

imaginary basketball

› Instruct players to establish a pivot foot


› Practice half-turns and front/reverse pivots

› Repeat with opposite foot established as the pivot

Variation: Add basketballs and defenders after your players

understand the above concepts. Allow them to practice the

above skills after picking up their dribble and receiving


Ball Handling and Dribbling

An adept ball handler and dribbler can make things happen

on the court. Mastering these skills can help create open

shots, obtain better passing angles, and lead to fewer

turnovers. A great offensive player must be able to handle

the ball!

› Dribble with fingers, not palms – similar to typing on a


› Proper body position, with knees bent and body flexed at

the waist

› Keep head up – see the court

› Protect the basketball – use your non-dribbling arm as an

“arm bar”, meaning sticking it outward with the elbow

slightly bent to protect the dribble from defenders reaching in

› Work both hands – be able to go right and left

› When picking up a dribble, end in triple threat position


Basic Dribbling Skills:

Control Dribble (Use against defensive pressure)

› With body turned to the side, dribble basketball near the

back knee

› Keep the dribble low and compact, below the knees

› Non-dribbling arm should be held out in front of the body to

protect the ball from defenders – arm bar

Speed Dribble (Use to push the ball up the court and on fast

break situations)

› Dribble is pushed out in front of the body but controlled

› Dribble is higher and softer

Retreat Dribble

(Use to avoid defensive pressure and to keep dribble alive)

› Dribble backwards (hop back) to avoid pressure

› Dribble requires a change in speed and change in direction

› Dribble teaches players not to habitually pick up their

dribble when heavy, defensive pressure is applied

Crossover Dribble (Use to break down a defender; good

penetration move)

› Dribble must be kept low when crossing over from one hand

to another, keeping it away from the defender

› Use head and shoulder fakes to help “sell” the move


› Goal is to get the defender on his or her heels

› Explode to the basket with speed dribble after the crossover

Whirl Pivot Dribble (Use to avoid defensive pressure and to

dribble by defender)

› Pull the basketball through low during the pivot

› Keep the basketball in the same hand until completing the


› Pivot should be low and quick with head up

› Explode to the basket with speed dribble after the whirl


Behind the Back Dribble

(Use to break down a defender; good penetration move)

› Use head and shoulder fakes to help “sell” the move

› Swing the basketball behind your waist, turning the hips

and driving the ball down with a snap of the wrist

› Slap opposite back thigh during the exchange

Dribbling Drills

Dribbling Line Drills (three to five basketballs required)

During all dribbling line drills, you should stand in front of

the players to teach, encourage, and evaluate each player’s


1. Players form lines on baseline or sideline (two players

deep) – one basketball per line


2. Use cones or chairs to represent stopping/starting points

or change – of-dribble spots

3. Players will begin the drills in triple threat position

4. Players will start/stop/change dribble on voice command

or whistle

5. Pause between stops/starts to check for balance, arm bar,

and if head is up

6. At the turnaround point, require jump stops with pivots

7. Work opposite hand on return dribble

8. Players should end drills with a jump stop, giving the

basketball to the next player in line

Rotate the following dribbling line drills:

1. Speed Dribble

2. Speed Dribble/Control Dribble - on command, stationary

control dribble

3. Speed Dribble/Retreat Dribble – on command, two to three

dribbles backwards against imaginary defender followed by

speed dribble

Passing and Receiving

Passing and receiving a basketball allows a team to

effectively move the ball quickly around the court. A team

that has players with strong passing and receiving skills will

spread the defense and be hard to guard.


Passing Teaching Points:

› Two hands on the basketball, with fingers on the sides of

the ball

› Ball in middle of body

› Step toward target

› Push thumbs through ball and snap wrists, creating

backspin on the basketball

› Extend arms completely as you follow through toward


Receiving Teaching Points:

› Both hands up in ready position – show a target

› Step toward the ball when passed – meet the pass

› “Ball in air/feet in air” concept – leads to jump stop, triple

threat position, and ability to pivot with either foot

› Look the ball into the hands

Basic Passing Skills

Two-Hand Chest Pass

› Basketball is held with two hands at chest level

› Keep elbows out and wide

› Passer targets the receiver’s chest area

› Passer steps toward their target with either foot as the ball

is thrown


› Snap the thumbs down extending the arms

Two-Hand Bounce Pass

› Basketball is held with two hands at chest level

› Passer aims for a spot on the floor about two-thirds (a little

more than halfway) of the way to the receiver

› Passer targets the receiver’s chest area from the bounce

Overhead Pass

› Basketball is held with two hands above head

› Passer targets the receiver’s chest area

Passing and Receiving Drills

Distance Passing (one basketball for each pair of players)

Be sure to incorporate all three basic passes into this drill.

1. Pair up players and have them face each other six to

eight feet apart

2. Instruct players to pass the basketball back and forth

using a chest pass

3. After several repetitions, have each player take one to two

steps backwards and continue passing

4. Continue moving players back until they are passing from

a challenging distance


Two Line Passing (two basketballs required)

Two pairs of players can perform this drill at one time.

1. Pair up players and have them face each other six to

eight feet apart

2. Establish a starting and turnaround point

3. One player in each pair needs a basketball

4. Using defensive slides, players move up and then back

down the court

5. While sliding, instruct players to pass the basketball back

and forth using a chest pass

6. Players pass the ball immediately upon receiving the ball

Variations: Both players running up and down the court,

rather than sliding. You may also require the receiver to

perform a jump stop upon catching the basketball and

immediately passing it to his or her moving partner.



Shooting Teaching Points:

› Square up shoulders to the basket

› Ball on fingertips, not palms

› Opposite hand should be lightly placed on side of ball

(balance/weak hand)

Practice BEEF principles:

› Balance – Learn to prepare for the shot by stopping with the

feet set, knees slightly bent, ready to jump (good triple threat


› Elbow - Proper shooting alignment; ball should be directly

over the elbow with the wrist cocked

› Eyes - Pick a spot (front of the rim, back of the rim, etc.) and

focus on that target as the shot is being attempted

› Follow through - Release the ball smoothly, completely

extend the arm, and snap the wrist, which should create good

backspin on the basketball


Shooting Drills

Lay-Up Steps (no basketball required)

Instruct your players to shout “STEP-HOP-SHOOT” when

performing this drill. Mirror this drill to practice left-handed


1. Allow players to spread out in your practice area, at least

four to five feet apart

2. Players start in triple threat position, holding imaginary

basketballs with heads and eyes up on the target

3. On the STEP command, players step with their left foot

(right-handed lay-ups)

4. On the HOP command, players raise their right knee and

right arm toward the basket (visualize a string connecting a

player’s right arm and right leg)

5. On the SHOOT command, players extend their right arm as

they shoot an imaginary ball

Wall Shooting (one basketball per player or divide your team

into two groups)

This is a great drill to keep idle players busy while running a

drill on the court that may not involve your entire team.

1. Player stands about four to five feet away from the wall

2. Help the player find a reasonable shooting target on the


3. Player assumes triple threat position


4. Player shoots the ball at the target, concentrating on elbow

in and full extension

5. Player should finish the shot up on his or her toes with

proper follow through, creating good backspin

Variation: If coaching third- through sixth-grade players,

allow them to shoot using only their shooting/strong hand.


Basketball Drills

Inbounds Plays Stack (baseline)

1. All four players line-up straight across from the player throwing in

the basketball (diagram 1)

2. When the passer slaps the basketball or yells “break,” the players

move simultaneously as follows (diagram 2):

› First player in line breaks to ball-side corner

› Second player in line cuts to opposite block

› Third player in line moves straight down to block area toward the


› Fourth player in line takes two to three steps back, serving as a

safety valve

Reminder: This play can also be used on the sideline, with players

moving in the same pattern as above.


Basketball Drills

Box (baseline)

Each player takes a spot outside the lane area, with the post players (Players 4 and 5) at the block areas and the perimeter players (Players 1 and 2) at the free-throw line extended areas. Player 3 will throw in the basketball (diagram 1).

When the passer slaps the basketball or yells “break,” the players move as follows:

Box Option #1: 1. Player 5 sets a diagonal screen for Player 1 (Diagram 2) 2. Player 1 waits for the screen and moves toward the basketball to the opposite block (Diagram 2) 3. If Player 1 does not receive the basketball, he or she continues to the ball-side corner (Diagram 3) 4. Player 4 moves up to set a screen on Player 5, who cuts down toward the weak-side block (Diagram 3) 5. Player 4 rolls toward the middle of the lane after setting the screen (Diagram 4) 6. Player 2 serves as a safety valve (Diagram 4)



Basketball Rules

Basic Rules for All Levels

1. Prayer at center court before every game. This sets the tone and focus for the game

2. Referees are volunteers and have been trained and will be the

only call made on the court and it shall not be contested. See Circle of Affirmation chart.

3. The team wearing the away colors (light color combo) will always have possession.

4. Clock format: Running clock throughout the game,

stopping only for pre-determined substitutions at

the end of each segment and halftime. Referee

discretion on further clock stoppage.

5. At the end of each segment, the team that receives the

ball next is based upon the direction of the possession

arrow. This avoids the offensive team that may have

possession in the next segment from stalling at the end of a


6. All coaches will adhere to the substitution system as

detailed in below page . The substitution system

allows for equal playing time for all players.

7. There are no timeouts. This allows more playing time

and keeps the games on time.

8. Any game ending in a tie should remain in a tie. No

overtimes are played so games stay on schedule.

9. Standings add unneeded pressure to the game and

therefore will not be maintained.

10. Score will be taken 1st – 6th grade, if the score is over 20 in margin then we reset to 0 to have a fresh start. 1st-2nd grade will start at 0 at the beginning of 2nd half.


“Circle of Affirmation”


Substitution System

Never think your chart for lineups will be the way you

set it. Kids or in this case parents sometimes have

things go on that can change their day in a matter of

minutes without warning you do not have the players

you expect to be there. Also keep in mind we always

have a week were more than one are sick and weeks

were the weather will determine our attendance. Never

be caught off guard just have back up plans. So below

is a little help on how subs will work.

4 v 4 on every level so yes teams may be as many

as 12 players but that’s okay we have a plan.

K4-2nd Grade will play 6 – 3 min qtrs. per half

3rd-6th Grade will play 6 – 4 min qtrs. per half

Rotation will be 4 then 4 then 1 or 2 with 2 or 3 who

have already played. So you must not use the

same 2 or 3 every time to make a 3rd rotation.

So every kid would have played 3 – 3 or 4 min qtrs.

If there is an injury then yes there can be substitute

for injured player and can be any player of your


Do not hesitate to ask if you need further explanation……


Gameday Roster Forms

Players Name First Half (Q1-6) Second Half (Q1-6)














Players Name First Half (Q1-6) Second Half (Q1-6)














Week 1

Week 2


Players Name First Half (Q1-6) Second Half (Q1-6)














Players Name First Half (Q1-6) Second Half (Q1-6)














Week 3

Week 4

Gameday Roster Forms


Gameday Roster Forms

Players Name First Half (Q1-6) Second Half (Q1-6)














Players Name First Half (Q1-6) Second Half (Q1-6)














Week 5

Week 6


Players Name First Half (Q1-6) Second Half (Q1-6)














Week 7 Gameday Roster Forms



So they call you Coach, huh? Have you ever stopped to consider what that


You have taken on one of the most beautiful, powerful, and influential

positions a person can ever have. Some people may call it a job, and others

a profession, but in reality, being a great coach is not that at all. It is so

much more than that.

By becoming a coach, you have chosen to work with young athletes. You

have chosen to guide them through the trials and tribulations of learning

two beautiful games: sport and life. You are in a position to change their

lives forever, not only by making them better athletes, but better people.

You are a leader, you are a role model, you are a person who serves your

athletes, and you are a person to whom they entrust their physical and

emotional well-being.

Never take this responsibility lightly.

The thing is, we don’t get to choose which things stick, and which ones

they forget, so in everything we say and do, we have to choose wisely.

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