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Revised November 18, 2014Danny Vivino

Athletic Director

Table of Contents

Westwood Regional H.S. Athletic Philosophy ……………………. 2Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman Programs ……………….. 3Athletic Department Code of Honor ……………………………… 4Coaches Guidelines ………………………………………………… 5

Pre Season Meeting .………………………………………… 5Eligibility …………………………………………………….. 6Meetings ……………………………………………………... 6Equipment …………………………………………………… 6Team Pictures ………………………………………………. 7Contact Information ……………………………………….. 7Mail ………………………………………………………….. 8Vouchers/Game Reports …………………………………… 8Accident/Emergency Procedures ………………………….. 8Insurance ……………………………………………………. 9Practice Policy ……………………………………………… 9Physical Education Excuses ……………………………….. 10Weather …………………………………………………….. 10Busing ………………………………………………………. 11Conduct …………………………………………………….. 11Dress Code …………………………………………………. 12Recruiting/Dropping Out …………………………………. 12Attendance …………………………………………………. 13End of Season ……………………………………………… 14Athletic Awards ……………………………………………. 15Start of Season/Out of Season Practice …………………… 15Open Facility Use …………………………………………… 15

Emergency Action Plan …………………………………………… 16NJSIAA Philosophy and Responsibilities ………………………… 17What is the definition of a Best Coach ……………………………. 18Character …………………………………………………………… 19Signature Page……………………………………………………… 21Athletic Department Forms (Samples)……………………………. 21


Westwood High School Athletic Philosophy

Interscholastic athletics at Westwood High School is an integral part of the education program. Athletics offer a broadening experience through which students strive for physical and intellectual harmony and excellence. They connect students to the school and can reinforce the school’s first priority, academic achievement. We therefore, view a well-coordinated program of athletics as vital to student learning.

A large majority of Westwood students compete in interscholastic athletics and Westwood Teams have traditionally boasted their share of championship teams, all-county, and all league players. However, such measures of success are the outcomes, rather than the primary goal of the athletic program. Of greater and lasting value are the habits of physical exertion, the love of sport, the opportunity to learn about one and others and to participate in teamwork. By striving to excel and win, players should learn to meet both victory and defeat with grace, and should come to understand that the quality of their effort is more important than the outcome of any contest.

Athletics at Westwood should be viewed as part of the larger picture of a student’s education. Because intellectual excellence is our priority, coaches expect and actively encourage students to do well in class and meet their academic commitments with quality. In return, coaches expect their players to display wholehearted desire, dedication, self discipline, commitment and willingness to sacrifice in their efforts on the playing field.


Varsity, Junior Varsity and Freshman Programs

At all levels of high school competition, athletes are expected to display desire, dedication and commitment to excellence. Preparing to win, striving for victory in each contest, and working to reach full group and individual potential are worthy goals for high school students and teams. To achieve these goals, an athlete must be prepared to make a substantial personal commitment which may involve contests or practices six days a week and during vacations. Such a commitment demands much of the student as well as his or her family.

The number of participants on a team is the result of factors including available playing space and time, student skill level, number and variety of players needed to conduct an effective practice or to play effectively in a contest. In determining which and how many students will participate on a team, coaches consider both benefit to the individual and needs of the group, keeping in mind that each member of the team must have a defined, meaningful role which, he or she understands.

Varsity play is a culmination of competition in a given sport. Varsity athletes must display a sound attitude, an advanced level of skill, and a willingness to make the personal commitment of team and energy required at this level of competition. While the goal of personal development is paramount, varsity competition assumes that it can be best achieved when all strive together to excel and to win. As a result, squad size is limited. Players are expected to understand that selection to a team and playing time depend on the coach’s judgment about how best to balance the individual’s skills and role with the goals and needs of the team. Coaches endeavor to give all participants playing time, but it is not guaranteed.

Junior varsity competition is intended for those with potential to be varsity performers and for those whose aptitude is not yet varsity caliber. With an eye to preparing for varsity play, participation at this level requires significant time and commitment, and more of both than at the freshman level. Coaches emphasize conditioning, skill development, team development and the demands of successful competition. There is not as much emphasis on the outcome of contests as the varsity level. A team member may expect a meaningful amount of playing time over a season, but specific amount is not guaranteed.

Freshman level competition has an athletes skill development and sport specific strategies as its primary focus. Rules, regulations, and team functions are essential at this level. Emphasis on individual maturity in a team setting is a priority. Playing time in interscholastic games is always based on the coach’s particular game strategy. Participation in practice is paramount to the success of this player.



Respect yourself and othersTreat others in a way that you would like to be treated. This includes athletes, students, parents, members of our department, and other departments in our district.

Be positive. Be a coaching staff filled with positive talk. Stop and realize all the reasons we have to express gratitude.

Maintain neat/orderly facilitiesIt is the responsibility of all adults to keep offices and athletic facilities tidy and orderly. This will include instilling this habit in our athletes. We are not responsible for cleaning up after them, but rather teaching them the importance of cleanliness.

Be compassionateBeing caring and compassionate is an important component in our relationships with each other and with others outside our department.

Make healthy choicesIt is important that we set the example for our students in making healthy choices.

Be disciplinedBeing disciplined includes: Dressing professionally, being punctual (“If you are early you are on time; If you are on time you are late; If you are late you are selfish.”), and doing what we ask our students to do.

Be approachableWe should maintain an atmosphere in which students and adults feel we are ready to listen. Good listening skills will help us be approachable to others.

Support each otherWe will not only support other coaching staff members in a way needed, but also be an advocate for our athletes. It may be necessary to discipline athletes, but always in a manner that is loving, and makes it clear that we care about their well-being.

Keep Communication honest and directWe will only talk positive about others. If we have a concern, we will use direct and honest communication with that individual. This includes how we talk about other departments in the district and about other coaching styles.

HAVE FUN AND LAUGH! Everyone wants to work or be with people who like to laugh. It is important for us to enjoy each day and to remember to laugh. MAKE YOUR WORK PLAY AND YOUR PLAY WORK (Phil Jackson)

Westwood Pride …. Catch it !!!



Follow guidelines and philosophy as set up by the Athletic Department.

Pre Season Meeting: Hold a pre-season meeting (dates are assigned by Athletic Director/nurse). Pre-season meetings should be held:

- Fall Sports, in May of previous year.- Winter Sports, in early October.- Spring Sports, at the end of January.

At the pre-season meeting, each athlete should receive a packet that contains:

A. Team Philosophy

B. General Expectations1. Tryout Criteria for Team Selection

Use the standard letters that have been created by the department in your selection process. Samples are in the back of this manual.

2. Team Expectationsa. Academicb. Physicalc. Commitmentd. Behavioral Rules

1. Punctuality2. Dress – Practice gear is now mandatory – Grey/black, White/black,

Red/Black 3. Electronic Gear (phones, MP3 players, etc.)4. Attendance5. Summer Camp Expectations6. Expenses (if any)7. Fundraisers

e. Varsity Letter Criteriaf. Disciplinary Action

C. Forms1. Registration Form (each sport season) . . . to nurse2. Physical Form (every 365 days) . . . to nurse3. Athletic Permit (every 365 days) . . . to nurse4. Medical History Update (each sports season) . . . to nurse5. State Steroid Policy (every 365 days) . . . to nurse6. Athletic Policy (each sports season) . . . coaches hold7. Athletic Department Media Release (each sports season) . . . coaches hold8. Concussion Awareness…to trainer9. Sudden Cardiac Death Sheer….to nurse10. Tentative Practice Schedule . . . to athlete11. Tentative Game Schedule . . . to athlete



1. Completed official Eligibility forms must be handed in to the Athletic Director’s office within one week of meeting. Check with Athletic Director prior to first practice to make sure all students are academically eligible to participate. Before the first athletic event, check the master eligibility list and be sure that the names of every student you plan to use in the first game are on the list. Communication with Athletic Director should take place when an athlete is added to a team or leaves a team for any reason.

2. NJSIAA eligibility rules should be known to all squad members and you as a coach should check at the end of the year all your athletes to see if they are eligible for the following year. If not then you should be sitting down with your athlete and guidance counselor to find out what they need to do over the summer to become eligible. During the course of your season either you or an assistant should be monitoring your student’s grades and guiding them with the proper assistance if they are struggling. Help would be in the form of reaching out to teachers who could tutor, to setting up a mandatory study hall, to having peers set up study groups.

3. Review physical clearances with school nurse. NO ONE is permitted to practice with a school athletic team until the athlete has been given clearance by the school nurse.

4. Submit names of team manager, timekeeper, statistician to Athletic Director – you are responsible for their supervision.


1. Attend pre-season and post-season Big North Patriot Division League coaches meetings.

2. Attend pre-season and post-season meetings with Athletic Director.

3. Attend County or State meetings when designated by the league.

4. Have parents meeting no later than one week after making team selection.

5. Be prepared to submit three names to Athletic Director of student-athletes who will attend Big North Leadership Conference at coach’s pre-season meeting with Athletic Director.


1. It is the responsibility of each head coach to determine his supply and equipment requirements for budgetary consideration and submit it to the Athletic Directors office by the beginning of November for the following year. Failure of the coach to do so can result in failure to have equipment procured. Hand Out and Collect Team Uniforms. Head coach is responsible for all uniforms being placed back into appropriate storage for next year. Only clean uniforms should be collected. Uniforms not handed in should be handled as follows:

a) Call student and let student know assessed cost for item not returned.


b) Call parent to inform them of assessment.

c) Give information to Athletic Director after A and B have been explored.

d) Inform student that report card will be held if either their uniform or money is not received by given date. If the athlete is a senior, their final transcripts will be held until payment is received.

2. Each coach is responsible to account for all equipment in his/her sport. End of the season inventory should be listed in the end of the year report.

3. No equipment is to be taken from the school grounds by students except for use in a contest or for laundering purposes.

4. No school equipment is to be issued for out-of-season use without approval of the Athletic Director

5. No student shall be permitted to participate in a second sport until all equipment has been returned from a previous sport.

6. Catalogs are on file in the Athletic Director’s office as well as forms for budget requests.

7. All equipment ordered by the coach will have size, number needs, manufacturer and code number as well as any artwork that is requested at the time of submittal.

8. All head coaches must prepare a budget to be presented to the Athletic Director by November 1.

9. Have necessary athletic equipment provided by the school ready for use for the first practice. Stress to each athlete the importance of his/her responsibility for proper use of athletic equipment.

10. Inventory all new equipment at the beginning of the season.

11. Do not allow equipment on the field or court without your being present.

Team Pictures: Everyone should be dressed alike, from the athletes wearing the same uniforms, to the coaches wearing the same coaching shirts.

Contact Information:

1. As soon as team is chosen, set up a list for your players that includes their home phone numbers, email address, and parent/guardian information. Contact information should always be present in your medical first aid box, this is in case an athlete is unconscious and cannot give you the necessary numbers to call.


2. A page of important contact information can be found in the reference section . . . please keep it handy at all times so that in an emergency you can contact your athletes, the Athletic Director, and/or administration. . . .it is especially important over vacation or when school is closed.


There is a box in the Athletic Director’s office for your mail. In season you should check your mailbox daily; out of season, you should check your mailbox weekly. Nominations for scholarships and awards come in all throughout the year. All communications are time sensitive and must be completed and sent to proper people on schedule or our athletes lose out. It is also the responsibility of the coach to check his/her email daily for updates and schedule changes.

Vouchers/Game Reports

1. Coaches are responsible to pick up vouchers for officials in the Athletic Office and return completed no later than the morning after the competition.

2. All coaches are responsible to hand in Game Report no later than the morning after the competition.

3. Schedules are printed out weekly and are hung in the secretarial area of the Athletic Office. If there are any discrepancies or any changes are necessary, it is the coach’s responsibility to contact the Athletic Director’s office to make changes to the master schedule. Games are also listed on Assign a manager to check the website everyday, especially home and away, typos do happen. It would be preferable to pick up a mistake before we get on the bus then afterwards.

Accident/Emergency Procedures (Refer to Emergency Action Plan – page 16)

1. Always have “walkie-talkie” available when outside or Trainers cell number.

2. Don’t panic. Make an appraisal of the situation, determine what has to be done, and do it.

3. Call Trainer for help immediately in case of injury.

4. If trainer is not available, call 911 immediately.

5. Keep the athlete quiet and warm.

6. Emergency phone numbers for all athletes should be kept in your team medical kit.

7. Coaches should NEVER treat an athlete. The Trainer is available for all rehabilitation.

8. Coaches should follow up with a phone call to any athlete who is sent for evaluation from a game or practice.


9. Any athlete who is sent from practice or game for an evaluation to a doctor may not return to the active practice roster without a note from a doctor stating that they are physically cleared to play.

10. Be sure to contact the Athletic Director (on cell) as soon as possible regarding serious injuries or incidents that occur during practice or games. I MUST be informed of these situations so I can deal with parents and administration immediately.

11. Coaches must make sure that accident reports are filled out for injuries. Put accident (injury) report in the “In Box” on Athletic Secretary’s desk the day after the injury occurs. You also must inform the trainer if the accident (injury) happened at an away match.

12. The Trainer must log in all injuries for future reference and follow up with parents where necessary.

13. Coaches will keep in constant communication with parents/athletes during recovery period. It is important to keep athlete involved in the program even if the athlete can no longer compete. An athlete stays a part of the team until the recognition dinner. It is at the coach’s discretion with input from the athletic director whether an athlete should receive a letter for his/her efforts.


All student-athletes are covered by the Westwood Regional Board of Education insurance policy. In short, this policy is an “In excess” policy and requires parents to submit any claims to their own private insurance company prior to submitting a claim to our Board of Education. If the parental claim qualifies, the parents would be reimbursed that which was not covered by their private insurance. Questions regarding this policy can be accomplished through the business office, specifically Nancy Salvi.

Practice Policy

1. It is the coach’s responsibility to make athletes aware of team practice schedule. All athletes are to be made aware that Varsity will be practicing or playing minimally 6 days a week (and in some cases this may include Sundays).

2. It is the coach’s responsibility to make athletes aware at their pre-season meeting of the start date of practice and of the last possible day of the season (State Championship). All athletes must be committed to this time frame prior to tryouts.

3. There are no vacations in athletics. It is the coach’s responsibility to make athletes aware that even if the schedule is not showing a game or practice on a particular day, inclement weather or administrative problems can cause changes to occur and those seemingly free days are no longer free.

4. It is the coach’s responsibility to put into place a mechanism by which athletes/parents can contact the coach about long-standing family obligations that athletes may need to attend during the season, i.e. a family wedding, sibling graduation, religious event, etc

5. An athlete will not be penalized for fulfilling any religious obligations.9

6. If an athlete needs academic help, it is the coach’s responsibility to encourage athletes to meet with teachers/tutors before, during, or immediately after school for help. Athletes will be asked to bring a note from their teacher if he/she misses practice because of extra help.

7. It is the responsibility of the coach to stay with athletes until all have been picked up after a game or practice. In the pre-season meeting with parents, spell out for them your expectations for their responsibilities in picking up their children on time.

8. If a student is going elsewhere in the school after practice or a game, the student is to put this in writing to the coach.

9. You are to begin practice on time and you are to finish promptly when you say you are going to end. If practice is scheduled for 3-5:30 that means you are finished at 5:30, not 5:31 or 5:32. You are finished at 5:30 and parents can expect their students to be walking out the door by 5:45 with books in hand.

Physical Education Excuses.

1. Athletes are not excused from physical education classes. Varsity athletes will dress for class on days of contests.

2. No athlete with an excuse from physical education will be permitted to participate in athletics on that day or during the season if the excuse from physical education is long term.


1. Snow/Inclement Weather: If the school is closed for inclement weather, NO practices can be held.

2. The decision to call off an athletic contest prior to leaving the school is the responsibility of the ATHLETIC DIRECTOR, and ONLY THE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR. A coach is never responsible for calling off an event. When you get to a site and weather is an issue, it is in the official’s hands to call the game. Tennis and golf are the only sports without officials; and, therefore, the coaches from both schools together will make that decision to stop a contest.


1. All members of your team must return on the team bus unless a Travel Release form has been approved by the Athletic Director one day prior to an athletic trip. Travel Release forms can be found on the district web site on the athletic page under forms.


2. Bus discipline is important not only for team control, but also for safety. Be sure all remain seated during the trip. Do not permit yelling from bus windows. Check for general bus cleanliness after the trip. Make sure there has been no damage to interior of bus.

3. No athlete is allowed to leave an away game/match with a friend or a friend’s parent unless a travel release form has been signed.

4. If food and drink is permitted on the bus by the bus company, you are responsible to make athletes dispose of all debris before leaving the bus.

5. Never leave an athlete alone on the bus.

6. No cleats allowed on the bus.

7. It is the responsibility of the coach to send in to the Athletic Office all depart times for buses prior to the beginning of the season. If you are in need of an additional bus or you require the bus to shuttle players back and forth to other sites, it is your responsibility to inform the Athletic Director’s office of these special needs as well.


1. All assistant coaches’ and team members’ conduct is the responsibility of the head coach.

2. Conduct on buses, in locker rooms, on practice fields at away facilities, etc., must be supervised at all times. You are responsible for and expected to enforce strict discipline at all times.

3. Conduct and behavior of coaches and athletes at school events and outside of school events are equally as important as you are representing Westwood High School and our communities. Only positive behavior is expected and acceptable.

4. You are to develop and enforce penalties for participants who do not abide by sportsmanship standards.

5. It is the responsibility of the coach to leave practice or playing facility (home and away) as clean as or cleaner than when you arrived.

6. No “horse play” should be permitted.

7. Your mere presence is not enough. You must be ACTIVELY present.

8. It is the responsibility of the coach to report ANY and ALL incidents that involve their athletes. This includes technical, behavioral and/or disciplinary rulings.

9. In the event of an official reprimand or ejection of a player because of poor sportsmanship, profanity, etc., it is very important that you, the coach, immediately sit down with the athlete, review the consequences of their actions, and notify the Athletic Director.

10. All pre-game music must be screened by the coaching staff and approved before being played at a game or practice and this is the responsibility of the head varsity coach.  Varsity coaches may


allow their sub-varsity coaches to screen music for their teams, yet both the varsity and sub-varsity coaches are ultimately responsible for any music played at a sub-varsity game.

11. Banners or signs that teams would like to display at games, special events, senior nights, or any other team event must be pre-approved by the head varsity coach.  Proper pre-approval will require the head varsity coach to initial the sign/banner in the lower right hand corner.  Any questions to clarify what needs approval should be brought directly to the athletic director.

Dress Code

1. All coaches should be professionally dressed at all times. Whether in practice sessions or at contests, you are in the public eye at all times. The impressions you make reflect upon you, your team, and the school.

2. Suitable practice attire will, of course, depend upon the nature of the sport, weather conditions, etc. At practice, you should be in coaching attire (NO JEANS).

3. At regularly scheduled contests, the coach should be well dressed. Suitable sports clothing or professional attire may be worn. Old khakis, work clothes, old sweatshirts, jeans, etc., ARE NOT SUITABLE.

4. It is the coach’s responsibility to see that students on the team dress properly. On all away trips, when students do not suit up at home, appropriate, neat sports clothes should be worn.

5. Each team should be uniformly dressed. This includes socks. Shoes are at the discretion of the athlete.

6. No apparel is to be purchased as part of the warm-up or game uniform by coaches, athletes or parents without prior approval.

7. If practice gear is put into the team’s budget, then athletes should all wear similar gear to practice.

8. Wearing spikes or cleats in the building is prohibited. Coaches must set the example. This is a matter of maintenance and safety.

Recruiting/ Dropping Out

1. A coach should make every effort to encourage or recruit more students to participate in his/her sport. THERE SHOULD BE NO EFFORT, HOWEVER, TO RECRUIT OR LURE STUDENTS FROM OTHER SPORTS OF THE SAME SEASON TO YOUR TEAM. Athletics are voluntary, and students should be free to choose the sport they would like to participate in.

2. At Westwood High School, the student makes the decision to participate in the school’s athletic program. Some students cannot live with the decision as made; some find it necessary to quit a squad for a number of reasons. This is the student’s prerogative. However, some quit with the desire to participate in one of the other sports. In an effort to provide any student the chance to go


through a reasonable try-out period, the following policy will be followed in permitting a student to drop one sport and participate in another during the same sports season:

3. Any athlete who moves into the district after the initial tryout date shall be given a fair and equitable tryout at any time throughout the season. An athlete who makes the squad must follow NJSIAA regulations before starting in a Varsity match.

4. Any student, who chooses to quit a squad half-way through the season, must sit out the first Varsity match of the next season that the student participates in. If the student chooses to quit two consecutive sports, the student must sit out 25% of the next season that they wish to participate in.

5. Any student dropping out of sport has an obligation to confer with the coach involved and to return all school equipment immediately. The coach should be sufficiently concerned to see that this is done.

6. Sometimes there are mitigating circumstances that make it necessary for a student to quit a sport. When this occurs, the student may make an appeal to the Athletic Director.

7. We should encourage pride with each team, but this should never develop through belittling another sport at any time. A friendly rivalry among teams is natural and good, but should not be allowed to get out of hand. Every team should be pulling hard for every other team in school.

8. It is the responsibility of the head coach to keep up to date on the skill development of the lower level teams that feed into the high school program, i.e. junior high school, recreation and travel teams.


1. Coaches may not go on vacation during their active season.

2. If a coach is going to be absent for a practice, he/she must notify an assistant to take over and run practice.

3. If a coach is not in school for a personal day, he/she may be at practice or coach a game/match that day.

4. Students must be in school by 11:00 AM to participate in practice or games. Practice sessions are important to the success of all our teams. Each athlete has an obligation to his/her teammates, school and self to be at every practice. Any student missing practice should be questioned for the reason of the absence, and if necessary, be disciplined accordingly. Chronic practice absentees should be dismissed. All students must be treated equally in the interest of fairness and consistency.

End of Season

1. Arrange for end of the season meeting with the Athletic Director.


2. Check carefully the return of all school equipment, and hold the athlete responsible for school equipment that has not been returned. A student is responsible for all issued equipment. Emphasize this continually during the season.

3. Arrange for the electing of a captain/s for the coming year, or make other arrangements.

4. Arrange for cleaning and storing of the equipment and prepare necessary items for reconditioning.

5. Submit an end of the year report showing the record with complete scores of each game. Include in the end of the year report recommendations of staff, equipment needs, special awards to athletes during the season, future plans and all highlights as well as your coaches evaluations. This report should be completed and handed into the AD within one week of completed season.

6. Coaches must submit a list of letter winners to the Athletic office midway through your season to allow the Athletic office and Boosters to prepare for the Athletic Banquet at the end of the season.

7. It is the responsibility of the head coach to have statistics ready for end of the year All League and All County meetings. All County nominations are based on All League selections. It is very important to be prepared at your all league meeting with information and statistics.

8. Please keep close track of your inventory so we can replace only what is necessary. A complete inventory of equipment and clothing must be done prior to meeting with AD.

9. Have an end of the season meeting with parents to explain what the expectations are for the off-season, summer season, and pre-season for the next year. Include any fundraising efforts, leagues you wish the athletes to participate in, summer ball or camps you recommend the athletes or team might be attending. Discuss any team trips you project might be in the near or distant future. Discuss any camps the students may be able to work at over the summer. Discuss any plans for clinics you plan to hold. Touch on NCAA eligibility issues again. Have all information in writing and give a copy to the Athletic Director prior to the meeting.

10. Attend all League, County, or State recognition dinners or award ceremonies your athletes might be recognized at.

11. Attend the Boosters Athletic Awards Banquet and speak on behalf of all Varsity players.

Athletic Awards

Policy regarding awards is as follows:

1. Awards will be made if, in the judgment of the awarding coach, the athlete has merited the award.a) Freshmen Athletes ………………………….Freshman Certificateb) JV Athletes………………………………….JV Certificatec) Varsity Athletes …………………………….Varsity Letter ( 1st year Varsity )

Pin (2nd year Varsity)Pin (3rd year Varsity)Pin (4th year Varsity)


2. An athlete may receive only one award per season. Example: An athlete could not receive a Varsity and JV award in football for the same season. Any questionable letter winners should be discussed with Athletic Director at this time.

Start of Season/Out of Season Practice

Sports seasons will begin and end in accordance with NJSIAA regulations. These are basically as follows:

1. Fall Sports : Depending on Sport: August 11- August 22nd

2. Winter Sports : Monday after Thanksgiving3. Spring Sports : Depending on Sport: First Friday in March

Since there will be over-lapping of sports seasons for some students who will participate in more than one activity, the policy of Westwood High School is to allow the athlete to finish that season before beginning the second sport.

1. It should be made clear to the athletes involved that their chances of success in the second sport will not be hurt by disciplinary action of any sport.

2. A student out for one sport will not be permitted to leave that sport to start practice in another. The student must finish the first sport or wait until the sport ends its season to begin practice in another, i.e. a student cannot quit wrestling to begin practice with the baseball team.

Open Facility Use

1. Open facility use is open to all members of the Westwood High School Student Body. Student-athletes are permitted to take part in this type of recreational program, but a coach of a specific sport activity in that Open-Gym Program is not permitted to be involved. Coaches may supervise Open-Gym Programs only when their athletes are not involved in that specific phase of the program during the out-of-season period. Open-Gym Programs involving a single sport in which only athletes are involved are interpreted as an attempt to circumvent the out-of-season rules.

2. Camps or Clinics The NJSIAA does not restrict an individual’s choice to attend any participatory camps or clinics; however, schools, school organizations, or school-related groups such as Booster Clubs may not assist the student-athletes’ attendance at any camp or clinic during the out-of-season period; this includes providing uniforms, equipment, and funds related to the camp or clinic, including transportation; and coaches may not instruct their student-athletes. Coaches may be spectators.


Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School AthleticsEMERGENCY ACTION PLAN


HEAD COACHES: Please review this information with your staff frequently


In the event of a serious or life threatening injury or illness:









PLEASE KEEP THIS INFORMATION WITH YOUR ON FIELD DOCUMENTSAlways check to see if an athletic trainer is available

at away sites before your game begins


NJSIAA specific regulations

The NJSIAA, a private, voluntary Association serves its student/athletes, member schools and related professional organizations by the administration of education-based interscholastic athletics, which support academic achievement, good citizen ship and fair and equitable opportunities. We believe that member schools, along with their leagues and conferences, share these convictions:

Athletes First: Winning Second A safe and healthy playing environment is essential to our mission. Participation in interscholastic athletics enhances the educational experience of all students. Interscholastic athletics is a privilege Excellence in both academics and athletics is pursued by all. Interscholastic participation develops good citizenship and healthy lifestyles, fosters

involvement of a diverse population and promotes positive school/community relations. Rules promote fair play and minimizes risks. Cooperation among members advances their individual and collective well-being. Training of administrators and coaches promotes the educational mission of the

interscholastic experiences. Properly trained officials/judges enhance interscholastic competition. The NJSIAA is the recognized state authority on interscholastic athletic programs. It is the coach’s responsibility to download the Rules and Regulations from the NJSIAA web

site, including tournament information. It is the coach’s responsibility to know the cutoff dates for the State and County tournaments

so they may get their paper work completed in a timely manner. For example: If a tournament application is due on a Friday the paperwork should be to the Athletic Director’s office one week prior in order for the proper signatures and the financial process to be completed correctly and on time


What is the Definition of the Best Coach

Trust: The felling of trust is very important as a coach. Tou will be a better coach if your athletes trust you

Highest: Aim the highest. Each athlete has a capacity, and can do their best with proper training.

Ethics: Work ethic is everything and also the meaning of true sport. Be a good role model and show it. As a basketball coach Rick Pitino said, “Work ethic is vital. There is no compromise.”

Be proactive: Try to use proactive strategies in coaching, and sometimes let the athlete be involved in the decision making process. This will improve team cohesion.

Establish protocols and rules: If you establish very well written team protocols and rules with athletes at the beginning, you will have fewer headaches. Athletes can articulate misbehavior very well and expectations become much clearer.

Smile: This is the number one power in your life and career. A smiling face can make a powerful interaction and connection when necessary.

Team work: Team unity is an essential element of success in team sports. Therefore, social and sport skills that lead to team work should be practiced very carefully.

Creative: Be a creative coach during practice with different drills and equipment. This is especially important for kids and will motivate them better.

Observe: Observe your athletes’ behaviors very carefully on both practice and social skills, so you can decide “what to change and how.”

Athlete oriented: Be athlete oriented, and sometimes “put you in their shoes”. You will understand them better.

Care: Show your athlete that “you care” about them. This will establish a much more interpersonal relationship between you and your athletes.

Hard work: This is the final key word that ties all these words together. Being a best coach also requires hard work for many years.


“One athlete of character will improve a team.

One team of character will improve a school.

One school of character can impact an entire community.” Bruce Brown,



Quotable Dean Smith

If you ever need me, call!- what Dean Smith has said to every one of his players

Dean always made sure the players came first, before the Athletic Director, the Chancellor, anyone! There were times I would call him about something and he would politely say, “John,

I’m in with a player right now, so we’ll need to talk later.” I always understood. It sent a tremendous message to his players.

-John Swofford, ACC commissioner and former North Carolina Athletic Director

Mac was the adopted child in the family, but it worked out beautifully.- on the Tar Heels’ Robert McAdoo, a rare junior-college transfer

When I was in Vietnam, he regularly wrote me and checked on my parents. I teasingly say that Michael Jordan and I are the two bookends to the Carolina basketball program. That’s

how little I played. Yet Coach Smith still treated me like a superstar.- Richard Vinroot, who later became Charlotte mayor

He’s very much like my father to me. I love himMichael Jordan

During all my life’s trials and circumstances, Coach Smith was like a father to me. He will be like my father until one of us leaves this earth. There’s nothing I won’t do for him, and I

sincerely believe he feels the same way about me.- Bill Chamberlain, former North Carolina player

I had a coach for four years, but I got a friend for lifePhil Ford

Coach Smith saved my life. It was like he was saying to me, “Hey, I’m here for you. It’s going to be me and you. You and I will solve this problem together.

Phil Ford, after an injury and alcoholism ended his NBA career

I tell them to do things they don’t want to do. I’m sure they hated me some nights. –Dean Smith

Players often go unnoticed who really help a team. I’m talking about unsung people, those who play when first – stringers are injured – Dean Smith



Township of Washington, NJ 07676

Coach’s Compliance

Date: ___________________

By signing this form, I confirm that I have read the Westwood Regional High School’s Athletic Department Coach’s Manual.






To be filled out by Students (all forms can be found on the Athletic Forms web page: Registration Form (each sports season) . . . to nurse 2. Student Athlete Contract3. Athletic Physical Form4. Athletic Permit (every 365 days) . . . to nurse5. Health History Update6. State Steroid Policy (every 365 days) . . . to nurse7. NJSIAA Parent/Guardian Concussion Policy Acknowledgment Form8. Athletic Policy (each sports season) . . . coaches hold9. Athletic Department Media Release (each sports season) . . . coaches hold10.Athletic Department Travel Release . . . for use by athlete and parent/guardian. To

be signed by AD 24 hours in advance and will be placed in your Athletic Office mailbox the day of game

11.Parent Acknowledgement for Overnight Trip

Filled out by Coach (Athletic Secretary can email you blanks of the following forms)12.Certificate of Eligibility (each sports season, by grade) . . . to Athletic Director 13.Accident Report (as needed) . . . to Jackie Altomare 14.Reference Information for Coaches (Emergency Numbers and Contact Info.) 15.Voucher for Athletic Dept. Services . . . have officials fill out completely; coaches

turn in to Athletic office no later than morning after event. Put in Jackie’s “In Box” on her desk.

16.Game Report . . . coach to fill out after each event and turn in to Athletic Director the morning after each event. Put in Jackie’s “In Box” on her desk

17.Passenger Car For Class Trip Request Form.18.Record/Herald Sports Roster – sample - (each sports season) – email, fax, or mail per

directions19.End of The Season Report . . . due to Athletic Director at end of season20.Use of Facilities Request Form – to be filled out by coach for any facility used other

than when practicing or playing during your season.21.Budget Order Form (sample not included-prior years budget will be forwarded to

coaches)22.Acceptance Letter23.Rejection Letter




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