codalanalysis 140617062523-phpapp02

Post on 19-May-2015






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Codal Analysis of

AdvertsTina Hartnell

Drug Awareness

Visual code

Flashing lights in a bedroom.

Hand held up in front of camera blurred and doubled.

Blurry image of someone rolling up weed connoting that he will smoke it.

Reflection in mirror looking worried.

Reflection in mirror looking happy switching between both.

Dark lighting coloured lights showing silhouettes of people moving about.

Scary painted faces.

Girl trying to wake the boy up who is connoted to have taken drugs.

Blurry screen with writing saying ‘You’re not the only one it hurts’

Audio code

Silence at the start.

Gradual single note for a few seconds repeated but slightly different.

Music sounds a bit eerie and scary, builds tension.

The sound of sort of crackling music/ breaking up sound.

Diegetic laughter, gets louder.

Heart beating getting louder.

Girl trying to wake the boy up.

Narrative code

The boy is a drug addict

He smokes weed and then has visions and hallucinations.

He sees girls dressed as monsters and goes through the different stages of happy, sad and paranoid etc.

He has overdosed and the girl who has found him cant wake him up.

She is worried so the message is that taking drugs doesn't’t only effect yourself but others around you.

Action code

Looks at his hand and sees it in multiples

Rolls up weed that he has on a plate.

Looks in the mirror and changes between laughing, and frowning.

Girl approaches the camera with painted face dancing and acting like an animal.

Girl tries to wake the boy up but he continues sleeping and laughing.

Girl rings someone.

Enigma code

The enigma code is that taking drugs is bad for you and affects everyone around you. It also suggests that it can end your life or give you health problems.

It upsets the people around you.

Technical code

Long shot of foot and wardrobe. Close up of hand. Medium close up of rolling up the weed. Long reflection shot of the boy. Long low shot of girl dancing. Medium shot. Long shot. Close up. Medium close up. Long shot of girl trying to wake boy up. Close-up. Action shot as she picks up the phone. Close up of his mouth. Long shot as she shakes him.

Dark lighting

See Track Think Train

Visual code

Shot of the country side and a bridge that a family are cycling across.

Cycling through the woods. Brightly coloured clothing and

helmets. Smiling and playing eye spy. Driving through a field next to a big

blue tractor. Walking through a gate while the

dad opens the gate for them. Look across a corn field and see a

train and the country side. Looking over a bridge again at a tire

swing. Smiling and happy. Passing the dog over anther gate.

Teddy bear in a ruck sack. Looking up at the trees. Walking past a fence pushing the

bikes. Girl walking onto a train track. Looking down the train track. Black screen. ‘SEETRACK / THINK TRAIN Logo

Audio code

Nature sounds.

Bike wheel sounds


Sound of train.

Narrator “distractions can cost you your life, See track think train”

Narrative code

This is a happy family out for a bike ride through the country side.

They are playing eye spy.

The little boy is thinking of the word track.

As they approach the train tracks the girl gets it as she is standing on the track.

A train comes and because she is distracted by the game she gets hit by the train.

The moral is that distractions can cost you your life.

Action code

People cycle across a bridge.

People cycle through a woods.

People cycle across a field.

People walk through a gate.

People cycle across another field.

People climb over a bridge.

Walk through another woods.

Girl stops on track and turns to face family.

Girl looks to left worried.

Screen goes blank.

Enigma code

The advert foreshadows what is going to happen when the family look across the field and see the train that they are approaching. This should have been a warning to the family to be aware that they are approaching a train tracks.

Technical code

Establishing low angle shot over the bridge. Medium close up of faces. Medium tracking shot across field. Medium long shot as the approach the gate. Extreme long shot/point of view shot of train. Medium of them lifting dog over gate. Medium close up of the backpack. Low angle Point of view shot of trees. Medium shot of boy. Point of view of girl on the track.

Darkish natural lighting.

Live With it

Visual code Man is looking in his bathroom mirror brushing his teeth.

He has a worried facial expression.

The camera shows more of the room and the man looks down to see a dead boy in a school uniform on the floor as he remains cleaning his teeth.

Scene changes to the man walking to his office where the boy is now laying as he walks past him.

Scene changes again to the man going down an escalator where the boy is laying at the bottom.

Scene changes again to the man on the bus looking out the window where once again he sees the dead boy lying on the pavement.

Scene changes to the man approaching a football match with who we assume is his son. The dead boy is lying on the ground at with the coats.

Changes to darker lighting so its assumed that its night where the man is on a computer. He pulls out and under his desk is the dead boy again. Close up on the dead boy.

The man looks upset.

The man is laying in bed and turns over and sees the dead boy again.

Writing appears ‘kill your speed, or live with it’

Audio code

Synchronous sound…

Brushing teeth

Office sounds



Football game

Turning in bed

Narrative code

A man is getting on with his everyday life but because he hit and killed a little boy when he was driving to fast it is on his conscience and the boy is everywhere he goes. It shows how he will always have to live with this and it will never go away.

Action code

Man brushing his teeth looks down and sees the dead boy.

Man walks through his office and sees the dead boy.

Man stands on the escalator and sees the dead boy.

Man sits on the bus and sees the dead boy.

Man takes his son to football and sees the dead boy.

Man is on the computer and sees the dead boy on the floor.

The man cries.

The man is lying in bed and sees the dead boy.

Enigma code

The advert suggests that the man has hit this little boy and killed him and has to live with seeing him everywhere he goes and during everything he does.

Technical code

Close up reflection of man cleaning teeth. Changes to over the shoulder high angle show so that the dead boy can be seen. Establishing shot showing office. Point of view shot down the escalator. Establishing shot in bus then changes to medium close up of the man and then point of view shot out of the window. Tracking shot. High angle establishing shot of football. Medium long shot of desk. Point of view shot/medium shot of boy under desk. High angle over the man in bed. Point of view shot of the dead boy on the floor.

Natural lighting.

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