cognitive studies capstone final presentation

Post on 12-Jan-2022






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Purpose To understand the brain-compatible learning model

Universal Design for Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2015. From Google Images.

Every teacher wants to hear that their students care. The reality, is a classroom of distracted students who would rather be outside playing with their friends. Since the revolution of neuroscience much of what was once believed about how the brain processes and stores information has changed. The days of teachers providing the primary source of input are obsolete. Any student with a cell phone can research the parts of a cell. The challenge for educators is understating how to get their students to care enough to want to pay attention, keep that attention, and change the brain. If educators want to reach their students, and hear those words, “I want to know this!” they need to understand how the brain works.

This presentation will discuss how brain-based disciplines challenge behavior and learning issues in the classroom; how stress is a major factor in memory, behavior, and learning; in addition to, providing a few key strategies teachers can implement right away.

IntroductionMy name is Johanna Partridge. Originally born and raised in a small coastal town on Florida’s southern East Coast, I moved west about 15 years ago to the California Central Valley. 20 years ago, I graduated with an associate of arts degree founded in theater and psychology. Additionally, I obtained a certification and licenser in massage therapy. My goal at the time was to become a psychologist in the new and growing field of dance, theater, art, and music therapy. I held off on pursuing a BA in psychology to conduct field research on the effects of massage on teens with eating disorders and geriatric cancer patients. Through my studies I learned a great deal about the human mind and the added benefits massage could have in psychotherapy.

While I have not been in formal education since then, I have continued my passion for research and learning raising three children, one with Asperger syndrome and the other with an anxiety disorder. My two boys are the inspiration behind my decision to return to school to pursue a degree in neuropsychology.

I currently work in education. Although I enjoy teaching and being in the classroom, my passion is in research and developing community outreach programs for young children and their parents. My future ventures include teaching brain based discipline classes to parents and educators to bring awareness of the challenges children and people with disabilities face. Through the classes parents and teachers learn to see past the problematic behavior and how to truly connect with the child to create an optimal learning environment, both within the home and classroom. Equally, children will receive coaching in social skills, anxiety management, and emotional intelligence to improve attention, memory, and interpersonal relationships.

I live by the theology that behavior is the window into the heart of a person. If someone is struggling, it is our job to ask why and help them find their way to safety.





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Skull. (n.d). Retrieved August 25, 2015. From Google Images.

Primitive research about the brain was initially conducted through experimental studies of rats or autopsies of damaged human brains (Erlauer, 2003). The life of Phineas Gage for example, afforded researchers with new insight on the functions of the different brain structures. Phineas Gage, a railroad worker in the 1800’s, was struck by a pipe that entered his head below the cheek bone, and exited the skull passing through the frontal lobe. Not only could Gage speak immediately following the accident, he got up and walked to the cart to be driven home. In the months that followed, Gage was said to have changed becoming aggressive in both language and behavior (Whitman, 2012).

In the 1970’s Howard Gardner’s work is built on findings while working with autistic patients with brain damage. Gardner noticed while one ability connected to one part of the brain was affected, the others remained intact leading into the conclusion to be intelligent is not necessarily having a high IQ or the linguistic skills of a lawyer (Armstrong, 2009). Similar studies of the various structures of the brain were also influential in understanding the executive processes of the brain involved in speech, self-regulation, memory, life functions, and sensory modalities.

Modern day imaging technology, such as the X-ray, PET, MRI, and EEG, made it possible to study changes in neural activity, density, and volume of the brain in real time (Wolfe, 2010). Neuroimaging delved into the deeper recesses of the brain lending an in-depth look at the neural activity levels of participants’ brains in relation to specific tasks. Neuroscience has uncovered what structures drives motivation, why attention is crucial for the activation of neurons, how stress inhibits memory, in addition to the differences in the wiring of an atypical brain versus a neurotypical brain.

Everything we do uses the brain. Brain-compatible learning acknowledges…

Young Boy [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2015. From Google Images.


How the brain works How the brain gets attention, and how to keep it What changes the brain What factors make students smart

The brain is involved in everything one does (Jensen, 2008 A Fresh Look). Brain-compatible learning reasons, why not use what is know about how the brain learns in the classroom for maximum efficiency. The world is different than it was a century ago. The needs of students walking into today’s classrooms are much different than those thirty years ago. Brain-compatible learning focuses on the science behind how the brain functions in terms of anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and biology to create a learning atmosphere geared toward making lifelong connections (Fischer & Immordino-Yang, 2008).

Traditional teaching methods are built with a strong emphasis on memorization, lecture, and testing. Posner (2003) found brain activity actually decreases, becoming almost extinguished during priming and repetition. While repetition is important for the transfer of short-term to long-term memory, it is experience with sensory input that sparks the growth of synaptic connections (McGeehan, 2001). In one case study of a boy who found it difficult to grasp the concepts in science, the instructor presented and assessed skills from a lesson using skills the child was good at. The teacher responds “it was like opening a door,” allowing his drama skills to come through changed the boy and he grew in confidence (Hurry, 2000).

For starters, knowledge is acquired through the quest for novelty (Fischer & Immordino-Yang, 2008). Think about what happens after a child receives a new toy. They are amused for a short while, and then the toy is forgotten as they move on to find something else. Consequently, humans are not meant to sit quietly in a chair forced to focus on overwhelming amounts of material for long periods of time (Jensen, 2008). The brain can maintain attention for the span of about ten to fifteen minutes before it begins to lose interest. This is especially true for students with ADHD who possess higher energy levels and want to attend to everything. According to Howard Gardner, curriculum should focus less on the memorizing of details, and place more of an emphasis on teaching students how to think, evaluate, and execute ideas (Edutopia, 2009). Rather than trying to teach everything, select two or three main ideas from the unit to focus on. Keep the actual lesson brief, using the remainder of time engaged in multiple activities that reinforce the concept.

Secondly, humans are social creatures (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2013). People learn more from watching other people than from being told what to do. Vygotsky referred

Genetic and Environmental Factors

Genes interact with the environment

People’s brains are unique

Positive environments can foster learning even in those students once deemed impossible

DNA (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2015. From Google Images.

Three Girls [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2015. From Google Images.

One’s heredity, prenatal development, and birth are not only influenced by inherited genes but also the environment, as certain genes are triggered to turn on or off (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2013). Children inherit learned behaviors, beliefs, and patterns of thinking, in addition to biological temperament from their culture, environment, and ancestors. For instance, temperament is largely biological, and then shaped by the environment (Saudino, 2005). An older child with a high temperament, born into a high conflict home is more likely to show heightened signs of anti-social behaviors, anxiety, aggression, and impulsivity. ADHD on the other hand, is a failure in the circuitry of the brain that underlies inhibition and self-control (CADDAC, 2012). For decades the public treated individuals with ADHD as delinquents, labeling them as lazy, problematic, and incompetent. It was believed all one had to do was focus harder and make better choices. Barkley states these individuals are incapable of controlling their attention, inhibitions, and executive functions without specialized behavior modification treatment, as hyperactivity and attention are both heritable traits (CADDAC, 2012).

Chemical Factors

SerotoninDopamine AcetylcholineThree Girls [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2015. From

Google Images.

Neuron. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2015. From Google Images.

Neurons, or nerve cells, are the cells that make up the nervous system. These specialized cells carry impulses, or messages, from the outside world to and from the brain. Each neuron consists of axons and dendrites that project from the cell body. Electronic impulses travel through the axon terminal of one neuron and across a synaptic gap to communicate with the dendrite of another neuron. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that move across the synaptic gap ahead of the impulse to activate the receiving neuron’s dendrite receptors. One’s emotional state has an enormous impact on their ability to think, feel, perform, focus, retain information, develop new knowledge, and acquire new skills. Two of the major roles of the neurotransmitter dopamine are reward and pleasure, and the regulation of motor movement responses (Wolfe, 2010). Dopamine is what motivates a person to work hard in primary and secondary school, to one day get into college, to have a job that pays a lot of money, so they can retire early. Even though the end reward is far off, the anticipation of that reward is strong enough to keep some people going.

Norepinephrine is a catecholamine manufactured from dopamine produced by the hippocampus in conjunction with stress and anxiety (Tully & Bolshakov, 2010). The role of norepinephrine is to enhance memory, but only when it is associated with a stressful stimuli. Prolonged unmanaged stress, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and shame can have devastating effects on the brain, physically altering the brain (Jensen, 2008).

Serotonin works with the hypothalamus to regulate mood, anxiety, appetite, sleep cycle, and body temperature. Low levels of serotonin most notably contribute to depression, aggression, OCD habits, and the inability to enter REM, affecting mood and memory (Young, 2007). The REM stage of sleep is crucial to learning as this is when all memories of the day are categorized and stored. A student is better off going to bed early the day before a test, than staying up late cramming.

Acetylcholine operates the voluntary and involuntary sensory motor movements of the somatic nervous system. Similar to serotonin and dopamine, elevated levels of acetylcholine enhance attention to the environment promoting the encoding of sensory events. Furthermore, just as serotonin is involved in influencing REM sleep, acetylcholine is produced during sleep to induce a deeper dream state, playing a role in ones emotional stability, mood, sleep, planning, reasoning, memory, and motor

Environmental FactorsSocial Interaction

Physical Activity




The Human Body. (n.d.) Retrieved Septem

ber 7, 2015. From




Students Playing Basketball [Photograph]. (n.d.) Retrieved September 7, 2015. From Google


Empiricists believe that knowledge is derived from the external world through multi sensory processors (Whitman, 2011). Everything a person sees, hears, touches, tastes, and smells forms a thought, and subsequent emotion. Every experience, each movement, in addition to the environmental factors of sleep, nutrition, and even technology contributes to learning, and the building of new brain cells.

The human body is not designed to remain indoors, living a socially deprived, sedentary, monotonous, unchallenging life (TEDxKC, 2013). Physical activity stimulates the production of mood-enhancing dopamine and serotonin, while increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain spurring new cellular growth, impacting mood, and enhancing memory and neural connections (Jensen, 2008). Results of a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found regular aerobic exercise boosts the size of the hippocampus, the structure of the brain involved with consolidating memory (ten Brinke et al, 2015). Resistance training, balance, and stretching did not have the same result.

Sugar, is a highly addictive substance, the equivalent of cocaine. When digested, sugar triggers hormones that disrupt normal chemical signals interfering with concentration, memory, and crippling immune function (TEDxKC, 2013). Likewise, when a person is hungry they become stressed. They may become moody, or lose focus, disrupting their ability to perform. Moreover, many chemicals involved in brain function and healthy cells must be obtained from outside food sources to restore depleted chemical stores. Anti-oxidants, from fruits and vegetables, travel from one cell to another repairing free radical damage (Kumar et al, 2012). Amino acids, are needed to produce the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Omega 3 fats found in nuts and healthy oils, are an integral part of cellular function. Empty calories, in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, creates a downward spiral robbing the body from performing at its optimum.

Technology, believe it or not, can lower anxiety, promote better sleep, increase memory, and provide much needed social interaction. However, as with many things in life there must be a balance. In the classroom, technology provides a way to differentiate teaching at each student’s level (Edutopia, 2009). Another benefit of technology, is the improved social interaction. Interactive whiteboards used with an app about the systems of the body, allows students to see firsthand the affects of



Brain Stem. (n.d.) Retrieved September 1, 2015. From Google Images

Parts of the Brain. (n.d.) Retrieved September 1, 2015. From

Google Images

The brain is a complex labyrinth of structures, each with its own function, that all work together simultaneously in one fluid motion for a single purpose…survival. Everything one feels, senses, thinks, their bodily movements, and life sustaining functions are all orchestrated by millions of neurons within the individual structures of the brain.

Starting at the bottom of the brainstem, is the medulla oblongata, then pons, and the midbrain. These three structures that make up the brainstem serve two primary purposes: monitoring basic automatic life and motor functions, and filtering and transporting of incoming sensory information.

Above the brainstem is the thalamus. The thalamus acts as a relay station for the incoming flow of sensory stimuli from the brain stem, with the exception of the olfactory input which bypasses the thalamus on its way to the cortex (Wolfe, 2010). The Thalamus also works in conjunction with the basal ganglia conducting the planning and initiating of movement and emotional output.

Next is the basal ganglia, a group of structures deep within the cortical brain matter. The sum of all experiences, hours of practice, memory, emotion, reward seeking, and applied movement are all integrated into one output due to the coordinated activity within the basal ganglia (University of British Columbia, 2014). We can tell when a person is having a good day just by the tone of their voice, their posture, and body language. Equally, the euphoria that acts as a motivator to persevere in a cognitive task, in addition to the potential to streamline movement, such as a well rehearsed dance routine or reaching for a cup of water, is projected from the relationship between the basal ganglia and the cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, limbic lobe, and the direct and indirect pathways to the thalamus that inhibit and excite motor cortical function.

The Cerebellum is responsible for cortical motor movement, knowing where the body’s limbs are in relation to space. Information about the body’s muscle and joint control, and balance and posture is used to coordinate motor output by constantly correcting errors (Wolfe, 2010).


Compatible Learning


Memorize * Review * Test * Independent Work

Unique * Social Interaction * More Choices

Students Working in the Classroom. [Photograph]. (n.d.) Retrieved September 1,, 2015. From Google Images

Students Discovering [Photograph]. (n.d.) Retrieved September 1, 2015. From Google Images

Education up until now has been based on the premise, it is the teachers who are qualified to impart knowledge on their students. However, technology has changed the teacher/student dynamics. Students no longer need teachers to teach them, they can research anything they want on the internet. Brain-compatible teaching acknowledges students come with their own knowledge to impart. The teacher need only know how to tap into that knowledge.

The traditional mindset is such that education prepares students for life. However, the real world is nothing like the classroom. Perfect grades do not always equate to perfect abilities in the work place. Someone who needs to move around would not be happy sitting at a desk all day. A brain-compatible classroom recognizes each person is unique. Memorizing, review, and test, theories long used in the classroom, may not be suitable for all students.

The old school of thought prompted hours of memorization to help the brain hold more. Neuroscience states memorization decreases the brain’s ability to hold more (Wolfe, 2010). Memorization works for some to hold the information long enough to take a test; however, application of a concept via a community project or written log has the potential to make a more lasting impression.

The psychological mindset of traditional education operates under the premise learning is a change in behavior or knowledge due to experience (Bernstein & Nash, 2002. as cited in McDaniel, 2008). Therefore, learning is the acquisition of knowledge, while behavior is reinforced to solicit the correct response. However, in studying human behavior humankind learning is about the application of knowledge.

History: Early PeopleTraditional Brain-Compatible

Lecture to discuss the beginnings of human beings, while students take notes.

Read a current story about surviving in the wilderness. Discuss the life skills the early

people needed to have to survive.

Research what life was like before civilization and why scientists think humankind began in

East Africa

Think of an artifact used by the early people. Create a drawing, diorama, make a replica, or

poster of the object. Explain where the materials would have come from, how the

object was used, and if there is an equivalent today.

Read assigned pages and take notes Group work. Read assigned section and come up with a lesson to teach the class.

Test on reading assignments and class discussions.

An evaluation that asks students to write what they know about Old Stone Age peoples,

Neanderthals, and Modern humans— timeline, and adaptations and innovations

Comparing Traditional and Brain-Compatible Learning

Ken Robinson states creativity should be as important as literacy (TEDx, 2007). Equally, Gardner postulated the arts should be as relevant as math (Edutopia, 2009). Gardner is concerned that schools focus on too many details. He suggests leaving the detailed work for college and focus on the main idea of the concept teaching students to make assertions, test their hypothesis, and deduce the meaning behind the results. Ken Robinson argues school is a place where students need to be prepared to be wrong (TEDx, 2007). It is through mistakes that creativity is derived and come to fruition, and it is through creativity that student’s intellectual curiosity is inited and learning takes place.

In this example of traditional and brain-based teaching strategies the projects are not used because they are cute or fun, but rather they are used to enhance learning in an effort to meet an objective— what was life like before civilization. Both right and wrong answers are accepted. Test scores do not equate to a person’s intelligence, but only serve as a guide to modify instruction. A student’s emotional wellbeing is taken into consideration. When students are encouraged to play, their safety ensured, and they are part of a rich stimulating environment with choices that give them a say in how they learn, they will have better attention spans.


Students Using Tablets [Photograph]. (n.d.) Retrieved September 1,, 2015. From Google Images

Students Using Interactive Whiteboard [Photograph]. (n.d.) Retrieved September 1,, 2015. From Google Images

Computer [Clipart]. (n.d.) Retrieved September 1,, 2015. From Google


Howard Gardner stated everything can be taught multiple ways (Edutopia, 2009). Technology allows teachers to reach students in ways that were not at all possible in the past. The classroom structure can be modified to allow students to work on a software program best suited to their academic needs. Interactive white boards can be used to connect and collaborate with classrooms across the world, to bring a lesson to life. Computer games engage the whole brain through audio, motor, and visual sensory channels. Vygotsky, believed play and internal speech, were essential for learning (Powell & Driver, 2013). With new learning comes emotional frustration. Play provides a balance between the stress and comfort in a safe atmosphere. The brain also loves to categorize random information (Lackney, n.d.). Therefore, the urge to master a game has an intrinsic reward. The player knows they will not receive candy or money for completing a level, yet they will repeatedly practice until the goal is achieved. According to Jill Willis (2013), neurologist and educator, when teachers teach according to the way the brain learns, the students demonstrate sustained attention, pleasure, motivation, and perseverance. The video game model can be used during group lessons to provide a degree of predictability and challenge the students to buy into the goal. Lessons can be relevant, achievable, and offer immediate feedback.


The computer program Cool Math Games by BigBrainz, is an interactive software to help students learn multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction math facts. Students begin by choosing a dinosaur, and then proceed to make their way through the corridors of a medieval castle by completing series of timed math facts.

Each game begins with a pretest to gauge which facts the student has mastered or needs retention with, and ends with a post test. Both the pre and post tests do not penalize the player for wrong answers. A great strategy on the part of the game makers for two reasons. One, the pretest challenges students on all the math facts from 0-12. To feel penalized for what they do not know at the start of the game would kill their motivation to want to continue. The same scenario can be seen in the classroom when a student who is eager to participate is told they are wrong multiple times. Eventually, they will stop trying. Two, the tests are merely a gauge to determine what the student knows and still needs to practice.

Progress during the actual game play is displayed above the timer. With each correct answer the opponents power bar depletes. However, wrong answers fully regenerate the opponent. A progress report can also be accessed that shows which facts have not been mastered yet, needs retention, have not been introduced, and those the student is currently working on. This type of feedback lets students know where they are in the process. Immediate feedback can be a really good motivator.

As the player moves through the corridors they will encounter a series of opponents they must defeat by answering several targeted math facts. For instance in the addition game, to defeat the first robot on a level the player is asked two facts they know and one fact they need to learn, such as 6+6, 5+5, and 3+4. The next robot adds another fact the player needs to work on. By the time the player reaches the level boss they will only be asked to answer all the facts targeted on that level, such as 8+3, 3+8, 3+4, 4+3, 5+3, 3+5, and 7+3, 3+7.

The player never “dies”, they play against each robot, and final boss, until it is defeated. The dynamics of the predicability make it so the player tries harder to memorize the fact, so they can complete the task and move on. Further, with each wrong answer an array pops up to help the player visually calculate the problem


Brainrush is an online adaptive game concept. Teachers can use Brainrush to challenge their students understanding, knowledge, and skills during or at the end of a lesson or unit. In this example of a sequence, students are tested on the life systems of both plants and animals. Students must arrange the tiles, as seen on the bottom row out of order, in order accordingly. A bar on the top of the screen keeps track of the students’ progress. Programs like Brainrush are great ways to practice spelling, math facts, or all the countries on an interactive map.


Objective:๏ Students will demonstrate an understanding

of the terms force, gravity, friction, and speed.

๏ Experiment with the effects of mass and

friction on speed and motion

๏ Understand that friction and other forces

have an effect on speed and motion

Force and Motion

This lesson plan on force and motion is originally from Discovery Education. It opened with a discussion on how objects move, and an introductory video on focus and motion. In my adaptation of the lesson plan, I chose to begin with hands on play. Instead of watching the movie and participating in an introductory discussion, I wanted each student to come to the discussion at or near the same level of experience and knowledge of motion, speed, and friction. That way when we apply the vocabulary words each student has background knowledge to reference from. students can equate how the materials slowed their vehicle down or made it speed up to the term friction. From this point each time we use the term friction, the memory becomes solidified in long-term memory.

Secondly, the brain is activated by attention (Fischer & Immordino-Yang, 2008). What is more interesting, a teacher talking (or blabbing like Charlie Brown’s teacher in the TV shows) or playing with cars? The students’ motivation for wanting to learn is fed by emotion and relevance (Jensen, 2008). By having the students interact with the materials in an uncontrolled way (playing), their dopamine levels are up, stress levels down, attention heightened, and they are more apt to formulate questions, create new ideas, and test those questions and ideas. For instance, what happens when I push the car faster, or I combine all the materials. When the students finally come together for the discussion they have the opportunity to share their findings. It is personal, and therefore more meaningful.

Every student is different. Some students refrain from participating in discussions because they are deep thinkers. They want to mull things over, and come to a solid conclusion before injecting in class. There are students who love to share what they know. There are also students who do not care to participate for fear they will say something wrong. With brain-compatible teaching, the students who need to feel and manipulate data to formulate a conclusion have the opportunity to listen to their peers and teacher during the initial discussion, and then test their hypothesis during the next phase of the lesson. The students who are afraid to speak up are more inclined to share their learning experience because there are no right or wrong answers. Every answer provides an opportunity to postulate a new theory and test that theory, leading to a whole learning experience.

During the next phase of my adapted lesson plan, the students switch out the cardboard tracks for the wooden board and add the waxed paper. For this part of


Atkinson and Shiffrin’s modal model of information processing is a computer metaphor for acquiring information using three types of memory: uncoded input memory, coded short-term memory, and long-term memory stored for later retrieval (Whitman, 2011).

Uncoded sensory information enters the sensory memory. The sensory memory is constantly bombarded with data, without the sensory memory every light wave, sound wave, smell/taste, and touch would would quickly overload the brain. Therefore, all extra sensory stimuli is filtered out immediately to attend to that which the brain considers important. A child who is either bored or overwhelmed may become easily distracted by someone or something else in the room.

Unattended semantic information will decay from the sensory memory in three to eight seconds unless attended to (Whitman, 2011). Those students who find it difficult to remember multi-step directions have a deficit in the working memory. Important or meaningful data is transferred to the short-term, or working memory.

The short-term memory can hold about five to ten, sometimes more, bits of information for twenty seconds before it decays. This is about the time it takes to walk into a room and forget why you came in there. However, by rehearsing the information first it is processed and stored in the long-term memory for later retrieval by the short-term memory. Baddeley conceived that by chunking information it is possible to remember larger chunks of information (Baddeley, 2012).

Information in the long term memory will remain explicitly or implicitly, or decay if it is no longer of use. People will find with time they remember less and less about a significant event.

Activity Plan:based on the information processing model

Purpose: Memory deficit- working memory / long-term storage

Objectives: Understand the difference between working memory and long-term memory.

Procedure Summary: 1. Attention activity 2. Discussion on input and filtering (sensory memory) 3. Short-term memory activity 4. Discussion on working memory 5. Long-term memory activity 6. Discussion on memory

The purpose of this activity plan is to provide strategies for building the working memory. By meeting the objective the client will understand how to use select tools to move information from the working memory to the long-term memory. Using the information processing model I started with an activity to test the client’s attention levels. Before the start of the session the clinician sets their cell phone to ring several minutes into the session. The cell phone, in addition to random objects (such as: a cell phone, butter knife, peanut butter, an apple, candy, stuffed animal, stick, ball cap, sunglasses, socks, notepad, pen, envelope, keys, and a wallet) are placed into brief case or purse and set aside.

1. Once the session begins and formalities exchanged the cell phone will ring. The clinician grabs the bag, pretending to search for the cell phone. One by one items are removed and placed in the open where they can be observable by the client, leaving the cell phone for last. After the cell phone is disarmed, each item is placed back into the bag, one at a time.

2. The therapist explains to the client how information from the environment is constantly entering the sensory memory through the five senses. The things we do not pay attention to are filtered out and deleted leaving those items that have relevance and meaning.

3. Ask the client to try to remember as many items as they can from the bag. Give them the sheet of paper and a pen, or pencil, to write down the answers. Have the client reflect on why it was difficult to remember all the items.

4. Learning involves storing and recalling of information from the sensory memory to the working memory to the long-term memory. Some information is purposely acquired such as asking a person for their phone number, while other information is implicitly absorbed such as learning to ride a bike. The items the client was able to remember will have had some meaning or novelty.

Higher Test Scores

Behavior Management


New Skills

Explicit Memories

Benefits of Brain-Compatible Learning

Retrieved from




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Psychology is a discipline covering the study of human functions and behavior. For decades teaching methods incorporated the practice of psychology in an effort

to manage behavior for the purpose of imparting of knowledge. There is no dispute that many teaching strategies subsequently derived from an educational psychology

model have benefited the classroom environment. However, the addition of neuroscience has brought with it an understanding of how to obtain attention, keep attention,

commit information to memory for lifetime application; in addition to, reaching those students deemed problematic, unteachable, and gifted. Thus, both psychology and

neuroscience have a part to play in education.

According to Gray (2010) it is the child, not the educator, who knows their readiness to learn; students will learn in their own unique way according to their unique

schedule (para 4). However, Howard Gardner stresses everything can be taught in multiple ways. By first, addressing the anxiety, and then incorporating alternative

strategies, many behavior problems could be curtailed.

Bronfenbrenner’s five rings of influence explains how a person’s environment effects how they grow cognitively and psychologically. When children feel safe and

emotionally invested learning takes place. If the activity is pleasant, the brain will want to do it again; if not, it will not be repeated. Neurotransmitters act to create an

excitatory or inhibitory response by the receiving neurons. Dopamine for example, produces an excitatory response the moment the signal for a reward is anticipated.

Whereas, norepinephrine is produced in conjunction with stress to stop an action. For instance, long division can be a difficult concept for any student, but more so for

Baddeley, A. (2012. January). Working memory: Theories, models, and controversies. Annual Review of Psychology. 63, 1-29. Doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-120710-100422

Brainrush. (2015). Science: Plant and animal life cycles.

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BigBrainz. (n.d.). Cool math games.

Edutopia (2009). Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on multiple intelligences [Video file]. Retrieved from

Fischer, K. W. & Immordino-Yang, M. H. (2008). The Jossey-Bass reader on the brain and learning. (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Hurry, P. (2000, December). Learning the MI way: The effects on students’ learning of using the theory of multiple intelligences. Pastoral Care in Education. 26-32.

Jensen, E. (2008). Brain-based learning: The new paradigm of teaching (2nd Ed). California: Corwin Press.

Jensen, E. P. (2008, October 1). A fresh look at brain-based education. Florida Association of School Administrators. Retrieved from


Jensen, E. (2008). Brain-based learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Jung, S. & Sainato, D. M. 92013). Teaching play skills to young children with autism. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. 38(1), 74-90. DOI:


Kail, R. V. & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2013). Human development: A life-span view (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth.

Kumar, H., Lim, H.-W., More, S. V., Kim, B.-W., Koppula, S., Kim I. S., & Choi, D.-K. (2012). The role of free radicals in the aging brain and Parkinson’s disease: Convergence and

parallelism. 13, 10478-10504. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi: 10.3390/ijms130810478.

Lackney, J. A. (n.d.). 12 Design principles based on brain-based learning research. Design Share. Retrieved from

McDaniel, R. (2008). Brain based learning v.s. traditional learning [Web article]. Retrieved from


McGeehan, J. (2001). Brain-compatible learning. Green Teacher, (64), 7-13. Retrieved from

Posner, M.I. (2003). Neural systems and individual differences: A commentary on frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Sackler Institute, University of Oregon, New

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Powell, S. R. & Driver, M. K. (2013). Working with exceptional students: An introduction to special education. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


Saudino, K. J. (2005. June). Behavioral genetics and child temperament. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 26 (3), 214-223.

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