colca canyon

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  • 7/27/2019 Colca Canyon


    Colca Canyon

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Coordinates: 153550S715245W

    Colca Valley

    Colca Canyon is acanyonof theColca Riverin southernPeru, located about 100 miles (160 kilometers)

    northwest ofArequipa. It is Peru's third most-visited tourist destination with about 120,000 visitors


    It is more than twice as deep as theGrand Canyonin theUnited Statesat 13,650 ft (4,160 m)

    depth. The Colca Valley is a colorfulAndeanvalley with pre-Incaroots, and towns founded in Spanish

    colonial times, still inhabited by people of the Collagua and the Cabana cultures. The local people

    maintain their ancestral traditions and continue to cultivate the pre-Incastepped terraces.



    1 History

    2 Geography

    3 Attractions

    4 Gallery

    5 References

    6 See also

    7 External links

    History[edit source|editbeta]

    TheQuechua-speaking Cabanas, probably descended from theWari culture, and theAymara-speaking

    Collaguas, who moved to the area from the Lake Titicaca region, inhabited the valley in the pre-Inca era.

    The Inca probably arrived in the Colca Valley around 1320 AD, and established their dominion through

    marriage, rather than through warfare. The Spaniards, underGonzalo Pizarro, arrived in 1540 and in the

    1570s the Spanish viceroyFrancisco de Toledoordered the inhabitants to leave their scattered
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    settlements and to move to a series of centrally located pueblos, which remain the principal towns of the

    valley.Franciscanmissionaries built the first chapel in the valley in 1565, and the first church in 1569.

    No passable roads existed between Arequipa andChivayuntil the 1940s, when a road was completed to

    serve the silver and copper mines of the region. More roads were built in the 1970s and 1980s by the

    Majes Hydroelectric Project, a program to divert water from the Colca River to irrigate crops in the Majes

    region. Access today is usually via Arequipa.

    In May 1981, the Polish Canoandes rafting expedition made the first descent of the river below

    Cabanaconde, and proclaimed the possibility of its being the world's deepest canyon. It was so

    recognized by the Guinness Book of Records in 1986, and a National Geographic article in January 1993

    repeated the claim.[citation needed]

    The joint Polish/Peruvian "Caon del Colca 2005" expedition verified the

    altitudes of the river and the surrounding heights via GPS.

    Tourism has increased since the 1980s and 1990s from a few thousand visitors annually to nearly

    150,000 visitors in 2010.[citation needed]

    Geography[edit source|editbeta]

    Colca-Arequipa 14 plains of Majes, it is known as the Majes River, and then is known as the Camana

    before reaching thePacific Oceanat the town of that name. Within the province ofCayllomait is known

    as the "Colca Valley" between Callalli and Pinchollo/Madrigal. Down to Huambo it is known as the Colca

    Canyon. The town ofChivayis located at the midpoint of the Colca valley. Above Chivay, at an elevation

    of 12,000 ft (3,650 m), agriculture gives way to livestock raising, principally alpacas and llamas, with

    some sheep and dairy cattle as well. Below Chivay the valley presents intensely terraced landscapes,

    continuing for many kilometers downstream. Within the deepening valley downriver, a series of small

    villages is spread out over the approximately 35 miles (56 km) between Chivay and the village of

    Cabanaconde. The canyon reaches its greatest depth in the region of Huambo, where the river has an

    elevation of 3,497 ft (1,066 m). In contrast, about 15 miles (24 km) to the southeast of Cabanaconde

    rises the 20,630 ft (6,288 m) highAmpato, a snow-capped extinct volcano.

    Attractions[edit source|editbeta]

    The canyon is home to theAndean Condor(Vultur gryphus), a species that has been the focus of

    worldwide conservation efforts. The condors can be seen at close range as they fly past the canyon

    walls, and are a popular attraction. 'Cruz del Condor' is a popular tourist stop to view the condors. At this

    point the canyon floor is 3,960 feet (1,200 m) below the rim of the canyon.

    Other notable bird species present in the Colca include theGiant Colibri, the largest member of the

    hummingbird family, as well as theAndean Goose,Chilean Flamingo, andMountain Caracara. Animals
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    includevizcacha, a rabbit-sized relative of the chinchilla,zorrino,deer,fox, andvicua, the wild ancestor

    of thealpaca.

    The La Calera natural hot springs are located at Chivay, the biggest town in the Colca Canyon. Other hot

    springs, some developed for tourist use, are dotted throughout the valley and canyon.

    Archeological sites include the caves of Mollepunko above Callalli where rock art (said to be 6,000 years

    old) depicts the domestication of the alpaca; the mummy of Paraqra, above Sibayo; the Fortaleza de

    Chimpa, a reconstructed mountaintop citadel that looks down on Madrigal; ruins of pre-Hispanic

    settlements throughout the valley; and many others.

    Cultural attractions include the Wititi festival in Chivay, named as a "cultural heritage" of Peru. The Colca

    is also well known for crafts: goods knitted from baby alpaca fiber and a unique form of embroidery that

    adorns skirts (polleras), hats, vests, and other items of daily wear and use.

    The most distant source ofAmazon Riveris accessible from the Colca valley via Tuti, a one-day trip to a

    spring at 16,800 feet (5,120 m), where snowmelt from theMismibursts from a rock face. Other

    attractions include the Infiernillo Geyser, on the flanks of the volcanoWallqa Wallqa, which is accessible

    on foot, horseback, or mountain bicycle, and a number ofcasas vivenciales where tourists can stay with

    a local family in their home and share in their daily activities.

    Autocolca, an autonomous authority created by law in the 1980s, is responsible for tourism promotion

    and management in the Colca Valley.

    Gallery[edit source|editbeta]

    Panoramic view of Colca Canyon from Achachiua Mirador, near Cabanaconde
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    El Caon de Colca es el atractivo mayor de la region de Arequipa ytambien uno de los mas importantes del Peru. Se puede dividir en 2partes etre Chivay y Pinchollo, el Colca es un valle abierto, fertil ypoblado, caracterizado por hermosas terrazas agricolas y unadecena de pueblos pintorescos donde los Indios Collaguasmantienen sus costumbres. Mas abajo, el valle se cierra y se

    transforma en un profundo y angosto caon, que se admirar desdelos alrededores de Cabanaconde.Existen esencialmente 2 tipos de tours: las excursiones en buspermiten ver el caon desde sus miradores, y las caminatas quepermiten bajar al caon desde el pueblo de Cabanaconde.

    UbicacionUbicado en la provincia de Cailloma en Cabanaconde. El tiempominimo recomendable para la visita a este atractivo es de 2 o 3dias, pernoctando en Achoma.El viaje hacia el caon es sumamente interesante, no solo por elbello paisaje sino tambien, por las evidencias que muestran eldominio agricola de los antiguos peruanos, gran cantidad deandenes, monumentos arquitectonicos coloniales en sus pintorescospueblos, flora (variedad de cactus) y fauna (auquenidos, pajaros,condores).

    Arequipa yEl Caon del Colca

    4 Dias/3 NochesDesde US$ 300.00

    Circuitos que incluyen Arequipa

    Peru y Trek alCaon del Colca

    Lima-Arequipa-Lima7 Dias/6 Noches

    Desde US$ 520.00

    Hoteles en Arequipa

    El caon tiene mas de 100 kms. de largo y su profundizacion en el punto mas profundo es de 3,400 mts. Elmejor lugar de observacion se encuentra a 3,800 m.s.n.m. en la Cruz del Condor, donde suele verse elmajestuoso vuelo del Condor.

    AlturaPara llegar a este valle, hay que subir a 4.350 metros sobre el nivel del mar y luego descender a 3.400metros de altura. En el descenso se pueden apreciar paisajes con nevados y andenes.

    Arqueologia y ActualidadLos collaguas, antiguos habitantes de la zona, anterior al Imperio Incaico, dejaron sus huellas que se puedenver a traves de sus vestigios, petroglifos y cuevas donde se almacenaban los cereales.En las riberas del rio Colca hay catorce poblados del siglo XVI de influencia hispanica que se conservan tal

    cual, como si se hubiera interrumpido el tiempo.Destacan sus fiestas tradicionales y las iglesias profusamente ornamentadas.

    Mirador NaturalPartiendo de Arequipa hacia el Valle del Colca, el primer pueblo que se encuentra es Chivay con su miradornatural, se pueden observar el vuelo de los condores en su ambiente natural, asi como tambien los volcanesAmpato y Coropuna.

    HospedajeEn varios pueblos de la zona existe hospedaje, aunque tambien se puede acampar.

    Deportes de AventuraEsta zona del Colca es propicia para los deportes de aventura y para las caminatas.


    HistoriaEL Colca region conocida en la colonia como el corregimiento Collahuas, fue una de las zonas masimportantes del virreinato del Peru. Tal es que Francisco Pizarro encomienda a su hermano Gonzalo, que seestablezca en Yanque para ejercer el control del Valle. En ese entonces este fertil valle era poblado por masde 60 mil almas dedicadas a la produccion agricola, especialmente maiz y papa que garantizaba laalimentacion de una gran poblacion y por lo tanto un area estrategica.

    El Virrey Toledo aplica la Reduccion de Indios y esta vasta poblacion es obligada a sangre y fuego a reducirseen pueblos. Hasta ese momento toda la poblacion se dedicaba a las tareas agricolas o ganaderas y vivian enpequeos caserios diseminados a lo largo del valle en lugares bien ubicados para cumplir con sus labores.
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    Los nuevos poblados denominados "Reduccion de Indios", diseados desde Espaa con una planificaciondetallada y minuciosa tuvieron estrictas normas para su construccion como el diseo de un damero, el anchode sus calles, la necesidad de implementar una carcel, hospital, escuela, asilo para ancianos, etc. y por supuesto una plaza mayor y su importante iglesia.

    Es asi que el Colca resulta con 14 pueblos bien diseados y magnificas obras de arquitectura, como son casitodas las iglesias que existen hasta hoy.

    Por esta experiencia tambien causaron graves problemas en la poblacion, pues el nacimiento y promiscuidada que se les obliga a soportar en esta nueva forma de vida, produce terribles epidemias sobre todo por lasnuevas enfermedades introducidas por los europeos, determinando una dramatica reduccion de poblacion, laque de acuerdo con las informaciones existentes al inicio de la republica solamente quedaron unas 15 milpersonas.

    Es importante tambien sealar que en el ao 1630 se descubre en la region las primeras minas de plata,cobre y oro y por lo tanto el interes ya no solo es por su produccion alimenticia, sino tambien por el volumende mano de obra aprovechable para la mineria.

    Lo curioso es que de haber sido una importante region pasa en la epoca republicana a ser totalmenteignorada, tal como lo ilustra la anecdota de aquellos dos aviadores, Robert Shippee y George Johnson que afines de los aos 20 realizando un levantamiento aerofotografico encuentran un conocido valle poblado quele denominan el "Desconocido Valle de los lncas" lo que los motiva al ao siguiente a realizar una expediciona la zona, construyendo un aeropuerto en el pueblo de Lari, efectuando las primeras mediciones delprofundo caon e informando que es el doble de la profundidad del caon del Colorado, dato que hasta lafecha es ignorado por la propia National Geographics Society que en su atlas mundial continua publicando alcaon del Colorado como el mas profundo.

    Este acontecimiento causa revuelo en los Estados Unidos, la historia es publicada en el National GeographicsMagazine de Enero de 1934 y los mencionados expedicionarios son invitados a diversas universidades de suPais a dictar conferencias sobre su notable expedicion.

    En el Peru no sucede nada, hasta los aos 75 que con motivo de la construccion del proyecto de la irrigacionde Majes, es que el Valle del Colca puede ser accesible con la construccion de nuevas carreteras y lainfraestructura acondicionada para la estadia de los tecnicos y personal de la obra. Estas posibilidades deacceso y alojamiento permite que algunos estudiosos, investigadores, artistas y aventureros empiecen arecorrer el valle e ir descubriendo una inagotable riqueza en todos los campos, historicos, artisticos,cientificos, deportivos, etc. que dan renombre y difusion internacional hasta convertirlo en lo que hoy es,uno de los principales atractivos turisticos del pais.

    Estas investigaciones han permitido conocer, por ejemplo:

    01.Que el origen mas distante del rio Amazonas esta en el nevado Mismis, pico de la Cordillera del Chilasobre el Colca.

    02.Observaciones y estudios en flora y fauna, dadas las condiciones de la cordillera de los Andes en estazona determinan asociaciones de especies plenamente adaptadas a extremas condiciones de altitud y frio.

    03.La posibilidad de observacion y estudio de una de las aves mas veneradas por todos los tiempos y menosestudiadas por su habitat natural, el Condor.

    04.La existencia de mas de 20 especies de cactus y 170 aves, etc.

    05.La historia geologica del caon, en que se encuentran practicamente todas las capas o estratos queexisten en la tierra de las epocas mas remotas de la formacion del planeta.

    06.El alto grado de desarrollo de la ingenieria agricola aplicada por los Collahuas, etnia de origenTiahuanaco, que se asento en el, valle del Colca y desarrollo maravillosos sistemas de irrigacion yconservacion de suelos con la construccion de extensos canales y mas de 6000 hectareas de andenes ymaquetas modelo.

    07.Conservacion y utilizacion de cultivos alimenticios, que con adecuado manejo en la rotacion de losdiferentes cultivos han permitido conservar la fertilidad de los suelos y control de plagas y enfermedades.

    08.Que con la aplicacion de sistemas de intercambio de productos con otros pisos ecologicos, han podidomejorar su dieta alimenticia y mantener contacto con otras organizaciones sociales y culturales de otrasregiones.

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    09.Hazaas deportivas como: navegacion del caon del Colca (con una profundidad de 3207 metros), elescalamiento de majestuosos macizos volcanicos como el Ampato de 6300 m.s.n.m. o los varios picos de lacordillera del Chila.

    10.El desarrollo de sistemas de domesticacion y crianza de camelidos sud-americanos como la llama yalpaca.

    11.Para visitar el Colca y tener una idea de sus atractivos se requiere de minimo dos pemoctaciones, losviajes por un dia no pueden ser recomendables para nadie y si hablamos de tours culturales, ecologicos odeportivos la permanencia debe ser de 5 o mas dias.


    Territorio del CondorEl Condor, gigante de las aves voladoras y simbolo mitologico de las mas antiguas civilizaciones andinas, esel gran personaje dueo y seor del Caon del Colca.El condor tiene el dominio absoluto del imponente caon. De gran tamao, de 2,80 a 3,25 m deenvergadura, con 10 a 12 kg de peso, es un ave que ha logrado una asombrosa eficiencia de vuelo utilizandolas corrientes de aire para un perfecto planeo, que casi sin movimiento de alas puede desplazarse en largosrecorridos y a grandes alturas. Se alimenta de animales muertos, es decir, es carrooso y no puede coger nitransportar sus presas por no tener las patas apropiadas como el aguila o el gavilan. Alimenta a suspolluelos por regurgitacion. Anida en rocas escarpadas e inaccesibles; pone de uno a dos huevos de 11 cm

    de longitud y 7 de ancho; su incubacion dura mas de dos meses.

    Los jovenes condores son de plumaje pardo y aproximadamente a los ocho aos de edad cambian a negro.De adultos tienen el caracteristico collar blanco y manchas tambien blancas sobre las alas. Solo el machoposee la cresta carnosa y en cautiverio llega hasta los 50 aos de edad.

    El condor es de importante significado. Asi lo demuestran las abundantes representaciones mitologicas desdeepocas pre incaicas o simbolos nacionales en los escudos de Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador y Colombia. Sinembargo, es curioso que sobre el mismo se conozca muy poco. No existe todavia una evaluacion de supoblacion y muchas de sus costumbres son todavia desconocidas.

    Si bien esta gran ave se encuentra en casi todos los Andes, inclusive en la costa, son pocos los lugares comoen el Colca donde su presencia es constante y con posibilidades de observarla en vuelo a corta distancia.Muchas veces por debajo del punto de observacion puede apreciarse el plumaje de encima del lomo y lasalas. Dada su importancia, el caon es un "Santuario Nacional" para conservacion y proteccion del condor.

    El caon es una impresionante grieta que corre por 100 km entre grandes paredes de 3.400 m en promedio,Sus laderas son pronunciadas, casi verticales. Bajan desde los 5.200 m de la Cordillera de Chila, en sumargen derecha, hasta el rio, a 3.000 m del inicio del caon, hasta llegar a los 900 m despues de 100 km derecorrido en la confluencia con el rio Arndamayo en que se forma el valle de Majes.

    Dada la gran pendiente de sus laderas y la escasa precipitacion pluvial, es practicamente desertico. Sinembargo, en algunas quebradas mas protegidas y humedas, con paredes menos pronunciadas, seencuentran muestras de casi todos los pisos ecologicos desde la zona nival, hasta pequeos oasis de climatropical con abundante vegetacion y produccion de frutales, como en Tapay. La tuna es muy abundante y decrecimiento natural, asi como otros cactus.

    Para descender al rio y recorrer el caon hay algunos caminos de herradura con escasos puentes quepermiten conectar algunas pequeas aldeas que existen a lo largo del caon, como Tapay, Cosnihua,Malata,Llatica. La carretera unicamente llega a los pueblos de Cabanaconde y Huambo, situados en lamargen izquierda. Actualmente existe un puente que conecta Cabanaconde con Tapay; otro, aguas abajo de

    Cabanaconde con Llatica y entre Ajpi y Choco.


    Valle del ColcaTiene 3.000 metros de profundidad y, con ello, es mas profundo que el famoso Caon del Colorado, EstadosUnidos. Por las paredes escarpadas de este accidente geografico en algunos lugares drenan aguas termales,con reconocidas propiedades medicinales como La Calera y Yanque. Esta ubicado en el valle del mismonombre que se ubica al oeste de la ciudad de Arequipa, en una region alejada de las principales vias decomunicacion. El Colca es conocido por ser el Caon uno de los mas profundo de la tierra, formado por el riodel mismo nombre y por la practica, en aos recientes, de deportes de aventura, como el canotaje y el
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    parapente. Hay 14 pueblos escalonados a lo largo del valle, llenos de vida y colorido. En la Cruz del Condorel camino pasa al filo del caon. Experiencias de visitantes anteriores indican que el panorama que seobserva desde alli es "espectacular", pues abajo discurre el rio Colca a una profundidad de 1.200 metrosmientras que el murallon de al frente, llega a medir 3.100 metros de altura en cuyas cumbres se ven loshielos perpetuos y mas abajo los condores vuelan majestuosos. Ademas, en la zona se pueden visitar lospueblos de Coporaque, con su impresionante iglesia y su historia tan particular (preguntar a algunlugareo), Yanque con sus piscinas termales; ademas de los baos de Maca y Achoma. Sin embargo,tambien vale la pena visitar el valle del Colca que es rico en historia y arquitectura, ya que en sus pueblos se

    pueden apreciar las iglesias mas bellas y mas antiguas del Peru, adornadas con pinturas murales y valiososcuadros de la epoca de la colonia



    Mirador Cruz del CondorEs un paraje privilegiado para observar la profundidad del caon, la vegetacion y sobre todo, el vuelo de loscondores, el ave mas representativa de la region. Este mirador constituye un espectaculo natural y unainteresante experiencia para el visitante. Se encuentra a 3,287 m.s.n.m. Se ha construido una gran cruz yun pequeo muro de piedra para la comodidad de los turistas. El avistamiento del condor generalmente sehace de 10 a 12 del mediodia.

    Ventana del ColcaEs una formacion geologica ubicada a 4 300 m.s.n.m. que, por erosion eolica y pluvial, ha adoptado la formade una ventana. Desde este mirador natural se puede apreciar claramente la carretera de ingreso al valle delColca (por la parte alta), y la confluencia de los rios La Pulpera y Colca.

    Caon del ColcaConstituye uno de los caones mas profundos y bellos del Peru. Su parte mas profunda (3 400 m.s.n.m.) seubica en la localidad de Canco, casi al limite provincial entre Cailloma y Castilla. El caon es una formaciongeologica producida por una falla en la corteza terrestre, sobre donde sigue actuando la erosion milenaria delas aguas del rio del mismo nombre. La zona se halla rodeada por volcanes como el Coropuna, el Ampato yel Sabancaya.

    Rio Colca Majes Canotaje

    De los meses diciembre a marzo, los deportistas que practican el canotaje, siempre y cuando sean expertosy cuenten con gran experiencia, pueden recorrer la parte alta y media de este rio, explorado por lasexpediciones polacas de 1979. Incluye rapidos de dificultad extrema y gran aislamiento en ciertos tramos,puesto que los poblados suelen estar muy apartados del torrente. Si bien es posible recorrer la parte baja enbalsas de goma. la seccion del caon solo pueden hacerla gente experta y muy experimentada en navegaren kayak.El rio Colca cambia de nombre en su descenso al Pacifico. Despues del caon recibe el nombre de Majes yofrece opciones mas viables para su recorrido en balsa de goma para el turista, asi como oferta de alberguesy facilidad de acceso. Si bien en su seccion navegable (rio Andamayo - Aplao) no ofrece rapidos largos, labelleza del paisaje y la limpieza de su curso permiten bajarlo con comodidad. Su temporada tambien esamplia de abril a noviembre y a veces se extiende a todo el ao.



    Valle de los VolcanesUbicado a una altitud de 3 587 m.s.n.m. el Valle de los Volcanes fue el centro de estruendosas convulsionesde la Cordillera Volcanica. Como resultado, podemos observar que se asienta sobre una extension de lavavolcanica sobre la que han brotado alrededor de 86 pequeos volcanes apagados, que son como ampollasemergidas por la desgasificacion de la misma lava o como producto de erupciones directas desde el magma;su altitud llega hasta los 300 metros, y tiene una antigedad aproximada de doscientos mil aos,presumiblemente como consecuencia de una o dos erupciones del volcan Coropuna, y de otros similares yadestruidos.
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    Mirador de TapayEs un punto de observacion natural ubicado en la margen izquierda del rio Colca, a una altura aproximada de3 600 m.s.n.m. Desde este lugar se aprecia la profundidad del Caon del Colca, asi como la Cordillera delChila, y los sitios arqueologicos de Kakatapuy, Otupara y Kosirhua. Se puede tambien distinguir el pueblode Tapay, y sus anexos o pueblos menores.

    Pueblos del Valle

    A lo largo del valle hay casi una veintena de aldeas y pobladores que conservan, mas que en ninguna otraregion del pais, huellas de la riqueza etnica de su pasado. Los principales son Chivay, Cabanaconde.Huambo. Maca, -Achoma, Yunque, Lari y Coporaque. Se trata de pueblos profundamente religiosos y cuyaacendrada fe catolica mantiene vivos ademas elementos prehispanicos. Cada poblacion tiene su propiaiglesia, depositaria de la herencia hispanica y manifiesto ejemplar de la sobriedad y pureza arquitectonicabasada en la piedra sillar, de origen volcanico.


    COLCA CANYONUsefull date |Attractive| Others attractiveness


    Colca canyon is the major attraction of the Department of Arequipa and

    also one of the most important in Peru. It can be divided in two parts:between Chivay and Pinchollo, Colca is a wide, fertile and populatedvalley, characterized by scenic terrace cultures and picturesque Indianvillages. Further downstream, the valley narrows to transform into a deep,steep-sided canyon, which can be observed around Cabanaconde. Thereare essentially 2 types of tours: bus tours in which the canyon is seenfrom above, from some spectacular viewpoints, and treks in which onehikes down to the bottom of the canyon from Cabanaconde.

    LocatedLocated in the province of Cailloma in Cabanaconde. The recommendableminimum time for the visit to this attractiveness is of 2 or 3 days,spending the night in Achoma. The trip towards the tube is extremelyinteresting, not only by the beautiful landscape but also so that itpresents/displays evidences of old the agricultural dominion of the zone bythe Peruvians, great amount of platform, colonial architectonic

    monuments in his colorful towns, flora (variety of cactus) and fauna(auquenidos, birds, condores).

    Traditional Arequipa3 Days/2 Nigths

    From US$ 138.00

    Arequipa and Canyon Colca4 Days/3 NigthsFrom US$ 162.00

    Circuits include Arequipa

    Peru and Trek Canyon ColcaLima-Arequipa-Lima7 Days /6 NigthsFrom US$ 292.00

    Hotels in Arequipa

    The tube has more than 100 kms of length and its deepening begins several kms despuees of Chivay,arriving 3.400 the deepest point at mts. The best place of observation is to 3.800 m.s.n.m. The zone of theColca is ideal for the practice of adventure tourism.Usually it is seen by colca happen to the majestic Condor

    HeightIn order to arrive at this valley, it is necessary to raise 4,350 meters on the level of the sea and soon todescend to 3,400 meters of height. In the reduction landscapes with snow-covered and platforms can beappreciated.

    Archaeology and the present timeCollagua, old inhabitants of the zone, previous to Imperio Incaico, left their tracks that can be seen throughtheir vestiges, petroglifos and caves where the cereals were stored.In the shores of the Colca river there are fourteen towns of century XVI of Hispanic influence that conservesuch as, as if the time had been interrupted.They emphasize its traditional celebrations and the churches profusely ornamented.
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    Natural viewpoint

    Condor flying over the Tube of the ColcaStarting off of Arequipa for the Valley of the Colca, the first town which one is is Chivay, where it emphasizesa natural viewpoint from where they are possible to be seen fly the condores in his natural atmosphere, aswell as two called volcanos Ampato and Coropuna.LodgingIn several towns of the zone lodging exists, although also it is possible to be encamped.

    Adventure SportThis zone of the Colca is propitious for the sports of adventure and the long walks.


    HistoryThe COLCA well-known region in the colony like the Collahuas group of judges, was one of the mostimportant zones of the virreinato of Peru. So it is that Francisco Pizarro entrusts to his brother Gonzalo, whosettles down itself in Yanque to exert the control of the Valley. In that then fertile east valley was town bymore than 60 thousand souls dedicated to the agricultural production, specially maize and Pope that thefeeding of a great population guaranteed and therefore a strategic area.

    The Virrey Toledo applies the Reduction of Indians and this vast population is forced to blood and fire to bereduced in towns. Until that moment all the population dedicated itself to the agricultural or cattle tasks andlived in small cacerios scattered throughout the affluent valley in places located to fulfill its workings.

    The new towns denominated Reduction of Indians, designed from Spain with a detailed and meticulousplanning had extrictas norms for their construction because it designed a checkerboard, the wide one of hisstreets, the necessity to implement a jail, hospital, school, asylum for old, etc. and by his position a greaterseat and its important church.

    It is so the Colca is with 14 towns affluent designed and magnificent works of architecture, like are almost allthe churches that exist until today.

    By this experience also they caused to serious problems in the population, because the birth and promiscuityto that he commits himself to support to them in this new form of life, mainly produces terrible epidemics bythe new diseases introduced by the European, determining a dramatic reduction of population, the one thatin agreement with the existing information at the beginning of the republic only were left 15 thousandpeople.

    It is important also to indicate that in year 1630 it is discovered in the region the first mines of silver,receives and gold and therefore the interest no longer only is by its nutritional production, but also by thevolume of usable manual labor for the mining.

    The peculiar thing is that of to have been an important region it totally happens at the republican time to beignored, as illustrates the anecdote of those two aviators, Robert Shippee and George the Johnsons who bythe end of years 20 making an aerial photography find a well-known valley populated that they denominatethe Stranger to him Valley of lncas what the following year motivates them to make an expedition to the

    zone, constructing an airport in the town of Lari, carrying out the first measurements of the deep tube andinforming that is the double of the depth of the tube of the Colorado, data that to date is ignored by the ownNational Geographics Society that in its atlas world-wide it continues publishing to the tube of the Coloradolike deepest.

    This event causes commotion in the United States, history is published in the National Geographics Magazineof January of 1934 and the expeditionary mentioned ones are invited to diverse universities of their Countryto dictate conferences on their remarkable expedition.

    In Peru nothing happens, until the years 75 that in the occasion of the construction of the project of theirrigation of Majes, are that the Valley of the Colca can be accessible with the construction of new highwaysand the infrastructure prepared for estadia of the technicians and personnel of the work. These possibilitiesof access and lodging allow that some students, investigators, artists and adventurers begin to cross thevalley and to be discovering an inexhaustible wealth in all the fields, historical, artistic, scientific, sport, etc.that give to reputation and international diffusion until turning it which today it is, one of main attractive thetourist ones of the country.

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    The territory of CondorThe Condor, giant of the flying birds and mitologico symbol of the oldest Andean civilizations, are the greatpersonage owner and gentleman of the Tube of the Colca.

    The condor has the absolute superiority of the imposing tube. Of great size, of 2.80 to 3.25 ms of spread,with 10 to 12 kg of weight, it is a bird that has obtained an amazing efficiency of flight using the airflows fora perfect planning, that almost without movement of wings can move in long-hauls and to high altitude. It isfed on died animals, that is to say, he is carrooso and it cannot take nor transport his prey not to have the

    appropriate legs like the eagle or the sparrowhawk. It feeds his chicks by regurgitation. It nests on steepand inaccessible rocks; it puts of one to two eggs of 11 cm in length and 7 of wide; its incubation lasts morethan two months.

    The condores young people are of brown plumage and approximately to the eight years of age they changeto black. Of adults they have the characteristic white necklace and also white spots on the wings. Only themale has the fleshy crest and in captivity he arrives until the 50 years of age.

    The condor is of important meaning. To thus they demonstrate to the abundant mitologicas representationsfrom incaicas times pre or national symbols it in the shields of Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia.Nevertheless, he is peculiar that on he himself is known very little. An evaluation of its population still doesnot exist and many of their customs still are not known.

    Although this great bird is in almost all the $andes, including in the coast, are few the places like in the Colcawhere its presence is constant and with possibilities of observing it in short-distance flight. Often below theobserving point the plumage of upon the back and the wings can be appraised. Given its importance, thetube is a National Sanctuary for conservation and protection of the condor.

    The tube is an impressive crack that runs percent km between great walls of 3,400 ms in average, Its slopesare pronounced, almost vertical. They lower from the 5,200 ms of the Mountain range of Chila, in its rightmargin, to the river, to 3,000 ms of the beginning of the tube, to arriving at the 900 ms after 100 km ofroute in the confluence with the Arndamayo river in which the valley of Majes forms.

    Given to the great slope of its slopes and the little pluvial precipitation, he is practically desert. Nevertheless,in some gorges more humid protecting and, with walls less pronouncing, are samples of almost all theecological floors from the nival zone, to small tropical climate oases with abundant vegetation andproduction of fruit trees, like in Tapay. Tuna is very abundant and of natural growth, as well as other cactus.

    In order to descend to the river and to cross the tube there are some pack animal roads with little bridgesthat allow to connect some small villages that exist throughout the tube, like Tapay, Cosnihua, Malata,Llatica. The highway arrives solely at the towns of Cabanaconde and Huambo, located in the left margin. At

    the moment a bridge exists that connects Cabanaconde with Tapay; another one, waters underCabanaconde with Llatica and between Ajpi and Choco.


    Colca ValleyAt 3,000 meters (9,900ft) in depth, Colca Valley is deeper than the famous Grand Canyon of the UnitedStates. The slanted walls of this geographical wonder drain thermal waters to create some well knownretreats for medicinal and relaxation purposes, such as La Calera and Yanque. It is located west of the city ofArequipa, in a region isolated from traditional means of communication. Colca is known for being one of thedeepest canyons in the world, formed by the Colca River, and in recent years has become a place to practiceadventure sports such as canoeing and paragliding. There are 14 towns stretching across the valley, full ofcolor and life. At the Cruz del Condor (Cross of the Condor) the road passes by the ridge of the canyon.Experiences from past visitors indicate that the panorama from this point is simply spectacular. The amazingColca River is located 1,200 meters (3,960ft) below, and the thick canyon wall in front of you stretches up to

    a height of 3,100 meters (10,170ft), whose peaks are perpetually coated with ice. And further down thecondors fly majestically. In addition, other areas you can visit in the region are Coporaque, with itsimpressive church and unique history (ask any village person), Yanque with its thermal pools, and the bathsof Maca and Achoma. However, it is worthwhile to visit the towns of Colca Valley, rich in history andarchitecture. One can appreciate some of the most beautiful and oldest churches in Peru, decorated withmurals and valuable paintings from the colonial ages.

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    Viewpoint Cross of the CondorIt is a privileged place to observe the depth of the tube, the vegetation and mainly, the flight of thecondores, the most representative bird of the region. This viewpoint constitutes a natural spectacle and aninteresting experience for the visitor. M.s.n.m is to 3.287. It has been constructed to a great cross and a

    small stone wall for the comfort of the tourists. The sighting of the condor is made generally from 10 to 12 ofthe noon.

    Window of the ColcaM.s.n.m is a located geologic formation to 4 300 that, by Aeolian and pluvial erosion, it has adopted the formof a window. From this natural viewpoint it is possible to be appreciated clearly the highway of enter thevalley of the Colca (by the high part), and the confluence of the rivers the Pulpera and Colca.

    Tube of the ColcaIt constitutes one of the deepest and beautiful tubes of Peru. Its deeper part (3 400 m.s.n.m.) is located inthe locality of Earthenware, almost to the provincial limit between Cailloma and Castilla. The tube is ageologic formation produced by a fault in the terrestrial crust, on where it continues acting the millenarianerosion of waters of the river of he himself name. The zone is surrounded by volcanos like the Coropuna, theAmpato and the Sabancaya.

    Colca Majes River Rafting

    Of the months December to March, the sportsmen who practice the canotaje, as long as they are expert andthey count on great experience, can cross the high and average part of this river, explored by the Polishexpeditions of 1979. It includes expresses of extreme difficulty and great isolation in certain sections, sincethe towns usually are very sections of the torrent. Although it is possible to cross the low part in rubberrafts. the section of the tube only can make it expert people and very experienced in sailing in kayak.

    The Colca river changes of name in its reduction to the Pacific. After the tube it receives the name of Majesand it offers more viable options for his route in rubber raft for the tourist, as well as supply of shelters andfacility of access. Although in his navigable section (river Andamayo - Aplao) it does not offer longexpresses, the beauty of the landscape and the cleaning of their course allows to lower it with comfort. Itsseason also is ample of April to November and sometimes it extends to all the year.



    Valley of VolcanosLocated to an altitude of 3 587 m.s.n.m the Valley of Volcanos was the center of uproarious convulsions ofthe Volcanic Mountain range. Like result, we can observe that one is based on a volcanic lava extension onwhich they have appeared around 86 small volcanos extinguished, that are as blisters emerged by thedegassing of the same lava or like product of direct eruptions from the magma; its altitude arrives until the300 meters, and has an approximated antiquity of two hundred thousand years, presumably as a result ofone or two eruptions of Coropuna volcano, and other similars already destroyed.

    Viewpoint of TapayIt is a located natural observing point in the left margin of the Colca river, to an approximated height of 3600 m.s.n.m. From this place it is appraised the depth of the Tube of the Colca, as well as the Mountainrange of the Chila, and the archaeological sites of Kakatapuy, Otupara and Kosirhua. The smaller town of

    Tapay, and its annexed or towns can also be distinguished.

    Villages in Colca VelleyThroughout the valley there are almost one twenty of villages and settlers who conserve, more than in noother region of the country, tracks of the ethnic wealth of his past. The main ones are Chivay, Cabanaconde.Huambo. Maca, - Achoma, Anvil, Lari and Coporaque. One is deeply religious towns and whose pure catholicfaith maintains alive in addition elements pre-Hispanic. Each population has its own church, depositaria ofthe Hispanic inheritance and manifest unit of the sobriety and architectonic purity based on the stone tosillar, of volcanic origin.

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