cold calling: is it your only sales option?

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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Cold calling stopped working years ago, but what can you do if your boss requires cold calling? This presentation explains some simple strategies to make cold calling effective - using social media - if it's your only prospecting option.


What If Cold Calling Is Your Only Option?

A presentation by Frank RumbauskasNew York Times Best-Selling Author

Very few people return the

System, despite the fact that I sell it on a very generous "try before you buy" offer. However, the people who do return it all have the same reason:"I want to use your system, but my boss makes me cold call!"If you're in that dilemma, I feel your pain - I've been there too. Many times.

Social media can be a very powerful tool in "getting in the door" with a desired prospect.

Social Media - First Step

• List companies you want to target • Use LinkedIn to find

out who are the key decision makers

Social Media – Second Step

• LinkedIn and Facebook can give you a wealth of information about your new prospect, or as they're more positively known, your probable purchaser.

Using this strategy makes a sale all the more probable!

Go beyond the corporate stuff. Where did he go to school? What are her hobbies? What is his hometown? Is he married? Does she have kids? What are their favorite foods? Where else has your prospect worked?

Can you see how using

social media can

really boost your cold

calling potential?

Before picking up the phone, look for commonalities that you can talk about. In the old days, this was accomplished by asking a friendly receptionist lots of questions about the prospect, before going into the cold call.

Now the Internet puts all that information right at your fingertips!

One Step Further…

Why try to make a phone cold call when you can use LinkedIn to send an "InMail" to the prospect instead?

One Step Further…

Then after an initial contact is made, friend the person on Facebook. Get to know more about them – the real person, not the “prospect”.

One Step Further…

Follow them on Twitter and reply to interesting tweets now and then. Engage in conversation.

Begin a dialogue. Become friends, if only virtually.

• Remember that people don't buy on price, features, benefits, or any of that. They buy people, and any chance they get, they buy from friends.

• So if your boss subjects you to cold calling, make the most of it - use social media to supercharge your cold calls and your sales!

Thank You For Reading!

For a FREE 37-page PDF preview of the Never Cold Call Again system, please visit

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