
Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Connect. Collaborate. Done . . Social Power. and the. Coming Corporate Revolution. Ordinary people using Facebook and Twitter knocked down dictators in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya …. …and are threatening absolute rule in Syria. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Collaborate. Done. Connect.

Coming Corporate RevolutionSocial Powerand the

Ordinary people using Facebook and Twitter knocked down dictators in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya……and are threatening absolute rule in Syria.

"Social Power and the Coming Corporate Revolution," David Kirkpatrick,, Sept. 7, 2011

This social might is now moving towardyour company.

Your customers and your employees have adopted this power……and you’d better learn to embrace them.

Individuals now use potent

to organize themselves.

new technologies and harness social media

Governments and companies are not prepared for thisnew social


People are changing faster than companies.

The elites—or managers in companies—no longer control the conversation.

- Marc Benioff, CEO of, Inc.”This is how insurrections


broadcast it.Customers who don’t like a product

Prospective employees find out what life is like at your company - beforehand.

is that the tools people use at work…

The expectation now

…are as easy and fun as the ones they use in their personal


Managing your work + social + personal life


just got simpler.


is a social collaboration platform that bridges the gap betweenour personal and professional circles.


Overworked, overwhelmed, and underdone.

Fewer Staff Current tools are boring

People are picky

Brands are now social

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But, there’s good news.

People are social Companies love people

Social platforms

grow business


Connect Collaborate Done

is an open social collaboration tool. Easily get things done with anyone,


A unified space forall your personal and professional projects. From planning a wedding to shippinga product.

Plan your social and professional life using one shared calendar.

Instant messaging, group discussion,file transfer and storage, time tracking, calendar syncing, private to-dos, and group collaboration.


Discover the world’s most interesting doers. See what they’re working on. Invite them into your own projects.


Collaborate. Done. Connect.

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