come comments on answering islam

Post on 30-Sep-2015






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SOME COMMENTS ON ANSWERING ISLAMAnswering Islam is an A nti Islamic Site which disguise itself as a Christian Site. A number of Muslims try to Answer Answering Islam AS IF it is a Christian Site. For axample consider the Site Answering Christianity.But this is what Answering Islam Wants to.So it is NECESSARY to respond Answering Islam as any name confined to the Site Answering Islam instead of any name which have anti Christian tendencies.Answering Islam is not a Christian Site .Since it is not the official site of three Major Christian Sects eg 1) ROMAN CATHILOCS2) GREEK ORTHODOX and 3) PROTESTANTS .Even it cannot be ascribed to any Christian Cult say JW etc.It is more or less like a group of Anti Islamic elements who purporate to be Christian. But when investigated it is fund that they do not belong to any proper Christian Sect .Answering Islam ios a different world from Christiandom.How ever The basic aim of Answering Islam is to attempt to disprove Truth Of Islam by using any possible way whether it is Anti Sematic or even Anti Christian.Consider a reasoning against some Islamic Article of Faith. If a similar reasoning can be made against Biblical Article of Faith, then a faithful Christian whether he belongs to Roman Catholic Sect or Greek Orthodox Sect or Protestant Sect or even Arian Catholic Sect of Christianity shall discard the reasoning in both cases. Since it is logically incorrect to accept any one of the two and to reject the other one. But Answering Islam neglects the reasoning whic is against Bible just because its aim is to make objections On Islam at the cost of a similar objection on Bible in general and Christianity in paerticular. This does shew that they are not loyal to Christinity. Example 1:-Moon God theory was propagated by Answering Islam. But writers of Answering Islam must have known that similar theories are invented by Athiest and Secularists for the Biblican God in genera and Athanasian God in Particular.Seularists and Athiests have tried to shew that Athanasian God is not an original God but borrowed from a number of Pagan and Gentile Sun Gods like MIthra or Ba'l. Attempts are also made to prove that Torahic God is just a Representation Of Egyptian Monotheistic Religion. Some try to prove that BiblicalMonotheism was borrowed from AkhenAten, a Pharoah who was a believer of Oneness of God.This does shew that Answering Islam is not a True Christian Site, rather it is an Independent World of Anti Islamic sensibility. Answering Islam does know beyond any doubt that what it is doing to Islam , is what Secularists and Atheists are doing to Christianity. They both use same type of technique. Example 2:- Answering Islam Does not believe in Haman and use Egyptology in its attempt to shew There was no Haman in the time og Moshey/Musa/Moses[ Peace be upon Him]. But Answering Islam does know that Even Moses Peace be upon Him cannot be proved mere from science of Egyptology.Whart does this shew . This proves that Answering Islam is not faithful to Christianity as well.Rather they are making doubts in Christianity as well. For any logical mind will not accept that Objections against Islam are correct but against Biblical religions are incorrect.So it may be said that Answering Islam need to be refuted on these grounds as well , and In Answering Answering Islam one must also defend Judaism and Christianity as well since a common objection must be refuted on ALL grounds.

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