comenius 2011 -2013. un international year of water cooperation 2013

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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COMENIUS 2011 -2013

UN International Year of Water Cooperation 2013

(e)Book – copy of book


Feedback on SMILE-project


Next project?

WWW-Group – update of homepage: NO+TR

Start of TwinSpaces-communication √

Upload everything to TwinSpaces √

Layout of eBook finished by January √

Presentation of eBook in Norway

Each group works on his chapter for the book including collection of materials, description of learning-to-learn techniques and tasks aiming at different levels of ability √

"Book group“ does proofreading √

And here it is … Have a look!

Please download from TwinSpace

At the end SMILE-Book will be uploaded to the EST-(European Shared Treasure) database > we will get a link and fill in everything together when meeting in Austria

Printing: Each country for own needs.◦ 1x National Agency (hardcopy)!◦ 2x School

Start using TwinSpace √

Register students going to NO + A to establish contact between host families

> will be continued for visit in Austria - ~ end of March

Think about sustainability of project for your school!

Continue working with learning-to-learn techniques

Date for Austria: 29 April–3 May

How many people? (host students?)Turkey: 4 male teachers – rooms:England:Spain:Greece: Hungary:Norway:

Opening/Welcoming Introduction: Presentation of partners - max. 3min

per school Presentation of sth. students made (dance, song,

sketch, film, poem etc. – connected to „Water“) - max. 5min

Product presentation: book and website Songs: Comenius-Song and others Farewell/Closing Buffet = Party Please bring one speciality from your country

for our buffet!

Monday: ArrivalTuesday: Touring the school, filling in the Final ReportWednesday (public holiday): trip to North Burgenland and Lake NeusiedlThursday: Working session, rehearsal, final showFriday: Departure

1. The new methods have left „traces“ in our school life and have made an impression on...

◦ on my students◦ on my colleagues◦ on me personally

2. … use/s the some of the new methods regularly.

◦ My students◦ My colleagues◦ I

What has our country learned/profited from this project? (placemat)

What has the sustainable impact of SMILE been?

For students For school staff For me

Be creative and design your own poster!


Instead of „questionnaire“-link on website > now results

Link for Book

World Water day

Book: changes, link short before End-presentation

Brainstorming in England for common topic: In second place: Social Competence

Visit in England gave input – 4 houses/saints

Since beginning of school year also in Oberwart: 4 houses – Nobel Peace Prize Laureats:

1. Henry Dunant – Red Cross - Humanity2. Nelson Mandela – Tolerance/Equality3. Bertha von Suttner – Respect/Freedom4. Mother Teresa - Mercy

Maybe we can do a project on how to improve the social skills in our school – saying hello, showing respect, good manners etc.

Final report will be filled in in Austria – should not be handed in BEFORE July

If we want to change sth. we have to tell the agency at least 3 months BEFORE July 31st

> tell your agency of the change: eBook to normal Book – in Austria no problem

National Agency – tip: !!! Spend all the money, it‘s better when nothing is left !!!

Include COMENIUS-logo + SMILE-logo and remark that they have financed everything on every product!!!!!!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Sticking to deadlines

Email contact

eTwinning + TwinSpaces◦ Communication in forum ~ >Please check


Good communication in working groups isessential to avoid frustration!

Keep in touch!

Those who bring children: get in contact on TwinSpaces

Bring one speciality for end-presentation!

Presentation: ◦ 3‘-talk about school◦ 5‘-presentation of „Water“-activity

Thank you all!Have fun and enjoy!

And don‘t forget to

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