command & control specialneedsinmates instructor’s aid

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Command & Command & ControlControl

Special Special

Needs Needs


Instructor’s Instructor’s AidAid

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ProgramProgram ObjectivesObjectives

Definition of Special Definition of Special NeedsNeeds

How to Identify and How to Identify and Manage Inmates with Manage Inmates with

Mental DisabilitiesMental Disabilities

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How to Identify and How to Identify and Manage Inmates Manage Inmates with Personality with Personality

DisordersDisorders How to Manage How to Manage

Inmates with Inmates with Physical DisabilitiesPhysical Disabilities

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Special Needs InmatesSpecial Needs Inmates isis designed designed toto

instruct corrections instruct corrections andand detention officers detention officers in thein the basics concepts basics concepts

ofof identifying identifying andand managing special managing special

needsneeds inmates. inmates.

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A DefinitionA Definition

WhatWhat isis aa SpecialSpecial NeedsNeeds InmateInmate??

A A SpecialSpecial NeedsNeeds InmateInmate has a physical or mental has a physical or mental disability that limits his disability that limits his or her capacity to or her capacity to function in the normal function in the normal inmate population.inmate population.

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NoticeNotice thethe definition definition doesdoes notnot saysay

“special inmates.”“special inmates.”

ItIt doesdoes saysay, “inmates , “inmates with special needs.with special needs.

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NeverNever forget forget thethe fact that fact that these these areare people people whowho are are incarcerated incarcerated forfor a reason. a reason.

Inmates Inmates areare suspected suspected oror convicted criminals. convicted criminals.

TheyThey have physical have physical oror mental limitations mental limitations thatthat

require special attention require special attention andand consideration. consideration.

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MentalMental DisabilitiesDisabilities

You You willwill encounter some encounter some special needs inmates special needs inmates

withwith mental disabilities. mental disabilities.

TheyThey will behave will behave differently than differently than otherother

inmates, sometimes inmates, sometimes inin strange strange andand unpredictable unpredictable


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Mental disabilities Mental disabilities cancan be subdivided be subdivided intointo

three general three general categories:categories:

DevelopmentalDevelopmental DisabilitiesDisabilities

Learning DisabilitiesLearning Disabilities Mental IllnessMental Illness

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Individuals Individuals withwith developmental developmental

disabilitiesdisabilities areare often often referred referred toto asas mentally mentally

retarded.retarded.ThisThis means their means their

measuredmeasured intelligenceintelligence quotientquotient, or , or IQIQ, is , is

significantly below significantly below thethe norm norm ofof 100. 100.

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Levels of mental retardation are:Levels of mental retardation are:

MildMild IQIQ 51-6951-69

ModerateModerate IQIQ 35-5035-50

SevereSevere IQIQ 20-3520-35

ProfoundProfound IQIQ < 20< 20

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An individual An individual isis considered considered Mildly retarded Mildly retarded ifif their IQ their IQ isis measured between 51 and measured between 51 and 69, Moderately retarded if 69, Moderately retarded if their IQ is between 35 and their IQ is between 35 and

50, Severely retarded 50, Severely retarded between 20 and 35, and between 20 and 35, and

Profoundly below 20.Profoundly below 20.

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Courts most usually place Courts most usually place ModeratelyModerately, , SeverelySeverely, or , or

ProfoundlyProfoundly retarded retarded offenders in institutions offenders in institutions that that havehave thethe resources resources

toto care care forfor them. them.

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YouYou areare most most likelylikely to to encounterencounter the the developmentallydevelopmentally

disableddisabled offenders offenders who who areare mildly mildly


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MentalMental RetardationRetardation

AtAt firstfirst the behavior the behavior of the offender of the offender who iswho is mildly retarded may mildly retarded may seem almost normal, seem almost normal,

oror described by described by others as others as “a little “a little


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But there are ways to But there are ways to recognize mental recognize mental

retardation. Some signs are:retardation. Some signs are:

LackLack ofof judgmentjudgment inin personalpersonal hygienehygiene. . They may forget to They may forget to

shower or comb their shower or comb their hair or brush their hair or brush their


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DifficultyDifficulty CommunicatingCommunicating

Retarded offenders Retarded offenders maymay notnot bebe ableable toto make make themselves understood themselves understood

byby officers officers oror other other inmates because their inmates because their thinking thinking is is not logical.not logical.

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UnusualUnusual oror inappropriateinappropriate socialsocial behaviorbehavior

Retarded offenders may Retarded offenders may think some things think some things areare

funny when no one else funny when no one else does, does, oror make make

inappropriate comments inappropriate comments duringduring someone’s someone’s


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LackingLacking inin basicbasic lifelife skillsskills

They will have They will have troubletrouble with things with things such as such as balancing balancing their commissarytheir commissary

account,account, or knowing or knowing how to how to make a make a

collect callcollect call..

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These are These are onlyonly signssigns of of mental retardationmental retardation, , none is none is conclusiveconclusive proof.proof.

If you If you suspectsuspect an an inmateinmate is is mentallymentally retardedretarded and has and has not been not been identifiedidentified during during intakeintake or or booking,booking, referrefer them to a them to a mental health mental health

professional for professional for evaluation.evaluation.

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ManagingManaging MentallyMentally RetardedRetarded InmatesInmates

Retarded people Retarded people have difficulty have difficulty

functioning in a functioning in a variety variety of situations, of situations, especially ones that especially ones that

are are new to to them.

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They may They may seemseem confusedconfused about about what what to doto do and and how to acthow to act..

Have Have difficultydifficulty learninglearning new thingsnew things to to

the point where the point where you you may thinkmay think they are they are

being defiant or non-being defiant or non-compliant. compliant.

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ItIt isis youryour jobjob toto bebe alertalert. . This This kindkind of of behaviorbehavior is is easyeasy to to

misreadmisread in a in a corrections setting.corrections setting.

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It is It is importantimportant to to rememberremember the the difficulty the difficulty the

retarded inmateretarded inmate is is experiencing experiencing isis notnot

something something hehe or or sheshe can control.can control.

Command & Command & ControlControlIt is a result of It is a result of deficitsdeficits

in in adaptiveadaptive behavior.behavior.

To To overcomeovercome these these deficitsdeficits, use , use

straightforward straightforward communicationcommunication


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CommunicatingCommunicating WithWith MildlyMildly RetardedRetarded InmatesInmates

Give Give specificspecific and and concreteconcrete directionsdirections..

Use Use simplesimple, , directdirect languagelanguage..

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Use Use smallsmall, , sequentialsequential steps.steps.

Check to see that Check to see that directionsdirections are are followed.followed.

Be specific with your directions.

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DoDo notnot give give abstractabstract directionsdirections like: like: “Clean “Clean

this place up.”this place up.”

BeBe specificspecific: : “Fill this “Fill this bucket with water and bucket with water and use this mop to wash use this mop to wash

the floor.”the floor.”

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Be Be specificspecific and and patientpatient. Continue to . Continue to

useuse specificspecific, , concreteconcrete instructions. instructions.

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ProtectingProtecting RetardedRetarded InmatesInmates

MentallyMentally retardedretarded offenders may be offenders may be easilyeasily manipulatedmanipulated or or abusedabused

by by other inmatesother inmates because because they are sometimes they are sometimes highly highly

impressionableimpressionable and and eager to please.eager to please.

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It’s not only It’s not only youryour jobjob to to protectprotect the the retardedretarded inmateinmate from from

physicalphysical, , sexual,sexual, and and emotionalemotional abuse… abuse…

……but to but to makemake suresure other other inmatesinmates don’t talk them don’t talk them

intointo hiding contraband, hiding contraband, assaulting officers,assaulting officers, or or

engaging in illegal engaging in illegal behavior.behavior.

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LearningLearning DisabilitiesDisabilities

TheseThese inmatesinmates may have may have normalnormal or or above averageabove average

intelligenceintelligence, but have , but have difficultydifficulty understandingunderstanding or or using language,using language, either either

writtenwritten or or spoken.spoken.

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TheyThey will most likely will most likely have have problemsproblems with with listening,listening, speaking,speaking,

reading,reading, writing,writing, mathematics,mathematics, oror logical thinking.logical thinking.

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ManyMany people people withwith learning disabilities learning disabilities try totry to compensate compensate with with excusesexcuses oror

otherother behaviorbehavior that that maymay make make

detectiondetection difficult. difficult.

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Learning disabilitiesLearning disabilities cover a wide cover a wide spectrumspectrum of of symptomssymptoms and and severityseverity..

Some individualsSome individuals may may appear very appear very brightbright, ,

while others may seem while others may seem very very slowslow..

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HelpingHelping InmatesInmates withwith LearningLearning DisabilitiesDisabilities

IfIf you should you should encounter inmates encounter inmates

with learning with learning disabilities you can disabilities you can

help them by…help them by…

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MakingMaking suresure theythey getget thethe informationinformation theythey needneed..

Make sure the learning Make sure the learning disabled inmate gets the disabled inmate gets the information they need to information they need to

succeedsucceed in the in the institution.institution.

This This maymay meanmean helpinghelping them read documentsthem read documents

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GiveGive directionsdirections slowlyslowly andand clearlyclearly; ; demonstratedemonstrate..

Give Give allall directionsdirections slow slow andand clear. clear.

Demonstrate Demonstrate thethe behaviorbehavior or or activity.activity. AskAsk

thethe inmate inmate questionsquestions until until youyou are sure they are sure they


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OfferOffer assistanceassistance butbut promotepromote independenceindependence..

An example, An example, youyou might might helphelp them them solvesolve a math a math problemproblem ratherrather than than doingdoing it it forfor them. them.

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ProtectProtect learninglearning disableddisabled inmatesinmates..

ProtectProtect them them fromfrom otherother inmatesinmates who who maymay taketake

advantageadvantage of of theirtheir limitationslimitations..

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BeBe understanding.understanding.

The most important thing you can do for anyone

with a learning disability is to be understanding

and supportive.

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EncourageEncourage the inmates the inmates efforts at efforts at independence.independence.

OfferOffer themthem help help ofof speciallyspecially trainedtrained staffstaff

membersmembers whowho knowknow howhow to assist assist them.

AboveAbove allall, TREAT them , TREAT them with the same dignity with the same dignity and respect you would and respect you would

give anyone else.give anyone else.

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MentalMental IllnessIllness – – EmotionalEmotional Disturbances.Disturbances.

YouYou maymay encounter encounter anan inmate inmate withwith mentalmental

illnessillness..There are many There are many classifications of mental classifications of mental illness. We will discuss illness. We will discuss twotwo majormajor categories. categories.

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EmotionalEmotional DisturbancesDisturbances


PersonalityPersonality DisordersDisorders

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EmotionalEmotional DisturbancesDisturbances

PeoplePeople withwith emotionalemotional

disturbancesdisturbances oftenoften suffersuffer fromfrom defectsdefects in in theirtheir brainbrain chemistrychemistry

that that cancan causecause unpredictableunpredictable, ,

sometimessometimes bizarrebizarre behaviorbehavior..

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The inmateThe inmate cancan appearappear toto functionfunction normallynormally, often , often forfor greatgreat lengthslengths ofof timetime..

BeBe alertalert to to indicationsindications ofof emotionalemotional disturbancesdisturbances..

Emotional disturbances Emotional disturbances usually reveal themselves usually reveal themselves

relatively slowly.relatively slowly.

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TheThe followingfollowing areare a a few signsfew signs ofof

emotional emotional disturbancedisturbance..

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MoodMood ChangesChanges

ProlongedProlonged mood mood shifts result in shifts result in

major changes in major changes in behavior.behavior.

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BehaviorBehavior ChangesChanges

WhenWhen behaviorsbehaviors become become aggressiveaggressive, , violentviolent, or , or

strangestrange, , thethe inmate inmate isis often often referredreferred toto as “ as “acting acting


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ChangesChanges inin eatingeating oror sleepingsleeping patternpattern

Mental illnessMental illness can affect can affect the the body’s physiologybody’s physiology..

The The mentallymentally illill inmate inmate cancan beginbegin skipping mealsskipping meals andand

losing weight.losing weight.

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Many Many inmatesinmates will exhibit will exhibit somesome of these of these behaviorsbehaviors somesome of the of the timetime. .

WhatWhat youyou need to look for need to look for are are significantsignificant, ,

prolongedprolonged changeschanges in in behavior patternsbehavior patterns that that are are unrelatedunrelated to other to other

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WhileWhile there are there are manymany kinds of kinds of mentalmental

illnessillness, ones you are , ones you are most likelymost likely to encounter to encounter

are: are: SchizophreniaSchizophrenia, , AnxietyAnxiety DisordersDisorders, ,

ParanoiaParanoia, , HypochondriaHypochondria, , and and DepressionDepression..

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PeoplePeople with with schizophreniaschizophrenia are are usuallyusually out of touchout of touch

with reality.with reality.

SchizophrenicsSchizophrenics may may exhibit some of the exhibit some of the

following symptoms:following symptoms:

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TheyThey may have may have irrationalirrational thoughtsthoughts, ,

speakspeak in in bizarrebizarre and and disorganizeddisorganized waysways – –

making making upup words words oror talking to talking to

themselves themselves incoherently.incoherently.

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SchizophrenicsSchizophrenics may may alsoalso experienceexperience delusionsdelusions, ,

like they are like they are being being spiedspied upon…. upon….

……exhibit exhibit bizarrebizarre actionsactions, , such as such as strange ritualsstrange rituals, like , like starring at their own handsstarring at their own hands, ,

or or wearing their clothing wearing their clothing inappropriatelyinappropriately..

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FinallyFinally, , they may they may have have hallucinationshallucinations; ; hearing voiceshearing voices, or , or seeing thingsseeing things that that

are not there.are not there.

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MedicationMedication can often can often controlcontrol

schizophreniaschizophrenia,, making it making it possiblepossible to to joinjoin the general the general populationpopulation when when

they they behavebehave normallynormally..

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InmatesInmates withwith ““activeactive schizophreniaschizophrenia”” can be can be

dangerousdangerous because they are because they are out of touchout of touch with reality. with reality.

YouYou must be must be alertalert to these to these symptomssymptoms, and, if necessary , and, if necessary isolateisolate the inmate and get the inmate and get

help from help from mentalmental professionalsprofessionals immediatelyimmediately..

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AnxietyAnxiety DisordersDisorders

TheThe next next mental illnessmental illness you may encounter is you may encounter is

likely to be likely to be anxietyanxiety disordersdisorders..People who suffer from People who suffer from

this disorder are this disorder are excessivelyexcessively anxiousanxious for for long long

periodsperiods of of timetime..

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They may They may exhibitexhibit symptomssymptoms of of excitabilityexcitability, , musclemuscle

tensiontension, , sweatingsweating, , rapidrapid heartheart beatbeat, , andand sometimessometimes


SevereSevere anxiety anxiety can usually can usually be be treated with treated with

tranquilizerstranquilizers. . RememberRemember, , these medications can these medications can

become become addictiveaddictive, use should , use should be be tightly controlledtightly controlled..

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Another Another illnessillness you may you may encounter is “encounter is “paranoiaparanoia.”.”

People with People with paranoidparanoid personalitypersonality disorder are disorder are excessively excessively distrustfuldistrustful

and and suspicioussuspicious of others. of others.

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ParanoidParanoid people people readread hidden hidden threatsthreats into into normalnormal

remarksremarks or or incidentsincidents..

They They bearbear grudgesgrudges andand are are unforgivingunforgiving ofof insultsinsults oror

injuriesinjuries..They They fearfear others will others will share share information about theminformation about them,, and and worryworry about the about the loyalty of loyalty of friends.friends.

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OneOne thingthing to remember, to remember, inin a a prisonprison oror jailjail setting, setting,

paranoidparanoid behaviorbehavior isis not not uncommonuncommon..

If an inmate complains If an inmate complains that other inmates are that other inmates are threateningthreatening him or her, him or her, don’tdon’t deny the deny the inmate’s inmate’s feelingsfeelings or reject the or reject the


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Always Always askask questionsquestions to get more to get more factsfacts……

… … andand then then reportreport the the threatthreat to your to your


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HypochondriaHypochondria is an is an exaggeratedexaggerated concernconcern over over

one’s one’s physicalphysical healthhealth..

SimplySimply stated, stated, hypochondriacshypochondriacs believe believe they are they are sicksick mostmost of the of the


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YouYou mustmust alwaysalways take take every every inmate’sinmate’s medicalmedical complaintscomplaints seriouslyseriously..

ThisThis may may bebe difficultdifficult because because hypochondriacshypochondriacs oftenoften complaincomplain constantlyconstantly andand insistinsist onon visiting visiting thethe

medical unitmedical unit almostalmost every every

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DenyingDenying access access toto medicalmedical carecare maymay put put

youyou at at riskrisk of being of being suedsued forfor jeopardizingjeopardizing

anan inmate’s inmate’s well-beingwell-being..

SoSo, if , if youyou feel there is no feel there is no justificationjustification for it, you for it, you should should referrefer all all medicalmedical

complaintscomplaints to the to the medicalmedical staffstaff for for evaluationevaluation..

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The The final, and final, and probably the most probably the most

commoncommon illness you illness you are likely to are likely to encounter is encounter is depression.depression.

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More More thanthan just just sadnesssadness, , depressiondepression isis alsoalso a a

chronic feelingchronic feeling of of hopelessnesshopelessness, or , or self-self-

loathing. loathing.

SymptomsSymptoms includeinclude; ; apathy, apathy, loss of appetite, changes in loss of appetite, changes in

sleep patterns and anti-sleep patterns and anti-social behavior.

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DepressionDepression can usually can usually be treated with be treated with medicationmedication and and

counselingcounseling. . However, left However, left

untreateduntreated, it is a , it is a realreal dangerdanger to the inmate to the inmate

and can lead to and can lead to suicide attemptssuicide attempts..

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SuicidalSuicidal inmates may inmates may have other have other symptomssymptoms like like extremeextreme selfself pity.pity.

They may talk about They may talk about suicidesuicide,, leave suicide notes,leave suicide notes, give give away their possessions,away their possessions, followed by a followed by a period of period of

calmnesscalmness that suggests they that suggests they have decide to have decide to commit commit


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Some Some suicidesuicide threats are threats are trialtrial runs for the runs for the realreal thing.thing.

Take all Take all threatsthreats or or gesturesgestures seriouslyseriously..

ReportReport them to the them to the mentalmental healthhealth

professionalsprofessionals on staff. on staff.

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ManagingManaging MentallyMentally IllIll InmatesInmates

There are There are specificspecific thingsthings to keep in to keep in

mind to mind to effectivelyeffectively manage inmates manage inmates with all types of with all types of mental illnessmental illness..

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To remember, think “S-S-P”To remember, think “S-S-P”

Sick,Sick, not badnot bad

SymptomsSymptoms are real are real

PositivePositive & & professionalprofessional

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FirstFirst, remember the , remember the mentallymentally illill person is a person is a sick person, not a sick person, not a badbad

personperson..You may become You may become

frustratedfrustrated with the with the inmates inmates behaviorbehavior and and angryangry that they won’t that they won’t “just shape “just shape


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TreatTreat the the mentallymentally illill inmate with the inmate with the

same same patiencepatience you would have you would have

for someone with for someone with a a physicalphysical illnessillness..

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SecondSecond, you should , you should recognize to the recognize to the mentally ill, their mentally ill, their

symptomssymptoms are are veryvery realreal, , even if they even if they may seemmay seem preposterouspreposterous to you. to you.

DoDo notnot supportsupport the the delusiondelusion,, but but understandunderstand the inmate’s the inmate’s feelingsfeelings are are genuinegenuine..

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ThirdThird, you should stay , you should stay positivepositive and and professionalprofessional..

EmotionallyEmotionally disturbeddisturbed people take people take cuescues from from

those around them.those around them.

So it So it payspays to be to be calmcalm and and upbeatupbeat..

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DoDo notnot take take bizarrebizarre behavior personallybehavior personally..

YourYour ownown emotionalemotional wellwell--beingbeing should should

remain remain professionally professionally detached,detached, refer refer

mentallymentally illill inmatesinmates to to the the mental health staff.mental health staff.

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MentalMental IllnessIllness – – PersonalityPersonality DisordersDisorders

PeoplePeople with with personalitypersonality disordersdisorders

do not play by the do not play by the rules, but rules, but wantwant theirtheir

ownown rulesrules..

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They are They are impulsiveimpulsive, , usually usually withoutwithout regard regard to the to the consequencesconsequences

of their of their behaviorbehavior..

OftenOften they are they are compulsivecompulsive liarsliars, and do it with , and do it with

sinceritysincerity and and withoutwithout guilt.guilt.

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They do not They do not learn from learn from experienceexperience, , havehave disregarddisregard or even or even

contemptcontempt for for authorityauthority..

OftenOften they have trouble with they have trouble with relationshipsrelationships, are , are

irresponsibleirresponsible, and , and unreliableunreliable, , insistinginsisting on on immediateimmediate

gratificationgratification, rather than , rather than long-long-termterm goalsgoals or or commitments.commitments.

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People People withwith personality personality disorders disorders areare primeprime

candidatescandidates forfor run-insrun-ins with the law,with the law, so it is so it is notnot unusualunusual to find to find

them in athem in a correctionalcorrectional settingsetting..

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BecauseBecause they they do not do not havehave a a conscienceconscience, , they they can be very dangerous.can be very dangerous.

Dealing with Dealing with inmatesinmates with with personality personality

disordersdisorders means means youyou must be must be

straightforwardstraightforward and and factualfactual..

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EnforceEnforce thethe rulesrules consistentlyconsistently..

Get Get helphelp from from mentalmental healthhealth professionalsprofessionals

when neededwhen needed..

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PhysicalPhysical DisabilitiesDisabilitiesWhat You Should DoWhat You Should Do

TheseThese will include will include people who are people who are deafdeaf or or blindblind, , diabetes, diabetes,

paraplegia,paraplegia, and and epilepsy.epilepsy.

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Most Most correctionscorrections professionalsprofessionals areare notnot expertsexperts in in American American

Sign Language.Sign Language.

ThereforeTherefore, to , to communicatecommunicate with the with the

deafdeaf inmateinmate it is usually it is usually donedone in in writingwriting..AlwaysAlways have have penpen and and paperpaper on handon hand..

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To get a To get a deafdeaf person’s person’s attention, attention, taptap themthem on on their their shouldershoulder, but , but do do so with caution,so with caution, not to not to

startlestartle the the inmate.inmate.

If the If the deafdeaf person can person can readread lips,lips, speak slowly,speak slowly, clear,clear, and in a and in a normal normal tonetone of of voicevoice..

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BlindBlind inmates are inmates are becoming becoming moremore commoncommon..

YouYou mustmust familiarize the familiarize the blindblind inmate with the inmate with the living arealiving area to to prevent prevent

injuries.injuries.Consider Consider postingposting a a signsign on on the inmates cell the inmates cell alertingalerting

staffstaff members to the members to the disabilitydisability..

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WhenWhen offeringoffering assistanceassistance,, allowallow the the inmateinmate to take to take youryour armarm for for guidanceguidance..

To To greetgreet a a blindblind person, person, identify identify

yourselfyourself and and others,others, let let the the blindblind person person knowknow

the the conversationconversation is is over and over and you are you are

moving away.moving away.

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With With diabetesdiabetes, the , the pancreaspancreas does not does not

produceproduce enough enough insulininsulin needed for needed for normalnormal bloodblood

sugarsugar metabolismmetabolism..ControllingControlling diabetesdiabetes

usually includes usually includes insulin insulin dosesdoses and a and a regulated regulated


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DiabeticsDiabetics are subject to are subject to two life threatening two life threatening conditionsconditions that that youyou shouldshould bebe awareaware of: of:

Diabetic Coma

Insulin Shock

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DiabeticDiabetic ComaComa

DiabeticDiabetic comacoma, or , or hyperglycemiahyperglycemia is a is a resultresult of not enough of not enough insulininsulin in in

thethe bloodstreambloodstream..

Caused by an Caused by an overdoseoverdose of of medicinemedicine, not , not eating eating

enough,enough, or or over-exercising.over-exercising.

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SymptomsSymptoms include; include; lightheadedness, lightheadedness,

sweating,sweating, trembling, trembling, hunger,hunger, andand weakness.weakness.

This condition can This condition can developdevelop very quickly and the very quickly and the person needs sugar person needs sugar

immediatelyimmediately in any form, in any form, along with medical along with medical


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WordWord ofof caution:caution:

SymptomsSymptoms of of bothboth diabeticdiabetic comacoma andand

insulininsulin shockshock areare similarsimilar toto alcoholicalcoholic intoxicationintoxication..

IfIf the the diabeticdiabetic doesdoes notnot get get immediateimmediate medical attentionmedical attention, , brainbrain damagedamage or or deathdeath could could


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When When youyou encounter encounter an inmate who is an inmate who is

wheelchair-boundwheelchair-bound, , dodo notnot make an make an issueissue

out of the disability.out of the disability.

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TreatTreat them as you them as you wouldwould any other inmateany other inmate, ,

especially with regard especially with regard to to rulesrules,, regulationsregulations and and


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LeaningLeaning on aon a person’s person’s wheelchair is similar wheelchair is similar toto

hanginghanging or or leaningleaning on on their body.their body.

The The chairchair isis part part ofof the the inmate’s inmate’s body spacebody space, so , so

treat treat itit as such. as such.

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If If youyou have to have to speakspeak at length to at length to someonesomeone

in a in a wheelchairwheelchair,, positionposition yourselfyourself to to

the the disabled person’sdisabled person’s level. level.

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EpilepsyEpilepsy is a is a malfunctionmalfunction of of thethe

electrical systemelectrical system ofof the the brainbrain thatthat

resultsresults inin seizuresseizures..

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The The mostmost severesevere type of type of seizuresseizures,, the the victim victim

suddenlysuddenly loses loses consciousnessconsciousness,, becomes becomes

rigidrigid and and falls.falls.

They may have They may have convulsionsconvulsions,, foam at the foam at the

mouth,mouth, jerkjerk uncontrollably,uncontrollably, or or eveneven

stopstop breathingbreathing temporarily.temporarily.

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TheseThese are called are called grandgrand mallmall seizuresseizures and and usuallyusually last last twotwo

to to threethree minutesminutes..

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When When youyou encounter an encounter an inmate having a inmate having a

seizure,seizure, you should: you should:

Remove all nearby Remove all nearby objects that could cause objects that could cause

injury.injury.Remove eyeglasses, Remove eyeglasses, loosen tight clothing.loosen tight clothing.

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Turn the person to the side; Turn the person to the side; keeping airway open.keeping airway open.

And, put a pillow or folded blanket under the inmate’s head.

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DoDo notnot attempt attempt toto restrain restrain the inmate unless the inmate unless hehe is is in in aa dangerous place dangerous place

that could cause injury.that could cause injury.

DoDo notnot put objects in the put objects in the inmate’s mouth.inmate’s mouth.

ContraryContrary to to beliefbelief, people , people cannot cannot ““swallowswallow” their ” their tongue.tongue.

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Call for Call for medicalmedical assistanceassistance

immediatelyimmediately, , call for call for backupbackup to to

keep the keep the areaarea securesecure..

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In all cases of In all cases of disabilitiesdisabilities, the , the

important thing is to important thing is to remainremain professional.professional.

Command & Command & ControlControl

Always Always documentdocument any any unusual occurrence.unusual occurrence.

These These areare notnot specialspecial inmatesinmates……

… … but but inmatesinmates with with specialspecial needsneeds..

Command & Command & ControlControl


Instructor’s Instructor’s AidAid

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