commercialism in sport is about making a profit from sport ... · most people, whether or not they...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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Commercialism in sport is about making a profit from sport. This involves three main



Sport benefits from commercialism.

Increased revenue helps individual

sportspeople and sports organisations to

increase participation, improve

performances and attract support. As

technology becomes an increasingly

important element of sport and sports

compete with each other to engage

participants and spectators, funding is

even more crucial.


Sponsors benefit from the

commercialisation of sport. Their funding

is essential for sport’s growth. In return,

high profile coverage of sport ensures a

high profile for their companies and



The media benefits from the

commercialisation of sport. High profile

sports stories help to attract audiences,

listeners and readers. In turn, the media

makes sure that sport keeps a high


The golden triangle shows the relationship between sport, the media and

sponsorship. It represents the commercial – money-making – nature of sport.

Most people, whether or not they play or watch sport, are aware of sport through the media. This

includes local, national and international sport. From school sport newsletters to worldwide TV

coverage, the media is a powerful voice for and influence on sport.

Types of Media






Social Media

Positive influences of the media Negative influences of the media

Raise awareness of sport Intrude on performers’ privacy

Promotes healthy active lifestyles Undermine people’s confidence and careers

Showcase sport’s positive values Showcase negative values and behaviors

Presents positive and inspiring role models Undermine officials and their decisions

Motivates people to take part Dictate event schedules and availability

Sets high standards for performance Alter competition rules and traditions

Provides examples of skills and tactics Edit coverage so it is incomplete or biased

Publicsie a variety of sports and activities Obstruct spectators and participants

Makes certain sports more fashionable Reduce spectator attendance at live events

Introduces new supporters to sport Reinforce inequalities by limiting coverage to traditional sports or social groups and under-representing women's, black and minority ethnic (BME) and disability sport

Educate spectators through analysis Incite distrust and prejudice between groups

Celebrate effort and success Discourage activity by encouraging armchair spectators

Give sport a high status in society

Give people a sense of belonging

Generate revenue and attract investment for sport

Generate revenue for charity

Types of sponsorship 1) Individuals – display a logo, wear a particular brand, endorse products, pay training, competition and travel costs.

2) Teams and clubs – wear kit, display banners, have a company name for the team or for the ground or for a stand/court in the ground, pay competition and travel costs.

3) Sports – rename competitions, cups and leagues, brand their development programmes, improve facilities.

4) Events – allow use of their logo on sponsors' products, provide free products to participants, and fund the running of the event.

Benefits for sport 1) Individuals – covers costs such as kit, equipment, travel, accommodation, competition fees, time to train.

2) Teams and clubs – subsidises kit, equipment, grounds or clubhouse maintenance. 3) Sports – pays for coaching and coach development, beginner programmes, talent

development. 4) Events – covers venue hire, catering, hospitality, publicity, programmes, officials’ costs.

Disadvantages for sport 1) Sponsorship can be limited or easily withdrawn – no security. 2) A performer can become reliant on a particular sponsor, which could then pull out. 3) Some sponsorship (for example, alcohol) gives a bad image to sport. 4) Generous sponsorship is only available to the elite few. 5) Performers, teams and events can be manipulated or exploited to suit the sponsor. 6) Difficulty of minority sports or those with little media coverage to attract sponsorship.

Benefits for sponsors’ 1) Raises awareness of their company or brand. 2) Advertises products and services. 3) Promotes a positive and healthy image of their company by linking it with a popular

activity, even if the product is not particularly healthy. 4) Improves company's reputation in the UK because the company is supporting British

sport. 5) Provides rewards or incentives for staff and customers. 6) Increases sales or revenue through increased media exposure. 7) Reduces tax through tax relief.

Disadvantages for sponsors’

1) Uncertain investment – sporting success is not guaranteed. 2) If the event is disrupted, media exposure and advertising potential are lost. 3) If the sport or performers cause bad publicity, this reflects badly on the sponsor.

Sponsorship is the financial support for a sport by an outside body for the mutual benefit of both parties.

School teams may have sponsored kit while elite athletes may be paid large sums of money to wear certain

sportswear or use branded equipment. Sponsorship means both parties receive benefits from the agreement.

What is the primary role of commercialism in sport?

1) Increased participation

2) Equality

3) Profit

Which of the following outcomes of commercialisation in sport may damage levels of


1) Set high standards for performance

2) Publicises a variety of sports and activities

3) Encourages armchair spectators

What term is used to describe the relationship between sponsors, media companies and

elite elevel sports?

1) Commercialised

2) Golden triangle

3) Profit making

What is being described here? : A company that pays to advertise its product alongside

sporting events, teams or individuals?

1) Media

2) Elite sport

3) Sponsor

Which of the following is a disadvantage for sponsors in sport?

1) Generous sponsorship is only available to the elite few

2) Sponsorship can be limited or easily withdrawn

3) If the event is disrupted, media exposure may be lost


Which of the following would be most likely to improve the sporting skills of its


1) A TV channel showing a tennis match

2) A radio channel broadcasting a motor race

3) A magazine article analyzing the technique

Which of the following are potential negative effects of media involvement in sport?

1) Gives sport a high status in society

2) Reduces spectator attendance at live events

3) Makes sport fashionable

Which of these is a negative effect of sponsorship on sport?

1) Potential for unsuitable brand partnerships

2) Increased revenue for coaching costs

3) Subsidised kits and equipment

Which of these is a benefit of sponsorship for the sponsors themselves?

1) Tax relief

2) Guaranteed income

3) Negative pulicity

Which Olympic games was the first to be financed by corporate sponsors?

1) Montreal 1976

2) Moscow 1980

3) Los Angeles 1984

1) Profit

2) Encouraging armchair


3) Golden triangle

4) Sponsor

5) If the event is disrupted,

media exposure may be


6) A magazine article

analysing the technique

7) Reduces spectator

attendance at live events

8) Potential for unsuitable

brand partnerships

9) Tax relief

10) Los Angeles 1984

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