common factors affecting change in interest in old age

Post on 24-May-2015






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This was my report and im done with it, so before it gets eaten by the recycle bin, im sharing it with you guys.


Some Common Conditions Affecting #Change of Interest In Old Age

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

What happens to personality in old age?

Personality traits tend to remain stable in late adulthood, but cohort differences have been found.

Emotionality tends to become more positive and less negative in old age, but personality traits can modify this pattern.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

What are some issues regarding work and retirement in late life, and how do older adults handle time and money?

Some older people continue to work for pay, but most are retired. However, many retired people start new careers or do part-time paid or volunteer work. Often retirement is a phased phenomenon.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Age has both positive and negative effects on job performance, and individual differences are more significant than age differences.

Older adults tend to be more satisfied with their work and more committed than younger ones.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

#Retirement is an ongoing process, and its emotional impact must be assessed in context.

Personal, economic, and social resources, as well as the length of time a person has been retired, may affect morale.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Common lifestyle patterns after retirement include a family-focused lifestyle, balanced investment, and serious leisure.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

What options for living arrangements do older adults have?

In developing countries, the elderly often live with children or grandchildren. In developed countries, most older people live with a spouse, and a growing minority live alone.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Minority elders are more likely than white elders to live with extended family members.

Older women are more likely than older men to live alone. Most Americans who live alone are widowed.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Fast-growing alternatives to institutionalization include assisted-living facilities and other kinds of group housing.

#Elder abuse is most often suffered by a frail or demented older person living with a spouse or child.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

How do personal relationships change in old age, and what is their effect on well-being?

Relationships are very important to older people, even though frequency of social contact declines in old age.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

#Social convoy theory reductions or changes in social contact in late life do not impair well-being because a stable inner circle of social support is maintained.

#Socioemotional selectivity theory older people prefer to spend time with people who enhance their emotional well-being.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Social support is associated with good health, and isolation is a risk factor for mortality.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

How do unmarried older people and those in gay and lesbian relationships fare?

A small but increasing percentage of adults reach old age without marrying.

Never-married adults are less likely to be lonely than divorced or widowed ones.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Older homosexuals, like heterosexuals, have needs for intimacy, social contact, and generativity.

Many gays and lesbians adapt to aging with relative ease. Adjustment may be influenced by coming-out status.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

How does friendship change in old age?

Most older adults have close friends, and those who do are healthier and happier.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Older people enjoy time spent with friends more than with family, but the family is the main source of emotional support.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

How do older adults get along with grown children and with siblings, and how do they adjust to great-grandparenthood?

Elderly parents and their adult children frequently see or contact each other, are concerned about each other, and offer each other assistance

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

In some respects, childlessness does not seem to be an important disadvantage in old age, but providing care for infirm elderly people without children can be a problem.

#physically weak

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Often siblings offer each other emotional support, and sometimes more tangible support as well.

Sisters in particular maintain sibling ties.

Some Common Conditions Affecting Change of Interest In old Age

Great-grandparents are less involved in children's lives than grandparents, but most find the role fulfilling.

“You do not really understand something unless you can explain it

to your grandmother.”

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