company meeting v_rebecca_emma

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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February Company meeting presentations from V,



Vizmo’s Spanish Stroll

115 kilometres over 5 days

Walking on average 7 hours per day

At the end you receive a certificate if

you’ve completed a minimum of 100k

on foot or 200k on bike

The Challenge

The Route


...we arrive!

115 kms later...

My toenails are still black


Wildfire / Technology Face Substitution

Wildfire / Technology Throwable Panoramic Ball

Wildfire / Technology Wacom Inkling

Wildfire / Technology Play It Down


29th February 2012

Contagious – Google+ Hangouts

Google + Hangouts

• Social media site Google+ launched

last year, now has over 90 million users

• Opened to brands in November 2011

• Hangouts Video chat tool enables multiple

people to communicate at once using webcams

• Establishing market leading position of real-time

presence, merging group chat into a social experience

• Google+ Hangouts has been adopted by brands,

personalities and even politicians

Cadbury – Olympic Spots vs Strips sponsorship

• Cadbury enlisted British BMX rider Shanaze Reade to participate in a Hangout Cadbury

UK's Google+ page.

• Fans engaged directly with the Olympian in a Cadbury led Q&A

• Footage of the Hangout posted to You Tube and generated PR for Cadbury’s

• Reade’s involvement was linked back into Cadbury’s Keep Singing Keep Team GB

Pumped campaign

Barack Obama

• Post-State of the Union session part of the White House focus on social media

• 30th January, Obama answered questions submitted via YouTube

• ‘Interesting’ exchange between the president and Jennifer Wedel, a Republican 29-year-

old Texan, left her planning to vote for Obama in this year’s election

The Muppets

• With pre-activity including promotion on

the Muppets own blog, the Hangout

generated 40,000 followers in record time

• Aimed for fans to interact with the stars

but suffered technical failures

• Instead they were treated to a rendition of

the Bowie / Queen hit ‘Under Pressure’

• Google is working closely with the Muppets

franchise to promote the film &

demonstrate their own new features

– TV ad featuring a new dad, which aired during

the Grammy's showed Google+ Instant Upload

"Miss Piggy has been primping for hours

to see you and you don't want to upset us."


• Google+'s new functionality presents real opportunity for brands to engage with their

target audience in a new way

• Careful consideration should be applied to who sits in front of the webcam but could

add value to people’s brand experience

• And it has the potential do more than just conversing with a brand...

“I am thinking about hangouts for business. Would

you like to be able to connect with your Dell

service and sale teams via video directly from”

Michael Dell - Dell CEO

Are you a Man or a Muppet?

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