comparing print tasks - evaluation 1

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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Comparing Print Tasks

Comparing Print Tasks

Evaluation 1


C:\Users\eliza\Desktop\imgres.jpgC:\Users\eliza\Desktop\images.jpgC:\Users\eliza\Desktop\the-kooks-digipack-analysis-2-638.jpgMarina and the Diamonds

Main artist as the front of digipak

This digipak uses the main artist on the front back and inside covers of the digipak.

We use the main artist on the front and back covers of the digipak. We did this because she is the main artist and so should be the most occurring.

However we were not as bold as this digipak as our artist isn't the main focus of each cover she is just simply there as it is about the music not her.

Bold handwritten style font

This font style is fairly similar to the one which we have used on our digipak.

However I prefer the way in which we used different fonts and the hand written style for the information the buyer would be interested in, rather than for the whole thing.

Track list

The track list is written similarly to ours (not only in a similar typography) it curves around the artist making sure she stays the main focus and isnt distracted by the words.

We have made sure in ours that the writing isnt covering the main image on the background.

C:\Users\eliza\Desktop\images.jpgC:\Users\eliza\Desktop\the-kooks-digipack-analysis-2-638.jpgThe Kooks

Their advert is also in black and white (aside from the red accents)

This is similar to ours as it is all black and white aside from the instruments.

Its a candid band photo.

The band is the main focus, all of the writing is small making the band stand out more

This shows how they are all about the music rather than the fine detail of the album

This is the same as ours although we use colour in the instruments to show that is all about the music.

Red Wing

Information inside the digipak

The inside of this digipak is filled with information such as the lyrics and band information.

This is something which we wanted to have on our digipak however we found that it would cause there to be a lot of things happening, this is why we created the insert

Instruments involved

They have used instruments on the inside of their digipak showing what to expect within the album also showing the genre.

Within our digipak we made sure that all of the instruments which we used in the video are in it. This is because we want the instruments to be the main focus of the video.

Candid band picture

The front cover of this digipak is a band picture

Despite we dont have a candid band picture in our digipak all members of our band are lased within our digipak so it would be no surprise when watching the music video as everyone is in both (and the advert)

Plain band title

The plain band title is very similar to the one which we used for Daughter this allows it to stand out against everything else on the cover.



Instruments guitar and drums

The instruments do not stand out within this advert, as they are made to look like silhouettes.

However this advert is rather similar to ours as it is all in black and white and a band picture.

Record label

Both adverts have the record labels on them and this allows the public to know who owns the rights to the music.

Band name

The band name is bold and big across the top of the advert this highlights the rule of thirds

This rule is something which we do not generally follow with our advert although the band name is large across our title.

Lack of information

Within this advert there is a lack of information whereas within our advert we give a lot of information about the album.

Mumford & Sons

Band name

The band name is the biggest font on the advert and it is also at the top of the page which catches the audiences attention

Similar to this on our advert Daughter may not be in bold but it is one of the biggest fonts on the advert and the first piece of writing.

Out now

There isnt a big and bold out now title like on our digipak but there is a date given for when tickets go on sale, as well as tour dates.


This band picture is similar to the one which we have used as it is very casual and shows the style of music as well as the genre.

This is something which we tried to create ourselves.

Digipak picture

This advert has a picture of the front of the digipak which allows the audience to know what it looks like and what they can buy.

We have also included this in our advert and it really stands out as we put it in colour.


Web address

This advert, like ours includes a web address which is a way of finding out more about the band.

Out now

This is the second biggest font on the page and in a very clear and bold font which makes it eye catching to anyone browsing past it.


The band picture is again very candid and casual although it is a bit less simple than some band pictures which I have looked at as they are surrounded by an ocean.

This is very different from ours when you compare the two together as ours is incredibly simplistic.

Rule of thirds

This advert follows the rule of thirds with the band name at the top then the band picture followed by the information.

We have not followed this rule as well as this as advert although the text can be split up in this way.

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