comparison of my products to existing media products

Post on 20-Jun-2015



Social Media



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Comparison of my products to existing

media products

First page of my paper vs real newspapers(The news)

Different placement of masthead. My logo is

spread across the page while the news has its logo center aligned

Similar headline layout both have the

image on the left with the text on right

in bold

Advert in my paper takes up the horizontal space

while the news has its add placed vertically

i have used much more images with my stories unlike

the news which only has the cover image

(The Dawn)

The masthead on my paper is much more simple compared to

dawn which has an over crowded title with

adverts placed along with the logo

Opposite placement of image and


Advert in my paper takes up less space then that of

dawn news .

My paper has more images with the

stories compared to dawn

Second page of my paper vs real newspapers(The nation)

I have placed more news articles on my second page while the nation newspaper only has two stories

Although I have inserted two newspaper adverts yet the nation has a single advert covering more then half of the page this is basically due to the reason that the advert is on political topic hence the large space represents its importance

I have used my logo on the second page as well to give a sense of continuity whereas the nation does not have the logo on the second page perhaps due to the well known brand identity they have

(Pakistan today)

The layout of my paper resembles that of the Pakistan today in terms of news placement and use of images with articles

The Pakistan today has a single advert placed while I used two adverts although the space used is quite similar.

The Pakistan today uses their logo on the second page with the same aspect ratio as on the first page I felt that this would void the uniqueness of the main page hence I reduced the size of my logo on the second page

Poster advert(Patriot)

1) Bright colors such as yellow is used to attract the audience as such colors catch the customer eye.

2) The name and the logo is fully visible on patriot while my poster gives partial view of my logo

3) As I have shown that my newspaper is not yet released so I have used the phrase under construction and coming soon to introduce my paper while the patriot is already an existing paper in the market so the advert is to encourage the customers to buy more

Poster 2

This poster has many differences from my poster for example1) The poster states contact information while my poster does not as

my paper is not yet released2) The poster has a picture of the actual newspaper while I only used

the logo of my newspaper3) A claim is made of the newspaper being the most read paper the

reason being that it is a established brand and would have made this claim after much research while my paper is yet to enter the market and create its brand identity and customer loyalty

Radio advert 1

The radio advert for my newspaper starts in a similar way to the cyprus reporter advert by putting forward a question to the listeners. The voice over is accompanied by a background music in both the adverts. However my advert mentions that my newspaper is a daily paper while cyprus is a monthly newspaper. Towards the end of the advert my commercial ends with the newspaper tagline “Lahorian newspaper newsfully your’s” while the cyprus has a music jingle to end the advert

Radio advert 2

In comparison of my advert to that of daily oak I have concluded the following points 1) The daily oaks use a very slow beat music while I used a fast paced music 2) The voiceover in daily oak is at a medium pace same as mine 3) Both the adverts mention the contact information of the newspaper to be linked with a facebook page 3) Customers are encouraged to get their copies from nearest retail shops in both the adverts 4) The daily oak advert ends with an aural signpost of a crisp paper while I have not used such effects

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