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May 26-28, 2017

Arena: Jämmerdalen shooting range, approx. 4km east of Falun city centre. Signposted from road 850

between Falun and Svärdsjö/Sundborn.

Parking: Close to the arena.

Maps: Lugnet. Scale 1:10 000. Contour intervals 5m. Updated 2015-2016 for 10-Mila 2016.

Jämmerdalen Scale 1:10 000. Contour intervals 5m. Older map partly updated 2017. Copyright OK


Terrain: The competition area is to the main part military training area with a lot of tracks and roads.

Moderate to strong hilly terrain. The vegetation is mainly coniferous forest of varying age with mostly

good visibility and runability. Some areas with poor to moderate visibility and runability also exist.

In the competition area exists since the 10-Mila relay 2016 paths from the runners which are not on the

map. It is also high activity in the area with enduro motorbikes, mountain bikes and military vehicles

like bandwagons which means that new paths/tracks can develop quickly and also that the size of

existing paths/tracks can increase.

Number bibs: For all competitors. Different bibs for each day. Pick up at the starts. Please reuse the

safety pins from day 1.

Forbidden areas: Those areas which are marked by the military with continuous taping is strongly

forbidden to enter. Signs with warning for military training area “Övningsområde” are allowed to pass.

For examples of signs see Appendix 1. Property ground is forbidden area.

Toilets: Only at the arena

Showers: In the C-building in the area of the Dalregiment. Map and further information at the arena.

Dinner: Saturday May 25th at Bergslagsmässen, Trotzgatan 13 in the centre Falun 18:00, costs

200SEK. Map will be published at the arena.


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Prize giving ceremony: Friday, on the arena after the competition. Saturday, at the dinner. Sunday, on

the arena after the competition.

Rental weapons: Pick up at the shooting range. Return after each competition.

Adjustment shooting: On paper targets. It will be more than 5 competitors on each shooting lane so

be in appropriate time. After approximate the first half of the time there will be change of paper targets

(Fri and Sat) and a short information and presentation of the arena. Time schedule for the adjustment

shooting see under each day below. At all handling except the direct shooting, the weapon shall be

carried in the barrel and with the barrel pointing upwards.

Map of the arena: Will be published at the arena.

Service: A shop with a limited range like coffee, tea, soft drinks, buns, cookies and hot dogs. Payment

with cash and Swish.

Bagheera Outlet: All competitors will obtain a value check from one of our partners Baghheera. This

value check is valid during the week-end in the Bagheera shop in Falun.

Information: Karin Stenback alt +46 737605680 or Anders

Malmberg +4670 4446485

Event officials: Event director: Karin Stenback

Assist event director: Anders Malmberg

Course setter free orienteering: Erik Malmberg

Course setter location orienteering: Karin Stenback and Anders


Competition controller: Andreas Davidsson Alfta-Ösa OK

Course controller: Annika Björk, Dalregementets IF

Jury: Michael Karlsson SWE/T2 IF, Mona Rasmussen DMI and Mikko Hölsö

Finland Team.

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Thanks to our assisting clubs

Thanks to our partners


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Sprint distance, Friday May 26th

Plan: Orienteering – prone shooting – Orienteering – standing shooting.

Classes H/D 12-16 has prone shooting in both series. D12 shoots with weapon support, large target

and H/D14 shoots with weapon support, small target. H/D16 shoots without weapon support, small


At each shooting the competitor shall shoot 5 shots. For each missed target the competitor shall run

one penalty loop and punch the map at the ”control” in the penalty loop. The penalty loop shall be run

direct after the respective shooting.

Adjustment shooting: 14.00 – 16.00. Distribution on the different lanes see information on the

shooting range.

Targets: Biathlon targets from Kurvinen and Canaxa.

Course lengths:

Class Course

length (km)

Class Course

length (km)

D12 2,1 H14 2,6

D14 2,6 H16 3,2

D16 3,2 H20 3,5

D20 3,4 H21 4,0

D21 3,5 H40 3,5

D45 3,2 H45 3,4

D50 2,6 H50 3,4

H60 2,6

Note: We have used Swedish names for classes which means that D is used for women and H is used

for men.

Merged classes: D18 and D20 are merged to D20. D50, D55 and D60 are merged to D50. H18 and

H20 are merged to H20. H55 and H50 are merged to H50. H65 and H60 are merged to H60.

Deleted classes: D35, D40, H12 and H35.

Start: First start at 16.15.

Distance to start: 1 km, gravel road/path. The same start for all

Control descriptions: Printed on the map and also available separate.

Waiting area: If there eventually will be a cue to the shooting range the competitor will be told to

stay in the waiting area until given permission by an official to proceed to a free shooting lane. In this

case (and only this case) the competitor shall punch with the SI-card at the entrance to respective exit

from the waiting area. The time in the waiting area will be subtracted from the competitors running


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Classic distance, Saturday May 27th

Plan: In one order Location orienteering- Free orienteering- Shooting- Running Loop-Shooting

Classes H/D 12-16 has 5 shots prone shooting in both series with a running loop in between. D12

shoots with weapon support, large target and H/D14 shoots with weapon support, small target. H/D16

shoots without weapon support, small target.

All other classes 10 shots prone, running loop and then 10 shots standing.

Adjustment shooting: 9.00 – 11.00. Distribution on the different lanes see information on the

shooting range.

Targets: Biathlon targets from Kurvinen and Canaxa.

Course lengths free orienteering:

Class Course

length (km)

Class Course

length (km)

D12 2,8 H14 3,8

D14 3,8 H16 5,0

D16 5,0 H20 8,0

D20 5,9 H21 9,0

D21 8,0 H40 8,0

D45 5,9 H45 7,0

D50 3,8 H50 7,0

H55 5,9

H60 5,0

Note: We have used Swedish names for classes which means that D is used for women and H is used

for men.

Merged classes: D18 and D20 are merged to D20. D50, D55 and D60 are merged to D50. H18 and

H20 are merged to H20. H65 and H60 are merged to H60.

Deleted classes: D35, D40, H12 and H35.

Start: First start at 11:00

Distance to start: 2.5 km gravel road. The same start for all.

Control descriptions: Printed on the map and also available separate.

Refreshments: We provide water at the change-over between location orienteering and free

orienteering. You can put your own refreshments at the arena along the way from the last control.

Location orienteering: Approx.3 km for the classes H/D18 and older. Classes H/D12-16 has a

shorted version, approx. 2 km. Be careful to follow the right way at the split and joining. The map for

class D12 also have the taped route marked as a line.

All competitors shall punch at the change-over from location orienteering to the free orienteering.

Waiting area: If there eventually will be a cue to the shooting range the competitor will be told to

stay in the waiting area until given permission by an official to proceed to a free shooting lane. In this

case (and only this case) the competitor shall punch with the SI-card at the entrance to respective exit

from the waiting area. The time in the waiting area will be subtracted from the competitors running


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Relay, Sunday May 28th

Plan: Orienteering – Prone shooting (5 +3 shots)– Orienteering – standing shooting (5 +3 shots).

The class H/D16 shoots prone with weapon support (the support is not mandatory), small target

For each missed target the competitor shall run one penalty loop and punch the map at the ”control” in

the penalty loop. The penalty loop shall be run direct after the respective shooting.

Adjustment shooting: 9.00 – 10.00. Distribution on the different lanes see information on the

shooting range

Targets: Biathlon targets from Kurvinen and Canaxa

Course lengths: All classes have forked legs

Class Course length


HD16 3.6

D21 5.4 – 5.6

D95 3.6

H20 5.2

H21 6.3 – 6.5

H95 5.2

H120 4.8 – 5.0

Note: We have used Swedish names for classes which means that D is used for women and H is used

for men.

Merged classes: HD14, H16 and D16 are merged to HD16. D18 and D21 are merged to D21.

Deleted classes: HD12, D20, H/D70, D120

Teams: Information of the team members shall be handed over to the organizers on Saturday at 15.00

at the latest.

Start: First start at 10.15 at the arena.

Control descriptions: Printed on the map only.

Refreshments: You can put your own refreshments at the arena along the way from the last control.


Dalregementets IF

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Appendix 1:

Example of signs which it is allowed to pass

Signs which are ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN to pass

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