complete confidence. sense of security. · 2019. 9. 19. · automatic garage door lock complete...

Post on 20-Aug-2020






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P R O D U C T B R O C H U R E 8 4 1 L MA U T O M A T I C G A R A G E D O O R L O C K

C O M P L E T E C O N F I D E N C E .W e h a v e s e c u r i t y s o l u t i o n s f o r a n y g a r a g e . Our se lec t new openers work wi th the Automat ic

Garage Door Lock fo r abso lu te pro tec t ion .

ULTIMATE GARAGE PROTECTION El i te Ser ies ® DC Ba t ter y Backup Be l t Dr ive Wi-Fi ® Garage

Door Opener 8550W

Our quietest feature-rich garage door opener with an added Automatic Garage Door Lock offers the ultimate garage security solution.

HEAVY WIND DEFENSE El i te Ser ies 3/4 HP AC Cha in Dr ive Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener 8587W

This opener protects homes with heavy garage doors. Add the Automatic Garage Door Lock to keep the garage secured through

the strongest storms.

EASY GARAGE SECURITY Premium Ser ies DC Ba t ter y Backup Capab le Cha in

Dr ive Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener 8360W

Our most versatile opener is Battery Backup and Automatic Garage Door Lock Capable for any security need.


S E C U R I T Y .F e e l c o m p l e t e l y s a f e w i t h t h e u l t i m a t e s e c u r i t y s o l u t i o n .

8 0 0 . 3 2 3 . 2 2 7 6F i n d a D e a l e r a t L i f t M a s t e r . c o m C o n t a c t Yo u r L i f t M a s t e r ® D e a l e r

O R D E R T O D A Y .






S E C U R I T Y ’ S S O U N D . I t ’ s y o u r b i g g e s t d o o r . G i v e i t a n e x t r a l a y e r o f p r o t e c t i o n . The Automat ic Garage Door Lock works wi th se lec t new L i f tMaster ® Garage Door Openers to secure

your garage door automat ica l l y ever y t ime i t closes . For comple te secur i ty tha t you can hear.

AUTOMATIC OPERATION Per forms in tandem wi th the opener, so i t a lways locks and un locks .

ANYWHERE ASSURANCE Smartphone moni tor ing wi th the MyQ ® App means you a lways know tha t the garage is secure .

LiftMaster quality: Reassurance that you’re getting a trusted, reliable solution to protect your family.

Professionally installed: A qualified installer will make sure your complete garage door opener solution is installed correctly.

Approved safety: The first ever garage door lock tested by UL, brought to you by the leader in garage safety.







T H E B O T T O M L I N E :V A L U E

AUDIBLE SECURITY The sound o f the lock engag ing le ts you know tha t you’ re pro tec ted .

ABSOLUTE PROTECTION A deadbo l t lock makes your garage door v i r tua l l y impenet rab le .

For over 50 years, L i f tMaster has been engineering cutt ing-edge products that work

together to del iver comprehensive garage securi ty.

S E C U R I T Y ’ S A T O U R C O R E .

ULTIMATE SECURITY Along with your LiftMaster®

opener’s standard security features, an extra layer of protection provides

complete assurance.

WORRY-FREE PERFORMANCE Know that your home is secured

from anywhere with the MyQ® App and Automatic Garage Door Lock.

ILLUMINATIONA bright garage lets you walk in with confidence.

RIGHT ACCESSProtection features secure the garage and grant access only for you.

KNOWLEDGEMonitoring and controlling from anywhere for complete assurance.

STORM DEFENSE Prepare your home for high winds

with a lock on each side of the garage door.

Note: the Automatic Garage Door Lock can be manually released when needed.

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