composite beam using numerical modal analysis

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modal analysis of composite beam using fea



There is a pressing need to develop effective techniques for structural health monitoring (SHM), so that the safety and integrity

of the structures can be improved. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the damage detection techniques for the

composite beam. Cost-effective and reliable damage detection is critical for the utilization of composite materials. The study is

carried out both analytical and experimental methods for the detection of damage in composite materials and the results are

presented in this paper.Acrack in a structure will affect the modal parameters both locally as well as globally. The present work

discusses the studies carried out using those parameters that get changed locally and globally as well as a procedure to

identify the crack location. Structural damage detection has gained increasing attention from the scientific community since

unpredicted major hazards, most with human losses, have been reported.Aircraft crashes and the catastrophic bridge failures

are some examples. Since damage alters the dynamic characteristics of a structure, namely its eigen properties (natural

frequencies, modal damping and modes of vibration), several techniques based on experimental modal analysis have been

developed in recent years. A cantilever composite beam was considered and modeled. The crack was introduced and

analyzes the propagation of the crack. The crack is a through-thickness one, growing along the breadth of the beam starting

from one edge. The location of the crack is also moved from the fixed end to the free end along its length. The changes in

natural frequencies are observed from analytical study, due to the presence of the crack at different locations and depths and 2-

Dfinite element models were created the percentage change in frequency values are calculated. These results are confirmed

by the experiments. The numerical finite element (FE) analysis is performed to complement the damage detection by using

different algorithms. Due to refined analysis of FE approach, all the algorithms are viable of detecting the damage using the FE

data. The add-on advantage of the damage detection algorithms (Gapped Smoothing Method and Strain Energy Method) is

that the data from the healthy beam are not required as the reference, thus simplifying the detection process.

Key words: Damage algorithm, Central Difference Approximation, Curvature mode Shapes, damage Index, Curvature

damage factor, Strain energy method, Gapped Smoothed Method


1 2Ramanamurthy E.V.V. , Chandrasekaran K.

1Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad, India

2Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai, India

E-mail :


Damage can cause structural failure, and suddenfailure during high load operation may lead to catastrophicconsequences. Development of an early damagedetection method for structural failure is one of the mostimportant keys in maintaining the integrity and safety ofstructures. The cracks can be present in structures due totheir limited fatigue strengths or due to the manufacturingprocesses. These cracks open for a part of the cycle andclose when the vibration reverses its direction. Thesecracks will grow over time, as the load reversals continue,and may reach a point where they pose a threat to theintegrity of the structure. As a result, all such structuresmust be carefully maintained and more generally, SHMdenotes a reliable system with the ability to detect andinterpret adverse “change” in a structure due to damage ornormal operation.

The greatest challenge in designing a SHM system isto identify the underline changes due to damage or defect.Lots of damage detection techniques have been proposed

for structural health monitoring. Some of thenondestructive evaluation approaches that utilizetechnologies such as X-ray imaging, ultrasonic scans,infrared thermograph, and eddy current can identifydamages. However, they are somehow difficult toimplement, and some of them are impractical in manycases such as in service aircraft testing and in-site spacestructures. Almost all of the above techniques require thatthe vicinity of the damage is known in advance and theportion of the structure being inspected is readilyaccessible. The drawbacks of current inspectiontechniques have led engineers to investigate newmethods for continuous monitoring and global conditionassessment of structures. That is the case for methodsbased on vibration responses that allow one to obtainmeaningful time and/or frequency domain data andcalculate changes in the structural and modal properties,such as resonance frequencies, modal damping andmode shapes, and use them with the objective ofdeveloping reliable techniques to detect, locate andquantify damage.

32 International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.2, No.1, July 2008

The dynamic response of structures can offer uniqueinformation on defects that may be contained within thestructures. Changes in the physical properties of thestructures due to damage will alter the dynamic responsessuch as natural frequencies, damping and mode shapes. These physical parameter changes can be extracted toestimate damage information. In the past 20 years a lot ofwork has been published in the area of damage detection,where various methods have been proposed. The modalparameters such as natural frequencies and mode shapescan be used to detect the initiation and development ofcracks. In this present work, different damage algorithmswere used to locate the crack in a cantilever compositebeam.


The dynamics-based damage detection is aneffective method of acquiring both the global and the localinformation of the structure. Significant efforts havealready been spent to develop damage detectionalgorithms using dynamics-based approach. Some of theresearches related to damage detection using dynamics-based approach are summarized as follows.

A. Frequency-based Damage Detection

Natural frequency-based method may be the easiestone of dynamics-based damage detection due to ease ofmeasurement of the natural frequencies. In manyapplications only a single sensor and a single point ofmeasurement are required. The foundation of this methodis that damage produces a change in structural stiffness,which in turn, results in changes of natural frequenciescompared to the healthy or intact structures. Therefore,the measurement of frequencies at different modes couldbe used to probe possible damage locations. Thefrequency-based method for damage identification wassuccessfully applied to simple laboratory structures withonly single or a few damage locations. The frequency-based method is usually reliable for detecting thepresence of damage in a simple composite structure,whereas the important information about damage size andtype, location, and orientation cannot be obtained usingthis simple method since several combinations of thesevariables can yield similar or identical frequency change.

B. Mode Shape-based Damage Detection

A more robust application of dynamics-basedapproach for damage detecting is based on mode shapes.This method has been developed to assess damagedirectly using the measured displacement mode shapes or

curvatures mode shapes.The displacement mode shapeswere determined experimentally using accelerometersand analytically using E-B beam theory, and theircomparison showed that the crack location could be foundand the crack depth was estimated with satisfactoryaccuracy.

A potential disadvantage of mode shape-basedmethod is that it needs to measure

a large number of points. A more effective method ofdamage detection based on the mode shapes is the use ofcurvature mode shapes. From Euler-Bernoulli beamtheory, the curvature mode shape ( ê) is related to theYoung's Modulus of beam and the beam cross sectionalgeometric properties.

The use of curvature mode shapes in damageidentification is based on the assumptions that thecurvature of an undamaged structure is smooth andcontinuous and the irregularity of the curvature can thusdetermine the location of the damaged for a homogeneousstructure. The changes in the curvature mode shapes arehighly localized to the region of damages, and they aremore pronounced than the changes in the displacementmode shapes. The curvature is often calculated from themeasured displacement mode shapes by using a centraldifference approximation.

The earlier studies on dynamic response baseddamage detection used the natural frequency as aparameter by many researchers – ( Adam et al., 1978;Cawley and Adams,1979a, b; Gomez and Silva, 1991;Salawu, 1997; Messina,A., Williams, E.J. and Contursi, T ,1998; Zhou et al. 2000) reviewed some of the vibration-based detection techniques for identification ofdelamination in composite structures. Lee and Chung(2000) used the first four frequencies of a simulatedcantilever beam to locate a single crack and assess theircorresponding effectiveness. The crack depth was thenapproximated iteratively to match the frequency as closelyas possible before the location of the crack was finallydefined. Chinchalkar (2001) developed a numericalmethod for determining the crack location in a damagedbeam. A rotation spring was used to model the beam. Thegraphs of spring stiffness versus crack location wereplotted for three natural frequencies, and the point ofintersection of the three curves indicated the location of thecrack. Lestari and Hanagud (2001) used only a few lowerorder curvature modes to identify damage location basedon the difference between the measured data of damagedand healthy structures, and the mathematical relationshipof the measured data and dynamic parameters was used

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In present work both the experimental as well as FEMnumerical procedures are used to determine thefrequency changes before they are compared for differentalgorithms. A study is made to compare the change infrequencies, obtained due to the presence of a crack in a composite beam with an uncracked beam. The generalpurpose FEM analysis software ANSYS was used in themodal analysis module to obtain mode shapes. Due to theincreasing confidence in the procedure, the finite elementanalysis was extended to more crack locations and crackratios to obtain the change in frequencies as the crackmoves from fixed end to free end in closely spacedintervals. In the analysis, the crack location was assumedto move from 0.1L to 0.8 L and the crack depth assumed tomove from 0.1B to 0.5 B , where L and B represents the length and breadth of the composite beam.

The following Damage detection algorithms wereused to locate the damage in the composite beam buyusing FE analysis. The modal parameters that changelocally are mode shapes, i.e., bending mode shape andtorsional mode shape.

1. The Curvature Mode Shape Method,

2. The Damage Index Method,

3. The Curvature Damage Factor,

4. The Gapped Smoothing Method.

5. The Strain Energy Method,

The above methods are used in the evaluation of damage in the composite beam for bending and torsion mode shapes. The results obtained were tabulated, plotted and discussed in the next section

1. The Curvature Mode Shape :

Pandey, et al. (13) Stated that, the mode shapes of adamaged and the corresponding undamaged structureare identified, the curvature at each location i on thestructure is numerically obtained by central differenceapproximation.


to estimate the severity of the damage. The effect ofdamage on frequency response primarily provides global information about the condition of structures. Using a smallnumber of sensors, the natural frequencies of largestructures can be measured effortlessly. The naturalfrequency measurements are very sensitive tointerference, especially at the low order modes. Some ofthe examples of interferences include fiber misalignmentduring manufacturing, introduction of non-negligible massby sensors, and simulated approximate boundaryconditions that prompt the largest error in the frequencymeasurement (Kessleret al., 2002).Recently, Lestari andQiao (2005) employed the curvature-based method todetect the damage in honeycomb composite sandwichbeams. The FRF curvature methods performed well indetecting and locating the damage, especially for largemagnitude of damage.

The natural frequency can be used as an earlywarning system of global structural condition. The modeshapes are utilized as a base parameter for damageidentification and assessment technique in the presentstudy. The changes of the curvature mode shapes arelocalized in the region of the damage and consequentlymay be used effectively to identify damage location instructures.

This detection technique is extended in the presentstudy, and the amplitude difference of curvature modeshapes is employed to estimate the local stiffness loss dueto damage. The first curvature mode is used in the damageassessment, since the curvature nodal points of damagedstructures at high modes may shift significantly from theoriginal undamaged case thus generating misleadingresults. It is relatively difficult to experimentally obtain the mode shapes at the higher modes using surface-bondedsensors; while at the lower modes, the mode shapes maynot be sensitive to small damage. In this study, the firstthree low curvature mode shapes of the structuresbetween an undamaged state and a damaged state areextracted from the finite element analysis data. Then, the differences of these curvature modes are used todetermine damage locations and the correspondingmagnitudes. The procedure illustrates the damage statefrom the original undamaged state; however, it can also bemodified to consider the changes from one damaged stateto another damaged state. The study is conducted byusing Glass / Epoxy laminated composite beam, and thecurvature mode shapes are measured by using FEMsoftware ANSYS . Several damage algorithms forms areintroduced and the results are plotted. The results ofdamage identification for the Glass / Epoxy laminatedbeam are presented.

34 International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.2, No.1, July 2008

Where, i is the node number, j is the mode shapenumber and h is the distance between the measurementpoints i + 1 and i - 1.

The location of the damage is then identified by thelargest computed absolute difference between the modeshape curvatures of the damaged and undamagedstructure, as follows


Where (Øij,d) and (Øij,ud) is the central differenceapproximation of damaged and undamaged structurerespectively

2. The Damage Index Method:

Stubbs and Kim (14) stated that, the damageidentification based on the changes in the curvature of the j

mode at location i. The damage parameter formulation ofth

this method is presented as


where â is the Damaged Index at location i for mode j.ij

3. The Curvature Damage Factor:

Wahab and De Roeck (15), successfully applied acurvature – based method to the Z 24 bridge inSwitzerland and introduced a damage indicator named thecurvature damage factor. The difference in curvaturebefore and after damage averaged over a number ofconsidered modes is defined as the CDF


4. The Gapped Smoothing Method:

Ratcliff and Bagaria (16) proposed the gapped smoothingmethod for the damage detection in a beam without prior

data of the undamaged structure. The basic theory of thismethod is that the mode shape of the undamagedstructure has a smooth curve and it can be approximatedby a polynomial in one variable.


The damage parameter based on this method is definedas the square of the difference between measured data ofthe damaged structure and the smoothed fitted value.

The maximum value of this method indicates thedamage location. This method does not require anundamaged structure reference. The procedure mainlydepends on the measured mode shape obtained fromdamaged structure. The main advantage of this method is,that it can be applied to an existing structure where there isno prior data of its undamaged structure.

The displacement mode shape of a damaged structure isto be converted to curvature shape by using centraldifference approximation. Then using a gaped polynomialat each point to generate mode shapes, whichrepresenting the healthy beam, locally smoothes thecurvature mode. The Damage index by this method wasdefined as the difference between the curvature and thegapped smooth polynomial at each point. The largestindex represents the location of the damage.


5. The Strain Energy Method:

A certain amount of strain energy is stored in aparticular vibration mode, the frequency and mode shapesare highly sensitive to changes in the stiffness of thestructure, which are associated with the strain energy.Hence the change in the modal strain energy may also beconsidered as an indicator for the damage location. Thedamage indicator for this method is defined as theabsolute difference between the square of measureddamage data and square of the smoothed fitted curvaturevalue.

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The strain energy (U) associated with a particulari

mode shape at one segment of the beam and may becalculated as


where Ø is the displace me nt mode shape;i

k is the curvature mode shape;

EI is the bending stiffness of the structure

The curvature in strain energy and the beam bendingstiffness are interrelated, the damage-induced stiffnessreduction leads to increasing of curvatures. Therefore, theabove equation (7) my also be considered as a logicalchoice of indicator for the damage location. For thiscalculation the curvature required is extracted from thedisplacement mode shapes measured using FEM ANSYSby using a central difference approximation.

The damage Index using the concept of strain energyis proportional to the square of the curvature. The damageindex can be calculated by using the eq(8).This method isdefined as the absolute difference between the square of measured data and square of the smoothed fittedcurvature Values eq (8).



In the present work, experimental and numerical(FEM) procedures are used to evaluate the variation offrequency change before they are compared. Thespecimen used in this study was made of fiber glass andepoxy resin using hand lay-up process. It has thedimensions of length 450 mm, width 30 mm and thickness10 mm. The laminated composite has a 45 fiber orientationlay-up for a total of ten layers. When the beam is clampedas cantilever configuration, the specimen has a free lengthof 400 mm. The specimen dimensions for the experimentwith a ratio L:B:T as 40:3:1 as shown in the Fig. 1.

RION SA-73 Sound and Vibration Dual Channelanalyzer is used to extract the natural frequencies, alongwith B&K – Type 4344 accelerometer pickup. An Impacthammer RION PH-51 is used to excite the beam. Includingfundamental frequency and few lower order frequencieswere extracted from the experiment.

L = Length of Beam = 400 mm; B = Width of Beam = 30 mm; T = thickness of Beam = 10 mm;

L = Crack location from fixed end = 40 mm; 1

a = Depth of Crack = 1 mm to 15 mm

Fig. 1. Geometry of the cantilever compositebeam with an edge crack.

Initially, the natural frequencies of uncrackedcomposite cantilever beam were extracted. Withoutdisturbing its setting, a crack was generated andpropagated by means of a thin saw cut (around 0.8 mmthick). The experiment was conducted on Four specimenswith the same geometry, material and creating a crack at0.2 L to to 0.8 L with an increment of 0.2 L from the fixedend by varying crack depths of 0.1 to 0.5 , with anincrement of 0.1 B , at each location.

From the experiment, the measured values offrequencies are used to calculate the percentage changein the first three bending modes with respect to theuncracked beam for each location and depth Theseresults are then compared with the numerical finiteelement results and discussed in the next section.


A Cantilever composite beam with the samegeometry and material properties was considered for thenumerical studies by using ANSYS software. Thegeometrical characteristics, the length L), Width (B) andthickness(T)of composite beam were chosen as 400 mm,30 mm and 10mm respectively. The material properties ofthe glass-epoxy composite beam in terms of fibers andmatrix, identified by the indices f and m, respectively, are:

Modulus of elasticity E = 3.45GPa,m

E = 72.4 Gpa,f

Modulus of rigidity G = 1.277 Gpa,m

G = 29.67 Gpa,f

3 3Mass density ñ = 2600 kg/m ; ñ = 330 kg/m ;f m

Initially, the location of the crack and depth of crackwere considered similar to the experimental procedure.The percentage change in frequency with respect to crack

36 International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.2, No.1, July 2008

locations and crack depths were calculated andrepresented in the Fig. 2 First three bending modes wereextracted and compared with the experimental values.Since the results are encouraging the numericalprocedure is extended to more crack locations and crackdepths to verify the change in frequencies. From thenumerical analysis, the mode shape displacements arecalculated at these frequencies. By using mode shapesdata the damage detection was carried out by usingdamage algorithms (explained in the previous section).The numerical analysis was considered only for bendingmode shapes. By using numerical procedure it is possibleto extend the same procedure for extracting torsionalmode shapes also.

Fig. 2(a)

Fig. 2(b)

Fig. 2(c)


Fig. 2(e)

Fig. 2(f)

Fig. 2. Percentage of change in frequency in firstthree bending frequencies due to a crack ANSYS [2(a),(b),(c)] and Experimental [2 (d),(e),(f)] results

Numerical modal analysis based on the finiteelement (FE) modeling is performed for studying thedynamic response of a structure. The natural frequenciesand mode shapes are important modal parameters indesigning a structure under dynamic loading conditions.The numerical analysis is carried out by using thecommercial finite element program ANSYS. It is mainlyused to verify the effectiveness of damage detectionalgorithms used in this study.


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In the present study, since the specimen is made offiberglass/epoxy composite material, the FE modeling ofthe composite beam is simulated with the layered element(shell 99). The composite plate consists of severalorthotropic layers, and it is considered as orthotropicmaterial. The FE analysis software ANSYS was used inthe modal analysis to obtain mode shapes.

A Cantilever beam of the dimensions L: B: T ofcomposite material was considered for the numericalanalysis. The beam was modeled with eight nodded shellelements so as to introduce the crack and analyze for thepropagation of the crack.


Numerical modal analysis based on the finite element(FE) modeling is performed for studying the dynamicresponse of a structure. In the present study, since thespecimen is made of fiberglass/epoxy composite material,the FE modeling of the composite beam is simulated withthe layered element (shell 99).The present study focuseson the identification of the damage in the composite beamby extracting the modal parameters obtained from theresults of modal analysis by using the numerical finiteelement analysis and verify the validity of the damagedetection algorithms.

Damage Index by using different damage algorithms:

The crack location from fixed end= L = 40 mm and1

crack ratio a/b = 0.1 ( i.e., depth of crack as 3 mm) isconsidered.

For the comparison, the crack location from fixedend= L = 40 mm and crack ratio a/b = 0.1 ( i.e., depth of1

crack as 3 mm) is considered. From the Fig. 3, it is clear,that the Gapped smoothing method was higherperformance than the Damage index method.

Fig. 3. Comparison between damage index method andgapped smoothing method.

For the comparison, the crack location from fixedend= L = 40 mm and crack ratio a/b = 0.1 ( i.e., depth of1

crack as 3 mm) is considered. From the Fig. 4, it is clear,

that the Strain energy method was higher performancethan the Damage index method.

Fig. 4. Comparison between damage index method and strain energy method


The different damage detection algorithms (Curvature mode shape method, Damage index method,Curvature damage factor method, Gapped smoothingmethod , Strain energy method) are employed to analyzethe numerical data. The crack location and damage indexvalues for the damage detection algorithms for the abovemethods are represented in the figures listed below


Fig. 5(a)

Fig. 5(b)

38 International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.2, No.1, July 2008

Fig. 5(c)

Fig. 5(d)

Fig. 5(e)


Fig. 6(a)

39Ramanamurthy et al : Damage Detection in Composite Beam Using...

Fig. 6(b)

Fig. 6(c)

Fig. 6(d)

Fig. 6(e)


Fig. 7(a)

Fig. 7(b)

Fig. 7(c)

Fig. 7(d)

Fig. 7(e)


Fig. 8(a)

Fig. 8(b)

Fig. 8(c)

Fig. 8(d)

40 International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.2, No.1, July 2008

Fig. 8(e)

Fig. 8(f)

Fig. 8(g)


Fig. 9(a)

Fig. 9(b)

Fig. 9(c)

Fig. 9(d)

Fig. 9(e)

The effect of crack position on the sensitivity ofnatural frequencies and mode shapes of cantilevercomposite beam with a single edge crack has beenstudied. The following observations can be made from theabove results.

1. For a given mode, the effect on the bending frequencyand mode shape become more severe as the depth ofthe crack increases.

41Ramanamurthy et al : Damage Detection in Composite Beam Using...

2. If the position of crack is known information, onespecific mode may be sufficient to obtain accurateresults in the crack identification.

3. The add-on advantage by using the GappedSmoothing Method and the Strain Energy method isthat the data from the healthy beam are not requiredas the reference, thus simplifying the detectionprocess.

4. Successful implementation of damage detectionalgorithms by using numerical procedure for crackidentification of composite beam.

5. The dynamics-based damage detection approachusing curvature mode shapes is useful method forstructural health monitoring of composite structuresand it is also an effective method of acquiring both theglobal and the local information of the structure.

The damage index values for the different damagealgorithms are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Damage index values

DIM : Damage Index Method

CDF : Curvature Damage Factor

SEM : Strain Energy Method

GSM : Gapped Smoothing Method


In summary, The dynamics-based approach hasbeen widely used to identify damage. The frequency-based method indicates its usefulness in probing thepresence of the defect, but it is relatively difficult toimplement this method to locate/size the damage. Most ofthe above studies showed that the mode shapes-basedmethod could be applied to detect damage type, size, andlocation in either large or small structures with somesuccess. The change in frequencies of the fewfundamental modes is more useful for identification ofcrack location. In real application, these changes infrequency values can be obtained by mounting sensors inthe structure and the frequencies can be obtained bymonitoring periodic measurements.

The approach based on dynamic response isrelatively straight forwarded and easy to use, and it can beused as a viable technique for damage detection. Thus,the dynamics-based damage detection approach is aadopted in this study, and several damage detectionalgorithms are evaluated for composite beam-by usingFEM softwareANSYS.

In this study, a simple structure was considered, butthis procedure can also be extended to identify and locatecracks in complex structures. The numerical data obtainedfrom the above procedure is also useful for identification ofcrack depth approximately.


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Mr. E. V. V. Ramanamurthy is aResearch Scholar at JNTU,Hyderabad and an AssistantProfessor at the Department ofM e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g ,Sathyabama University, Chennai. Ap o s t - g r a d u a t e f r o m J N T U ,Hyderabad, his specialization is

Machine Design. He has over eighteen years of teaching experience.

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