composition and shot type

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Composition and Shot Type. The power and impact of camera shots and composition. The Long Shot. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Composition and Shot Type

The power and impact of camera shots and composition

The Long Shot

Long shot (LS). Shot which shows all or most of a fairly large subject (for example, a person) and usually much of the surroundings. The long shot helps the viewer to establish location and atmosphere.

Terminator 3

Mullholand Drive


Double Indemnity

The Medium Shot

Medium shots (MS). Medium Shot or Mid-shot. In such a shot the subject or actor and its setting occupy roughly equal areas in the frame. In the case of the standing actor, the lower frame passes through the waist. There is space for hand gestures to be seen.

The function of a medium shot lies between the establishing effect of the long shot, and the intimate scrutiny of the close up

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest




The Medium Close Shot

Medium Close Shot (MCS): the setting can still be seen. The lower frame line passes through the chest of the actor.

Apocalypse Now

The Exorcist


The Close Up

Close-up (CU). A picture which shows a fairly small part of the scene, such as a characters face, in great detail so that it fills the screen. The close up concentrates the viewer’s interest. It can be an extremely powerful shot. It can point out details to the viewer that might otherwise be overlooked, or difficult to see. Close-ups can also be used in a montage sequence to focus on particular objects - ticking bombs, snakes in the grass, stolen diamonds

Apocalypse Now


The Shining

2001: A Space Odyssey

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Big Close Up

Big Close Up (BCU): forehead to chin. Close ups focus attention on a persons feeling or reactions. A frame showing only a person's eye is an example of an extreme close-up.

E.T. The Extra Terrestrial



Angle of Shot

Angle of shot. The direction and height from which the camera takes the scene.

The Low Angle Shot

A low angle shot places the camera below the character, exaggerating his or her importance.


The Exorcist

The Exorcist

Citizen Kane

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Lion King


Sleepy Hollow

Edward Scissorhands


The High Angle Shot

In a high angle the camera looks down at a character, making the viewer feel more powerful than him or her, or suggesting an air of detachment

2001: A Space Odyssey

Citizen Kane

The Omen


The Tilted Shot

Tilted shot. When the camera is tilted on its axis so that normally vertical lines appear slanted to the left or right, ordinary expectations are frustrated. Such shots are often used in mystery or suspense films to create a sense of unease in the viewer.

2001: A Space Odyssey


American Beauty

The Two Shot

Two-shot. A shot of two people together. It establishes relationships and emotions between the two people involved. The 2-Shot is predominantly used in dialogue scenes where it is intercut with individual close-ups.



Double Indemnity

Sling Blade

Eyes Wide Shut

Donny Darko

Fight Club


Punch Drunk Love


E.T. The Extra Terrestrial

The Three Shot

Terminator 3

Sling Blade

Oh Brother Where Art Thou

Harry Potter

American Beauty

The Group Shot

Apocalypse Now


The Point Of View Shot

Point-of-view shot (POV). A shot from a camera position close to the line of sight of a performer who is to be watching the action shown in the point-of-view shot.

Point Of View is the term used describe a shot that intends to emulate the personal perspective of a character. The audience will effectively see through their eyes.



Punch Drunk Love

Boogie Nights

Eyes Wide Shut

Boogie Nights

Gangs of New York


Wide Angle Shot

Wide-angle shot. A shot of a broad field of action taken with a wide angle lens.

The French Connection

Visual Composition

Visual composition is the arrangement of objects and subjects within the frame.

Mise en sceneFrench term meaning to 'Place in the scene', was originally associated with theatre stage productions but was adopted by film to describe the directors art of placing elements into the frame of a shot to convey meaning and context.


Punch Drunk Love



Gangs of New York

Apocalypse Now



Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds is a guide for framing and structuring a shot to take advantage of the strong elements of the image. The Rule of Thirds divides the image up into 3 equal fields which can help create an image that feels balanced and proportional.

The Rule of Thirds also provides four focal points of an image that can represent the key string points of an image where a subject can be placed. The Rule of Thirds is not set in stone, all rules were made to be broken, but it is a very effective mental guide that shouldn't be under estimated.

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