comprehensive questions on the gospel according to...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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**Permission granted to make copy without alteration and not for commercial purpose



1. ____________________ John 1:1-3

2. ____________________ John 1:14, 17, 29

3. ____________________ John 3:3-5

4. ____________________ John 3:16-18

5. ____________________ John 4:23-24; 35

6. ____________________ John 5:21-23

7. ____________________ John 5:25-28

8. ____________________ John 6:29; 39-40

9. ____________________ John 6:35, 44-45

10. ____________________ John 6:68-69

11. ____________________ John 7:17, 24; 8:21

12. ____________________ John 8:24, 32, 58

13. ____________________ John 10:15-17

14. ____________________ John 11:25-27

15. ____________________ John 12:48; 13:34-35

16. ____________________ John 14:1-3

17. ____________________ John 14:4-6

18. ____________________ John 14:15, 23, 27

19. ____________________ John 15:1-2, 8

20. ____________________ John 15:13; 16:23; 17:17

21. ____________________ John 17:20-21; 18:36

22. ____________________ John 20:21, 31-32




Jim E. Waldron


1. Who wrote the book?

2. What does “In the Beginning” mean?

3. Give the Greek for “Word.”

4. What three things are affirmed about “the Word” in John 1:1?

5. What power is ascribed to the Word in John 1:3?

6. Who is the Word?

7. Describe the life in the Word.

8. How is that life the light of men?

9. What is meant by darkness?

10. What could darkness not do?

11. Who was the man sent from God?

12. Why did John come?

13. How does the true light give light to every man?

14. What three things are affirmed about the Word (Christ Jesus) in John 1:10?

15. Who were the ones spoken of as “His own (who) did not receive Him”?

16. What right or power did Christ give to those who believed on Him?

17. How is the birth of God’s children spoken of in John 1:13?

18. What is meant by “the Word became flesh”?

19. What is the Greek word for “Only Begotten” and what does it mean?

20. Explain John’s testimony “He was before me.”

21. What is the fullness of Christ of which we (God’s people) have all received?

22. Discuss “Grace for Grace.”

23. What is John the writer’s contrast between Moses and Christ?

24. Why is such a contrast drawn between Moses and Christ?


25. Where do the scriptures state “no one has seen God at anytime”?

26. What is meant by “the Son has declared Him”?

27. Who did the Jews send from Jerusalem to test John?

28. What did John confess in answer to the question “Who are you”?

29. Compare these scriptures:

Malachi 4:5

John 1:21

Matthew 11:11-14

30. Explain the question “Are you the prophet?”

31. How did John answer the question “What do you say about yourself?”

32. Explain John’s work based on Isaiah 40:3 and John 1:23.

33. The priests and Levites sent from Jerusalem were of what sect?

34. What full question was put to John according to John 1:25?

35. How did John show his humility in relation to Christ?

36. Where was John baptizing at the time the priests and Levites interrogated Him?

37. How is Jesus the Lamb of God?

38. Discuss the singular for “sin” in John 1:29.

39. What did John mean “He was before me”?

40. Why did John say He cam baptizing in water?

41. How had John been told to recognize the Christ?

42. What did John say his testimony of Christ was?

43. How did John identify Jesus to his two disciples?

44. When the two disciples of John were told Jesus was the Lamb of God what did they do?

45. What did Jesus ask the two disciples of John and how did they reply?

46. About what time did Jesus and the two disciples arrive at His lodging place?

47. Name one of the two disciples that heard John declare Jesus was the Lamb of God.

48. What does Andrew’s first reaction to finding Christ illustrate?

49. Define: Messiah.

50. What name did Jesus give Simon?


51. What did Simon’s new name mean?

52. Who did Jesus call just before He returned to Galilee?

53. Where was Philip from?

54. Who did Philip find for Jesus?

55. How did Philip describe Jesus to Nathaniel?

56. What was Nathaniel’s first reaction when he heard Jesus was from Nazareth?

57. How did Jesus describe Nathaniel when He saw him?

58. On receiving the complement from Jesus what did Nathaniel ask?

59. How did Jesus reply to Nathaniel’s question?

60. What does Jesus’ answer to Nathaniel about seeing him under the fig tree illustrate?

61. What was Nathaniel’s bold affirmation about Jesus?

62. What great sight did Jesus say Nathaniel would later see?


63. In which book and chapter do we read of the wedding in Cana of Galilee?

64. Locate Cana in relation to Nazareth.

65. Who came by invitation to the wedding?

66. Who informed Jesus when the wine failed?

67. How did Jesus respond to His mother’s statement?

68. Realizing the reliability of her son what did Mary say to the servants?

69. What was the approximate total in gallons (liters) held by the six pots?

70. What two orders did Jesus give informing the miracle?

71. What did the master of the feast say when he had tasted the water that was made wine?

72. How does the context show that wine made by Jesus was non-alcoholic wine?

73. What is declared about this miracle of Jesus?

74. What power of Jesus does this miracle illustrate?

75. Where did Jesus, His mother, His brothers and disciples go after the wedding in Cana?

76. According to John 2, what feast did Jesus attend at Jerusalem?


77. What did Jesus find in the temple?

78. Name four things Jesus did in cleansing the temple in Acts 2.

79. What did He tell the merchants not to do?

80. Give the quotation remembered by the disciples when they saw Jesus cleansing the temple.

81. Give the Old Testament and New Testament references for “zeal for your house has eaten me


82. What question did the Jews put to Christ when He cleansed the temple?

83. What did Jesus mean “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up”?

84. How long did the Jews say it had taken to build the temple?

85. When did the disciples remember this prophecy about the three days?

86. What caused any to believe at this time?

87. Discuss “He knew what was in man.”


88. What is the opening statement of John 3?

89. What position did Nicodemus hold?

90. How did Nicodemus know Jesus was from God?

91. How did Jesus reply to Nicodemus’ compliment?

92. Explain: “Unless one is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

93. What was Nicodemus’ reaction to the statement “A man must be born again”?

94. To be born again a person must be born of what?

95. Discuss the Spirit’s role in the new birth.

96. How is one born of water in the new birth?

97. What does “that which is born of the flesh is flesh” mean?

98. What is meant by “that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit?”

99. Why would Jesus say to Nicodemus “Do not marvel that I said you must be born again”?

100. What is meant by the statement “the wind blows where it wills…”?

101. What question did Jesus put to Nicodemus about his understanding of spiritual things?


102. How did Jesus rebuke Nicodemus’ doubts about what He had told him?

103. What part of John 3:13 is a comment by John the writer?

104. How did Jesus prophesy His death by crucifixion?

105. Christ being lifted up was in order that believers should not perish but have what?

106. Why was god willing to give His only begotten Son?

107. What is meant by “God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world”?

108. Contrast the state of believers and unbelievers according to John 1:18.

109. How does John 1:19 explain condemnation?

110. Why do those who practice evil not come to the light?

111. Why is one who does the truth willing to come to the light?

112. According to John 3:22 to what place did Jesus come and what did He do?

113. Why was John baptizing in Aenon near Salim?

114. What dispute arose between some of John’s disciples and the Jews?

115. To what testimony did John say his disciples could bear record?

116. Describe John’s relationship to Christ as the bridegroom of the church?

117. Of what was John speaking when he said “This joy of mine is fulfilled”?

118. Discuss briefly John’s statement “He must increase and I must decrease.”

119. Explain “He that comes from above is above all.”

120. Compare John 3:32 and 3:33.

121. What is meant in the context of John 3:34 “God does not give the Spirit by measure”?

122. The Father not only loves the Son but has done what?

123. Discuss the great contrast found in John 3:36.


124. What news precipitated Christ going from Judea to Galilee?

125. Who actually did the baptizing for Jesus?

126. What province did Jesus pass through on the way to Galilee?

127. What city of Samaria did Jesus stop near?


128. Where did Jesus sit to rest?

129. About what time did Jesus sit by the well?

130. What did Jesus say to the woman who came to draw water?

131. Where were the Lord’s disciples as He sat by the well?

132. How did the woman respond to Christ’s request for water?

133. What did Christ mean by “Living Water”?

134. How did the woman show that she thought water in earthly terms?

135. Who did the woman say had drunk from the well?

136. Discuss “Whoever drinks of the water I shall give him shall never thirst.”

137. Describe the woman’s thinking when she said “…that I may not thirst nor come here to draw.”

138. How did Jesus test the woman’s truthfulness when He said, “Go call your husband”?

139. What did Jesus tell the woman about her life?

140. Jesus’ revelation about her married life caused the woman to say she perceived what?

141. How did Jesus show salvation for mankind would come through the Jewish nation?

142. Jesus said the hour had come when the true worshipper would do what?

143. Who does the Father seek to worship Him?

144. Discuss “God is Spirit.”

145. Explain: “In Spirit and in truth.”

146. What did the woman of Samaria say she knew about the Messiah?

147. How did Jesus respond to the woman’s statement that she knew the Messiah would come?

148. When the disciples returned what caused them to marvel?

149. How does Jesus’ conversation with this woman show His attitude toward racial and social


150. What did the woman say to the men of the city?

151. When the disciples urged Christ to eat what did He say?

152. What did Jesus say was His food?

153. Four months until harvest would mean what time of year in Palestine


154. Relate John 4:35 to our day.

155. How does John 4:36 show evangelism bears fruit unto God?

156. How does the statement “one sows and another reaps” put down jealousy?

157. What two things caused the Samaritans to believe?

158. What did the Samaritans affirm about their belief?

159. How long did Jesus stay in Samaria?

160. What did Jesus testify about a prophet in his own country?

161. When Jesus left Samaria where did He go and how was He received?

162. Who met Jesus in Cana?

163. What request did the nobleman of Capernaum make of Jesus?

164. What rebuke did Jesus give to sign seekers?

165. How did Jesus indicate He had healed the boy?

166. How far is Capernaum from Cana?

167. At what time had the boy been healed?

168. How did this miracle affect the nobleman’s household?


169. What did Jesus do according to John 5:1

170. Tell the name of the pool by the sheep gate in Jerusalem.

171. Tell how many porches Bethesda Pool had.

172. Who were there waiting for the moving of the water?

173. What did Jesus ask the man who had waited a long time to get into Bethesda Pool?

174. How long had that man been infirmed?

175. What did Jesus command the man to do?

176. What happened when Jesus commanded the man at Bethesda Pool to take up his bed.

177. How did the Jews rebuke the man that was healed at Bethesda Pool?

178. When Jesus found the healed man in the temple what did He tell him?

179. What worse thing could come upon a man than 38 years of infirmity?


180. Why did the Jews desire to kill Jesus even this early in His ministry?

181. What statement by Jesus made the Jews want to kill Him all the more?

182. Why did the Jews think Jesus’ statement about His Father’s work evil?

183. How does Jesus affirm absolute deity for Himself in John 5:19?

184. Jesus said the Father loves the Son and shows Him what?

185. What statement in 5:21 confirms that Jesus possesses the power of the Father?

186. To whom has the Father committed all judgement?

187. In what manner must all honor the Son?

188. What if a person does not honor the Son?

189. Name three things a person has who hears Jesus’ words and believes in the Father who sent


190. To whom does the term “dead” apply in John 5:25?

191. How can those dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:5) hear the voice of the Son of God?

192. How do those who hear the voice of the Son of God live? (Colossians 2:12; Ephesians 5:6’

Romans 6:3-4)

193. Compare this resurrection (John 5:25) to that of Revelation 20:5-6.

194. As the Eternal Father has life in Himself what has He granted unto the Son?

195. Why did the Father grant all judgement and authority to judge unto the Son (cf. Hebrews 4:15)?

196. Which resurrection is spoken of in John 5:28-29?

197. List the two groups to be resurrected and their reward.

198. What time period does Christ indicate for the resurrection for both the good and evil?

199. Why did Jesus say His judgement is righteous?

200. Tell why Jesus’ testimony could not be considered true if He were the only one to testify.

201. List the fourfold witness of Jesus.

202. Who does Christ mean as another witness of Himself?

203. What man did Jesus say had borne witness to the truth (about Him?

204. What did Jesus mean “I do not receive testimony from man”?

205. What does Jesus mean, “You were willing for a time to rejoice in (John’s) Light”?


206. What is the greater witness than that of John?

207. To what did Jesus ay the works (miracles) He did bore witness?

208. List two miracles from John 1-5 that are examples of God’s testimony of Jesus.

209. Why did Jesus say the Word of God did not abide in His opponents?

210. Why did Jesus say the Jews searched the scriptures?

211. What did Jesus affirm the scriptures did?

212. Why did Jesus say the unbelieving Jews did not have life?

213. What did Jesus mean, “I do not receive honor from men”?

214. What did Jesus say He knew about the unbelieving Jews?

215. Discuss Jesus’ statement, “If another comes in his own name, him you will receive.”

216. How could seeking honor from one another instead of God prevent belief?

217. State the implication of the statement “Moses will accuse you to the Father.”

218. Give reference and summary of the major prophecy by Moses of Jesus (cf. Acts 3:22-23).

219. What is noteworthy of Jesus speaking of Moses’ “writings”?


220. The opening statement of John 6 says Jesus went where?

221. Why does John say the great multitude followed Jesus?

222. What test question did Jesus put to Philip about the great multitude?

223. How did Philip answer Jesus’ question?

224. Who told of the young boy and his food?

225. What did Jesus say the people should do?

226. About how many people were there?

227. List all four chapters and books in the New Testament where the feeding of the five thousand is


228. What is the most powerful message of the multiplying of the loaves and fish?

229. What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ command to gather up the fragments?

230. How much did they gather up?

231. What did the multitude say when they had seen the sign (feeding the five thousand)?


232. How did Jesus react when He perceived these Israelites by force would make Him King?

233. After Jesus had gone to the mountain alone what did His disciples do?

234. What hindered the trip across the Sea of Galilee?

235. About how far had the disciples rowed when they saw Jesus?

236. How was Jesus coming to the disciples in the boat?

237. What great consolation is found in the words of Jesus, “It is I, do not be afraid”?

238. What did the people ask Jesus when they saw Him on the other side of the sea?

239. What did Jesus say to the people who came to Him the next day after they had eaten the bread

and fish?

240. What is meant by “Do not labor for the food that perishes”?

241. How does Jesus give the food that endures to Eternal Life?

242. When asked, “What shall we do that we may work the works of God,” how did Jesus answer?

243. What two questions did the people ask Jesus when He told them faith was the work of God

which they must do?

244. What did the people remind Jesus about physical bread from God?

245. What did Jesus say about the bread Moses gave?

246. Jesus said the true bread from heaven or the bread of God is what?

247. What did Jesus mean, “I am the Bread of Life”?

248. Explain “He who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst.”

249. Who are “all that the Father gives (to Jesus)”? See 6:44-45; II Thessalonians 2:14; Mark 16:15-


250. What does Christ mean by, “The one who comes to me I will in no wise cast out”? (See

Romans 8:34-35).

251. What is the only thing that can cause us to fall from grace? (See Isaiah 59:1-2; Hebrews 3:12).

252. Why did Jesus say He had come down from heaven?

253. What does Jesus expect of us? (See Matthew 7:21; Hebrews 5:8-9).

254. What is the will of the Father concerning Jesus’ disciples?

255. Give the references and tell how many times Jesus says the righteous will be raised “at the last



256. Jesus said it was the will of the one who sent Him, that everyone who saw the Son and believed

in Him should have what two things?

257. Explain why the Jews murmured against Jesus’ statement “I am the bread which came down

from heaven.”

258. What things did the people state to prove Jesus was an ordinary man?

259. How are men drawn to Christ? (See John 12:32; 2 Thessalonians 2:14).

260. List the three words from John 6:45 that show how the Spirit truly operates on the heart – mind

of man – (cf. Romans 10:12).

261. What causes men to come to Jesus?

262. Identify the two references where Jesus declares He is the only one on earth who had ever seen

the Father.

263. Jesus said those who have eternal life are those who do what?

264. Give the two references where Jesus says He is the Bread of Life.

265. How shall we understand Jesus’ words, “Your fathers ate the manna and are dead”?

266. How is it that one may eat of the bread from heaven and never die but will live forever?

267. What did Jesus mean, “the Bread I shall give is my flesh”?

268. Why did those who heard Jesus misunderstand Him so badly?

269. What did Jesus mean, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood”?

270. Explain, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me.”

271. Where did Jesus deliver His discourse on the true bread from heaven?

272. What comment did some of Jesus’ disciples make about Jesus’ words, “You must eat my flesh

and drink my blood.”

273. Relate the misunderstanding of some disciples about heavenly bread to the following question:

“What if you should see the Son of man ascend where He was before?”

274. How does Jesus show in John 6:63 that His use of flesh and blood for the Bread of Life were


275. What is affirmed about Jesus’ knowledge of unbelievers and the betrayer?

276. How does the Father grant that men may come to Christ? (See John 6:44-45).

277. What would account for many of Christ’s followers going back after the discourse on the true


278. What did Jesus ask the twelve when others went back?


279. How did Peter answer Jesus’ question about going away?

280. What confession did Peter make?

281. What did Jesus reveal about one of the twelve?


282. What is the opening statement of John 7?

283. Identify the feast and time of year according to John 7:2.

284. How many brothers in the flesh did Jesus have?

285. Why did Jesus’ brothers show antagonism toward His work?

286. What did Jesus mean, “My time has not yet come”?

287. What did Jesus mean when he said to His brothers, “Your time is always ready”?

288. How could it be said of Jesus’ brothers, “The world cannot hate you”?

289. Why does the world hate the testimony of Jesus/

290. Why did Jesus say to his brothers He was not going to the feast at the time they did?

291. After His brothers had gone to the Feast of Tabernacles, how did Jesus go up?

292. What were some things being murmured about Jesus at the feast?

293. When and where did Jesus begin His teaching at the Feast of Tabernacles?

294. What made the Jews marvel at Jesus’ teaching in the temple?

295. What did Jesus affirm about His doctrine?

296. Explain John 7:18.

297. What is the test of a man’s doctrine?

298. What did Jesus affirm about the Jews’ relation to the Law of Moses?

299. How did the people react when Jesus asked, “Why do you seek to kill me?”

300. How did Jesus show the ridiculousness of their opposition to His making a man completely

well on the Sabbath?

301. Compare John 7:24, Matthew 7:1, 16-20.

302. Where were certain Jews from that knew of the threat to kill Jesus?

303. What indicate there was much misunderstanding among the Jews about the Messiah? (cf.

Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:5).


304. Jesus’ statement, “I have not come of myself,” shows what?

305. What are three power affirmations by Jesus in John 7:29?

306. Why were they unable to take Jesus at that time?

307. What question did believers ask in defense of their faith that Jesus was the Messiah?

308. When the Pharisee heard the people’s defense of their faith what did they do?

309. Why did Jesus tell His opponents, “Where I am you cannot come”?

310. What does the term “dispersion” mean?

311. What question did certain Jews ask about Jesus and the dispersion?

312. How did Jesus’ statement, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink,” undermine

Calvinism? (cf. Revelation 22:17).

313. What did Jesus say would flow out of the heart of the believer?

314. Of what was Jesus’ statement concerning “Rivers of Living Water” a prophecy?

315. How did many react to the statement concerning “Rivers of Living Water”?

316. What did others say?

317. What two questions showed the peoples’ ignorance at that time of Jesus’ birth place/

318. When the chief priests and Pharisees asked the officers why they had not arrested Jesus, what

did they reply?

319. What two questions did the Pharisees ask the officers in order to intimidate them?

320. What statement by the Pharisees showed their contempt for the people?

321. What question did Nicodemus ask in seeking fair judgment for Jesus?

322. Give the three references where Nicodemus is mentioned in scripture?


323. What is the opening statement of John chapter 8?

324. Describe Jesus’ manner of teaching in the temple.

325. Where in the scriptures is the story of the woman taken in the act of adultery?

326. Who brought the woman taken in the act of adultery to Jesus?

327. How did the scribes and Pharisees seek to test Jesus?

328. Where is the only place in scriptures we are told Jesus wrote?


329. When Jesus raised Himself up from writing on the ground how did He answer the woman’s


330. When Jesus had made the statement, “He who is without sin,” what did He again do?

331. How did the woman’s accusers react to Jesus’ searching statement?

332. When Jesus saw no one but the woman, what two things did He ask her?

333. When the woman replied, “No one Lord,” what did Jesus say?

334. What did Jesus mean, “I am the light of the world”?

335. Give the two places where Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”

336. What did the Pharisees mean, “You bear witness of yourself therefore your witness is not true”?

337. How did Jesus show His testimony was true, based on the Law’s requirement of two witnesses?

338. How did Jesus show the Pharisees’ carnal attitude toward life?

339. Compare Jesus’ statement that He was not here for judgement to John 3:17. (cf. John 12:47;


340. Why did Jesus say, “Even if He did judge, His judgement would be true”?

341. Who did Jesus say was the second witness to His testimony?

342. When the Pharisees asked, “Where is your Father,” how did our Lord reply?

343. At what place in the temple does John 8 tell us Jesus was teaching?

344. Tell three things Jesus told the Pharisees after He said, “I am going away.”

345. What did Jesus mean, “You are from beneath…you are of this world”?

346. Jesus told the Pharisees they would die in their sins if they did not do what?

347. What question about Jesus’ identity showed the carnality of the Pharisees’ mind?

348. When did Jesus say these Pharisees would know He was the Christ?

349. What did Jesus say He always did?

350. Jesus said “If you abide in my word” you are what?

351. How can the truth make us free?

352. How did the Jews deny they were in bondage?

353. What did Jesus mean “whoever commits sin is a slave”? (cf. Romans 6:16-20)

354. How can a person be truly free?


355. Even though the Jews were Abraham’s seed, why did they seek to kill Jesus?

356. Jesus told the unbelieving Jews, “If you were Abraham’s seed,” you would do what?

357. These Jews denied they were born of fornication and claimed whom as their father?

358. Tell why these Jews could not understand Jesus’ speech?

359. What did Jesus mean, “You are of your Father the Devil and want to do his desires”?

360. List 5 things Jesus said about Satan.

361. How did Jesus illustrate His opponents wanted to do the desires of their Father (the Devil) in

John 8:45-47?

362. What two false labels did the unbelieving Jews put on Jesus?”

363. How did Jesus show in John 8:51 that He was Eternal God?

364. With whom did the Jews contrast Jesus in trying to prove He had a demon?

365. Jesus said what would be true if He denied knowing the Father?

366. What did Jesus say Abraham rejoiced to do?

367. What did Jesus mean, “Before Abraham was I AM”?

368. Why did the unbelieving Jews take up stones when Jesus sa id, “I AM”?


369. What is the first event of John chapter 9?

370. How did Jesus answer the question – “who sinned, this man or his parents?”

371. What great lesson for us is found in Jesus’ statement: “I must work while it is day for the night

comes when no one can work”?

372. What process did Jesus use in healing the man who was born blind?

373. What did Jesus command the blind man to do?

374. When the blind man had washed his eyes what happened?

375. To whom was the former blind man taken by his neighbors?

376. Why did the Pharisees say Jesus could not be from God?

377. When asked, “What do you say about Jesus,” how did the blind man answer?

378. Tell how and why the parents answered the Pharisees about their son’s sight?


379. When the Pharisees said of Jesus, “We do not know where He is from,” how did the former

blind man answer?

380. Compare John 9:31 with Acts 10:4, 31-32.

381. What unanswerable point did the former blind man make about Jesus in John 9:32-33?

382. How did the Pharisees react to the powerful point made by the former blind man?

383. Give the reference and tell how Jesus boldly stated He was the Son of God.

384. What did Jesus mean when He told certain Pharisees, “You say we see, therefore your sin



385. What is the first thing told in John 10?

386. What did Jesus mean, “He that does not enter by the door is a thief and robber”?

387. How did Christ enter by the door to become the shepherd of the sheep?

388. What is meant by the sheep know His voice?

389. What is the second illustration of John 10?

390. Jesus said He had come that the sheep might have what?

391. What did Jesus mean, “I am the good shepherd”?

392. Tell how and why a hireling reacts to wolves?

393. Show from the scriptures to whom the “other sheep” refers. (cf. Hosea 2:23; Romans 9:24-25;

Ephesians 3:3-6)

394. Show what Christ meant by “one flock.”

395. Why is the statement, “I have power to take it again,” so remarkable?

396. What were the two divisions over Jesus saying about Him:

397. Show the value of the controversy stirred up by the Jews.

398. At what feast and what place did John say the Jews surrounded Jesus according to chapter 10?

399. What did Jesus ay plainly showed He was the Christ?

400. Discuss: “No one can snatch them from my hand…”

401. Show how John 10:29-30 shows both the humility of Jesus as a Son and His equality to God.

402. Why did the Jews say they took up rocks to stone Jesus?

403. How could it be said of people, “You are gods”? (Hebrew – Elohim)


404. Jesus pleaded with the Jews, if they did not accept His word they should at least accept what?

405. After teaching at the Feast of Dedication where did Jesus go?

406. What two things were stated about John the Baptist in John 10:41?


407. What is the first story of John 11?

408. Name three of Jesus’ disciples who lived at Bethany.

409. Where was Bethany located?

410. Identify Mary the sister of Lazarus?

411. What message did Mary and Martha send to Jesus?

412. What purpose did Jesus see in the sickness of Lazarus?

413. What does the Bible say about Jesus’ care for Martha, her sister and Lazarus?

414. How much longer did Jesus stay beyond Jordan after receiving the news of Lazarus’ illness?

415. Why did the disciples protest a return to Judea?

416. What lesson is found in Jesus’ statement about a man walking in the light of day?

417. When Jesus explained that He would return to Judea because Lazarus was dead who urged His

fellow disciples to return with Him?

418. How long had Lazarus been in the tomb when Jesus arrived at Bethany?

419. Locate Bethany.

420. Who went to meet Jesus first?

421. How did Jesus react to Martha’s first statement?

422. What did Martha say which tells us she believed in the general resurrection?

423. Quote John 11:25.

424. About what specific statement did Jesus say to Martha, “Do you believe this?”

425. What confession did Martha make?

426. Discuss why Jesus groaned in spirit when He saw the suffering of Mary and the others because

of the death of a loved one?

427. Give the reference for “Jesus wept.”

428. Describe the tomb of Lazarus near Bethany.


429. Why did Martha object to Jesus’ command to remove the stone over the tomb?

430. How does Jesus’ thanks to the Father at Lazarus’ tomb illustrate His confidence in God?

431. What did Jesus say in a loud voice at Lazarus’ tomb?

432. Describe how Lazarus was clothed?

433. Give two reactions of the Jews present with Mary and Martha.

434. When the Jewish leaders had gathered a council, how did they express their concern?

435. What prophecy did Caiaphas make about Jesus?

436. Why was such a wicked man as Caiaphas used to prophesy about Jesus’ death?

437. What did the Jewish leaders do from the day of Caiaphas’ prophecy?

438. Where did Jesus go after raising Lazarus?

439. The feast of John 5 is considered to be Passover because of the context, (See 4:35), name three

other Passovers mentioned in John.


440. Tell the first event of John 12.

441. Who sat at the supper prepared by Martha for Jesus?

442. What did Mary do at the supper in Bethany?

443. Tell how Judas reacted to Mary’s sacrifice and why?

444. What did Jesus say to Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, about his reaction to Mary?

445. For what two reasons did the crowds come to Bethany?

446. Why did the chief priests want to put Lazarus back in the grave?

447. The next day after the supper in Bethany would have been what day?

448. Describe how the multitude met Jesus on the way from Bethany.

449. What did the multitude proclaim?

450. What prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem?

451. When did the disciples understand the significance of the triumphal entry?

452. What did the Pharisees say among themselves when they saw the multitude praising Jesus?

453. Which two disciples came to Jesus to tell Him certain Greeks wanted to see Him?


454. The request of the Greeks caused Jesus to say what hour had come?

455. What did Jesus mean, “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains


456. Explain the paradox in John 12:25.

457. What promise did Jesus make (John 12:26) to those who serve Him?

458. What happened when Jesus said, “Father glorify your name”?

459. Compare Jesus’ statement in John 12:31 to Revelation 20:3.

460. What was Jesus’ prophecy in John 12:32?

461. How can human beings become sons of light?

462. The failure of the masses of Jews to believe in spite of Jesus’ many miracles fulfilled what


463. How could Jesus’ words and life be such as to blind the eyes of Israel, harden their hearts, and

prevent belief?

464. Who did Isaiah see (cf. Isaiah 6:1-10) when it says, “He saw His (Jesus) glory”?

465. Give three reasons why many rulers, even though they believed, would not confess Jesus?

466. Compare John 8:12; 12:36; and 12:46.

467. Compare John 3:18 with 12:47.

468. Jesus will sit on the throne of judgement at the last day (Matthew 25:31-32; 2 Corinthians 5:10;

Revelation 20:11-12), but what will be the judge.

469. Jesus said He knew God’s command was what?


470. What does John 13:1 tell us Jesus knew?

471. In which chapter of John do we read of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet at the close of the

Passover Supper?

472. How did Jesus clothe himself to wash the disciples’ feet?

473. How did Jesus answer Peter when he objected to Jesus washing His feet?

474. What lesson did Jesus say He had taught by washing the disciples’ feet?

475. What prophecy was fulfilled by Judas’ betrayal?

476. What did Jesus say about those who receive His messengers?

477. Who asked the beloved disciple to inquire of Jesus as to who the traitor was?


478. When Jesus asked, “Who is it,” how did He answer?

479. What did Jesus tell Judas Iscariot, Son of Simon, when He gave him the bread?

480. What did some think Jesus meant when He to ld Judas, “What you do, do quickly”?

481. What was new about the new commandment?

482. What did Jesus say all men would know by our love for each other?

483. Who asked Jesus, “Lord, where are you going”?

484. When Jesus told Peter he could not at that time follow Him what did Peter say he was ready to


485. When Peter said he would lay down his life for Jesus what did Christ predict?


486. What did Jesus tell the disciples not to do in the very first verse of John 14?

487. What is significant about Jesus’ statement, “If it were not so I would have told you”?

488. Why did Jesus say He was returning to heaven?

489. Jesus promised, having prepared a place for His disciples, He would do what?

490. When Jesus told the disciples that they knew the place He was going and the way, how did

Thomas respond?

491. What answer did Jesus give Thomas when he said, “We do not know the place nor the way”?

492. Jesus also told Thomas and the others, “If you had known me,” you would do what?

493. Who said, “Lord show us the Father”?

494. How did Jesus answer Philip when he said, “Show us the Father”?

495. What did Jesus expect Philip to believe about Him and the Father?

496. How could it be said the apostles would do greater works than Christ, because He was going to

the Father?

497. What did Jesus tell the apostles He would do if the apostles asked in His name?

498. How is loving Jesus related to keeping His commandments (cf. I John 5:3)?

499. give the Greek word for “Helper” or “Comforter.”

500. Who did Jesus say the “Helper” is?

501. Why can the world not receive the Spirit of Truth?


502. What did Christ mean when He told the apostles: “I will not leave you orphans”?

503. What did Christ mean: “A little while and the world will see me no more”?

504. Explain “I in my Father and you in me.”

505. Jesus said, “He that has my commands and keeps them is who”?

506. Jesus promised “He who loves me” will be what?

507. Identify Judas (not Iscariot).

508. List the three points Christ made in response to Judas’ question.

509. How can Christ and the Father make their home with us?

510. Jesus said, “He who does not love me” does what?

511. The “Helper, the Holy Spirit” was to be sent by the Father in whose name?

512. What was the Holy Spirit to do for the apostles?

513. Describe the kind of peace Jesus gives.

514. Jesus said if the apostles loved Him they would rejoice at what?

515. Discuss Christ’s statement: “My Father is greater than I.”

516. Who is the ruler of this present evil world?

517. What did Christ mean, “The ruler of this world has nothing in me”?

518. How did Christ demonstrate His love for the Father?

519. What is the very last sentence of John 14?


520. What is the very first statement of John 15?

521. What does the Father do with the branches that do not bear fruit?

522. Why does the father prune the fruit-bearing branches?

523. Compare the power of the word as spoken of in John 15:2; 17:17 and Acts 11:14.

524. Discuss what is required for a disciple to bear fruit.

525. To what does the term “You are the branches” refer?

526. What did Christ mean, “Without me you can do nothing”?

527. What happens to branches that do not abide in the vine?


528. Compare John 15:7 with I John 3:22.

529. How can a disciple glorify the Father?

530. To what did Christ compare His love of His disciples?

531. Christ commanded, “Abide in my love;” how is that accomplished?

532. What is meant by “My joy” and “Your joy” as used by Jesus?

533. What command is given in John 15:12 that was given first in 13:34?

534. What is the greatest demonstration of love among men?

535. How can we be sure that we are friends to Christ?

536. Christ told the disciples He would no longer call them servants but what?

537. Why did Christ say He had chosen the twelve?

538. If worldly people hate Christ’s disciples what should they know?

539. Why does the world not love Christ’s disciples?

540. Name two comparisons from John 15:20 which Jesus made between Himself and the apostles.

541. Why did Christ say unbelievers would persecute His d isciples for His name’s sake?

542. How could it be said, “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin”?

543. A person who hates Jesus hates whom?

544. What did Christ mean, “They have seen and hated both me and my Father”?

545. What prophecy had been fulfilled by the Jews’ rejection of Christ?

546. Christ said, “The Spirit of Truth proceeds from where”?

547. Of whom is it said, “He will testify of me”?

548. List the two great witnesses of the Apostolic Age (cf. Acts 5:32; Revelation 11:3).


549. What was Christ’s statement in the first verse of John 16?

550. What two specific things did Christ say would happen to the Apostles?

551. Why would the persecutors do such things to the disciples?

552. Why would Christ want the apostles to remember His warning?

553. Why had Christ not said these things to the twelve at the beginning?


554. Why did Christ say it was to the advantage for Him to go away?

555. When Christ sent the Spirit of Truth to the apostles of what three things would He convict the


556. Why of sin?

557. Why of righteousness?

558. Why of judgement?

559. Why did Christ hold back some needed teaching at that time?

560. Discuss the implications of “He (the Spirit of Truth) will guide you into all truth.”

561. The Holy Spirit, like a wonderful servant, instead of glorifying Himself was to glorify whom?

562. Why did Christ say of the spirit of Truth, “He will take of what is mine”?

563. Discuss, “All things that the Father has are mine.” (cf. Matthew 11:27; John 3:35; Acts 4:10 -


564. Explain the answer to the disciples’ question in John 16:17.

565. What did Christ mean, “Your sorrow will be turned to joy”?

566. What example did Jesus use to illustrate the joy of the apostles after His death and resurrection?

567. What did Christ mean, “I will see you again and no one will take your joy from you”?

568. What did Christ mean, “In that day you will ask me nothing”?

569. Through whose name are we now to ask the Father?

570. What did Christ mean, “I have spoken to you in figurative language”?

571. What did Christ mean, “I do not say I shall pray the Father for you”?

572. For what two reasons did Christ say the Father loves the disciples of Jesus?

573. From where did Christ come?

574. How did Christ show that the apostles’ statement about understanding was premature?

575. Compare what the disciples would have in Christ and what they would have in the world?

576. Why were the disciples to be of good cheer in spite of the animosity of the world?


577. To what is the whole of John 17 given?

578. Why did Christ pray that the Father would glorify Him?


579. Discuss “You have given Him authority over all flesh.”

580. What two things are necessary to know eternal life?

581. Christ told the Father he had done what two things on the earth?

582. How did Christ wish to be glorified?

583. What did Christ say He had manifest to those whom the Father had given Him from the world?

584. What did Christ say His apostles had surely known?

585. For whom did Christ say at that time He was and was not specifically praying?

586. How does Christ again show His equality with the Father in John 17:10?

587. Christ prayed that the Father would keep the apostles through the Father’s name to what end?

588. Christ said He had lost none of the twelve except whom?

589. Christ said He spoke the things He did in the world in order that the apostles might have what

fulfilled in themselves?

590. Christ prayed not that the Father would take the apostles out of the world, but that He would do


591. Christ said the apostles were not of the world, just as what?

592. What does John 17:17 reveal to us about sanctification? (cf. John 17:19)

593. How does John 17:18 express the missionary zeal of the Godhead?

594. Define sanctify.

595. How could Christ say, “I sanctify myself”?

596. What was Christ’s prayer for unity?

597. Why did Christ want His followers to be one?

598. Why did Christ want His disciples to be with Him?

599. How many times did Jesus use the term Father in John 17?

600. Name two adjectives Jesus used with the word Father in John 17.


601. The first verse of John 18 tells us Christ went where?

602. Identify the garden where Christ and the apostles went.

603. How does John indicate the reason Judas knew Jesus would be in the garden?


604. Who went with Judas to arrest Jesus?

605. Who authorized the officers and their detachment to go with Judas?

606. What three things does the record say the troops took to arrest Jesus?

607. What question did Jesus ask the detachment of troops with Judas?

608. When they replied, “Jesus of Nazareth,” how did Jesus respond?

609. Where was Judas Iscariot?

610. When the troops and officers heard the Lord confess that He was Jesus of Nazareth how did

they react?

611. When the Lord told them the second time He was Jesus what did He request?

612. Why was the Lord so anxious about the apostles?

613. Who was Malchus?

614. How did Peter react when he saw Jesus about to be arrested?

615. What did Jesus tell Peter to do with his sword?

616. What did Christ mean, “Shall I not drink the cup which my Father has given me?”

617. Who arrested Jesus?

618. To whom did they first take Jesus?

619. Who was Caiaphas?

620. Who is believed to have been the disciple that first entered the courtyard of the high priest?

621. Tell where Peter was standing and how he got into the courtyard.

622. What question did the doorkeeper ask Peter?

623. How did Peter answer the servant girl who asked him if he were also Jesus’ disciple?

624. Where did Peter stand in the courtyard?

625. The questions put to Jesus were about what two subjects?

626. Give the three points made by Jesus in response to the high priest’s questions.

627. Whom did Jesus tell the high priest to ask about His teachings?

628. What did Jesus say to the officer who struck Him?

629. Why were both Caiaphas and Annas called high priest? (cf. John 18:13, 19, 24)

630. How did Peter respond to the question of being Jesus’ disciple as he warmed by the fire?


631. Who was the third person to ask Peter about his association with Jesus?

632. What occurred after Peter’s denials?

633. Define Praetorium.

634. Why would the Jews not enter the Praetorium?

635. Who was Pilate?

636. What was Pilate’s question to Jesus’ accusers?

637. When those who had arrested Jesus were asked for specific charges how did they respond?

638. Why did the Jews say it was unlawful for them to put anyone to death?

639. How had Jesus signified what kind of death He would die? (cf. Matthew 20:17-19; John 3:14;


640. When Pilate re-entered the Praetorium what question did he put to Jesus?

641. Whom did Pilate say had delivered Jesus to him?

642. List the three major points Christ made about His kingdom in response to Pilate’s questions.

643. How did Jesus respond to Pilate’s question, “Are you a king then?”

644. For what cause did Jesus tell Pilate He was born?

645. For what cause did Jesus say He had come into the world?

646. Jesus said everyone that is of the truth does what?

647. What did Pilate say about truth?

648. What was Pilate’s judicial judgement of Jesus?

649. Whom did they want released instead of Jesus?

650. Who was Barabbas?


651. What is the very first statement found in John 19?

652. How did the Roman soldiers dress Jesus?

653. How did the Roman soldiers treat Jesus?

654. When Pilate brought out Jesus and said, “Behold the man,” what did the chief priests and

officers say?

655. How many times does John record Pilate saying, “I find no fault in Him”?


656. Why did the Jews say Jesus ought to die?

657. What caused Pilate to be more afraid?

658. hen Pilate asked Jesus where He was from, how did the Lord react?

659. With what words did Pilate rebuke Jesus when He would not answer?

660. How did Jesus show it was only by God’s permission that Pilate was allowed to even try Jesus?

661. Who did Jesus tell Pilate had the greater sin in His trial?

662. How did the Jews use politics to persuade Pilate to crucify Jesus?

663. Identify the Pavement.

664. Compare John 19:14 and Mark 15:25.

665. When Pilate said, “Behold your king,” how did the Jews react?

666. Identify Golgotha.

667. Who was crucified with Jesus?

668. What title did Pilate write for Jesus’ cross?

669. In what three languages was the title on the cross written?

670. How did the chief priests want the title changed?

671. What did Pilate say to the proposed change of the title?

672. How did the soldiers divide Jesus’ clothes?

673. What did the soldiers do with the Lord’s tunic?

674. What prophecy was fulfilled when they took the Lord’s clothes?

675. Identify the sister of Jesus’ mother. (cf.. Mark 15:40; Matthew 27:56)

676. Identify the three Marys at the cross.

677. Into whose care did Jesus commit His mother?

678. When Jesus said, “I thirst,” what was done?

679. What did Christ mean, “It is finished”? (cf. John 17:4)

680. How does John describe the actual death of the Lord?

681. What day was the crucifixion?

682. Why did the Jews ask Pilate that the legs of the three might be broken?


683. Why did the soldiers not break the legs of Jesus?

684. When the soldiers pierced the side of Jesus’ body, what happened?

685. The prophecy of Jesus’ bones not being broken is taken from where?

686. Who had prophesied, “They look on Him whom they pierced”?

687. Who were the two men that buried the body of Jesus?

688. Describe the burial procedure for the body of Jesus.

689. Where was Jesus buried?


690. What is the first statement of John 20?

691. To whom did Mary Magdalene first tell the story of the empty tomb?

692. Which disciple first reached the tomb?

693. Which of the two disciples first entered the tomb?

694. What did Peter see in the tomb?

695. What is significant about how the face cloth was lying?

696. What impression was made by the empty tomb on the other disciple with Peter?

697. John believed in spite of the fact they did not yet know what from scripture?

698. Who had returned to the tomb behind Peter and the other disciple?

699. Who did Mary Magdalene see inside the tomb?

700. What question did the angels put to Mary Magdalene?

701. How did she answer?

702. Who did Mary Magdalene at first suppose Jesus to be?

703. When did she recognize Jesus?

704. When Mary grasped Jesus what did He say?

705. What did Jesus tell Mary to report to His brethren, the disciples?

706. How does John 20:19 make it very clear the resurrection of Jesus was on the first day of the


707. What was Jesus’ first message when He entered the closed room?


708. What physical evidence did Jesus show to prove He was their risen Lord?

709. Compare God sending Christ to Jesus sending the disciples.

710. How did Christ symbolize that the apostles would receive the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 1:8)

711. Discuss how the apostles were to be able to cause sins to be forgiven or retained.

712. Which of the eleven was not present when Christ first appeared to the group?

713. What physical evidence did Thomas say would be necessary for him to believe?

714. What is meant “after eight days”?

715. How did Christ again greet the apostles when He appeared on the eighth day?

716. What did Christ tell Thomas to do?

717. How did Thomas address Jesus?

718. How did Christ confirm the statement of Thomas?

719. How did Christ compliment those who would believe without seeing?

720. What does John tell us about other signs of Jesus?

721. Relate John 20:29 to 20:31.


722. According to John 21:1 where did Jesus again show Himself to the apostles?

723. List the seven disciples together when Jesus appeared on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias.

724. What did Peter say prior to the appearance of Jesus?

725. When Jesus was told they had caught nothing what did He tell them to do?

726. When they saw the great multitude of fish what did the beloved disciple say to Petr?

727. When Peter knew it was the Lord what did he do?

728. When the other disciples came to land what did they see?

729. What did Christ tell them to do?

730. How many fish had they caught?

731. Who cooked and served breakfast by the sea of Galilee?

732. What question did Jesus put to Peter?

733. What two things did Jesus tell Peter to do when he told the Lord he love Him?


734. Define the Greek word Jesus used for “love” the first two times He questioned Peter.

735. Define the Greek word used by Peter for “love.”

736. What prophecy did Jesus make about Peter’s old age?

737. How does John the writer identify himself in chapter 21:20, 24?

738. What did Peter ask concerning John?

739. How did Jesus answer Peter’s question about the beloved disciple?

740. How was Jesus’ answer to Peter about John misconstrued?

741. How did John convey the enormous number of things Jesus had done?




1. The raising of Lazarus _______________________

2. The wedding at Cana _______________________

3. The cleansing of the temple _______________________

4. The Samaritan woman _______________________

5. John’s testimony, “Behold the Lamb of God” _______________________

6. Whole chapter, Christ’s prayer _______________________

7. The call of Nathaniel _______________________

8. True vision and real blindness _______________________

9. “In My Father’s House” _______________________

10. Nicodemus and the new birth _______________________

11. The vine and the branches _______________________

12. One fold and one shepherd _______________________

13. Jesus washes disciples’ feet _______________________

14. Arrest in the garden _______________________

15. John’s testimony “The friend of the Bridegroom” _______________________

16. Mary Magdalene finds an empty tomb _______________________

17. Jesus is anointed by Mary at Bethany _______________________

18. The woman taken in adultery _______________________

19. Thomas says: “My Lord and my God” _______________________

20. The healing of the son of the nobleman from Capernaum _______________________

21. Jesus is crucified _______________________

22. Breakfast of bread and fish _______________________

23. The healing of the man at Bethesda Pool _______________________

24. “Peter, do you love me?” _______________________

25. Pilate has Jesus beaten _______________________


26. Annas and Caiaphas _______________________

27. The fourfold witness of Christ _______________________

28. The feeding of the five thousand _______________________

29. “He who loves me keeps my word.” _______________________

30. Man born blind is healed _______________________

31. The woman in childbirth illustration _______________________

32. Jesus teaches at Feast of Tabernacles _______________________

33. Peter’s denial foretold _______________________

34. Caiaphas predicts Jesus will die for people _______________________

35. “Before Abraham was, I AM” _______________________

36. The greatest love, life for a friend _______________________

37. The triumphal entry _______________________

38. The discourse on the bread of heaven _______________________

39. The Holy Spirit will convict the world _______________________

40. Jesus is the good shepherd _______________________

41. That they may be one _______________________

42. Jesus’ brothers did not believe _______________________

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