
Post on 08-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Babblewhack (noun) : the kind of talk that goes on and on, yet makes absolutely no sense


Babelicious (adjective) :

Adj. describing pleasing female appearance; having the attributes of a "babe."

Baby bear (adjective) :

 For when something is "just right"; also used as an interjection for when something is "just right"

origin: Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Beable(adjective) : 

Able to exist: having a potential for being

(adjective) : capable of existing in reality

This fictional character is not beable; the character should be rewritten for plausibility.

Beacherrific (adjective) : 

A description of the gulf, ocean, or lakeside indicating enjoyment or terrific pleasure

Beachiful (adjective) :

Being a view of the ocean, gulf, or lakeside which is scenic, breathtaking or beautiful

Beamonesque (adjective) :

Having no equal or match : unparalleled

Beamonizer (noun) : 

An individual or entity or other res (creation, ideation, etc) that glows with the love beyond all hope,

beyond all imagination, and left flesh behind over 15 years ago for the good of planet earth

Bean milk (noun) : 

Soy milk; soy juice; any other liquid from within the soybean

Beanish (adjective) : 

To be totally amazing in every way possible


C.R. (abbreviation) : 

Continuing resolution

Ca-ching (noun) : 

A slang way of saying money.

Cabarage (noun) : 

A small one-story shelter built as a garage, with temporary walls making part of the garage into a

living space similar to a small cabin.

Cabaret (noun) : 

A party that is thrown where guests are charged an entry fee in order to make money for the host

Always trying to make some quick, easy cash, Jake decided to try his hand at hosting cabarets.

Celebology (noun) : 

The study of the lives and loves of celebrities.

Celebrader (noun) : 

One who dedicates their own life, to studying the life of celebraties.

Celebralete (noun) : 

Celebralete—1.An athlete who has reached celebrity status 2. Lance Armstrong, Anna Kournikova,

Dean Karnazes, David Beckham, Shaquille O'Neill

Celebrathon (noun) : 

A parade of celebrities.

cha-ching (other) : 

Onomatopoeia; the sound that a cash register makes when there is a monetary transaction; this sound

symbolizes money making, fortune, and getting things done to help further one's success in life

Chachas (noun) : 

A less severe form of diarrhea that usually leaves the system in less than a couple of hours; from the

childhood chant "diarrhea-cha-cha-cha-diarrhea"



Dabbawala (noun) : 

A person who collects lunch (or tiffin) boxes from the home of an office worker for delivery to that

worker's office in Mumbai and then returns the empty box to the home

Dacation (noun) :

 A spur of the moment, one day long vacation.

De-flabragated (adjective) : 

Being in the limp, flat state that fishing worms end up in after they have been in the bucket for a long


De-identify (verb) : 

: DISIDENTIFY : to remove from a record all identifiers such as names, addresses, birth dates, and

social security numbers so that the remaining information cannot be used to identify an individual [A

term in U.S. law, such as 45 C.F.R. § 164.514 (2003) concerning protected health information.]

De-identified means that all explicit and implicit identifiers of patients, practitioners, providers, and

health plans have been removed, encrypted, or otherwise modified to ensure that the identity of

individuals or institutions may not be determined.

Deacronymize (verb) : 

To state or elucidate the meaning of an acronym; to expand an acronym by stating the complete

words that the individual letters abbreviate.

Dead dog Democrat (noun) : 

One who would never vote for a Republican

Dead zone(noun) : 

An area in which wireless phone or Internet service is impossible

(noun) : an area of the ocean where oxygen levels are depleted

Dhinkchak (adverb) : 

High frequency, exciting and fast.Can be used to describe both persons and objects.

Dhobi (noun) : 

1. a person who washes clothes [from urdu speakers in india], 2. the little guy from that harry potter

movie who gets freed from the evil malfoy's dad character at the end of the movie.

Diabesity (noun) : 

Diabetes in combination with obesity


Eaches (noun) : 

Individual items when counting a package or group: pieces

Eap (verb) : 

(Pronunciation: ēp) (Inflected Form(s): eaped, eaping) : to email a website or received email to an

email address(s) [Etymology: Abbreviation for Email A Page]

Ebayable (noun) : 

An item that retains a sufficient monetary value such that it would be conducive to selling in an ebay

auction when no longer wanted/needed by the current owner

Ebayer(noun) : 

One who shops avidly, or sells merchandise on

Eccedentesiast (noun) : 

A person who hides hardship or sorrow behind a smile

Eccentric Gas Giants(noun) : 

Planets called Eccentric Gas Giants are Gas Giant planets orbiting a star in an eccentric orbit, swinging

extremely close to the star at one point and then swinging many millions of miles farther out at the


Eccentrimaster (noun) : 

1)one who is well known for being abnormal 2) a deviant from the usual standards of society

eccedentesiast (noun) : 

A person who hides hardship or sorrow behind a smile

Eccentric Gas Giants(noun) : 

Planets called Eccentric Gas Giants are Gas Giant planets orbiting a star in an eccentric orbit, swinging

extremely close to the star at one point and then swinging many millions of miles farther out at the


Eccentrimaster (noun) : 

1)one who is well known for being abnormal 2) a deviant from the usual standards of society

Eejit (noun) : A fool or an idiot. [This word originated in Ireland and has been around forever. It isn't

spelled idjit!]

Efficacize (verb) : To make efficient; to take an institution, project, setup, or current way of processing

data and bring about a higher degree of efficiency. To take an unsatisfactory level of efficiency and

raise it to a higher degree of efficiency.


Faboolicious (adjective) : 

Fabulous and delicious

Fabritisement (noun) : 

A false or misleading inducement to buy or notice one's product or service.

Fabtabulous (adjective) : 

Marvelously good : fantabulous

Fear voter (noun) : 

A voter who votes out of fear of terrorism or war rather than on domestic or foreign policy issues

Propaganda breeds fear voters.

Fearocracy (noun) : 

A system of government that maintains control by causing fear

Feasonable (adjective) : 

Achievable and sensible (combination of "feasible" and "reasonable")

Fiascal (noun) : 

Somewhere between a fiasco and a hassle. Not as serious as a fiasco, but more run-around than a

hassle. (Spelling instead of "fiascle" to aid in pronunciation.)

Fiasconomics (noun) : 

The study of what makes Murphy's Law.

Fiat (verb) : 

To artifically create for the purpose of a debate, to pretend something exists that does not exist in


Fo cheezey (noun) : 

A type of saying meaning you are good at something.

LETTER G:Gabazilllion (adjective) : 

A very large number, not infinity. Used to describe a seemingly insurmountable short lived situation

Gabbakaku (noun) : 

Monk,reffering to an ape or a hairless chipanzee.

Gackle (noun) : 

Any piece of chicken which is unidentifiable as meat, skin, or bone.

Gadgetologist (noun) : 

Someone who is proficient at discovering how to use new devices without using an instruction manual

Geas (noun) : 

An obligation or prohibition magically imposed on a person

Geaux (verb) : 

Dialect word meaning go. Used mostly by southern Louisianians. A combination of the English word go with the spelling used by Acadians in the area for words with the similar O sound.

Geek(verb) : 

: To perform technological tasks as the primary function of a job for an employer.(verb) : To perform technological tasks as the primary function of a job for an employer.

Geekanese (noun) : 

Jargon used by geeks; esp.: technical language showing specific knowledge

Geekcited (adjective) : 

The technical version of being excited. E.g.: a computer tech upgrading his PC is geekcited about his new parts. A drummer with a new bass pedal is geekcited to get it set up, etc.

Ghetiquette (verb) : 


LETTER H:Habitrap (noun) : 

The small, often triangular, bit of land enclosed within cloverleaves and exit ramps of highways.

Habituarium (noun) : 

A location (usually man-made)frequently visited by the same people, often used as a place of social gathering. [combination of habitué + terrarium]

Hackrilege (noun) : 

A technical and not necessarily intrinsically outrageous violation, hackrilege is committed when a hacker is hacking into someone else’s computer system.

Hea (verb) : 

To hang out and chill with friends for no particular reasons, often at the expense of real and more-pressing work.

Headdesk (verb) : 

The figurative act of banging your forehead against your computer table after making a blunder, usually on the internet


(noun) : Hi-NRG (High Energy) is a type of electronic dance music which emerged and faded during the

early 1980's. DJ/Producer, Patrick Cowley first made Hi-NRG music popular and artists like Hazel Dean,

The Flirtations, Miquel Brown, and Pamela Stanley (among others) made it an underground (gay) club

music style of the day.

hic-urp (noun) : 

A simultaneous hiccup and burp. Sometimes this can be painful, depending on the strength of the burp or the violence of the hiccup.

Ho Tonk (noun) : 

A genre of Music developed in Victoria, B.C. It is an experamental sound that combines roots/bluegrass/county/punk/hip hop and is open to all styles. The first noted Ho Tonk band is "Ball Gag n' Chain Gang". Standard Ho Tonk instrumentation is Guitar/Banjo/Lap Steel/Bass Guitar and industrial drum set.

Hoark(verb) : 

Expectorate; used when expectorating phlegm, especially after physical activity such as hockey,

skating, etc.

Hobo stick (noun) : 

A make-shift bag consisting of a kercheif tied to the end of stick. used to carry the few items a hobo may own.

LETTER I:I.T.-itude (noun) : 

[eye-TEE-itude]: adaptation of information technologists in most and certain computing issues especially on innovation

Iamdavinci (interjection) : 

Used to express being in a creative moment, knowingly bonding to the genius Leonardo DaVinci, or knowing that you are a genius.

Identable (noun) : 

An identifying label, code, password etc. used to gain access to information that is stored electronically

IEP (abbreviation) : 

Individualized Education Plan; a personal academic plan for a child with disabilities, taking into consideration the child's unique strengths and weaknesses

Imadulation (noun) : 

The use of imagination purposefully to modulate or change your experience

Imagification (noun) : 

The process or technology of making an image; also: superficial understanding caused by exposure to images and not real objects or events that they represent

Incapetent (adjective) : 

A person is both incapable and incompetent.

IPatient (noun) : 

The electronic medical records of a patient used by medical professionals to become familiar with the patient's condition

Iploding (verb) : 

Listening to other people's ipods/mp3 players without meaning to because they have the volume too loud

Irrespontaneousible (adjective) : 

Spontaneous to the point of being considered irresponsible.

LETTER J:J# (noun) : 

An imaginary musical note, which, under ideal circumstances, does not exist; a J# (j sharp) is any musical note that should be played # (sharp) according to the key signature of the musical selection, but is (unintentionally) played as natural (or even flat) by the player, which will oftentimes be young and inexperienced, or careless.

J-pop(noun) : 

The western influence of American music. Acts include, hip-hop, soul, dance, rock and pop. Artists

include, SMAP, ORANGE RANGE, Ayumi Hamasaki, SPEED, SweetS Nanase Aikawa, Utada Hikaru,

Morning Musume, Chemistry, DRAGON ASH, Ya-Ya-Yahs, and NewS.

Jackalope (noun) : 

The jackalope is a rare but possibly fictitious animal originating in Douglas, Wyoming. It has been said that there are two species of Jackalope....the jackrabbit with antelope horns resides in the high plains of Wyoming and the other species which is seen more...has the deer horns on the jackrabbit living in mountainous regions of Wyoming.

Jea-lousy (adjective) : 

Feeling jealous and lousy at the same time

Jeal (adjective) : 

Short for jealous and usually said in a mocking and pompous tone in order to add insult to injury

Jejemon(noun) : 

A young Filipino who uses alternative spellings or words in electronic text messages and who often

wears hip-hop style clothing

Jibba Jabba (noun) : 

Jibberish or incomprehensable speach. Also speach that is contradictory or illogical.

Jiboni (noun) : 

Anonymous person, usually clueless or otherwise held in lesser regard than that of a normal person.

Joblivious (adjective) : 

A term used to describe the state of a person in upper management or government positions who lack

active conscious knowledge or awareness of their job.

Job-hopper(noun) : 

One who jumps from job to job looking for something new and different

LETTER K:Kabobable (adjective) : 

Suitable for cooking on a skewer

Kack (verb) : 

To break down : to stop functioning

Keeple (noun) : 

Close friends one never leaves behind or loses communication with

Kegan (adjective) : 

Really cool/ the master at something.

Khashiya (noun) : 

Respect and humility shown to Allah

Khunti (noun) : 

A projection in wall, for hanging clothes, ropes, etc; a rod-like hook

Kickasstacular (adjective) : 

Of or pertaining to kicking ass in a festive manner

Kickballer (noun) : 

A person that is good at kickball

Kickflip (noun) : 

A skateboarding trick created by Rodney Mullen; similar to an ollie, this when the skater spins (flips) the board while it is in the air

Kick it (verb) : (slang) :

To hang out or relax : kick back

LETTER L:Laavu (noun) : 

[Finnish] a shelter made of available materials; also: a permanent shelter used by hikers

Labradoodle(noun) : 

Often capitalized : a cross between a Labrador retriever and a poodle

Lacademic (noun) : 

A member of a scholarly organization, therefore lacking common sense and practical viewpoints.

Lack-a-daisy (adjective) : 

An adjective describing an easy going state of being. A combination of lackadaisical and oops-a-daisy.

Lacanophilia (noun) : 

A love of, or fondness for vegetables

Leadager (noun) : 

One who leads and manages

Leaderannabe (adjective) : 

A person of limited intellegience who because of their position continually strives upon showing their subordinates their ignorance without knowing it.

leaderness (noun) : A state of leadership into which each person has the possibility of "being" irrespective of status or ability.

Libary (noun) : 

The common other term for saying library. Some people spell by the way they speak.

Libidomize (verb) : 

To deprive one of sexual desire by committing an act that is a turn-off


Macarism(noun) : 

A philosophy in which one derives his or her pleasure from the inspiration of joy in others

Macaron (noun) : 

A meringue sandwich cookie made of ground almonds, superfine sugar, and egg whites with flavored

ganache filling

Mcbeautiful (adjective) : 

Pulchritudinous, but poor (implying that an appropriate first date might involve a meal at a certain

well-known fastfood restaurant chain)

Me-ist (noun) : 

One whose motivation is self interest

Meamble (verb) : 

A cross between meander and amble, meaning to go from point a to point b leisurely.

Meat shield (noun) : 

A character in a video game sacrificed or used to protect others

Meatatarian(noun) : 

Someone who lives on an all meat diet

Mic (verb) : 

1. to place a microphone before a sound source; 2. to capture sound with a microphone; also 'miced' or 'micing'

Microbudget (noun) : 

A film made on a very small budget

Mo-style (noun) : 

A modern style in a house building or other facility.

LETTER N:Naff (adjective) : 

The opposite of cool

Nagagator (noun) : 

A backseat driver

Naggravate(verb) : 

To nag to the point of aggravation

Nearish (adjective) : 

Around; near

Nearling (noun) : 

A nearling is a positive word for something new that you did with the right intentions, which has not (yet) led to the right result.

Nebulite (adjective) : 

A rock of unknown origin. (From the idea of origin of the rock being nebulous or hard to define.)

Nibling(noun) : 

[modeled on sibling] : a niece or a nephew

Nicomendous (adjective) :

 Being nice to all; having some or little shades of anger

Niddy (noun) : 

A slang term for backside, often associated with a child's naked bottom.

Niddy (noun) : 

A slang term for backside, often associated with a child's naked bottom.

LETTER O:Occupottied (adjective) : 

(of a bathroom) being used by a person

Oddsome (adjective) : 

Different from what is usual or expected, but at the same time inspiring awe

Odiculous (adjective) : 

An odd or ridiculous statement.

Odiferocity (noun) : 

n. - something that is highly odorous; a ferocious smell; the state of being odiferous (odoriferous)

Oramatic (adjective) : 

Projecting one's feelings or emotions in such a way so that others can feel or see them.

Orbal (adjective) : 

Having the shape of an orb

Orbal (adjective) : 

Having the shape of an orb

Orchidarium (noun) : 

It is a place full of colorful and different kinds of wild orchids.

Ordify (verb) : 

To put things in order. To give a sense of order.

Organicize (verb) : 

To adopt a lifestyle that promotes the use of organic products and the consumption of organic foods

LETTER P:Pétanque (noun) : 

A game similar to bocce in which teams of players attempt to roll balls as close as possible to a smaller ball on a hard dust surface

Pachydermophobia (noun) : 

Fear of elephants

Pack animal (verb) : 

To carry multiple heavy items while walking a very long distance; similar to how people use pack animals such as donkeys and llamas to carry heavy items far distances

Peaceout (noun) : 

A way of saying goodbye. Offering peace as you leave, and also saying that you’re out of here

Peaknik (noun) : 

One concerned with the of the availability of resources or the degradation of the environment as measured by declines from a posited peak

Pearlen (adjective) : 

Of the color and luster of pearl; pearl-white

Peasto (noun) : 

A pesto sauce made with peas in addition to the usual ingredients

Pectinize (noun) : 

To describe someone as being sweeter than they actually are following their act of positive reinforcement.

Pecunamaniac (noun) : 

One who compulsively desires more money.

PED (abbreviation) : 

Performance enhancing drug

LETTER Q:Q.A. (verb) : 

To check to make sure all information is correct; this is an abbreviation for Quality Assurance (noun), but it is now being used as a word in itself

Qeej (noun) : 

A traditional Chinese musical instrument consisting of bamboo pipes

Quackitude (noun) : 

The attitude or quality of being a quack: the state of being unqualified to give expert advice

Quadcycle (noun) : 

A vehicle similar to a bicycle but having four wheels

Quadpeat (noun) : 

A fourth consecutive championship

Quadrabit (noun) : 

A measure of storage capacity and data transfer equal to 1 quadrillion bits.

Quadrabrilation (noun) : 

An act of pure genius

Quadrilogy(noun) : 

A series of four works (such as books or films)

Quadropoly (noun) : 

An oligopoly limited to four sellers

Qwerty (adjective) : 

Odd; interesting; peculiar

LETTER R:Rabbitat (noun) : 

Logs, stumps, brushpiles and planted food plots that have been created to attract and provide a home for rabbits

RAC (abbreviation) : 

Refund anticipation check

Rachacha (noun) : 

The part of a white lined piece of paper that rips from the rings of a notebook

Rachett (noun) : 

Someone who would be known for their ugly ways are disapproving behaviors

Racicize (verb) : 

To discriminate within a race

Racker (noun) : 

A person who collects sports memorabilia (such as autographs or sports cards) that are particularly hard to obtain

Readaholic (noun) : 

Someone who loves to read

Reader(verb) : 

To read or organize online content using Google Reader

Reaganomics (noun) : 

Economic policies promoted by President Ronald Reagan

Realisticist (noun) : 

One whose judgment of a film, book, video game, etc. requires the depiction of plausible or logical actions and consequences

LETTER S:Sabby spot (noun) : 

A parking spot at the most desirable location (i.e. located closest to the intended destination).

Sabato (noun) : 

A boot or shoe said in a non-english way, spanish.

Sabo (verb) : 

To rat someone out; to betray, desert, or inform on one's associates [Derived from the word 'sabotage']

Sacerdotacracy (noun) : 

Rule by a priesthood

Saddleseat (noun) : 

A style of English riding developed for gaited horses—often used attributively

Safenik (noun) : 

[safe + -nik] a person who wants warranties everything and who feels an overwhelming need to be secure

Sea glass (noun) : 

Fragments of glass worn smooth by water and usu. found on the shore

Searchability (noun) : 

Ability to be searched upon (as an internet page)

Searchword (noun) : 

Word for inclusion in a search field on Internet

Seasonalize (verb) : 

To simulate expected variations within a defined period of time

LETTER T:Tablescaping (noun) :

 The art or practice of decorating a table (as for a festive meal)

Tablesetter (noun) : 

A baseball player who bats first or second in the line up

Taco (verb) : 

To fold in half either on purpose or accidentally.

Tagalize (verb) : 

To render in Tagalog

Talkaholic (noun) : 

A person who takes great pleasure in talking. A talkaholic has trouble keeping quiet and listening when other people are around

Tamole (adverb) : 

Quacamole with hot tomale peppers in it super spicy.

Tanay (adjective) : 

Simply irresistable, smooth with the ladies, very chic.

Tandem (noun) : 

Language partnership among usually two people in which they swap languages to learn and improve

their command of a language.

Tandy (adjective) : 

"The quality of being strong to be loved."

Tangenteer (noun) : 

One who goes on tangents while speaking or writing

LETTER U:Uberachiever (noun) : 

One who achieves success over and above the ones who succeed above the standard or expected level, especially at an early age.

Uberman (noun) : 

The Ultimate superhero (uberhero).

Ubermarketer (noun) : 

A person or company very skilled in marketing, publicity, and branding

Ubernomical (adjective) : 

Extremely thrifty and economical about your lifestyle

Ubernova (noun) : 

A star explosion many times larger than the standard supernova

Uberstat (verb) :

 To boost the base stats of a character in a game by cheats or other outside influences

Ud (noun) : 

Type of lute used in traditional music in Middle Eastern countries

Ugalicious (adjective) : 

Ugly in behavior or appearance

Uggo (noun) : 

An ugly or hideous person; someone who is frightfully offensive to the sight

Uggsession (noun) : 

Obsession with the "Uggs" brand of shoes

LETTER V:V-card (noun) : 


Vaccinatable (adjective) : 

Describing typically a disease against which a vaccine ordinarily can be used to prevent infection

Vactual (adjective) : 

When something you know is real, but you have only read about it on the internet

Vacupuncture (noun) : 

Vacupuncture is the removal of sebaceous cysts, acne, or blackheads with the use of a medically approved suction device.

VAD (abbreviation) : 

Value added devices

Vaguarity(noun) : 

Something that is vague or ambiguous

Vaguerisitic (noun) : 

The state of being vague

Valentation (noun) : 

A card which is sent to invite someone to a Valentine's Day party

Valet (verb) : 

To use a valet parking service

Vallum (noun) : 

A defensive wall of earth, sod, or stone

LETTER W:Wabi-sabi (noun) : 

[Japanese] A philosophy of aesthetics that emphasizes the beauty of the imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete

Wack(verb) : 

To kill someone as part of a mafia plot

Wackadoodle(noun) :

A wacky person

Wackenomics (noun) : 

Eccentric or irrational economic ideals

Wacker (noun) : 

To be obsessed with and to try to get all the new gadgets

Wackjob (noun) : 

Eccentric or crazy person; nutcase.

Wafro (noun) : 

An afro on a white man

Walkaholic (noun) : 

One addicted to walking as a form of exercise

Waller(verb) : 

To jump around on something; to not sit still; to romp around

Wamps (adjective) : 

When something stinks or when something is going wrong

LETTER X:Xaphoon (noun) : 

A single-reed woodwind instrument similar to the saxophone consisting of a usu. bamboo tube with finger holes

Xc (noun) : 

Abbreviation of Cross Country.

Xenaphobic (adjective) : 

Pathologically fearful of strong, aggressive women (etymology: Xena, Warrior Princess)

Xenoepist (noun) : 

Someone who speaks with a foreign accent

Xenoglossy : 

The ability to speak in an unknown and unlearned foreign language.

Xenomorph (noun) : 

What the Alien creature was catagorized as in the series of "Alien" movies.

Xeriscaping (noun) : 

Landscaping that does not require supplemental irrigation

Xeronisus (noun) : 

Inability to reach orgasm

Xickovit (verb) : 

pr. (zik uv it) to be sick and tired of or annoyed by something.

Xoxo (abbreviation) : 

An abbreviation for hugs and kisses


Yaoi (noun) : 

A type of anime that revolves around male homosexual relationships

Yappery (verb) : 

Needless speech that stalls, delays, or filibusters

Yappucino (noun) : 

A casual conversation while drinking coffee

Yardsail (verb) : 

To visit or to seek yard sales

Yarg (interjection) : 

An expression of rage or frustration

yarneria(other) : 

A place where someone sells yarn of all sorts.

Yastic (adjective) : 

The yellowish-beige color that white and bone colored plastic items turn with age 

Yauman (noun) : 

One who runs a considerable risk in trusting in the honor and virtues of another.

Yazoo (noun) : 

Referring to ones posterior.

Yayness (interjection) :Extreme happiness

LETTER Z:zaatar (noun) : 

A mix of seasonings used in Middle Eastern cooking

zacrete (adjective) : 

1.good and bad 2.two parts

zam (verb) : 

To smoothe ice in rink with a Zamboni

Zambike(noun) : 

A bicycle with a frame made from bamboo in Zambia

Zap-n-go (noun) : 

A microwaveable dinner, usually when eaten on the run

Zara (noun) : 

A type of fast warship

Zax (noun) : 

A device used to cut roof shingles

Zazzy (adjective) : 

Popular at school; friendly with preps and likes the opposite sex

Zebonastic (adjective) : 

Making a fabulous appearence; being a matching pair of things; all together beautifull

Zeebra (noun) : 

Brassiere with black-and-white motif

Zeek (verb) : 

To cut in front of someone who is standing in a line or queue.

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