computer basics 101 - carol stream public · pdf filecomputer basics 101 . why is now the...

Post on 11-Mar-2018






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Computer Basics 101



Tell me about your previous computer experiences

Reasons to Use: Reasons to Fear:


You Have Little to Fear

Unless you take a bat to your computer or drop it out a window, etc. the possibility of you permanently damaging your computer is slim.

Everything else can pretty much be fixed by trained professionals, but it will cost money.

But it never hurts to backup your files every now and then to be safe. But learning to do that is for another time.

At the end of the day, all computers do is just translate everyday functions more efficiently.

Objectives for the Class

This class is primarily a crash course in learning to use many basic parts of the computer at once.

To become a pro, you will need to practice to get better. You can practice with the library public computers.

What you will learn:

1. Some basics of the hardware/software in your computer.

2. Learn how to operate the mouse.

3. Learn how to operate the keyboard.

Word of Warning

The following class will only be applicable to Windows 7 and earlier versions.

Microsoft completely changed the Windows user interface for Windows 8.

The general tips in this class will still be useful for using that version only done in a different manner.

The Basics of Your Computer

The Basics The Nuts and Bolts

The Monitor

The System Unit

The Keyboard

The Mouse/Touchpad

The Printer-Optional

Speakers-Optional if not built in.


The Operating System

Computer Programs

Virus Scan Software

Getting to Know Your Computer

The Desktop

When you turn on your computer or after you log on, this is what you will typically see.

The pictures on the left are called icons and double-clicking on them activates their programs.

The start button allows you to also access applications and a whole host of other features.

Finally, the small boxes at the bottom are minimized programs on the taskbar.

The Mouse

Holding the Mouse

Picture from

The Cursor

The mouse is a pointing device that moves an object on the screen called a cursor to hover over pictures, words, shortcuts, other images, and anything else on the computer screen.

Once the cursor is over the object that you want to manipulate you then use the left mouse button to begin your work.

The Mouse The left button is what you use to click on objects that will then open. Normally you click twice to open objects but sometimes you only need to click once like with website links and computer programs.

The right button allows you to easily access features in a certain program. For an example with Microsoft Word, see the picture to the far right.

Between the left and right mouse buttons can be something called a scroll wheel. Use that to easily navigate up and down on anything with a scroll bar(the middle image).

Understanding the Mouse

To access those features after you have right clicked, just click the left mouse button over any feature. To make the box go away, left click anywhere else on the screen.

Moving the mouse moves the cursor on the screen. In the past, mice used trackballs to work and were sometimes unreliable. Now they use LED lights and are much easier and simpler to use.

In addition, some mice are wireless meaning that there may not even be a cord leading from the mouse to the computer, allowing for full range of motion. Be warned that these mice do have batteries that can go out and will need to be replaced.

Drag and Highlight

But the mouse can do much more than just click on objects to activate them.

By left clicking once on an picture or desktop icon and holding down the left mouse button you can then drag that icon anywhere on the desktop. This is called dragging. Once the icon is where you want it to be, just let go of the mouse button.

Additionally, you can also highlight text by moving your mouse next to a piece of text, clicking once again with your mouse and then moving the mouse across the text you want to highlight. This is helpful for making changes to what you have already written down.

Let’s practice dragging for right now with the recycling bin at the top of the desktop.

The things you will see

Click the Start Button once with the left mouse button and now move your mouse over the All Programs Button.

Move to the options now above it and go to Accessories, left click it once and then below that word left click Paint.

You should now see something like the following. What you are looking at is what is called a window in which programs and folders reside.

In the top right, notice the boxes showing a lower line, two boxes, and finally an x.

What Those Boxes Mean

The left box with the single line minimizes the window that is open and moves it down to the taskbar below.

The middle box with two boxes causes the window to either take up the whole screen or makes it smaller where you can resize it as necessary. When small, the two small boxes become one big box or vice-versa when big.

The right box with the X in it closes the window. Do not worry, you can always get the window back by double-clicking on whatever you had done before to cause it to return. This may not always be true for programs.

But be warned that when exiting out of an unsaved file that you will be prompted to save.

But Enough Boring, Let’s Get Exciting!

On the top of the blank white page is called the Microsoft Ribbon.

On the ribbon is a number of different features you can left click to activate. From an eraser to a different type of drawing instrument, and more.

If you click on the Brushes button, a series of options will appear below it. This is called a drop down menu. Click any option to activate it.

Try and Create the Image Below

Using the Mouse

Use your mouse and draw on the page.

Use the other options that are available to erase what you have done, use different tools, or whatever you want.

Try and get a feel for how the mouse is in your hand.

When using the slanted line button, hold down the shift key as well and see what happens.

When using any of your tools, make sure your finger is held down on the left mouse button and then at some point without releasing it, also click the right mouse button and see what happens.

Mousing Tutorial

If you can access the Internet at home or at the library, type in the following website link for a Mousing Tutorial:

This fun and simple tutorial was created by the Palm Beach County Library system and it explains even more about how to use a mouse than is included in this presentation. Plus it is hands on so you can practice many different mouse skills at once.

The Keyboard

Enough Mousing Around, Let’s Type! Press the X in the top right side of the screen and go back to the start button. Click No or Don’t Save when it asks you to save.

Now click Start, All Programs, Accessories and then click on WordPad.

You should see the following on your screen.

This is a free basic text editing program that can help build your skills until you are ready for Microsoft Word.

Understanding the Keyboard

Using the Keyboard Pt. I

Enter (or Return)



Space Bar


Caps Lock

Tab |← →|

Esc (or Escape)

Arrow Keys

Using the Keyboard Pt. II

Function (or F keys)

Ctrl (or Control)

Alt (or Alternate)

Windows key

Right Click key

Number Pad

Num Lock

Indicator Lights

Home Row: ASDF-JKL;

Back to WordPad

Now that the keyboard is briefly explained, try and use the keys in different combinations on the blank white page before you.

All the options above the blank page are on a feature called the Microsoft Ribbon.

Try and click different buttons on the ribbon in combination with your writing.

I have also provided a sheet of practice examples to use for typing. Try some out now if you want.

The Different Options in WordPad

There are many buttons in WordPad that do a lot of different things. Left click to access them.

The main buttons you will probably need are:

The B Button allows you to bold letters on the page.

The slanted I button lets you italicize words.

The U button lets you underline words.

The tiny picture of a disk next to the giant circle in the top left is how you save your work.

The first arrow next to the disk allows you to undo the last few things you have done.

The arrow next to that allows you to redo those actions after they are undone.

Drop Down Menus

The words and numbers above the B, I, and U buttons contains the font and the font size.

Click the little arrow next to either of the two boxes to get a number of options to appear below the box. This is called a drop down menu and clicking once on any of those options chooses that option for you. To apply that option to what you have already done, click and move your cursor over what you have done so it is highlighted and then choose your option.

There are other drop down menus scattered across the ribbon.


Microsoft WordPad also has the ability to connect with Microsoft Paint.

You can draw a picture in paint and then easily have it appear in Microsoft WordPad by clicking the Paint Drawing Button and then drawing in the new window that pops up.

Exit out of the Paint window to see your drawing in WordPad.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the main word processing software associated with Windows.

It includes almost all of the features present in Microsoft WordPad and a whole lot more.

Unfortunately, it is not free and is purchased either individually or with the Microsoft Office suite or products.

Microsoft Office is on all the library computers at the library free of charge.

Final Thoughts

The Most Important Step

HOW DO I TURN THIS THING OFF?!?! Answer: After exiting out of all programs, simply press the

start button and then click shut down. After that, in Windows 7 the computer will shut down; otherwise in Windows XP a new box will appear and then click the shut down option.

If you only need your computer turned off for a short time and do not want to lose anything, use the hibernate button instead if available. But be sure to periodically turn your computer off so it can really rest its circuits.

If your computer freezes, you may need to hold down the power button for several minutes for it to forcefully power down. If you wait a couple minutes and turn it back on and it still does not work properly then you may need to see a computer technician.

You Are the Computer!

A computer cannot really think for itself or for you…at least not yet.

If you want to become better at using a computer, you need to practice, practice, practice.

At the library we have computers that can be used by Carol Stream Patrons to access Word, The Internet, and many other programs.

Resistance to computers is now futile!

Any Questions, Comments, Concerns, Optimism?

Credits: Because Plagiarism is Wrong

The preceding tutorial was partially based on a similar tutorial done by the Jackson District Library in Jackson, Michigan.

Additional parts were based on similar tutorials done by other libraries across the country who I do not have the proper information to cite.

Some images from this tutorial were provided by using Google’s image search engine. Rights are held by their individual owners.

Finally, Carol Stream Librarian Adriana Albers was also instrumental in the creation of this course. Slides 22-24 are from her prior computer class presentations.

Star Trek is owned by Paramount Pictures.

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