computer hardware software · the hardware component of the computer system consists of five parts:...

Post on 25-Mar-2020






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Introduction to Computers:

1.1 Computer:

Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes these data

under the control of set of instructions (called program) and gives the result (output) and saves output for the

future use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.

A computer has four functions:

a. accepts data Input

b. processes data Processing

c. produces output Output

d. stores results Storage

Input (Data): Input is the raw information entered into a computer from the input devices. It is the collection of

letters, numbers, images etc.

Process: Process is the operation of data as per given instruction. It is totally internal process of the computer


Output: Output is the processed data given by computer after data processing. Output is also called as Result.

We can save these results in the storage devices for the future use.

1.2 Computer Systems:

A computer is a programmable finite state machine which can perform precise arithmetic and logic operations. A

programmable finite state machine is one that can take on only one of the fixed range of values.

It is a system made of two major components:

The computer hardware is the physical equipment.

The software is the collection of programs (instructions) that allow the hardware to do its job.

1. Computer Hardware:

The hardware component of the computer system consists of five parts: input devices, central processing unit

(CPU) , primary storage, output devices, and auxiliary storage devices.

The input device is usually a keyboard where programs and data are entered into the computers. Examples of

other input devices include a mouse, a pen or stylus, a touch screen, or an audio input unit.

The central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for executing instructions such as arithmetic calculations,

comparisons among data, and movement of data inside the system. Today’s computers may have one , two, or

more CPUs .

Primary storage, also known as main memory, is a place where the programs and data are stored temporarily

during processing. The data in primary storage are erased when we turn off a personal computer or when we log

off from a time-sharing system.

The output device is usually a monitor or a printer to show output. If the output is shown on the monitor, we say

we have a soft copy. If it is printed on the printer, we say we have a hard copy.

Auxiliary storage, also known as secondary storage, is used for both input and output. It is the place where the

programs and data are stored permanently. When we turn off the computer, or programs and data remain in the

secondary storage, ready for the next time we need them.


Hardware Software

2. Computer Software:

Computer software is divided in to two broad categories: system software and application software.

a. System software manages the computer resources .It provides the interface between the hardware and the


b. Application software is directly responsible for helping users solve their problems.

a. System Software:

System software consists of programs that manage the hardware resources of a computer and perform required

information processing tasks. These programs are divided into three classes: operating system, system support,

and system development.

Operating system provides services such as a user interface, file and database access, and interfaces to

communication systems such as Internet protocols. The primary purpose of this software is to keep the system

operating in an efficient manner while allowing the users access to the system. It is also considered as resource

manager as it manages users, memory, CPU, peripherals, etc. among the competing users.

System support software provides system utilities and other operating services. Examples of system utilities are

sort programs and disk format programs. Operating services consists of programs that provide performance

statistics for the operational staff and security monitors to protect the system and data.

System development software includes the language translators that convert programs into machine language

for execution, debugging tools to ensure that the programs are error free and computer –assisted software

engineering (CASE) systems.

b. Application software:

Application software is broken in to two classes: general-purpose software and application –specific software.

General purpose software is purchased from a software developer and can be used for more than one

application. Examples of general purpose software include word processors, database management systems, and

computer aided design systems. They are labeled general purpose because they can solve a variety of user

computing problems.

Application –specific software can be used only for its intended purpose.

A general ledger system used by accountants and a material requirements planning system used by a

manufacturing organization are examples of application-specific software. They can be used only for the task for

which they were designed they cannot be used for other generalized tasks.

1.3 Generations Of Computers:

a. First Generation Computers: 1946-1956

Computers: ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM 650.

1. Vacuum tubes were used which produce more heat

2. Speed of computing was measured in milliseconds


System Software

Operating System

System Support Software

System Development


Application Software

General Purpose Software



3. Limited storage capacity

4. Punched cards were used for I/O operation

b. Second – Generation Computers: 1957-1963

Computers: IBM 7094, CDC 6600, Honeywell 400. Burroughs 5000.

1. Transistors and diodes were used.

2. Speed of computing was measured in microseconds

3. Consider about reduction of heat

4. Remarkable improvement in reliability

5. Storage capacity was increased

6. Magnetic tapes were used instead of punching cards.

c. Third Generation Computers: 1964-1981

Computers: IBM 360/370 Honeywell 2000, CRAY-I, CYBER 205

1. Integrated Circuits were used.

2. Speed is measured in nanoseconds

3. Occupied less space.

4. Devices like visual display unit for I/O devices

d. Fourth – Generation Computers: 1982-1989

Computers: CRAY-XMP, IBM 305

1. Use of micro processor chip

2. Speed was measured in nano and picoseconds

3. Occupied less space

4. Commonly available as personal computers

5. Mini & micro Computers are developed from micro-processor

e. Fifth – Generation Computers: 1990-

Computers: Distributed Computing, PARAM-9000, C-DAC, CRAY-II

1. Use of super large-scale integration (SLSI) chip in computer (super computers)

2. Capable of performing millions of instructions per seconds (MIPS)

3. Processing speed is high.

4. Use of RICS (reduced instructions set computing) for processing

5. Super computers are expensive.

1.4 Programming Languages:

Program: It is a set of instructions written to solve a problem or a function.

Instruction: An instruction prepared in any language has two parts.

a. Opcode or operation code, which tells the computer what function to perform.

b. Operand which tells the computer where to store data.

Low Level Languages: Low level languages are the languages understood by the computer but are slow to enter

and are not readable. They are difficult to understand , write and debug. Ex-Machine Language, Assembly


Machine Language: It is the language which can be understood by the computer without any translation. This is

the fundamental language of a computer. It consists of 0’s and 1’s called binary representation. Programs written

in machine language can be executed very fast by the computer.

Assembly Language: In assembly language programming, numeric codes are added by mneumonics.

Mneumonics are the instructions in the assembly language. It is readable and easy to debug. It is machine

dependent and needs to be coded using assemblers. It is not portable.

High Level Languages: High level languages are uniquely identified through their rich grammar and structure

with which we can specify what we want in a straight forward manner, whereas low level languages will not be

having grammar. High level languages must be converted into low level languages and then executed.

Ex-C, C++, Java, Fortran, COBOL, BASIC.

A Programming Language should have the following characteristics:

1. It should have better readability

2. Understandability

3. Reparability

4. Upgradability

5. Concise (short)

6. Portability

1.5 Translators:

Translators convert programs written in one language to another language.

Ex- Assemblers, compilers, converters and interpreters.

Assembler: It takes assembly language program as input and converts them into machine language. They are

specific to processors. Universal assemblers are not available now.

Ex-MASM (Microsoft Assembler)

TASM (Turbo Assembler)

Compiler: It takes high level language program as input and converts it into machine

level language. There are no universal compilers instead there are hundreds of compilers

for one high level language.

Ex- Microsoft ‘C’

Turbo ‘C’

Borland ‘C’

Converter: It takes one high level language and converts it into another high level


Ex- Pascal to ‘C’


Interpreter: It takes high level language program instructions one after the other and executes immediately.

Interpreters are needed to identify run time errors which are called bugs.

1.6 Algorithm:

Algorithm is a well defined, finite set of computational instructions that accomplishes a particular task, which may

or may not inputs and produce some value or a set of values as output.

An algorithm must satisfy the following criteria:

1. Input: Zero or more quantities are extremely supplied.

2. Output: At least one quantity is produced.

3. Definiteness: Each instruction is clear and unambiguous.

4. Finiteness: The algorithm terminates after a finite number of steps.

5. Correctness: For every input instance, it halts with the correct output.


To add two numbers

Step1: Input the numbers as x, y

Step2: sum=x + y

Step3: print sum

1.7 Flow Chart:

The pictorial representation of an algorithm is called a Flow Chart.

For this certain pictures are used.

Symbol Purpose Description

Flow line Used to indicate the flow of logic by connecting symbols.

Terminal(Stop/Start) Used to represent start and end of flowchart.

Input/Output Used for input and output operation.

Processing Used for airthmetic operations and data-manipulations.

Desicion Used to represent the operation in which there are two alternatives, true and false.

On-page Connector Used to join different flowline

Off-page Connector Used to connect flowchart portion on different page.

Predefined Process/Function

Used to represent a group of statements performing one processing task.

Ex- Consider a problem of multiplying two numbers


Step1: Input the numbers as a and b

Step2: find the product a x b

Step3: Print the result.







Ex- To find the highest of three numbers


Step 1: read the numbers as x ,y and z

Step 2: compare x and y

Step 3: if x > y then compare x with z and find the greater

Step 4: Otherwise compare y with z and find the greater

Flow Chart:


Introduction to C:

2.1 A brief history of C:

C has evolved from a language called B, written by Ken Thompson at Bell Labs in

1970. Ken used B to write one of the first implementations of UNIX.

B in turn was a descendant of the language Basic Combined Programming Language (developed at Cambridge

(UK) in 1967), with most of its instructions removed.

So many instructions were removed in going from BCPL to B, that Dennis Ritchie of Bell Labs put some back in

(in 1972), and called the language C.

The famous book The C Programming Language was written by Kernighan and

Ritchie in 1978, and was the definitive reference book on C for almost a decade.

The original C was still too limiting, and not standardized, and so in 1983 an ANSI committee was established to

formalize the language definition.

It has taken until now (ten years later) for the ANSI (American National Standard

Institute) standard to become well accepted and almost universally supported by compilers.

C programming language is a general purpose high level language that was originally developed by Dennis M.

Ritchie to develop the Unix operating system at Bell Labs.

The UNIX operating system, the C compiler, and essentially all UNIX applications programs have been written in


The C has now become a widely used professional language for various reasons.

1. Easy to learn

2. Structured language

3. It produces efficient programs.

4. It can handle low-level activities.

5. It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms.

2.2 Advantages of C:

1. Availability

2. Portability

3. Flexibility

4. Efficiency

5. Speed

6. Modular Programming and libraries

2.3 Disadvantages of C:

1. Overuses operators

2. Allows misuse of types

3. Can be difficult to read

4. Can be good at (temporarily) killing PCs

2.4 Uses of C:

C was initially used for system development work, in particular the programs that make-up the operating

system. C was adopted as a system development language because it produces code that runs nearly as fast as

code written in assembly language. Some examples of the use of C might be:

1. Operating Systems

2. Language Compilers

3. Assemblers

4. Text Editors

5. Print Spoolers

6. Network Drivers

7. Modern Programs

8. Data Bases

9. Language Interpreters

10. Utilities

2.5 Basic Structure of C Language:

The program written in C language follows this basic structure. The sequence of sections should be as they are

in the basic structure. A C program should have one or more sections but the sequence of sections is to be


1. Documentation section

2. Linking section

3. Definition section

4. Global declaration section

5. Main function section


Declaration section

Executable section


6. Sub program or function section

1. Documentation Section:

It comes first and is used to document the use of logic or reasons in your program. It can be used to write the

program's objective, developer and logic details. The documentation is done in C language with /* and */.

Whatever is written between these two are called comments.

2. Linking Section:

This section tells the compiler to link the certain occurrences of keywords or functions in your program to the

header files specified in this section.

Ex- #include <stdio.h>

3. Definition Section:

It is used to declare some constants and assign them some value.

Ex- #define MAX 25

Here #define is a compiler directive which tells the compiler whenever MAX is found in the program replace it

with 25.

4. Global Declaration Section:

Here the variables which are used throughout the program (including main and other functions) are declared so

as to make them global(i.e accessible to all parts of program)

Ex- int i; (before main())

5. Main Function Section:

It tells the compiler where to start the execution from



point from execution starts


main() function has two sections

1. Declaration section: In this the variables and their data types are declared.

2. Executable section: This has the part of program which actually performs the task we need.

6. Sub-Program or Function Section:

This has all the sub programs or the functions which our program needs.

2.6 Sample C Program:

A C program basically consists of the following parts:

1. Preprocessor Commands

2. Functions

3. Variables

4. Statements & Expressions


/* Hello world program */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf("Hello, World! \n"); /* printing hello world using printf function */

return 0;


1. The first line of the program #include <stdio.h> is a preprocessor command which tells a C compiler to

include stdio.h file before going to actual compilation.

2. The next line int main() is the main function where program execution begins.

3. The next line /*...*/ will be ignored by the compiler and it has been put to add additional comments in the

program. So such lines are called comments in the program.

4. The next line printf(...) is another function available in C which causes the message "Hello, World!" to be

displayed on the screen.

5. The next line return 0; terminates main()function and returns the value 0.

C Programming Keywords and Identifiers Character set Character set are the set of alphabets, letters and some special characters that are valid in C language.


Uppercase: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Lowercase: a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Special Characters:

Special Characters in C language

, < > . _ ( ) ; $ : % [ ] # ?

' & { } " ^ ! * / | - \ ~ +

White space Characters:

blank space, new line, horizontal tab, carriage return and form feed

Keywords: Keywords are the reserved words used in programming. Each keywords has fixed meaning and that cannot be

changed by user. For example:

int money;

Here, int is a keyword that indicates, 'money' is of type integer.

As, C programming is case sensitive, all keywords must be written in lowercase. Here is the list of all

keywords predefined by ASCII C.

Keywords in C Language

Auto double Int Struct

Break else Long Switch

Case Enum register Typedef

Char extern Return Union

continue For Signed Void

Do If static While

Default Goto Sizeof Volatile

Const Float Short Unsigned

Besides these keywords, there are some additional keywords supported by Turbo C.

Additional Keywords for Borland C

Asm far Interrupt pascal near huge Cdecl

All these keywords, their syntax and application will be discussed in their respective topics. However, if you want

brief information about these keywords without going further visit page: list of all C keywords.

Identifiers In C programming, identifiers are names given to C entities, such as variables, functions, structures etc.

Identifier are created to give unique name to C entities to identify it during the execution of program. For


int money;

int mango_tree;

Here, money is a identifier which denotes a variable of type integer. Similarly, mango_tree is another identifier,

which denotes another variable of type integer.

Rules for writing identifier

1. An identifier can be composed of letters (both uppercase and lowercase letters), digits and underscore

'_' only.

2. The first letter of identifier should be either a letter or an underscore. But, it is discouraged to start an

identifier name with an underscore though it is legal. It is because, identifier that starts with underscore

can conflict with system names. In such cases, compiler will complain about it. Some system names

that start with underscore are _fileno, _iob, _wfopen etc.

3. There is no rule for the length of an identifier. However, the first 31 characters of an identifier

are discriminated by the compiler. So, the first 31 letters of two identifiers in a program should be


Programmer can choose the name of identifier whatever they want. However, if the programmer choose

meaningful name for an identifier, it will be easy to understand and work on, particularly in case of large


C Programming Variables and Constants Variables Variables are memory location in computer's memory to store data. To indicate the memory location, each

variable should be given a unique name called identifier. Variable names are just the symbolic representation of

a memory location. Examples of variable name: sum, car_no, count etc.

int num;

Here, num is a variable of integer type.

Rules for writing variable name in C

1. Variable name can be composed of letters (both uppercase and lowercase letters), digits and

underscore '_' only.

2. The first letter of a variable should be either a letter or an underscore. But, it is discouraged to start

variable name with an underscore though it is legal. It is because, variable name that starts with

underscore can conflict with system names and compiler may complain.

3. There is no rule for the length of length of a variable. However, the first 31 characters of a variable

are discriminated by the compiler. So, the first 31 letters of two variables in a program should be


In C programming, you have to declare variable before using it in the program.

Constants Constants are the terms that can't be changed during the execution of a program. For example: 1, 2.5,

"Programming is easy." etc. In C, constants can be classified as:

Integer constants

Integer constants are the numeric constants(constant associated with number) without any fractional part or

exponential part. There are three types of integer constants in C language: decimal constant(base 10), octal

constant(base 8) and hexadecimal constant(base 16) .

Decimal digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Octal digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Hexadecimal digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F.

For example:

Decimal constants: 0, -9, 22 etc

Octal constants: 021, 077, 033 etc

Hexadecimal constants: 0x7f, 0x2a, 0x521 etc


1. You can use small caps a, b, c, d, e, f instead of uppercase letters while writing a hexadecimal constant.

2. Every octal constant starts with 0 and hexadecimal constant starts with 0x in C programming.

Floating-point constants

Floating point constants are the numeric constants that has either fractional form or exponent form. For





Note: Here, E-5 represents 10-5. Thus, -0.22E-5 = -0.0000022.

Character constants

Character constants are the constant which use single quotation around characters. For example: 'a', 'l', 'm', 'F'


Escape Sequences

Sometimes, it is necessary to use newline(enter), tab, quotation mark etc. in the program which either cannot be

typed or has special meaning in C programming. In such cases, escape sequence are used. For example: \n is

used for newline. The backslash( \ ) causes "escape" from the normal way the characters are interpreted by the


Escape Sequences

Escape Sequences Character \b Backspace \f Form feed \n Newline

\r Return \t Horizontal tab \v Vertical tab \\ Backslash \' Single quotation mark \" Double quotation mark \? Question mark \0 Null character String constants

String constants are the constants which are enclosed in a pair of double-quote marks. For example:

"good" //string constant

"" //null string constant

" " //string constant of six white space

"x" //string constant having single character.

"Earth is round\n" //prints string with newline

Enumeration constants

Keyword enum is used to declare enumeration types. For example:

enum color {yellow, green, black, white};

Here, the variable name is color and yellow, green, black and white are the enumeration constants having value

0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively by default.

C Programming Data Types In C, variable(data) should be declared before it can be used in program. Data types are the keywords, which

are used for assigning a type to a variable.

Data types in C 1. Fundamental Data Types

Integer types

Floating Type

Character types

2. Derived Data Types






Unsigned char 8 bits 0 to 255

Char 8 bits -128 to 127

Short int 16 bits -32768 to 32767

Unsigned int 32 bits 0 to 4,294,967,295

Int 32 bits -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648

Unsigned long 32 bits 0 to 4,294,967,295

Enum 16 bits -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648

Long 32 bits -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648

Float 32 bits 3.4*10E-38 to 3.4*10E38

Double 64 bits 1.7*10E-308 to 1.7*10E308

Long double 80 bits 3.4*10E-4932 to 1.1*10E4932

Syntax for declaration of a variable data_type variable_name;

Integer data types

Keyword int is used for declaring the variable with integer type. For example:

int var1;

Here, var1 is a variable of type integer.

The size of int is either 2 bytes(In older PC's) or 4 bytes. If you consider an integer having size of 4 byte( equal

to 32 bits), it can take 232 distinct states as: -231,-231+1, ...,-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 231-2, 231-1

Similarly, int of 2 bytes, it can take 216 distinct states from -215 to 215-1. If you try to store larger number than

231-1, i.e,+2147483647 and smaller number than -231, i.e, -2147483648, program will not run correctly.

Floating types Variables of floating types can hold real values(numbers) such as: 2.34, -9.382 etc. Keywords either float or

double is used for declaring floating type variable. For example:

float var2;

double var3;

Here, both var2 and var3 are floating type variables.

In C, floating values can be represented in exponential form as well. For example:

float var3=22.442e2

Difference between float and double

Generally the size of float(Single precision float data type) is 4 bytes and that of double(Double precision float

data type) is 8 bytes. Floating point variables has a precision of 6 digits whereas the the precision of double is 14


Note: Precision describes the number of significant decimal places that a floating values carries.

Character types Keyword char is used for declaring the variable of character type. For example:

char var4='h';

Here, var4 is a variable of type character which is storing a character 'h'.

The size of char is 1 byte. The character data type consists of ASCII characters. Each character is given a specific

value. For example:

For, 'a', value =97

For, 'b', value=98

For, 'A', value=65

For, '&', value=33

For, '2', value=49

Qualifiers Qualifiers alters the meaning of base data types to yield a new data type.

Size qualifiers:

Size qualifiers alters the size of basic data type. The keywords long and short are two size qualifiers. For


long int i;

The size of int is either 2 bytes or 4 bytes but, when long keyword is used, that variable will be either 4 bytes of

8 bytes. Learn more about long keyword in C programming. If the larger size of variable is not needed then,

short keyword can be used in similar manner as long keyword.

Sign qualifiers:

Whether a variable can hold only positive value or both values is specified by sign qualifiers. Keywords signed

and unsigned are used for sign qualifiers.

unsigned int a;

// unsigned variable can hold zero and positive values only

It is not necessary to define variable using keyword signed because, a variable is signed by default. Sign

qualifiers can be applied to only int and char data types. For a int variable of size 4 bytes it can hold data from -

231 to 231-1 but, if that variable is defined unsigned, it can hold data from 0 to 232 -1.

Constant qualifiers

Constant qualifiers can be declared with keyword const. An object declared by const cannot be modified.

const int p=20;

The value of p cannot be changed in the program.

Volatile qualifiers:

A variable should be declared volatile whenever its value can be changed by some external sources outside

program. Keyword volatile is used to indicate volatile variable.

C Programming Input Output (I/O) ANSI standard has defined many library functions for input and output in C language.

Functions printf() and scanf() are the most commonly used to display out and take input respectively. Let us

consider an example:

#include <stdio.h> //This is needed to run printf() function.

int main()


printf("C Programming"); //displays the content inside quotation

return 0;



C Programming

Explanation of How this program works

1. Every program starts from main() function.

2. printf() is a library function to display output which only works if #include<stdio.h>is included at the


3. Here, stdio.h is a header file (standard input output header file) and #include is command to paste the

code from the header file when necessary. When compiler encounters printf() function and doesn't

find stdio.h header file, compiler shows error.

4. Code return 0; indicates the end of program. You can ignore this statement but, it is good programming

practice to use return 0;.

I/O of integers in C


int main()


int c=5;


return 0;




Inside quotation of printf() there, is a conversion format string "%d" (for integer). If this conversion format string

matches with remaining argument,i.e, c in this case, value of c is displayed.


int main()


int c;

printf()("Enter a number\n");



return 0;



Enter a number



The scanf() function is used to take input from user. In this program, the user is asked a input and value is

stored in variable c. Note the '&' sign before c. &c denotes the address of c and value is stored in that address.

I/O of floats in C #include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float a;

printf("Enter value: ");


printf("Value=%f",a); //%f is used for floats instead of %d

return 0;



Enter value: 23.45


Conversion format string "%f" is used for floats to take input and to display floating value of a variable.

I/O of characters and ASCII code #include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char var1;

printf("Enter character: ");


printf("You entered %c.",var1);

return 0;



Enter character: g

You entered g.

Conversion format string "%c" is used in case of characters.

ASCII code

When character is typed in the above program, the character itself is not recorded a numeric value(ASCII value)

is stored. And when we displayed that value by using "%c", that character is displayed.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char var1;

printf("Enter character: ");


printf("You entered %c.\n",var1);

/* \n prints the next line(performs work of enter). */

printf("ASCII value of %d",var1);

return 0;



Enter character:



When, 'g' is entered, ASCII value 103 is stored instead of g.

You can display character if you know ASCII code only. This is shown by following example.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int var1=69;

printf("Character of ASCII value 69: %c",var1);

return 0;



Character of ASCII value 69: E

The ASCII value of 'A' is 65, 'B' is 66 and so on to 'Z' is 90. Similarly ASCII value of 'a' is 97, 'b' is 98 and so on to

'z' is 122.

More about Input/Output of floats and Integer Variations in Output for integer an floats

Integer and floating-points can be displayed in different formats in C programming as:


int main(){

printf("Case 1:%6d\n",9876);

/* Prints the number right justified within 6 columns */

printf("Case 2:%3d\n",9876);

/* Prints the number to be right justified to 3 columns but, there are 4

digits so number is not right justified */

printf("Case 3:%.2f\n",987.6543);

/* Prints the number rounded to two decimal places */

printf("Case 4:%.f\n",987.6543);

/* Prints the number rounded to 0 decimal place, i.e, rounded to integer */

printf("Case 5:%e\n",987.6543);

/* Prints the number in exponential notation(scientific notation) */

return 0;



Case 1: 9876

Case 2:9876

Case 3:987.65

Case 4:988

Case 5:9.876543e+002

Variations in Input for integer and floats

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int a,b;

float c,d;

printf("Enter two intgers: ");

/*Two integers can be taken from user at once as below*/


printf("Enter intger and floating point numbers: ");

/*Integer and floating point number can be taken at once from user as



return 0;


Similarly, any number of input can be taken at once from user.

C Programming Operators

Operators are the symbol which operates on value or a variable. For example: + is a operator to perform


C programming language has wide range of operators to perform various operations. For better understanding of

operators, these operators can be classified as:

Operators In C Programming Arithmetic Operators

Increment and Decrement Operators

Assignment Operators

Relational Operators

Logical Operators

Conditional Operators

Bitwise Operators

Special Operators

Arithmetic Operators Operator Meaning Of Operator + addition or unary plus - subtraction or unary minus * Multiplication / Division % remainder after division( modulo division)

Example of working of arithmetic operators

/* Program to demonstrate the working of arithmetic operators in C. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int a=9,b=4,c;










printf("Remainder when a divided by b=%d\n",c);

return 0;






Remainder when a divided by b=1


Here, the operators +, - and * performed normally as you expected. In normal calculation, 9/4 equals to 2.25.

But, the output is 2 in this program. It is because, a and b are both integers. So, the output is also integer and

the compiler neglects the term after decimal point and shows answer 2 instead of 2.25. And, finally a%b is 1,i.e.

,when a=9 is divided by b=4, remainder is 1.

Suppose a=5.0, b=2.0, c=5 and d=2

In C programming,





Note: % operator can only be used with integers.

Increment and decrement operators

In C, ++ and -- are called increment and decrement operators respectively. Both of these operators are unary

operators, i.e, used on single operand. ++ adds 1 to operand and -- subtracts 1 to operand respectively. For


Let a=5 and b=10

a++; //a becomes 6

a--; //a becomes 5

++a; //a becomes 6

--a; //a becomes 5

Difference between ++ and -- operator as postfix and prefix

When i++ is used as prefix(like: ++var), ++var will increment the value of var and then return it but, if ++ is

used as postfix(like: var++), operator will return the value of operand first and then only increment it. This can

be demonstrated by an example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int c=2,d=2;

printf("%d\n",c++); //this statement displays 2 then, only c

incremented by 1 to 3.

printf("%d",++c); //this statement increments 1 to c then, only c is


return 0;





Assignment Operators

The most common assignment operator is =. This operator assigns the value in right side to the left side. For


var=5 //5 is assigned to var

a=c; //value of c is assigned to a

5=c; // Error! 5 is a constant.

Operator Example Same As = a=b a=b += a+=b a=a+b -= a-=b a=a-b *= a*=b a=a*b /= a/=b a=a/b %= a%=b a=a%b Relational Operator

Relational operators checks relationship between two operands. If the relation is true, it returns value 1 and if

the relation is false, it returns value 0. For example:


Here, > is a relational operator. If a is greater than b, a>b returns 1 if not then, it returns 0.

Relational operators are used in decision making and loops in C programming.

Operator Meaning Of Operator Example == Equal to 5==3 returns false (0) > Greater than 5>3 returns true (1) < Less than 5<3 returns false (0) != Not equal to 5!=3 returns true(1) >= Greater than or equal to 5>=3 returns true (1) <= Less than or equal to 5<=3 return false (0)

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine expressions containing relation operators. In C, there are 3 logical


Operator Meaning Of Operator


&& Logial AND If c=5 and d=2 then,((c==5) && (d>5)) returns false.

|| Logical OR If c=5 and d=2 then, ((c==5) || (d>5)) returns true. ! Logical NOT If c=5 then, !(c==5) returns false.


For expression, ((c==5) && (d>5)) to be true, both c==5 and d>5 should be true but, (d>5) is false in the given

example. So, the expression is false. For expression ((c==5) || (d>5)) to be true, either the expression should be

true. Since, (c==5) is true. So, the expression is true. Since, expression (c==5) is true, !(c==5) is false.

Conditional Operator

Conditional operator takes three operands and consists of two symbols ? and : . Conditional operators are used

for decision making in C. For example:


If c is greater than 0, value of c will be 10 but, if c is less than 0, value of c will be -10.

Bitwise Operators

A bitwise operator works on each bit of data. Bitwise operators are used in bit level programming.

Operators Meaning Of Operators & Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR ^ Bitwise exclusive OR ~ Bitwise complement << Shift left >> Shift right

Bitwise operator is advance topic in programming . Learn more about bitwise operator in C programming.

Other Operators Comma Operator

Comma operators are used to link related expressions together. For example:

int a,c=5,d;

The sizeof operator

It is a unary operator which is used in finding the size of data type, constant, arrays, structure etc. For example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int a;

float b;

double c;

char d;

printf("Size of int=%d bytes\n",sizeof(a));

printf("Size of float=%d bytes\n",sizeof(b));

printf("Size of double=%d bytes\n",sizeof(c));

printf("Size of char=%d byte\n",sizeof(d));

return 0;



Size of int=4 bytes

Size of float=4 bytes

Size of double=8 bytes

Size of char=1 byte

Conditional operators (?:)

Conditional operators are used in decision making in C programming, i.e, executes different statements

according to test condition whether it is either true or false.

Syntax of conditional operators conditional_expression?expression1:expression2

If the test condition is true, expression1 is returned and if false expression2 is returned.

Example of conditional operator

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char feb;

int days;

printf("Enter l if the year is leap year otherwise enter 0: ");



/*If test condition (feb=='l') is true, days will be equal to 29. */

/*If test condition (feb=='l') is false, days will be equal to 28. */

printf("Number of days in February = %d",days);

return 0;



Enter l if the year is leap year otherwise enter n: l

Number of days in February = 29

C - Type Casting:

Type casting is a way to convert a variable from one data type to another data type. For example, if you want to

store a long value into a simple integer then you can type cast long to int. You can convert values from one type

to another explicitly using the cast operator as follows:

(type_name) expression

Consider the following example where the cast operator causes the division of one integer variable by another to

be performed as a floating-point operation:

#include <stdio.h>



int sum = 17, count = 5;

double mean;

mean = (double) sum / count;

printf("Value of mean : %f\n", mean );


When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Value of mean : 3.400000

It should be noted here that the cast operator has precedence over division, so the value of sum is first converted

to type double and finally it gets divided by count yielding a double value.

Type conversions can be implicit which is performed by the compiler automatically, or it can be specified explicitly

through the use of the cast operator. It is considered good programming practice to use the cast operator

whenever type conversions are necessary.

Precedence And Associativity Of Operators Precedence of operators If more than one operators are involved in an expression then, C language has predefined rule of priority of

operators. This rule of priority of operators is called operator precedence.

In C, precedence of arithmetic operators(*,%,/,+,-) is higher than relational operators(==,!=,>,<,>=,<=) and

precedence of relational operator is higher than logical operators(&&, || and !). Suppose an expression:


This expression is equivalent to:


i.e, (b+c) executes first

then, (a>(b+c)) executes

then, (a>(b+c))&&d) executes

Associativity of operators Associativity indicates in which order two operators of same precedence(priority) executes. Let us suppose an



Here, operators == and != have same precedence. The associativity of both == and != is left to right, i.e, the

expression in left is executed first and execution take pale towards right. Thus, a==b!=c equivalent to :


The table below shows all the operators in C with precedence and associativity.

Note: Precedence of operators decreases from top to bottom in the given table.

Summary of C operators with precedence and associativity

Operator Meaning Of Operator Associativity () [] -> .

Functional call Array element reference Indirect member selection Direct member selection

Left to right

! ~ + - ++ -- & * sizeof (type)

Logical negation Bitwise(1 's) complement Unary plus Unary minus Increment Decrement Dereference Operator(Address) Pointer reference Returns the size of an object Type cast(conversion)

Right to left

* / %

Multiply Divide Remainder

Left to right

+ -

Binary plus(Addition) Binary minus(subtraction)

Left to right

<< >>

Left shift Right shift

Left to right

< <= > >=

Less than Less than or equal Greater than Greater than or equal

Left to right

== !=

Equal to Not equal to

Left to right

& Bitwise AND Left to right

^ Bitwise exclusive OR Left to right | Bitwise OR Left to right && Logical AND Left to right || Logical OR Left to right ?: Conditional Operator Left to right = *= /= %= -= &= ^= |= <<= >>=

Simple assignment Assign product Assign quotient Assign remainder Assign sum Assign difference Assign bitwise AND Assign bitwise XOR Assign bitwise OR Assign left shift Assign right shift

Right to left

, Separator of expressions Left to right

C Program to Print a Sentence Source Code /* C Program to print a sentence. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf("C Programming"); /* printf() prints the content inside quotation


return 0;



C Programming


Every C program starts executing code from main( ) function. Inside main( ), there is a printf( ) function which

prints the content inside the quotation mark which is "C Programming" in this case.

C Program to Print a Integer Entered by a User Source Code #include <stdio.h>

int main()


int num;

printf("Enter a integer: ");

scanf("%d",&num); /* Storing a integer entered by user in variable num


printf("You entered: %d",num);

return 0;



Enter a integer: 25

You entered: 25


In this program, a variable num is declared of type integer using keyword int. Then, printf() function prints the

content inside quotation mark which is "Enter a integer: ". Then, the scanf() takes integer value from user and

stores it in variable num. Finally, the value entered by user is displayed in the screen using printf().

C Program to Add Two Integers In this program, user is asked to enter two integers and this program will add these two integers and display it.

Source Code

/*C programming source code to add and display the sum of two integers

entered by user */

#include <stdio.h>

int main( )


int num1, num2, sum;

printf("Enter two integers: ");

scanf("%d %d",&num1,&num2); /* Stores the two integer entered by user

in variable num1 and num2 */

sum=num1+num2; /* Performs addition and stores it in variable sum


printf("Sum: %d",sum); /* Displays sum */

return 0;



Enter two integers: 12


Sum: 23


In this program, user is asked to enter two integers. The two integers entered by user will be stored in

variables num1 and num2 respectively. This is done using scanf( ) function. Then, + operator is used for adding

variables num1 and num2 and this value is assigned to variable sum.

Finally, the sum is displayed and program is terminated.

There are three variables used for performing this task but, you can perform this same task using 2 variables

only. It can done by assiging the sum of num1 and num2 to one of these variables as shown in figure below.

/* C programming source code to add and display the sum of two integers

entered by user using two variables only. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main( )


int num1, num2, sum;

printf("Enter a two integers: ");

scanf("%d %d",&num1,&num2);

num1=num1+num2; /* Adds variables num1 and num2 and stores it in num1


printf("Sum: %d",num1); /* Displays value of num1 */

return 0;


This source code calculates the sum of two integers and displays it but, this program uses only two variables.

C Program to Multiply two Floating Point Numbers In this program, user is asked to enter two floating point numbers and this program will mulitply these two

numbers and display it.

Source Code /*C program to multiply and display the product of two floating point

numbers entered by user. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main( )


float num1, num2, product;

printf("Enter two numbers: ");

scanf("%f %f",&num1,&num2); /* Stores the two floating point

numbers entered by user in variable num1 and num2 respectively */

product=num1*num2; /* Performs multiplication and stores it */

printf("Product: %f",product);

return 0;



Enter two numbers: 2.4


Sum: 2.640000


In this program, user is asked to enter two floating point numbers. These two numbers entered by user will be

stored in variables num1 and num2 respectively. This is done using scanf( ) function. Then, * operator is used for

multiplying variables and this value is stored in variable product.

Then, the product is displayed and program is terminated.

C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character Every character in C programming is given an integer value to represent it. That integer value is known as ASCII

value of that character. For example: ASCII value of 'a' is 97. Here is the complete list of ASCII value of

characters in C programming. When a character is stored in variable of type char, the ASCII value of character is

stored instead of that character itself character itself. For example: If you try to store character 'a' in a char type

variable, ASCII value of that character is stored which is 97.

In, this program user is asked to enter a character and this program will display the ASCII value of that


Source Code /* Source code to find ASCII value of a character entered by user */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char c;

printf("Enter a character: ");

scanf("%c",&c); /* Takes a character from user */

printf("ASCII value of %c = %d",c,c);

return 0;



Enter a character: G

ASCII value of G = 71


In this program, user is asked to enter a character and this character will be stored in variable c, i.e., the ASCII

value of that character is stored in variable c. When, this value is displayed using conversion format string %c,

the actual variable is displayed but, when this variable is displayed using format string %d, the ASCII value of

that character is displayed.

C Program to Find Quotient and Remainder of Two Integers Entered by User

In this program, user is asked to enter two integers(dividend and divisor) and this program will compute the

quotient and remainder and display it.

Source Code

/* C Program to compute remainder and quotient */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder;

printf("Enter dividend: ");


printf("Enter divisor: ");


quotient=dividend/divisor; /* Computes quotient */

remainder=dividend%divisor; /* Computes remainder */

printf("Quotient = %d\n",quotient);

printf("Remainder = %d",remainder);

return 0;



Enter dividend: 25

Enter divisor: 4

Quotient = 6

Remainder = 1


This program takes two integers(dividend and divisor) from user and stores it in variable dividend and divisor.

Then, quotient and remainder is calculated and stored in variable quotient and remainder. Operator / is used for

calculation of quotient and % is used for calculating remainder. Learn more about divison(/) and modulo

division(%) operator in C programming.

You can also program can be performed using only two variables as:

/* C Program to compute and display remainder and quotient using only two

variables */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int dividend, divisor;

printf("Enter dividend: ");


printf("Enter divisor: ");


printf("Quotient = %d\n",dividend/divisor);/* Computes and displays

quotient */

printf("Remainder = %d",dividend%divisor); /* Computes and displays

remainder */

return 0;


Output of this program is same as program above but, only two variables are used in this case instead of four


C Program to Find Size of int, float, double and char of Your System

The size of a character is always 1 byte but, size of int, float and double variables differs from system to system.

This program will compute the size of int, float, double and char of you system using sizeof operator. The syntax

of size of operator is:

temp = sizeof(operand);

/* Here, temp is a variable of type integer,i.e, sizeof() operator

returns integer value. */

Source Code /* This program computes the size of variable using sizeof operator.*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int a;

float b;

double c;

char d;

printf("Size of int: %d bytes\n",sizeof(a));

printf("Size of float: %d bytes\n",sizeof(b));

printf("Size of double: %d bytes\n",sizeof(c));

printf("Size of char: %d byte\n",sizeof(d));

return 0;



Size of int: 4 bytes

Size of float: 4 bytes

Size of double: 8 bytes

Size of char: 1 byte

Note: You may get different output depending upon your system.


In this program, 4 variables a, b, c and d are declared of type int, float, double and char respectively. Then, the

size of these variables is computed using sizeof operator and displayed.

C Program to Demonstrate the Working of Keyword long

Keyword long is used for altering the size of data type. For example: the size of int is either 2 bytes or 4 bytes

but, when long keyword is used, the size of long int will be either 4 bytes or 8 bytes. Also, you can use long long

int. The size of long long int is generally 8 bytes. This program will demonstrate the size of keyword long for my

system. It may be different in your system.

Source Code #include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int a;

long int b; /* int is optional. */

long long int c; /* int is optional. */

printf("Size of int = %d bytes\n",sizeof(a));

printf("Size of long int = %ld bytes\n",sizeof(b));

printf("Size of long long int = %ld bytes",sizeof(c));

return 0;



Size of int = 4 bytes

Size of long int = 4 bytes

Size of long long int = 8 bytes

In this program, the sizeof operator is used for finding the size of int, long int and long long int.

Thus, int and long int for my system can hold values from -231 to 231-1. If I have to work on data outside this

range, I have to use long long int, which can hold values from -263 to 263-1 .

Similarly, the long keyword can be used double and floats types.

C Program to Swap Two Numbers This program asks user to enter two numbers and this program will swap the value of these two numbers.

Source Code to Swap Two Numbers #include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float a, b, temp;

printf("Enter value of a: ");


printf("Enter value of b: ");


temp = a; /* Value of a is stored in variable temp */

a = b; /* Value of b is stored in variable a */

b = temp; /* Value of temp(which contains initial value of a) is

stored in variable b*/

printf("\nAfter swapping, value of a = %.2f\n", a);

printf("After swapping, value of b = %.2f", b);

return 0;



Enter value of a: 1.20

Enter value of b: 2.45

After swapping, value of a = 2.45

After swapping, value of b = 1.2

The C Formatted I/O


printf() function input data from the standard input stream. scanf(), output data to the standard output stream.

For other functions that use the standard input and standard output

are gets(), puts(), getchar() and putchar(). Keep in mind that some of the functions discussed here are non-

standard. We have to include header file stdio.h (C) or iostream.h/iostream (C++) in program to call these



All input and output is performed with stream. Stream is a sequences of characters organized into lines.

Each line consists of zero or more characters, and end with the newline character. When program execution

begins, these streams are connected to the program automatically.

Normally: The standard input stream is connected to the keyboard.The standard output stream is connected to

the screen/monitor/console. Redirection of no. 1 and 2 to other devices, a third stream, standard error,

connected to the screen. Error messages are output to the standard error stream.

Formatting output with printf()

For precise output formatting, every printf() call contains a format control string that describes the output


The format control string consists of:

Conversion specifiers.


Field widths.


Literal characters.

Together with percent sign (%), these, form conversion specifications. Function printf() can perform the

following formatting capabilities:

Rounding floating-point values to an indicated number of decimal places.

Aligning a column of numbers with decimal points appearing one above the other.

Right-justification and left-justification of outputs.

Inserting literal characters at precise locations in a line of output.


specifier Description

d Display a signed decimal integer

i Display a signed decimal integer. (Note: The i and d specifiers are different when used

with scanf().)

Representing floating-point number in exponential format. Representing unsigned integers in octal and

hexadecimal format. Displaying all types of data with fixed-size field widths and precisions. As discussed

in Functions, printf() is a variadic function. It can accept variable number of arguments.

The printf() general form is:

printf (format-control-string, other-arguments);

For example:

printf("Using Source IP: %s port: %u\n", argv[1], atoi(argv[2]));

printf("\t%.3f\n\t%.3e\n\t%.3g\n\n", f, f, f);

The format-control-string describes the output format, and other-arguments (optional) correspond to each

conversion specification in the format-control-string.

Each conversion specification begins with a percent sign (%) and ends with a conversion specifier.

Printing Integers

Integer is a whole number, such as 880 or –456, that contains no decimal point.

// using the integer conversion specifiers

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf("Various format for integer printing\n");


printf("%d\n", 455);

printf("%i\n", 455); //i same as d in printf()

printf("%d\n", +455);

printf("%d\n", -455);

printf("%hd\n", 32000);

printf("%ld\n", 2000000000L);

printf("%o\n", 455);

printf("%u\n", 455);

printf("%u\n", -455);

//-455 is read by %u and converted to the unsigned

//value 4294966841 by 4 bytes integer

printf("%x\n", 455);

printf("%X\n", 455);

return 0;


o Display an unsigned octal integer.

u Display an unsigned decimal integer.

x or X Display an unsigned decimal integer. x causes the digit 0-9 and the letters A-F to be displayed,

and xcauses the digits 0-9 and a–f to be displayed.

h or l (letter l) Place before any integer conversion specifier to indicate that a short or long integer is displayed



Printing Floating-point Number Contains the decimal point such as 35.5 or 7456.945.

the floating-point conversion specifiers.

Conversion specifier


e or E Display a floating-point value in exponential notation.

f Display floating-point values.

g or G Display a floating-point value in either the floating-point form f or the exponential form e ( or E)

l Place before any floating-point conversion specifier to indicate that a long double floating-point value is displayed.

Floating-point conversion specifiers

Exponential notation is the computer equivalent of scientific notation used in mathematics. For example, 150.2352 is represented in scientific notation as: 1.502352 x 102 And is represented in exponential notation as: 1.502352E+02 by computer So, 150.2352 = 1.502352 x 102 = 1.502352E+02 E stand for exponent. e, E and f will output with 6 digits of precision to the right of the decimal point by default. Let try a program example.

// printing floating-point numbers with floating-point conversion


#include <stdio.h>

void main()


printf("Printing floating-point numbers with\n");

printf("floating-point conversion specifiers.\n");

printf("Compare the output with source code\n\n");

printf("1. %e\n", 1234567.89);

printf("2. %e\n", +1234567.89);

printf("3. %e\n", -1234567.89);

printf("4. %E\n", 1234567.89);

printf("5. %f\n", 1234567.89);

printf("6. %g\n", 1234567.89);

printf("7. %G\n", 1234567.89);



Printing Strings And Characters c and s conversion specifiers are used to print individual characters and strings respectively. Conversion specifier c requires a char argument and s requires a pointer to char as an argument. s causes characters to be printed until a terminating NULL (‘\0’) character is encountered. A program example.

// printing strings and characters

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


char character = 'A';

char string[ ] = "This is a string";

char *stringPtr = "This is also a string";


printf("---Character and String format---\n");


printf("%c <--This one is character\n", character);

printf("\nLateral string\n");

printf("%s\n", "This is a string");

printf("\nUsing array name, the pointer to the first array's


printf("%s\n", string);

printf("\nUsing pointer, pointing to the first character of string\n");

printf("%s\n", stringPtr);

return 0;



Other conversion specifiers p,n and % are summarized

Conversion specifier


p Display a pointer value (memory address) in an implementation defined manner.

n Store the number of characters already output in the current printf() statement. A pointer to an integer is supplied as the corresponding argument. Nothing is displayed.

% Display the percent character.

Other conversion specifiers

// using the p, n, and % conversion specifiers

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


// pointer variable

int *ptr;

int x = 12345, y;

// assigning address of variable x to variable ptr

ptr = &x;

printf("\nUsing the p, n, and %% conversion specifiers.\n");

printf("Compare the output with the source code\n");


printf("The value of pointer ptr is %p\n", ptr);

printf("The address of variable x is %p\n\n", &x);

printf("Total characters printed on this line is:%n", &y);

printf(" %d\n\n", y);

y = printf("This line has 28 characters\n");

printf("%d characters were printed\n\n", y);

printf("Printing a %% in a format control string\n");

return 0;



Printing With Field Widths And Precisions A field width determines the exact size of a field in which data is printed. If the field width is larger then the data being printed, the data will normally be right-justified within that field. An integer representing the field width is inserted between the percent sign (%) and the conversion specifier in the conversion specification. Function printf() also provides the ability to specify the precision with which data is printed. Precision has different meanings for different data types. The following is a program example.

// printing integers right-justified

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf(" Printing integers right-justified.\n");

printf("Compare the output with the source code\n");


printf("%4d\n", 1);

printf("%4d\n", 12);

printf("%4d\n", 123);

printf("%4d\n", 1234);

printf("%4d\n\n", 12345);

printf("%4d\n", -1);

printf("%4d\n", -12);

printf("%4d\n", -123);

printf("%4d\n", -1234);

printf("%4d\n", -12345);

return 0;



Another example:

// using precision while printing integers, floating-point numbers and


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i = 873;

float f = 123.94536;

chars[ ] = "Happy Birthday";

printf("Using precision while printing integers,\n");

printf(" floating-point numbers, and strings.\n");

printf("Compare the output with the source code\n");


printf("Using precision for integers\n");

printf("\t%.4d\n\t%.9d\n\n", i, i);

printf("Using precision for floating-point numbers\n");

printf("\t%.3f\n\t%.3e\n\t%.3g\n\n", f, f, f);

printf("Using precision for strings\n");

printf("\t%.11s\n", s);

return 0;



By using asterisk (*), it is also can be like this: printf("%*.*f", 7, 2, 98.736) This statement uses 7 for the field width, 2 for the precision and will output the value 98.74 right-justified.

Using Flags In The printf() Format Control String Flags used to supplement its output formatting capabilities. Five flags are available to be used in format control string as shown in table 5.4 then followed by program examples.

Flag Description

- (minus sign)

Left-justify the output within the specified field

+ (plus sign)

Display a plus sign preceding positive values and a minus sign preceding negative values.

space Print a space before a positive value not printed with the + flag.


Prefix 0 to the output value when used with the octal conversion specifier o. Prefix 0x or 0X to the output value when used with the hexadecimal conversion specifiers x or X. Force a decimal points for a floating-point number printed with e, E, f, g, or G that does not contain a fractional part. (Normally the decimal point is only printed if a digit follows it). For g and Gspecifiers, trailing zeros are not eliminated.

0 (zero) Pad a field with leading zeros.

Format control string flags

// right justifying and left justifying values

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf("Right justifying and left justifying values.\n");

printf(" Compare the output with the source code.\n");


printf("%10s%10d%10c%10f\n\n", "hello", 7, 'a', 1.23);

printf("%-10s%-10d%-10c%-10f\n", "hello", 7, 'a', 1.23);

return 0;



More program example:

// printing numbers with and without the + flag

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf("Printing numbers with and without the + flag.\n");

printf(" Compare the output with the source code\n");


printf("%d\n%d\n", 786, -786);

printf("%+d\n%+d\n", 786, -786);

return 0;



Another example:

// printing a space before signed values not preceded by + or -

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf("Printing a space before signed values\n");

printf(" not preceded by + or -n\n");


printf("% d\n% d\n", 877, -877);

return 0;



More program example:

// o, x, X, and any floating-point specifier

#include <stdio.h >

int main()


int c = 1427;

float p = 1427.0;

printf("o, x, X, and any floating-point specifiers\n");

printf("Compare the output with the source code\n");


printf("%#o\n", c);

printf("%#x\n", c);

printf("%#X\n", c);

printf("\n%#g\n", p);

printf("%#G\n", p);

return 0;



Program example again.

// printing with the 0 (zero) flag fills in leading zeros

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf("Printing with the 0 (zero) flag fills in leading zeros\n");

printf(" Compare the output with the source code\n");



printf("%+09d\n", 762);

printf("%09d", 762);


return 0;



Printing Literals And Escape Sequences Various control characters, such as newline and tab, must be represented by escape sequences. An escape sequence is represented by a backslash (\) followed by a particular escape character. Table 5.5 summarizes all the escape sequences and the actions they cause.

Escape sequence Description

\’ Output the single quote (’) character.

\" Output the double quote (") character.

\? Output the question mark (?) character.

\\ Output the backslash (\) character.

\a Cause an audible (bell) or visual alert.

\b Move the cursor back one position on the current line.

\f Move the cursor to the start of the next logical page.

\n Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

\r Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

\t Move the cursor to the next horizontal tab position.

\v Move the cursor to the next vertical tab position.

Escape sequences

Other printf() family that you might find somewhere, sometime is listed in the following Table. It is important to note that some of these are not part of the standard library but are widely available. You have to check your compiler. In newer compiler there are new, secure version of these family and other string related function that can be recognized by the _s suffix such as printf_s().

Function Description & Prototype

printf() Prints output on the standard output stream stdout. Include stdio.h.

int printf(const char *restrict format, ...);

fprintf() Prints output on the named output stream. Include stdio.h.

int fprintf(FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, ...);

sprintf() Prints output followed by the null byte, '\0', in consecutive bytes starting at *s; it is the user's responsibility to ensure that enough space is available. Include stdio.h.

int sprintf(char *restrict s, const char *restrict format, ...);


Prints into a string with length checking. Equivalent to sprintf(), with the addition of the n argument which states the size of the buffer referred to by s. If n is zero, nothing shall be written and s may be a null pointer. Otherwise, output bytes beyond the n-1st shall be discarded instead of being written to the array, and a null byte is written at the end of the bytes actually written into the array. Includestdio.h.

int snprintf(char *restrict s, size_t n, const char *restrict format, ...);

vfprintf() Print to a FILE stream from a va_arg structure. Equivalent to printf(), except that instead of being called with a variable number of arguments, they are called with an argument list as defined

bystdarg.h. Include stdarg.h and stdio.h.

int vfprintf(FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, va_list ap);

vprintf() Prints to ‘stdout’ from a va_arg structure. Equivalent to fprintf() respectively, except that instead of being called with a variable number of arguments, they are called with an argument list as defined bystdarg.h. Include stdarg.h and stdio.h.

int vprintf(const char *restrict format, va_list ap);

vsprintf() Prints to a string from a va_arg structure. Equivalent to sprintf() respectively, except that instead of being called with a variable number of arguments, they are called with an argument list as defined bystdarg.h. Include stdarg.h and stdio.h.

int vsprintf(char *restrict s, const char *restrict format, va_list ap);

vsnprintf() Prints to a string with length checking from a va_arg structure. Equivalent to snprintf(), except that instead of being called with a variable number of arguments, they are called with an argument list as defined by stdarg.h. Include stdarg.h and stdio.h.

int vsnprintf(char *restrict s, size_t n, const char *restrict format, va_list ap);

Formatting Input With scanf() Used for precise input formatting. Every scanf() function contains a format control string

that describes the format of the data to be input. The format control string consists of conversion

specifications and literal characters. Function scanf() has the following input formatting

capabilities 1. Inputting all types of data. 2. Inputting specific characters from an input stream. 3. Skipping specific characters in the input stream. It is written in the following form:

scanf (format-control-string, other-arguments); For example:

scanf("%e%f%g", &a, &b, &c);

The format-control-string describes the formats of the input, and the other-arguments are pointers to variables in which the input will be stored.

Table 5.7 summarizes the conversion specifiers used to input all types of data.

Conversion specifier Description


d Read an optionally signed decimal integer. The corresponding argument is a pointer to integer.

i Read an optionally signed decimal, octal, or hexadecimal integer. The corresponding argument is a pointer to integer.

o Read an octal integer. The corresponding argument is a pointer to unsigned integer.

u Read an unsigned decimal integer. The corresponding argument is a pointer to unsigned integer.

x or X Read a hexadecimal integer. The corresponding argument is a pointer to unsigned integer.

h or l Place before any of the integer conversion specifiers to indicate that a short or long integer is to be input.

Floating-point numbers

e, E, f, g or G Read a floating-point value. The corresponding argument is a pointer to a floating-point variable

l or L Place before any of the floating-point conversion specifiers to indicate that a double or long double value is to be input.

Characters and strings

c Read a character. The corresponding argument is a pointer to char, no null (‘\0’) is added.

s Read a string. The corresponding argument is a pointer to an array of type char that is large enough to hold the string and a terminating null

(‘\0’) character.

Scan set [scan characters]

Scan a string for a set of characters that are stored in an array.


p Read a pointer address of the same form produced when an address is output with %p in aprintf() statement.

n Store the number of characters input so far in this scanf(). The corresponding argument is a pointer to integer.

% Skip a percent sign (%) in the input.

Table 5.7: Conversion specifiers for scanf()

Let explore through program examples:

// reading integers

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int a, b, c, d, e, f, g;

printf("Reading integers from standard input\n");


printf("Enter seven integers separated by space: ");

scanf("%d%i%i%i%o%u%x", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f, &g);

printf("The input displayed as decimal integers is: \n");

printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", a, b, c, d, e, f, g);

return 0;



More program example:

// reading floating-point numbers

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


float a, b, c;

printf(" Reading floating-point numbers\n");

printf("Compare the output with the source code.\n");


printf("Enter three floating-point numbers, separated by space: \n");

scanf("%e%f%g", &a, &b, &c);

printf("Here are the numbers entered in plain\n");

printf("floating-point notation:\n");

printf("%f %f %f\n", a, b, c);

return 0;



Another program example:

// reading characters and strings

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


char x, y[20];

printf("Enter a string: ");

scanf("%c%s", &x, y);

printf("The input was: \n");

printf("the character \"%c\" ", x);

printf("and the string \"%s\"\n", y);

return 0;



Program example again:

// input data with a field width

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int x, y;

printf("Enter a six digit integer: ");

scanf("%2d%d", &x, &y);

printf("The integers input were %d and %d\n", x, y);

return 0;



Well, more program example:

// reading and discarding characters from the input stream

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int month1, day1, year1, month2, day2, year2;

printf("Enter a date in the form mm-dd-yy: ");

// pad 0 for two fields and discarding the - characters....

scanf("%d%*c%d%*c%d", &month1, &day1, &year1);

printf("month = %02d day = %02d year = %02d\n\n", month1, day1,


printf("Enter a date in the form mm/dd/yy: ");

// pad 0 for two fields and discarding the / characters...

scanf("%d%*c%d%*c%d", &month2, &day2, &year2);

printf("month = %02d day = %02d year = %02d\n", month2, day2,


return 0;



Other scanf() family that you might find is listed in the following Table. It is important to note that some of these are not part of the standard library but are widely available. You have to check your compiler.

Function Description & Prototype

scanf() Read from the standard input stream stdin. Include the stdio.h.

int scanf(const char *restrict format, ... );

fscanf() Read from the named input stream. Include the stdio.h.

int fscanf(FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, ... );

sscanf() Read from the string s. Include the stdio.h.

int sscanf(const char *restrict s, const char *restrict format, ... );

vscanf() Equivalent to the scanf() function except that instead of being called with a variable number of arguments, they are called with an argument list as defined in the stdarg.h. Include the stdarg.h and stdio.h.

int vscanf(const char *restrict format, va_list arg);

vsscanf() Equivalent to the sscanf() functions except that instead of being called with a variable number of arguments, they are called with an argument list as defined in the stdarg.h. Include the stdarg.h and stdio.h.

int vsscanf(const char *restrict s, const char *restrict format, va_list arg);

vfscanf() Equivalent to the fscanf() function except that instead of being called with a variable number of arguments, they are called with an argument list as defined in the stdarg.h. Include the stdarg.h and stdio.h.

int vfscanf(FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, va_list arg);

scanf() family

Be careful when using the printf() and scanf() families because improper use can generate buffer overflow

problems. The buffer overflows phenomenon widely exploited by malicious, worm and virus codes. See

everyday security updates and the Proof Of Concept (POC) at frsirt regarding the buffer overflow.

C Programming if, if..else and Nested if...else Statement

Decision making are needed when, the program encounters the situation to choose a particular statement among

many statements. In C, decision making can be performed with following two statements.

1. if...else statement

2. switch statement

if statement syntax if (test expression){

statement/s to be executed if test expression is true;


If the test expression is true then, statements for the body if, i.e, statements inside parenthesis are executed.

But, if the test expression is false, the execution of the statements for the body of if statements are skipped.

Flowchart of if statement

Example of if statement

Write a C program to print the number entered by user only if the number entered is negative.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int num;

printf("Enter a number to check.\n");


if(num<0) /* checking whether number is less than 0 or not. */


/*If test condition is true, statement above will be executed, otherwise it

will not be executed */

printf("The if statement in C programming is easy.");

return 0;


Output 1

Enter a number to check.



The if statement in C programming is easy.

When user enters -2 then, the test expression (num<0) becomes true. Hence, Number=-2 is displayed in the


Output 2

Enter a number to check.


The if statement in C programming is easy.

When the user enters 5 then, the test expression (num<0) becomes false. So, the statement for body of if is

skipped and only the statement below it is executed.

if...else statement The if...else statement is used, if the programmer wants to execute some code, if the test expression is true and

execute some other code if the test expression is false.

Syntax of if...else if (test expression)

statements to be executed if test expression is true;


statements to be executed if test expression is false;

Flowchart of if...else statement

Example of if...else statement

Write a C program to check whether a number entered by user is even or odd

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int num;

printf("Enter a number you want to check.\n");


if((num%2)==0) //checking whether remainder is 0 or not.

printf("%d is even.",num);


printf("%d is odd.",num);

return 0;


Output 1

Enter a number you want to check.


25 is odd.

Output 2

Enter a number you want to check.


2 is even.

Nested if...else statement (if...else if....else Statement) The if...else statement can be used in nested form when a serious decision are involved.

Syntax of nested if...else statement. if (test expression)

statements to be executed if test expression is true;


if(test expression 1)

statements to be executed if test expressions 1 is true;


if (test expression 2)





statements to be executed if all test expressions are false;

How nested if...else works?

If the test expression is true, it will execute the code before else part but, if it is false, the control of the program

jumps to the else part and check test expression 1 and the process continues. If all the test expression are false

then, the last statement is executed.

The ANSI standard specifies that 15 levels of nesting may be continued.

Example of nested if else statement

Write a C program to relate two integers entered by user using = or > or < sign.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int numb1, numb2;

printf("Enter two integers to check".\n);

scanf("%d %d",&numb1,&numb2);

if(numb1==numb2) //checking whether two integers are equal.

printf("Result: %d=%d",numb1,numb2);


if(numb1>numb2) //checking whether numb1 is greater than numb2.

printf("Result: %d>%d",numb1,numb2);


printf("Result: %d>%d",numb2,numb1);

return 0;


Output 1

Enter two integers to check.



Result: 5>3

Output 2

Enter two integers to check.



Result: -4=-4

C Programming Statement Decision making are needed when, the program encounters the situation to choose a particular statement among

many statements. If a programmar has to choose one among many alternatives if...else can be used but, this

makes programming logic complex. This type of problem can be handled in C programming using


Syntax of switch (expression)


case constant1:

codes to be executed if expression equals to constant1;


case constant2:

codes to be executed if expression equals to constant3;






codes to be executed if expression doesn't match to any cases;


In, expression is either an integer or a character. If the value of switch expression matches any of

the constant in case, the relevant codes are executed and control moves out of the statement. If

the expression doesn't matches any of the constant in case, then the default statement is executed.

Example of statement

Write a program that asks user an arithmetic operator('+','-','*' or '/') and two operands and

perform the corresponding calculation on the operands.

/* C program to demonstrate the working of statement */

/* Program to create a simple calculator for addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division */

# include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char operator;

float num1,num2;

printf("Enter operator +, - , * or / :\n");


printf("\nEnter two operands:\n");




case '+':



case '-':



case '*':



case '/':




/* if operator is other than +, -, * or /, error message is shown */

printf(Error! operator is not correct");



return 0;



Enter operator +, -, * or / :


Enter two operators:




Notice break statement at the end of each case, which cause statement to exit. If break statement

are not used, all statements below that case statement are also executed.

C Program to Check Vowel or Consonant

Alphabets a, e, i, o and u are known as vowels and all alphabets except these characters are known as


This program asks user to enter a character and checks whether that character is a vowel or not. This task can

be perfromed in C programming using if...else statement.

Source Code to Check Whether a Character is Vowel or consonant #include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char c;

printf("Enter an alphabet: ");




printf("%c is a vowel.",c);


printf("%c is a consonant.",c);

return 0;


Output 1

Enter an alphabet: i

i is a vowel.

Output 2

Enter an alphabet: G

G is a consonant.

In this program, user is asked to enter a character which is stored in variable c. Then, this character is checked,

whether it is any one of these ten characters a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u and U using logical OR operator ||. If that

character is any one of these ten characters, that alphabet is a vowel if not that alphabet is a consonant.

This program also can be solved using conditional operator which is shorthand notation for if else statement.

/* C program to check whether a character is vowel or consonant using

conditional operator */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char c;

printf("Enter an alphabet: ");



='U') ? printf("%c is a vowel.",c) : printf("%c is a consonant.",c);

return 0;


The output of this program is same as above program.

C Program to Find the Largest Number Among Three Numbers

In this program, user is asked to enter three numbers and this program will find the largest number among three

numbers entered by user. This program can be solved in more than one way.

Source Code 1

/* C program to find largest number using if statement only */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float a, b, c;

printf("Enter three numbers: ");

scanf("%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);

if(a>=b && a>=c)

printf("Largest number = %.2f", a);

if(b>=a && b>=c)

printf("Largest number = %.2f", b);

if(c>=a && c>=b)

printf("Largest number = %.2f", c);

return 0;


Source Code 2

/* C program to find largest number using if...else statement */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float a, b, c;

printf("Enter three numbers: ");

scanf("%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);

if (a>=b)



printf("Largest number = %.2f",a);


printf("Largest number = %.2f",c);





printf("Largest number = %.2f",b);


printf("Largest number = %.2f",c);


return 0;


Source Code 3

/* C Program to find largest number using nested if...else statement */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float a, b, c;

printf("Enter three numbers: ");

scanf("%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);

if(a>=b && a>=c)

printf("Largest number = %.2f", a);

else if(b>=a && b>=c)

printf("Largest number = %.2f", b);


printf("Largest number = %.2f", c);

return 0;


Though the technique to solve this problem is different in these three examples, output of all these program is


Enter three numbers: 12.2



Largest number = 13.45

C program to Find all Roots of a Quadratic equation Visit this page to learn about roots of quadratic equation if you don't know how to compute it.

Suppose you want of find roots of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 where a, b and c are coefficients. This

program will ask the coefficients: a, b and c from user and displays the roots.

Source Code to Find Roots of Quadratic Equation /* Program to find roots of a quadratic equation when coefficients are

entered by user. */

/* Library function sqrt() computes the square root. */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h> /* This is needed to use sqrt() function.*/

int main()


float a, b, c, determinant, r1,r2, real, imag;

printf("Enter coefficients a, b and c: ");



if (determinant>0)


r1= (-b+sqrt(determinant))/(2*a);

r2= (-b-sqrt(determinant))/(2*a);

printf("Roots are: %.2f and %.2f",r1 , r2);


else if (determinant==0)


r1 = r2 = -b/(2*a);

printf("Roots are: %.2f and %.2f", r1, r2);




real= -b/(2*a);

imag = sqrt(-determinant)/(2*a);

printf("Roots are: %.2f+%.2fi and %.2f-%.2fi", real, imag, real, imag);


return 0;


Output 1

Enter coefficients a, b and c: 2.3



Roots are: -0.87+1.30i and -0.87-1.30i

Output 2

Enter coefficients a, b and c: 4



Roots are: 0.00 and -0.25

To solve this program, library function sqrt() is used. This function calculates the square root of a number. Learn

more about, sqrt( ) function.

C Program to Check Leap Year Leap year

All years which are perfectly divisible by 4 are leap years except for century years( years ending with 00 ) which

is a leap year only it is perfectly divisible by 400. For example: 2012, 2004, 1968 etc are leap year but, 1971,

2006 etc are not leap year. Similarly, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400 are leap years but, 1700, 1800, 1900 etc are not.

This program asks user to enter a year and this program checks whether that year is leap year or not.

Source Code to Check Leap Year /* C program to check whether a year is leap year or not using if else


#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int year;

printf("Enter a year: ");


if(year%4 == 0)


if( year%100 == 0) /* Checking for a century year */


if ( year%400 == 0)

printf("%d is a leap year.", year);


printf("%d is not a leap year.", year);



printf("%d is a leap year.", year );



printf("%d is not a leap year.", year);

return 0;


Output 1

Enter year: 2000

2000 is a leap year.

Output 2

Enter year: 1900

1900 is not a leap year.

Output 3

Enter year: 2012

2012 is a leap year.

C Programming for Loop C Programming Loops

Loops causes program to execute the certain block of code repeatedly until some conditions are satisfied,

i.e.,loops are used in performing repetitive work in programming.

Suppose you want to execute some code/s 100 times. You can perform it by writing that code/s only one time

and repeat the execution 100 times using loop.

There are 3 types of loops in C programming:

1. for loop

2. while loop

3. do...while loop

for Loop Syntax for(initial expression; test expression; update expression)


code/s to be executed;


How for loop works in C programming?

The initial expression is initialized only once at the beginning of the for loop. Then, the test expression is checked

by the program. If the test expression is false, for loop is terminated. But, if test expression is true then, the

codes are executed and update expression is updated. Again, the test expression is checked. If it is false, loop is

terminated and if it is true, the same process repeats until test expression is false.

This flowchart describes the working of for loop in C programming.

for loop example

Write a program to find the sum of first n natural numbers where n is entered by user. Note: 1,2,3...

are called natural numbers.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int n, count, sum=0;

printf("Enter the value of n.\n");


for(count=1;count<=n;++count) //for loop terminates if count>n


sum+=count; /* this statement is equivalent to sum=sum+count */



return 0;



Enter the value of n.



In this program, the user is asked to enter the value of n. Suppose you entered 19 then, count is inatialized to 1

at first. Then, the test expression in the for loop,i.e., (count<= n) becomes true. So, the code in the body of for

loop is executed which makes sum to 1. Then, the expression ++count is executed and again the test expression

is checked, which becomes true. Again, the body of for loop is executed which makes sum to 3 and this process

continues. When count is 20, the test condition becomes false and the for loop is terminated.

Note: Initial, test and update expression are separated by semicolon(;).

C for Loop Examples

C program to Generate Multiplication Table This program asks user to enter an integer and this program will generate the multiplication table upto 10.

Source Code to Generate Multiplication Table

/* C program to find multiplication table up to 10. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, i;

printf("Enter an integer to find multiplication table: ");




printf("%d * %d = %d\n", n, i, n*i);


return 0;



Enter an integer to find multiplication table: 9

9 * 1 = 9

9 * 2 = 18

9 * 3 = 27

9 * 4 = 36

9 * 5 = 45

9 * 6 = 54

9 * 7 = 63

9 * 8 = 72

9 * 9 = 81

9 * 10 = 90

This program generates multiplication table of an integer up 10. But, this program can be made more user

friendly by giving option to user to enter number up to which, he/she want to generate multiplication table. The

source code below will perform this task.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, range, i;

printf("Enter an integer to find multiplication table: ");


printf("Enter range of multiplication table: ");




printf("%d * %d = %d\n", n, i, n*i);


return 0;



Enter an integer to find multiplication table: 6

Enter range of multiplication table: 4

6 * 1 = 6

6 * 2 = 12

6 * 3 = 18

6 * 4 = 24

C program to Display Factors of a Number This program takes a positive integer from an user and displays all the factors of that number.

Source Code to Display Factors of a Number /* C to find and display all the factors of a number entered by an user..


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n,i;

printf("Enter a positive integer: ");


printf("Factors of %d are: ", n);




printf("%d ",i);


return 0;



Enter a positive integer: 60

Factors of 60 are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 15 20 30 60


In this program, an integer entered by user is stored in variable n. Then, for loop is executed with initial

condition i=1 and checked whether n is perfectly divisible by i or not. If n is perfectly divisible by i then, i will be

the factor of n. In each iteration, the value of i is updated(increased by 1). This process goes not until test

condition i<=n becomes false,i.e., this program checks whether number entered by user n is perfectly divisible by

all numbers from 1 to n and all displays factors of that number.

C Program to Find HCF of two Numbers The largest integer which is perfectly divisible to two or more numbers is known as H.C.F or G.C.D of those two


There are many ways to find the H.C.F of two numbers is C programming. All codes below will take two integers

from user and displays the H.C.F of those two integers.

1. Source Code to Find HCF or GCD /* C Program to Find Highest Common Factor. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int num1, num2, i, hcf;

printf("Enter two integers: ");

scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2);

for(i=1; i<=num1 || i<=num2; ++i)


if(num1%i==0 && num2%i==0) /* Checking whether i is a factor of

both number */



printf("H.C.F of %d and %d is %d", num1, num2, hcf);

return 0;


In this program, two integers are taken from user and stored in variable num1 and num2. Then i is initialized to 1

and for loop is executed until i becomes equal to smallest of two numbers. In each looping iteration, it is checked

whether i is factor of both numbers or not. If i is factor of both numbers, it is stored to hcf. When for loop is

completed, the H.C.F of those two numbers will be stored in variable hcf.

2. Source Code to Find HCF or GCD #include <stdio.h>

int main()


int num1, num2, min,i;

printf("Enter two integers: ");

scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2);

min=(num1>num2)?num2:num1; /* minimum value is stored in variable min */



if(num1%i==0 && num2%i==0)


printf("HCF of %d and %d is %d", num1, num2,i);




return 0;


This program is little optimized than the program above to find H.C.F. In this program, smallest of two integers

entered by user is stored in variable min. Then i is initialized to min and for loop is executed. In each looping

iteration, whether i is factor of these two numbers is checked. If i is a factor of these two numbers then, i will be

the highest common divisor and loop is terminated using break statement.

3. Source Code to Find HCF or GCD


int main()


int num1,num2;

printf("Enter two integers: ");

scanf("%d %d",&num1,&num2);

printf("HCF of %d and %d is ",num1 , num2);









return 0;


This is the best way to find HCF of two numbers. In this method, smaller number is subtracted from larger

number and that number is stored in place of larger number. This process is continued until, two numbers

become equal which will be HCF.

All source codes above displays the same output.


Enter two integers: 14


HCF or 14 and 35 is 7

C Program to Find Factorial of a Number Factorial of a Number

For any positive number n, its factorial is given by:

factorial = 1*2*3*4....n

If a number is negative, factorial does not exist and factorial of 0 is 1.

This program takes an integer from a user. If user enters negative integer, this program will display error

message and if user enters non-negative integer, this program will display the factorial of that number.

Source Code to Find Factorial of a Number /* C program to display factorial of an integer if user enters non-negative

integer. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, count;

unsigned long long int factorial=1;

printf("Enter an integer: ");


if ( n< 0)

printf("Error!!! Factorial of negative number doesn't exist.");



for(count=1;count<=n;++count) /* for loop terminates if count>n



factorial*=count; /* factorial=factorial*count */


printf("Factorial = %lu",factorial);


return 0;


Output 1

Enter an integer: -5

Error!!! Factorial of negative number doesn't exist.

Output 2

Enter an integer: 10

Factorial = 3628800

Here the type of factorial variable is declared as: unsigned long long. It is because, the factorial is always positive,

so unsigned keyword is used and the factorial of a number can be pretty large. For example: the factorial of 10 is

3628800 thus, long long keyword is used. To solve this program, we have used for loop but, this program also

can be solved in similar way using while loop.

C programming while and do...while Loop Syntax of while loop while (test expression)


statements to be executed.


In the beginning of while loop, test expression is checked. If it is true, codes inside the body of while loop,i.e,

code/s inside parentheses are executed and again the test expression is checked and process continues until the

test expression becomes false.

Example of while loop

Write a C program to find the factorial of a number, where the number is entered by user. (Hints:

factorial of n = 1*2*3*...*n

/*C program to demonstrate the working of while loop*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int number,factorial;

printf("Enter a number.\n");



while (number>0){ /* while loop continues util test condition

number>0 is true */





return 0;



Enter a number.



do...while loop In C, do...while loop is very similar to while loop. Only difference between these two loops is that, in while loops,

test expression is checked at first but, in do...while loop code is executed at first then the condition is checked.

So, the code are executed at least once in do...while loops.

Syntax of do...while loops do {

some code/s;


while (test expression);

At first codes inside body of do is executed. Then, the test expression is checked. If it is true, code/s inside body

of do are executed again and the process continues until test expression becomes false(zero).

Notice, there is semicolon in the end of while (); in do...while loop.

Example of do...while loop

Write a C program to add all the numbers entered by a user until user enters 0.

/*C program to demonstrate the working of do...while statement*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int sum=0,num;

do /* Codes inside the body of do...while loops are at least

executed once. */


printf("Enter a number\n");






return 0;



Enter a number


Enter a number


Enter a number



In this C program, user is asked a number and it is added with sum. Then, only the test condition in the

do...while loop is checked. If the test condition is true,i.e, num is not equal to 0, the body of do...while loop is

again executed until num equals to zero.

C while Loops Examples

C Program to Reverse a Number

This program takes an integer number from user and reverses that number.

C Program to Reverse an Integer

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, reverse=0, rem;

printf("Enter an integer: ");

scanf("%d", &n);







printf("Reversed Number = %d",reverse);

return 0;



Enter an integer: 2345

Reversed Number = 5432

C program to Calculate the Power of a Number This program below takes two integers from user, a base number and an exponent. For example: In case of 23,

2 is the base number and 3 is the exponent of that number. And this program calculates the value of baseexponent.

Source Code to Calculate Power

/* C program to calculate the power of an integer*/

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int base, exp;

long long int value=1;

printf("Enter base number and exponent respectively: ");

scanf("%d%d", &base, &exp);

while (exp!=0)


value*=base; /* value = value*base; */



printf("Answer = %d", value);



Enter base number and exponent respectively: 3


Answer = 81


This program takes base number and exponent from user and stores in variable base and exp respectively. Let us

suppose, user entered 3 and 4 respectively. Then, while loop is executed with test condition exp!=0. This test

condition will be true and value becomes 3 after first iteration and value of exp will be decreased to 3. This

process goes on and after fourth iteration, value will be equal to 81(3*3*3*3) and exp will be equal to 0

and while loop will be terminated. Here, we have declared variable value of type long long intbecause power of a

number can be very large.

This program can only calculate the power if base power and exponent are integers. If you need to the calculate

power of a floating point number then, you can use pow() function.

C program to Check Armstrong Number A positive integer is called an Armstrong number if the sum of cubes of individual digit is equal to that number

itself. For example:

153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 // 153 is an Armstrong number.

12 is not equal to 1*1*1+2*2*2 // 12 is not an Armstrong number.

Source Code to Check Armstrong Number /* C program to check whether a number entered by user is Armstrong or not.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, n1, rem, num=0;

printf("Enter a positive integer: ");

scanf("%d", &n);









printf("%d is an Armstrong number.",n);


printf("%d is not an Armstrong number.",n);



Enter a positive integer: 371

371 is an Armstrong number.

C Programming break and continue Statement There are two statement built in C, break; and continue; to interrupt the normal flow of control of a program.

Loops performs a set of operation repeately until certain condition becomes false but, it is sometimes desirable

to skip some statements inside loop and terminate the loop immediately without checking the test expression. In

such cases, break and continue statements are used.

break Statement

In C programming, break is used in terminating the loop immediately after it is encountered. The break

statement is used with conditional if statement.

Syntax of break statement break;

The break statement can be used in terminating all three loops for, while and do...while loops.

The figure below explains the working of break statement in all three type of loops.

Example of break statement

Write a C program to find average of maximum of n positive numbers entered by user. But, if the

input is negative, display the average(excluding the average of negative input) and end the


/* C program to demonstrate the working of break statement by terminating a

loop, if user inputs negative number*/

# include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float num,average,sum;

int i,n;

printf("Maximum no. of inputs\n");



printf("Enter n%d: ",i);



break; //for loop breaks if num<0.0





return 0;



Maximum no. of inputs


Enter n1: 1.5

Enter n2: 12.5

Enter n3: 7.2

Enter n4: -1


In this program, when the user inputs number less than zero, the loop is terminated using break statement with

executing the statement below it i.e., without executing sum=sum+num.

In C, break statements are also used in statement. You will study it in C statement


continue Statement It is sometimes desirable to skip some statements inside the loop. In such cases, continue statements are used.

Syntax of continue Statement continue;

Just like break, continue is also used with conditional if statement.

For better understanding of how continue statements works in C programming. Analyze the figure below which

bypasses some code/s inside loops using continue statement.

Example of continue statement

Write a C program to find the product of 4 integers entered by a user. If user enters 0 skip it.

//program to demonstrate the working of continue statement in C programming

# include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int i,num,product;


printf("Enter num%d:",i);



continue; / *In this program, when num equals to zero, it

skips the statement product*=num and continue the loop. */




return 0;



Enter num1:3

Enter num2:0

Enter num3:-5

Enter num4:2


C Programming goto Statement In C programming, goto statement is used for altering the normal sequence of program execution by transferring

control to some other part of the program.

Syntax of goto statement goto label;






In this syntax, label is an identifier. When, the control of program reaches to goto statement, the control of the

program will jump to the label: and executes the code/s after it.

Example of goto statement

/* C program to demonstrate the working of goto statement.*/

# include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float num,average,sum;

int i,n;

printf("Maximum no. of inputs: ");



printf("Enter n%d: ",i);



goto jump; /* control of the program jumps to label jump






printf("Average: %.2f",average);

return 0;



Maximum no. of inputs: 4

Enter n1: 1.5

Enter n2: 12.5

Enter n3: 7.2

Enter n4: -1

Average: 7.07

Though goto statement is included in ANSI standard of C, use of goto statement should be reduced as much as

possible in a program.

Reasons to avoid goto statement

Though, using goto statement give power to jump to any part of program, using goto statement makes the logic

of the program complex and tangled. In modern programming, goto statement is considered a harmful construct

and a bad programming practice.

The goto statement can be replaced in most of C program with the use of break and continue statements. In

fact, any program in C programming can be perfectly written without the use of goto statement. All programmer

should try to avoid goto statement as possible as they can.

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd

Numbers perfectly divisible by 2 are known even numbers and numbers which are not divisible by 2 are called

odd numbers.

This program takes an integer from user and checks whether that number is even or odd and displays the result.

Source Code to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd /*C program to check whether a number entered by user is even or odd. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int num;

printf("Enter an integer you want to check: ");


if((num%2)==0) /* Checking whether remainder is 0 or not. */

printf("%d is even.",num);


printf("%d is odd.",num);

return 0;


Output 1

Enter an integer you want to check: 25

25 is odd.

Output 2

Enter an integer you want to check: 12

12 is even.

In this program, user is asked to enter an integer which is stored in variable num. Then, the remainder is found

when that number is divided by 2 and checked whether remainder is 0 or not. If remainder is 0 then, that

number is even otherwise that number is odd. This task is performed using if...else statement in C

programming and the result is displayed accordingly.

This program also can be solved using conditional operator[ ?: ] which is the shorthand notation for if...else


/* C program to check whether an integer is odd or even using conditional

operator */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int num;

printf("Enter an integer you want to check: ");


((num%2)==0) ? printf("%d is even.",num) : printf("%d is odd.",num);

return 0;


The output of this program same as above program.

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative or Zero.

This program takes a number from user and checks whether that number is either positive or negative or zero.

Source Code #include <stdio.h>

int main()


float num;

printf("Enter a number: ");


if (num<=0)


if (num==0)

printf("You entered zero.");


printf("%.2f is negative.",num);



printf("%.2f is positive.",num);

return 0;


This program also can be solved using nested if else statement.

/* C programming code to check whether a number is negative or positive or

zero using nested if...else statement. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


float num;

printf("Enter a number: ");


if (num<0) /* Checking whether num is less than 0*/

printf("%.2f is negative.",num);

else if (num>0) /* Checking whether num is greater than zero*/

printf("%.2f is positive.",num);


printf("You entered zero.");

return 0;


Output 1

Enter a number: 12.3

12.30 is positive.

Output 2

Enter a number: -12.3

-12.30 is negative.

Output 3

Enter a number: 0

You entered zero.

C Program to Calculate Sum of Natural Numbers Positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4... are known as natural numbers. This program takes a positive integer from user(

suppose user entered n ) then, this program displays the value of 1+2+3+....n.

Source Code to Calculate Sum of Natural Numbers /* This program is solved using while loop. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, count, sum=0;

printf("Enter an integer: ");



while(count<=n) /* while loop terminates if count>n */


sum+=count; /* sum=sum+count */



printf("Sum = %d",sum);

return 0;


Source Code to Calculate Sum Using for Loop

/* This program is solve using for loop. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, count, sum=0;

printf("Enter an integer: ");


for(count=1;count<=n;++count) /* for loop terminates if count>n */


sum+=count; /* sum=sum+count */


printf("Sum = %d",sum);

return 0;



Enter an integer: 100

Sum = 5050

Both program above does exactly the same thing. Initially, the value of count is set to 1. Both program have test

condition to perform looping iteration until condition count<=n becomes false and in each iteration ++count is

executed. The only difference between for loop and while loop is the way of writing code.

This program works perfectly for positive number but, if user enters negative number or 0, Sum = 0 is displayed

but, it is better is display the error message in this case. The above program can be made user-friendly by

adding if else statement as:

/* This program displays error message when user enters negative number or

0 and displays the sum of natural numbers if user enters positive number.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, count, sum=0;

printf("Enter an integer: ");


if ( n<= 0)




for(count=1;count<=n;++count) /* for loop terminates if count>n */


sum+=count; /* sum=sum+count */


printf("Sum = %d",sum);


return 0;


This program also can be solved using recursive function.

C Program to Display Fibonacci Series

Source code to display Fibonacci series up to n terms

/* Displaying Fibonacci sequence up to nth term where n is entered by user.


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int count, n, t1=0, t2=1, display=0;

printf("Enter number of terms: ");


printf("Fibonacci Series: %d+%d+", t1, t2); /* Displaying first two terms


count=2; /* count=2 because first two terms are already displayed. */

while (count<n)








return 0;



Enter number of terms: 10

Fibonacci Series: 0+1+1+2+3+5+8+13+21+34+

Suppose, instead of number of terms, you want to display the Fibonacci series util the term is less than certain

number entered by user. Then, this can be done using source code below:

/* Displaying Fibonacci series up to certain number entered by user. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int t1=0, t2=1, display=0, num;

printf("Enter an integer: ");


printf("Fibonacci Series: %d+%d+", t1, t2); /* Displaying first two terms










return 0;



Enter an integer: 200

Fibonacci Series: 0+1+1+2+3+5+8+13+21+34+55+89+144+

C Program to Find LCM of two Numbers LCM of two integers a and b is the lowest positive integer this is perfectly divisible by both a and b.

Source Code to Compute LCM

/* C program to find LCM of two positive integers entered by user */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int num1, num2, max;

printf("Enter two positive integers: ");

scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2);

max=(num1>num2) ? num1 : num2; /* maximum value is stored in variable max


while(1) /* Always true. */


if(max%num1==0 && max%num2==0)


printf("LCM of %d and %d is %d", num1, num2,max);

break; /* while loop terminates. */




return 0;


In this program, user is asked to enter two positive integers which will be stored in

variable num1 and num2 respectively and largest of two integers is assigned to variable max. Then, while loop is

executed and in each iteration it is checked whether max is perfectly divisible by two numbers entered by user or

not. If max is not perfecly divisible, max is increased by 1 and this process goes not until max is perfectly divisible

by both numbers. The test condition of while loop in above program is always true so, the loop is terminated

using break statement.

The LCM of two numbers also can be found using following formula:


Visit this page to learn different methods for finding GCD of two numbers.


int main()


int n1,n2,temp1,temp2;

printf("Enter two positive integers: ");

scanf("%d %d",&n1,&n2);










printf("LCM of two numbers %d and %d is %d", n1, n2, (n1*n2)/temp1);

return 0;


The output of these two programs is same.


Enter two positive numbers: 15


LCM of two numbers 15 and 9 is 45

C Program to Count Number of Digits of an Integer

This program takes an integer from user and calculates the number of digits in that integer. For example: If user

enters 2319, the output of program will be 4 because it contains 4 digits.

C Program to Find Number of Digits in a Number #include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n,count=0;

printf("Enter an integer: ");

scanf("%d", &n);



n/=10; /* n=n/10 */



printf("Number of digits: %d",count);



Enter an integer: 34523

Number of digits: 5


This program takes an integer from user and stores that number in variable n. Suppose, user entered 34523.

Then, while loop is executed because n!=0 will be true in first iteration. The codes inside while loop will be

executed. After first iteration, value of n will be 3452 and count will be 1. Similarly, in second iteration n will be

equal to 345 and count will be equal to 2. This process goes on and after fourth iteration, n will be equal to 3

and count will be equal to 4. Then, in next iteration n will be equal to 0 and count will be equal to 5 and program

will be terminated as n!=0 becomes false.

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not

This program takes an integer from user and that integer is reversed. If the reversed integer is equal to the

integer entered by user then, that number is a palindrome if not that number is not a palindrome.

C Program to Check Palindrome Number

/* C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, reverse=0, rem,temp;

printf("Enter an integer: ");

scanf("%d", &n);








/* Checking if number entered by user and it's reverse number is equal. */


printf("%d is a palindrome.",n);


printf("%d is not a palindrome.",n);

return 0;



Enter an integer: 12321

12321 is a palindrome.

C Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not

A positive integer which is only divisible by 1 and iself is known as prime number. For example: 13 is a prime

number because it is only divisible by 1 and 13 but, 15 is not prime number because it is divisible by 1, 3, 5 and


C program to Check Prime Number

/* C program to check whether a number is prime or not. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n, i, flag=0;

printf("Enter a positive integer: ");










if (flag==0)

printf("%d is a prime number.",n);


printf("%d is not a prime number.",n);

return 0;



Enter a positive integer: 29

29 is a prime number.


This program takes a positive integer from user and stores it in variable n. Then, for loop is executed which

checks whether the number entered by user is perfectly divisible by i or not starting with initial value of i equals

to 2 and increasing the value of i in each iteration. If the number entered by user is perfectly divisible

by i then, flag is set to 1 and that number will not be a prime number but, if the number is not perfectly divisible

by i until test condition i<=n/2 is true means, it is only divisible by 1 and that number itself and that number is a

prime number.

C Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals

This program asks user to enter two integers and this program will display all prime numbers between these

intervals. If you don't know how to check whether a number is prime or not then, this program may seem little

bit complex. You can visit this page to learn about prime numbers and how to check whether a number is prime

or not in C programming.

Source Code to Display Prime Numbers Between two Intervals /* C program to display all prime numbers between Two interval entered by

user. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n1, n2, i, j, flag;

printf("Enter two numbers(intevals): ");

scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2);

printf("Prime numbers between %d and %d are: ", n1, n2);

for(i=n1+1; i<n2; ++i)



for(j=2; j<=i/2; ++j)









printf("%d ",i);


return 0;



Enter two numbers(intervals): 20


Prime numbers between 20 and 50 are: 23 29 31 37 41 43 47

In this program, it is assumed that, the user always enters smaller number first. This program will not perform

the task intended if user enters larger number first. You can add the code to swap two numbers entered by user

if user enters larger number first to make this program work properly.

C Program to Display Armstrong Number Between Two Intervals

This program asks user to enter two integers and this program will display all Armstrong numbers between these

intervals. If you don't know how to check whether a number is Armstrong or not in programming then, this

program may seem little bit complex. Visit this page to learn about Armstrong number and how to check it in C


C program to Display Armstrong Number Between Intervals

/* Source Code to display Armstrong number between two intervals entered by

user. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int n1, n2, i, temp, num, rem;

printf("Enter two numbers(intervals): ");

scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2);

printf("Armstrong numbers between %d an %d are: ", n1, n2);

for(i=n1+1; i<n2; ++i)












printf("%d ",i);



return 0;



Enter two numbers(intervals): 100


Armstrong numbers between 100 and 400 are: 153 370 371

In this program, it is assumed that, the user always enters smaller number first. This program will not perform

the task intended if user enters larger number first. You can add the code to swap two numbers entered by user

if user enters larger number first to make this program work properly.

C Program To display the triangle using *, numbers and character

Write a C Program to print half pyramid as using * as shown in figure below.


* *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * *

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i,j,rows;

printf("Enter the number of rows: ");






printf("* ");




return 0;


Write a C Program to print half pyramid as using numbers as shown in figure below.


1 2

1 2 3

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i,j,rows;

printf("Enter the number of rows: ");






printf("%d ",j);




return 0;


Write a C Program to print triangle of characters as below







int main()


int i,j;

char input,temp='A';

printf("Enter uppercase character you want in triangle at last row: ");









return 0;


C Program To Display inverted half pyramid using * and numbers

Write a C Program to print inverted half pyramid using * as shown below.

* * * * *

* * * *

* * *

* *


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i,j,rows;

printf("Enter the number of rows: ");






printf("* ");




return 0;


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3

1 2


Write a C Program to print inverted half pyramid as using numbers as shown below.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i,j,rows;

printf("Enter the number of rows: ");






printf("%d ",j);




return 0;


C Program To display the pyramid of * and digits Write a C program to print pyramid using *.


* * *

* * * * *

* * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * *

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i,space,rows,k=0;

printf("Enter the number of rows: ");






printf(" ");




printf("* ");






return 0;


Write a C program to print the pyramid of digits in pattern as below.


2 3 2

3 4 5 4 3

4 5 6 7 6 5 4

5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 5

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int i,space,rows,k=0,count=0,count1=0;

printf("Enter the number of rows: ");






printf(" ");





if (count<=rows-1)


printf("%d ",(i+k));






printf("%d ", (i+k-2*count1));







return 0;


Write a C program to display reverse pyramid.

* * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * *

* * * * *

* * *



int main()


int rows,i,j,space;

printf("Enter number of rows: ");





printf(" ");


printf("* ");


printf("* ");



return 0;


C Program to Draw Pascal's triangle


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1

1 5 10 10 5 1


int main()


int rows,coef=1,space,i,j;

printf("Enter number of rows: ");





printf(" ");



if (j==0||i==0)










C Program to display Floyd's Triangle. 1

2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9 10


int main()


int rows,i,j,k=0;

printf("Enter number of rows: ");





printf("%d ",k+j);





C program to Make a Simple Calculator to Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide Using

This program takes an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) and two operands from an user and performs the

operation on those two operands depending upon the operator entered by user. This program can be solved

using statement as:

Source Code to Make Simple Calculator in C programming

/* Source code to create a simple calculator for addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division using statement in C programming.


# include <stdio.h>

int main()


char operator;

float num1,num2;

printf("Enter operator either + or - or * or divide : ");


printf("Enter two operands: ");




case '*':





case '+':



case '-':


case '/':

printf("num2/num1 = %.2f",num1/num2);



/* If operator is other than +, -, * or /, error message is shown */

printf("Error! operator is not correct");



return 0;



Enter operator either + or - or * or divide: /

Enter two operands: 13.456


num2/num1 = 2.95


This program takes an operator and two operands from user. The operator is stored in variable operator and two

operands are stored in num1 and num2 respectively. Then, statement is used for checking the

operator entered by user. If user enters + then, statements for case: '+' is executed and program is terminated.

If user enters - then, statements for case: '-' is executed and program is terminated. This program works similarly

for * and / operator. But, if the operator doesn't matches any of the four character [ +, -, * and / ], default

statement is executed which displays error message.

C Programming String

In C programming, array of character are called strings. A string is terminated by null character /0. For example:

"c string tutorial"

Here, "c string tutorial" is a string. When, compiler encounters strings, it appends null character at the end of


Declaration of strings

Strings are declared in C in similar manner as arrays. Only difference is that, strings are of char type.

char s[5];

Strings can also be declared using pointer.

char *p

Initialization of strings

In C, string can be initialized in different number of ways.

char c[]="abcd";


char c[5]="abcd";


char c[]={'a','b','c','d','\0'};


char c[5]={'a','b','c','d','\0'};

String can also be initialized using pointers

char *c="abcd";

Reading Strings from user.

Reading words from user. char c[20];


String variable c can only take a word. It is beacause when white space is encountered, the scanf() function


Write a C program to illustrate how to read string from terminal.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char name[20];

printf("Enter name: ");


printf("Your name is %s.",name);

return 0;



Enter name: Dennis Ritchie

Your name is Dennis.

Here, program will ignore Ritchie because, scanf() function takes only string before the white space.

Reading a line of text

C program to read line of text manually.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char name[30],ch;

int i=0;

printf("Enter name: ");

while(ch!='\n') // terminates if user hit enter






name[i]='\0'; // inserting null character at end

printf("Name: %s",name);

return 0;


This process to take string is tedious. There are predefined functions gets() and puts in C language to read and

display string respectively.

int main(){

char name[30];

printf("Enter name: ");

gets(name); //Function to read string from user.

printf("Name: ");

puts(name); //Function to display string.

return 0;


Both, the above program has same output below:


Enter name: Tom Hanks

Name: Tom Hanks

String Manipulations In C Programming Using Library Functions

Strings are often needed to be manipulated by programmer according to the need of a problem. All string

manipulation can be done manually by the programmer but, this makes programming complex and large. To

solve this, the C supports a large number of string handling functions.

There are numerous functions defined in "string.h" header file. Few commonly used string handling functions are

discussed below:

Function Work Of Function

strlen() Calculates the length of string

strcpy() Copies a string to another string

strcat() Concatenates(joins) two strings

strcmp() Compares two string

strlwr() Converts string to lowercase

strupr() Converts string to uppercase

Strings handling functions are defined under "string.h" header file, i.e, you have to include the code below to run

string handling functions.

#include <string.h>

gets() and puts()

Functions gets() and puts() are two string functions to take string input from user and display string respectively

as mentioned in previous chapter.


int main(){

char name[30];

printf("Enter name: ");

gets(name); //Function to read string from user.

printf("Name: ");

puts(name); //Function to display string.

return 0;


Though, gets() and puts() function handle string, both these functions are defined in "stdio.h" header file.

C Program to Find the Length of a String

You can use standard library function strlen( ) to find the length of a string but, this program computes the

length of a string manually without using strlen( ) funtion.

Source Code to Calculated Length without Using strlen() Function #include <stdio.h>

int main()


char s[1000],i;

printf("Enter a string: ");


for(i=0; s[i]!='\0'; ++i);

printf("Length of string: %d",i);

return 0;



Enter a string: Programiz

Length of string: 9

This program asks user to enter a string and computes the length of string manually using for loop.


In C, strlen() function calculates the length of string. It is defined under "string.h" header file.

It takes only one argument, i.e, string name.

Syntax of strlen() temp_variable = strlen(string_name);

Function strlen() returns the value of type integer.

Example of strlen()

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(){

char a[20]="Program";

char b[20]={'P','r','o','g','r','a','m','\0'};

char c[20];

printf("Enter string: ");


printf("Length of string a=%d \n",strlen(a));

//calculates the length of string before null charcter.

printf("Length of string b=%d \n",strlen(b));

printf("Length of string c=%d \n",strlen(c));

return 0;



Enter string: String

Length of string a=7

Length of string b=7

Length of string c=6

C Program to Copy a String

You can use the strcpy( ) function to copy the content of one string to another but, this program copies the

content of one string to another manually without using strcpy( ) function.

Source Code to Copy String Manually #include <stdio.h>

int main()


char s1[100], s2[100], i;

printf("Enter string s1: ");


for(i=0; s1[i]!='\0'; ++i)





printf("String s2: %s",s2);

return 0;



Enter String s1: prasad

String s2: prasad

This above program copies the content of string s1 to string s2 manually.


In C, strlen() function calculates the length of string. It is defined under "string.h" header file.

It takes only one argument, i.e, string name.

Syntax of strlen() temp_variable = strlen(string_name);

Function strlen() returns the value of type integer.

Example of strlen()

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(){

char a[20]="Program";

char b[20]={'P','r','o','g','r','a','m','\0'};

char c[20];

printf("Enter string: ");


printf("Length of string a=%d \n",strlen(a));

//calculates the length of string before null charcter.

printf("Length of string b=%d \n",strlen(b));

printf("Length of string c=%d \n",strlen(c));

return 0;



Enter string: String

Length of string a=7

Length of string b=7

Length of string c=6

C program to Concatenate Two Strings

You can concatenate two strings easily using standard library function strcat( ) but, this program concatenates

two strings manually without using strcat( ) function.

Source Code to Concatenate Two Strings Manually #include <stdio.h>

int main()


char s1[100], s2[100], i, j;

printf("Enter first string: ");


printf("Enter second string: ");


for(i=0; s1[i]!='\0'; ++i); /* i contains length of string s1. */

for(j=0; s2[j]!='\0'; ++j, ++i)





printf("After concatenation: %s",s1);

return 0;



Enter first string: lol

Enter second string: :)

After concatenation: lol:)


In C programming, strcat() concatenates(joins) two strings.

It takes two arguments, i.e, two strings and resultant string is stored in the first string specified in the argument.

Function strcat() is defined under "string.h" header file.

Syntax of strcat()


Example of strcat()

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(){

char str1[]="This is ", str2[]="C programming";

strcat(str1,str2); //concatenates str1 and str2 and resultant string

is stored in str1.



return 0;



This is C programming

C programming


In C, strcmp() compares two string and returns value 0, if the two strings are equal. It is defined under "string.h"

header file.

Function strcmp() takes two arguments, i.e, name of two string to compare.

Syntax of strcmp() temp_varaible=strcmp(string1,string2);

Example of strcmp()

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(){

char str1[30],str2[30];

printf("Enter first string: ");


printf("Enter second string: ");



printf("Both strings are equal");


printf("Strings are unequal");

return 0;



Enter first string: Apple

Enter second string: Apple

Both strings are equal.

If two strings are not equal, strcmp() returns positive value if ASCII value of first mismatching element of first

string is greater than that of second string and negative value if ASCII value of first mismatching element of first

string is less than that of second string. For example:

char st1r[]="and",str2[]="cat";


Since, ASCII value of 'a' is less than that of 'c', variable temp will be negative.


In C programming, strlwr() function converts all the uppercase characters in that string to lowercase characters.

The resultant from strlwr() is stored in the same string.

Syntax of strlwr() strlwr(string_name);

Example of strlwr()

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(){

char str1[]="LOWer Case";

puts(strlwr(str1)); //converts to lowercase and displays it.

return 0;



lower case

Function strlwr() leaves the lowercase characters as it is and converts uppercase characters to lowercase.


In C programming, strupr() function converts all the lowercase characters in that string to uppercase characters.

The resultant from strupr() is stored in the same string.

Syntax of strupr() strupr(string_name);

Example of strupr()

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(){

char str1[]="UppEr Case";

puts(strupr(str1)); //Converts to uppercase and displays it.

return 0;




Function strupr() leaves the uppercase characters as it is and converts lowercase characters to uppercase.

C Program to Remove all Characters in a String Except Alphabet

This program takes a strings from user and removes all characters in that string except alphabets.

Source Code to Remove Characters in String Except Alphabets


int main(){

char line[150];

int i,j;

printf("Enter a string: ");


for(i=0; line[i]!='\0'; ++i)


while (!((line[i]>='a'&&line[i]<='z') ||

(line[i]>='A'&&line[i]<='Z' || line[i]=='\0')))









printf("Output String: ");


return 0;



Enter a string: p2'r"o@g84ramming./

Output String: programming

This program takes a string from user and for loop executed until all characters of string is checked. If any

character inside a string is not a alphabet, all characters after it including null character is shifted by 1 position


C Program to Find the Frequency of Characters in a String

This program asks user to enter a string and a character and this program checks how many times that character

is repeated in the string entered by user.

Source Code to Find the Frequency of Characters

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

char c[1000],ch;

int i,count=0;

printf("Enter a string: ");


printf("Enter a characeter to find frequency: ");







printf("Frequency of %c = %d", ch, count);

return 0;



Enter a string: c programming.

Enter a frequency to find frequency: m

Frequency of m = 2

C Program to Find the Number of Vowels, Consonants, Digits and White space in a String

This program takes a string from user and finds the total number of vowels, consonants, digits and white space

present in that string.

Source Code to Find Number of Vowels, Consonants, Digits and White Space Character


int main(){

char line[150];

int i,v,c,ch,d,s,o;


printf("Enter a line of string:\n");




if(line[i]=='a' || line[i]=='e' || line[i]=='i' || line[i]=='o' ||

line[i]=='u' || line[i]=='A' || line[i]=='E' || line[i]=='I' ||

line[i]=='O' || line[i]=='U')


else if((line[i]>='a'&& line[i]<='z') || (line[i]>='A'&&



else if(line[i]>='0'&&c<='9')


else if (line[i]==' ')



printf("Vowels: %d",v);

printf("\nConsonants: %d",c);

printf("\nDigits: %d",d);

printf("\nWhite spaces: %d",s);

return 0;



Enter a line of string:

This program is easy 2 understand

Vowels: 9

Consonants: 18

Digits: 1

White spaces: 5

C Program to Sort Elements in Lexicographical Order (Dictionary Order)

This program takes 10 words from user and sorts elements in lexicographical order. To perform this task, two

dimensional string is used.

Source Code to Sort Words in Dictionary Order #include<stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main(){

int i,j;

char str[10][50],temp[50];

printf("Enter 10 words:\n");




for(j=i+1;j<10 ;++j){








printf("In lexicographical order: \n");




return 0;



C Programming Arrays In C programming, one of the frequently arising problem is to handle similar types of data. For example: If the

user want to store marks of 100 students. This can be done by creating 100 variable individually but, this process

is rather tedious and impracticable. These type of problem can be handled in C programming using arrays.

An array is a sequence of data item of homogeneous value(same type).

Arrays are of two types:

One-dimensional arrays

Multidimensional arrays

Declaration of one-dimensional array data_type array_name[array_size];

For example:

int age[5];

Here, the name of array is age. The size of array is 5,i.e., there are 5 items(elements) of array age. All element in

an array are of the same type (int, in this case).

Array elements

Size of array defines the number of elements in an array. Each element of array can be accessed and used by

user according to the need of program. For example:

int age[5];

Note that, the first element is numbered 0 and so on.

Here, the size of array age is 5 times the size of int because there are 5 elements.

Suppose, the starting addres of age[0] is 2120d and the size of int be 4 bytes. Then, the next address (address

of a[1]) will be 2124d, address of a[2] will be 2128d and so on.

Initialization of one-dimensional array:

Arrays can be initialized at declaration time in this source code as:

int age[5]={2,4,34,3,4};

It is not necessary to define the size of arrays during initialization.

int age[]={2,4,34,3,4};

In this case, the compiler determines the size of array by calculating the number of elements of an array.

Accessing array elements

In C programming, arrays can be accessed and treated like variables in C.

For example:


/* statement to insert value in the third element of array age[]. */


/* Statement to insert value in (i+1)th element of array age[]. */

/* Because, the first element of array is age[0], second is age[1], ith is

age[i-1] and (i+1)th is age[i]. */


/* statement to print first element of an array. */


/* statement to print (i+1)th element of an array. */

Example of array in C programming

/* C program to find the sum marks of n students using arrays */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int marks[10],i,n,sum=0;

printf("Enter number of students: ");



printf("Enter marks of student%d: ",i+1);




printf("Sum= %d",sum);

return 0;



Enter number of students: 3

Enter marks of student1: 12

Enter marks of student2: 31

Enter marks of student3: 2


Important thing to remember in C arrays

Suppose, you declared the array of 10 students. For example: arr[10]. You can use array members

from arr[0] to arr[9]. But, what if you want to use element arr[10], arr[13] etc. Compiler may not show error using

these elements but, may cause fatal error during program execution.

C Programming Multidimensional Arrays C programming language allows to create arrays of arrays known as multidimensional arrays. For example:

float a[2][6];

Here, a is an array of two dimension, which is an example of multidimensional array. This array has 2 rows and 6


For better understanding of multidimensional arrays, array elements of above example can be thinked of as


Initialization of Multidimensional Arrays In C, multidimensional arrays can be initialized in different number of ways.

int c[2][3]={{1,3,0}, {-1,5,9}};


int c[][3]={{1,3,0}, {-1,5,9}};


int c[2][3]={1,3,0,-1,5,9};

Initialization Of three-dimensional Array

double cprogram[3][2][4]={

{{-0.1, 0.22, 0.3, 4.3}, {2.3, 4.7, -0.9, 2}},

{{0.9, 3.6, 4.5, 4}, {1.2, 2.4, 0.22, -1}},

{{8.2, 3.12, 34.2, 0.1}, {2.1, 3.2, 4.3, -2.0}}


Suppose there is a multidimensional array arr[i][j][k][m]. Then this array can hold i*j*k*m numbers of data.

Similarly, the array of any dimension can be initialized in C programming.

Example of Multidimensional Array In C

Write a C program to find sum of two matrix of order 2*2 using multidimensional

arrays where, elements of matrix are entered by user.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

float a[2][2], b[2][2], c[2][2];

int i,j;

printf("Enter the elements of 1st matrix\n");

/* Reading two dimensional Array with the help of two for loop. If there

was an array of 'n' dimension, 'n' numbers of loops are needed for

inserting data to array.*/



printf("Enter a%d%d: ",i+1,j+1);



printf("Enter the elements of 2nd matrix\n");



printf("Enter b%d%d: ",i+1,j+1);





/* Writing the elements of multidimensional array using loop. */

c[i][j]=a[i][j]+b[i][j]; /* Sum of corresponding elements of two

arrays. */


printf("\nSum Of Matrix:");




if(j==1) /* To display matrix sum in order. */



return 0;



Enter the elements of 1st matrix

Enter a11: 2;

Enter a12: 0.5;

Enter a21: -1.1;

Enter a22: 2;

Enter the elements of 2nd matrix

Enter b11: 0.2;

Enter b12: 0;

Enter b21: 0.23;

Enter b22: 23;

Sum Of Matrix:

2.2 0.5

-0.9 25.0

This program takes n number of element from user(where, n is specified by user), stores data in an array and

calculates the average of those numbers.

Source Code to Calculate Average Using Arrays

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int n, i;

float num[100], sum=0.0, average;

printf("Enter the numbers of data: ");


while (n>100 || n<=0)


printf("Error! number should in range of (1 to 100).\n");

printf("Enter the number again: ");



for(i=0; i<n; ++i)


printf("%d. Enter number: ",i+1);





printf("Average = %.2f",average);

return 0;



This program calculates the average if the number of data are from 1 to 100. If user enters value of n above 100

or below 100 then, while loop is executed which asks user to enter value of n until it is between 1 and 100.

C Program to Find Largest Element of an Array This program takes n number of element from user(where, n is specified by user) and stores data in an array.

Then, this program displays the largest element of that array using loops.

Source Code to Display Largest Element of an array

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int i,n;

float arr[100];

printf("Enter total number of elements(1 to 100): ");



for(i=0;i<n;++i) /* Stores number entered by user. */


printf("Enter Number %d: ",i+1);



for(i=1;i<n;++i) /* Loop to store largest number to arr[0] */


if(arr[0]<arr[i]) /* Change < to > if you want to find smallest




printf("Largest element = %.2f",arr[0]);

return 0;




This program takes n number of elements from user and stores it in array arr[]. To find the largest element, the

first two elements of array are checked and largest of these two element is placed in arr[0]. Then, the first and

third elements are checked and largest of these two element is placed in arr[0]. This process continues until and

first and last elements are checked. After this process, the largest element of an array will be in arr[0] position.

C Program to Add Two Matrix Using Multi-dimensional Arryas

This program asks user to enter the size of the matrix (rows and column) then, it asks the user to enter the

elements of two matrices and finally it adds two matrix and displays the result.

Source Code to Add Two Matrix in C programming

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int r,c,a[100][100],b[100][100],sum[100][100],i,j;

printf("Enter number of rows (between 1 and 100): ");


printf("Enter number of columns (between 1 and 100): ");


printf("\nEnter elements of 1st matrix:\n");

/* Storing elements of first matrix entered by user. */




printf("Enter element a%d%d: ",i+1,j+1);



/* Storing elements of second matrix entered by user. */

printf("Enter elements of 2nd matrix:\n");




printf("Enter element a%d%d: ",i+1,j+1);



/*Adding Two matrices */




/* Displaying the resultant sum matrix. */

printf("\nSum of two matrix is: \n\n");




printf("%d ",sum[i][j]);




return 0;



C Program to Multiply to Matrix Using Multi-dimensional Arrays

This program asks user to enter two matrices and this program multiplies these two matrix and displays it. If you

don't know matrix multiplication, visit this page to learn, how two matrix can be multiplied.

Source code to multiply to matrix in C programming

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


int a[10][10], b[10][10], mult[10][10], r1, c1, r2, c2, i, j, k;

printf("Enter rows and column for first matrix: ");

scanf("%d%d", &r1, &c1);

printf("Enter rows and column for second matrix: ");

scanf("%d%d",&r2, &c2);

/* If colum of first matrix in not equal to row of second matrix, asking

user to enter the size of matrix again. */

while (c1!=r2)


printf("Error! column of first matrix not equal to row of


printf("Enter rows and column for first matrix: ");

scanf("%d%d", &r1, &c1);

printf("Enter rows and column for second matrix: ");

scanf("%d%d",&r2, &c2);


/* Storing elements of first matrix. */

printf("\nEnter elements of matrix 1:\n");

for(i=0; i<r1; ++i)

for(j=0; j<c1; ++j)


printf("Enter elements a%d%d: ",i+1,j+1);



/* Storing elements of second matrix. */

printf("\nEnter elements of matrix 2:\n");

for(i=0; i<r2; ++i)

for(j=0; j<c2; ++j)


printf("Enter elements b%d%d: ",i+1,j+1);



/* Initializing elements of matrix mult to 0.*/

for(i=0; i<r1; ++i)

for(j=0; j<c2; ++j)




/* Multiplying matrix a and b and storing in array mult. */

for(i=0; i<r1; ++i)

for(j=0; j<c2; ++j)

for(k=0; k<c1; ++k)




/* Displaying the multiplication of two matrix. */

printf("\nOutput Matrix:\n");

for(i=0; i<r1; ++i)

for(j=0; j<c2; ++j)


printf("%d ",mult[i][j]);




return 0;



This program is little bit larger and it is better to solve this program by passing it to a function. Visit this page to

learn about multiplying matrices by passing arrays to a function.

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