computer note cards. to tell or reveal v. to assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing verb

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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VOCABcomputer note cards

DIVULGE To tell or reveal V.

ABET To assist or encourage, especially in

wrongdoing VERB

DOGMATIC Arrogant and stubborn about one’s

(often unproven) beliefs ADJECTIVE

INSIPID Lacking flavor, dull ADJECTIVE

EXTRANEOUS Inessential, not very vital ADJECTIVE

COERCE To force often using threats or

intimidation VERB

JAUNDICED Prejudice, hostile ADJECTIVE

METICULOUS Extremely, sometimes excessively,

careful about small details, precise ADJECTIVE

TEMERITY Recklessness NOUN

GREGARIOUS Sociable, fond of the company of others ADJECTIVE

HERESY the crime of holding a belief that goes

against established doctrine NOUN

DOCILE Easy to teach or manage ADJECTIVE

LIBATION A drink, especially an alcoholic one NOUN

ANATHEMA A hated repellant person A formal curse NOUN

BANTER Fun chatter, playful conversation NOUN

CASTIGATE To criticize or punish severely VERB

GAUCHE Tactless, lacking social graces Adjective

IGNOMINY Public shame, disgrace, dishonor NOUN

MOTLEY Made up of dissimilar parts, being of

many colors ADJECTIVE

EMACIATED Extremely thin, wasted away ADJECTIVE

AVARICE Greed, desire for wealth NOUN

FURTIVE Stealthy, secretive ADJECTIVE

BACCHANALIAN Wild, drunken Adjective

EXTRADITE Turn over to legal jurisdiction of another

government or authority VERB

COPIOUS Large in amount, numerous ADJECTIVE


MERCENARY Hired soldier from another country NOUN

BASTION Strong fort or defense NOUN

JETTISON To throw overboard, to discard VERB

OSTRACIZE To banish, to shut out from a group or

society by common consent VERB

BIGOT One who is intolerant ot differences in

others NOUN

EXPUNGE To erase or elimintae VERB

CANDID Outspoken, blunt Adj.

ARGOT Special words or phrases used by a

specific group of people N.

NEGLIGENCE Careless neglect, often resulting in

injury N.

APPEASE To satisfy temporarily V.

STRIDENT Harsh sounding, grating Adj.

CHAOS Complete disorder noun

AUGMENT To enlarge, to increase in amount V.

JINGOISM Extreme patriotism, often factoring an

aggressive foreign policy noun

RANCOR Extreme hatred or ill will N.

INEXORABLE Unrelenting ,unavoidable adj

EXTOL To praise highly V.

CLEMENT Merciful adj

CLICHÉ Overused expression noun

ADAMANT Unyielding, firm in opinion Adj.

DIFFIDENT Lack in self-confidence, shy adj.

OPUS A creative work, especially a numbered

one Noun

OSTENSIBLE Professed but not necessarily true Adj.

DISPARITY Inequality, difference N.

CONDONE To forgive or overlook an offense V.

NUANCE Slight or subtle degree of difference N.

CONNOISSEUR An expert in matters of culture, food, or

wine N.

ENIGMA A mystery, something seemingly

inexplicable N.

APATHY Lack of interest, state of not caring N.

OFFICIOUS Excessively eager to deliver unasked-for

or unwanted help Adj.

CREDENCE Belief or trust N.

JAUNTY Having a buoyant self confident air adj

DILETTANTE One who merely dabbles in an art or

science N.

CULT An organized group w/ an obsessive

devotion to a person or set of principles N.

CYNICAL Doubtful or distrustful of the goodness

or sincerity or human motives adj

AMBIVALENT Having opposing attitudes towards a

person, thing or idea; unable to decide Adj.

DEMAGOGUE A leader who appels to citizens’

emotions to obtain power noun

DEMURE Quiet and modest, reserved Adj.

INTREPID Without fear, brave Adj.

DESTITUTE Extremely poor, lacking necessities like

food and shelter Adj.

ERUDITE Scholarly, learned Adj.

DILEMMA A choice between two unpleasant or

difficult options N.

CULMINATION The highest point of attainment, the end

or climax N.

CONCUR To be of the same opinion, to agree with V.

ABATE To lessen in violence or intensity V.

DECORUM Conformity to accepted standards of

conduct, proper behavior N.

ABHOR To detest, to hate strongly V.

DOLE To distribute, to give out sparingly V.

GAMUT The whole range or extent N.

EXTROVERT One who is outgoing, one who is

energized rather than drained by interacting w/ others


DROLL Amusing in an odd way Adj.

DUPLICITY Intentional deceit in speech or conduct N.

EFFIGY A crude dummy or image representing a

hated person or group N.

AUSTERE Stern, severe, plain Adj.

COUNTENANCE Visage, appearance, especially the look

or expression of the face N.

IMPUNITY Exemption from punishment, immunity N.

PROSTRATE Lying face down in humility or

submission, overcome or helpless. Adj.

SAGACITY Wisdom, soundness of judgement N.

FETTER To confine with shackles V.

VEXATION Something that causes annoyance or

irritation N.

ABJURE To renounce or give up, to avoid or shun V.

EDICT A decree or command used by an

authority N.

PERJURE To cause someone to violate an oath or

a vow, to corrupt, or to willfully make a false statement under oath


TRANSPOSE To transform V.

CONDOLE To express sympathy w/ someone who is

sad or sorrowful, to grieve with V.

LANGUISH To become weak due to neglect or

hardship, to waste away due to longing or desire


DISDAINFUL Scornful, full of contempt, haughty Adj.

CHIDE To nag or scold, to express disapproval

of V.

RECOUNT To retell in detail V.

VAPID Dull or tedious, insipis Adj.

DISPENSATION Distribution, the act of dispersing

something or giving something out N.

ERRATIC Deviating from the usual or proper

conduct or opinion Adj.


ARBITRATE To determine or decide between

opposing sides V.

TACIT Understood without being openly

expressed, implied, unspoken Adj.

UNMBRAGE Offense, displeasure N.

TIRADE A long vehement speech N.

ELUCIDATE To make clear, to explain V.

IMPUDENT Impertinent, brazenly rude or

presumptuous. Adj.


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