coms w3101 programming languages: python spring 2011 february 3rd, 2011 instructor: ang cui lecture...

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COMS W3101

Programming Languages: Python

Spring 2011February 3rd, 2011

Instructor: Ang Cui

Lecture 2

Assignment 1

• Due Sunday @ 11:59pm

• Submit via Courseworks

• Questions?


• We have a TA!

• Richard Li–

• Office Hours– Wednesday 4PM – 6PM– Location TBA

• Class Mailing List–

Last Week

• Bureaucratic stuff

• Obtaining and installing python

• Language lexical structure

• Basic data types– Numbers, strings, tuples, lists

• Control flow– If/else, while, for loops


• x = 1

• x = range(0,10)

• len(x)

• for i in x:

print float(i)

• dir(x)

• type(x)

• help(x)

• import this

• if len(x)>5:

print ‘yatta’

elif len(x)%3==0:

print ‘yosh!’



Legal Statements?

• x = (1,2,3,4,5)

• y = [1,2,3,4,5]• x.pop() ?

• y.pop() ?

• x[-1:-1] ?

• y[0:6] ?

• y[0:0]

• y[0:5:2]

Too legit to quit

x = 10

y = 12

z = 3

Too legit to quit

x = 10

y = 12

z = 3

Too legit to quit

if True: print ‘hi’

if True: print \


What is the output?

x input() <- With the input ‘3+1’

Without ‘’?

Python 2.x vs Python3?

What is the value of x?

x = 10/4

x = 10/float(4)

x = 10/4.0

This Week

• Assignment 2• Project proposal• Scripting• More data structures

– Sequences, dictionaries, sets, None

• Slicing• List comprehensions

• Sorting• Functions• Imports• Command line

arguments• File I/O

– CSV files

• Scoping

Assignment 2

• Will be posted tomorrow

• Due by 11:59pm, next Sunday


• Pick a project– Moderate size, end result should be several hundred to a

thousand lines of code

• Submit a proposal for approval– Email me– Due with HW2 (Sunday @ Midnight)– One or two paragraphs– Describe what your proposed program is suppose to accomplish

(i.e. input, output, algorithms)

• Ultimately…– Project will be due on the day of the last lecture– You will need to submit code and separate documentation (i.e. a

user manual)

Python Scripts

• First line is the shebang (“hash bang”)– General in Unix– Program loader will execute interpreter specified– Sample shebang line shown on the right assumes that

interpreter is in the user’s PATH environment– File must begin with #!

• To execute Python script in Unix, file must be given an executable mode (chmod +x)

• In Windows, .py files are automatically associated with the Python interpreter, so double-clicking .py files will execute

• Lines after the shebang line are all Python code, and will be executed in order

• Encoding can be changed from ASCII (i.e. to Unicode)


• Python is compiled to byte code– Like Java

• Core language is highly optimized– Built in data types implemented in C– Built in methods are well implemented

• Sorting done in ~1200 lines of C in later versions of Python

• Python used in high performance environments more commonly than Java

.py vs .pyc

A .pyc is created when a MODULE is imported for the first time.

import py_compilepy_compile.compile(‘’)

Now, go the other way

More Data Types

Dictionaries, sets, sequences, None


• An ordered container of items

• Indexed by nonnegative integers

• Lists, strings, tuples

• Libraries and extensions provide other kinds

• You can create your own (later)


• Python concept which generalizes idea of sequences

• All sequences are iterables• Beware of bounded and unbounded iterables

– Sequences are bounded– Iterables don’t have to be– Beware when using unbounded iterables: it could

result in an infinite loop or exhaust your memory

Unbounded Iterables

• Unbounded_generator(): yield random.randint(0,1)

This will not terminate!

t = Unbounded_generator()

for i in t:

print t

Manipulating Sequences

• Concatenation– Most commonly, concatenate sequences of the same

type using + operator• Same type refers to the sequences (i.e. lists can only be

concatenated with other lists, you can’t concatenate a list and a tuple)

• The items in the sequences can usually vary in type

– Less commonly, use the * operator

• Membership testing– Use of in keyword– E.g. ‘x’ in ‘xyz’ for strings– Returns True / False


• Extract subsequences from sequences by slicing• Given sequence s, syntax is s[x:y] where x, y are

integral indices– x is the inclusive lower bound– y is the exclusive upper bound

• If x < y, then s[x:y] will be empty• If y > len(s), s[x:y] will return s[x:len(s)]• If lower bound is omitted, then it is 0 by default• If upper bound is omitted, then it is len(s) by


Slicing (cont’d)

• Also possible: s[x:y:n] where n is the stride– n is the positional difference between successive

items– s[x:y] is the same as s[x:y:1]– s[x:y:2] returns every second element of s from [x, y)– s[::3] returns every third element in all of s

• x, y, n call also be negative– s[y:x:-1] will return items from [y, x) in reverse

(assuming y > x)– s[-2] will return 2nd last item

Slicing (cont’d)

• It is also possible to assign to slices

• Assigning to a slicing s[x:y:n] is equivalent to assigning to the indices of s specified by the slicing x:y:n

• Exercise:– How would you create these lists:

• [0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, …]

Examples>>> s = range(10)

>>> s[::-1] # Reverses the entire list

[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]

>>> s = range(10)

>>> s[1::2] = s[::2] #This is cute, but hurts readability. Poor form!

>>> s

[0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8]

>>> s = range(10)

>>> s[5:0:-1]

[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

>>> s[0:5:-1]


Negative stride works, but for the sake of style, use s.reverse() instead.

List Comprehensions• It is common to use a for loop to go through an iterable and build a new list

by appending the result of an expression• Python list comprehensions allows you to do this quickly• General syntax:

– [expression for target in iterable clauses]– Clauses is a series of zero or more clauses, must be one of the following forms:

• for target in iterable• if expression

• List comprehensions are expressions• Underlying implementation is efficient• The following are equivalent:

– result = []for x in sequence:

result.append(x + 1)– result = [ x + 1 for x in sequence ]

• Exercise: create a list comprehension of all the squares from 1 to 100


>>> a = ['dad', 'mom', 'son', 'daughter', 'daughter']

>>> b = ['homer', 'marge', 'bart', 'lisa', 'maggie']

>>> [ a[i] + ': ' + b[i] for i in range(len(a)) ]

['dad: homer', 'mom: marge', 'son: bart', 'daughter: lisa', 'daughter: maggie']

>>> [ x + y for x in range(5) for y in range(5, 10) ]

[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]

>>> [ x for x in range(10) if x**2 in range(50, 100) ]

[8, 9]

Tip: Keep list comprehensions SIMPLE!


• sorted() vs. list.sort()– For iterables in general, sorted() can be used– For lists specifically, there is the .sort() method

• Sorted()– Returns a new sorted list from any iterable

• List.sort()– Sorts a list in place– Is extremely fast: uses “timsort”, a “non-recursive

adaptive stable natural mergesort/binary insertion sort hybrid”

• you don’t need to know what these terms mean for this class

Sorting (cont’d)

• Standard comparisons understand numbers, strings, etc.• Built in function cmp(x, y) is the default comparator

– Returns -1 if x < y– Returns 0 if x == y– Returns 1 if x > y

• You can create custom comparators by defining your own function– Function compares two objects and returns -1, 0, or 1 depending

on whether the first object is to be considered less than, equal to, or greater than the second object

– Sorted list will always place “lesser” objects before “greater” ones

– More on functions later

Sorting (cont’d)

• For list L, sort syntax is:– L.sort(cmp=cmp, key=None, reverse=False)– All arguments optional (default ones listed above)– cmp is the comparator function– If key is specified (to something other than None),

items in the list will be compared to the key(item) instead of the item itself

• For sorted, syntax is:– sorted(cmp, key, reverse)

Examples>>> fruits = ['oranges', 'apples', 'pears', 'grapes']

>>> def food_cmp(x, y): # Custom comparator function

... if x not in fruits or y not in fruits:

... return 0

... return cmp(fruits.index(x), fruits.index(y))


>>> L = ['grapes', 'grapes', 'apples', 'oranges', 'apples', 'pears']

>>> L.sort(cmp=food_cmp)

>>> L

['oranges', 'apples', 'apples', 'pears', 'grapes', 'grapes']

>>> L = ['grapes', 'grapes', 'apples', 'oranges', 'apples', 'pears']

>>> L.sort(key=fruits.index)

>>> L

['oranges', 'apples', 'apples', 'pears', 'grapes', 'grapes']


• Dictionaries are Python’s built in mapping type– A mapping is an arbitrary collection of objects indexed by nearly

arbitrary values called keys

• Mutable, not ordered• Keys in a dictionary must be hashable

– Dictionaries implemented as a hash map

• Values are arbitrary objects, may be of different types• Items in a dictionary are a key/value pair• One of the more optimized types in Python

– When used properly, most operations run in constant time

Specifying Dictionaries• Use a series of pairs of expressions, separated by commas within

braces– i.e. {‘x’: 42, ‘y’: 3.14, 26: ‘z’} will create a dictionary with 3 items,

mapping ‘x’ to 42, ‘y’ to 3.14, 26 to ‘z’.• Alternatively, use the dict() function

– Less concise, more readable– dict(x=42, y=3.14)– dict([[1,2], [3,4]])

• Creates dictionary with 2 items, mapping 1 to 2, 3 to 4• Can also be created from keys

– dict.fromkeys(‘hello’, 2) creates {‘h’:2, ‘e’:2, …, ‘o’:2}– First argument is an iterable whose items become the keys, second

argument is the value• Dictionaries do not allow duplicate keys

– If a key appears more than once, only one of the items with that key is kept (usually the last one specified)


>>> dict_one = {'x':42, 'y':120, 'z':55}

>>> dict_two = dict(x=42,y=120,z=55)

>>> dict_one == dict_two


>>> dict_there = {'x':42, 'y':111, 'z':56}

>>> dict_one == dict_there



#histogram code

Histogram = {}

for item in somelist:


Histogram[item] += 1

except KeyError, e:

Histogram[item] = 1


#histogram code

Histogram = {}

for item in somelist:

if item in Histogram:

Histogram[item] = 1


Histogram[item] += 1

Dictionaries (cont’d)

• Suppose x = {‘a’:1, ‘b’:2, ‘c’:3}– To access a value: x[‘a’]– To assign values: x[‘a’] = 10– You can also specify a dictionary, one item at a time in this way

• Common methods– .keys(), .values(), .items(), .setdefault(…), .pop(…)

• Dictionaries are containers, so functions like len() will work

• To see if a key is in a dictionary, use in keyword– E.g. ‘a’ in x will return True, ‘d’ in x will return False.– Attempting to access a key in a dictionary when it doesn’t exist

will result in an error

More Examples>>> x['dad'] = 'homer'

>>> x['mom']= 'marge'

>>> x['son'] = 'bart'

>>> x['daughter'] = ['lisa', 'maggie']

>>> print 'Simpson family:', x

Simpson family: {'dad': 'homer', 'daughter': ['lisa', 'maggie'], 'son': 'bart', 'mom': 'marge’}

>>> 'dog' in x


>>> x['dog'] = 'Santa\'s Little Helper'

>>> 'dog' in x


>>> print 'Family members: ', x.values()

Family members: ['homer', ['lisa', 'maggie'], "Santa's Little Helper", 'bart', 'marge']

>>> x.items()

[('dad', 'homer'), ('daughter', ['lisa', 'maggie']), ('dog', "Santa's Little Helper"), ('son', 'bart'), ('mom', 'marge')]


• Arbitrarily ordered collections of unique items• Items may be of different types, but must be

hashable• Python has two built-in types: set and frozenset

– Instances of type set are mutable and not hashable– Instances of type frozenset are immutable and

hashable– Therefore, you may have a set of frozensets, but not

a set of sets

• Sets and frozensets are not ordered

Sets (cont’d)

• To create a set, call the built-in type set() with no argument (i.e. to create an empty set)– You can also include an argument that is an iterable, and the

unique items of the iterable will be added into the set

• Common set operations:– Intersection, union, difference

• Methods (given sets S, T):– Non-mutating: S.intersection(T), S.issubset(T), S.union(T)– Mutating: S.add(x), S.clear(), S.discard(x)

• Exercise: count the number of unique items in the list L generated using the following:– import random

L = [ random.randint(1, 50) for x in range(100) ]



• Most statements in a typical Python program are grouped together into functions

• Request to execute a function is a function call• When you call a function, you can pass in arguments• A Python function always returns a value

– If nothing is explicitly specified to be returned, None will be returned


• Functions are also objects– May be passed as arguments to other functions– May be assigned dynamically at runtime– May return other functions– May even be keys in a dictionary or items in a sequence!

– Functions can be overwritten at RUNTIME• Potential Security Problem? (I think so, haven’t really tried it out)

A Note on Functions

• Python libraries are HUGE

• Look before writing a function to perform a common task

• No need to reinvent the wheel

The def Statement

• The most common way to define a function• Syntax:

– def function-name(parameters):statement(s)

– function-name is an identifier; it is a variable name that gets bound to the function object when def executes

– parameters is an optional list of identifiers

• Each call to a function supplies arguments corresponding to the parameters listed in the function definition

• Example:– def sum_of_squares(x, y):

return x**2 + y**2

Libraries Shipped With Python

• Numeric, math modules• Files and directory

handling• Data persistence• Data compression and

archiving• Cryptography• OS hooks• Interprocess

communication and threading

• File formats (e.g. CSV)• Internet data handling• Structured markup

handling (XML, HTML)• Internet protocols• Multimedia services• Internationalization• GUIs• Debugging, profiling• OS-specific services

Parameters• Parameters are local variables of the function• Pass by reference vs. pass by value

– Passing mutable objects is done by reference– Passing immutable objects is done by value– Discuss: similarity to Java

• Supports default arguments– def f(x, y=[]):

y.append(x)return y

– Beware: default value gets computed when def is executed, not when function is called

– Exercise: what will the above function return?• Supports optional, arbitrary number of arguments

– def sum_args(*numbers):return sum(numbers)

Parameters• >>> def a(t, m=None, *args):• ... print 'hi'• ... • >>>


• An attribute of functions• Documentation string (docstring)• If the first statement in a function is a

string literal, that literal becomes the docstring

• Usually docstrings span multiple physical lines, so triple-quotes are used

• For function f, docstring may be accessed or reassigned using f.__doc__

Sidenote on convention

• __SOMETHING__– Have special meaning in python.– In a class definition,

• __VAR__ denotes private variable. (But not really)• Truly private variables don’t exist in Python.• __init__, __cmp__, __iter__ etc, etc.

• In the



if __name__ == “__main__”: print ‘hello world’

#Standalone program or a module?

The return Statement

• Allowed only inside a function body and can optionally be followed by an expression

• None is returned at the end of a function if return is not specified or no expression is specified after return

• Point on style: you should never write a return without an expression

Calling a Function

• A function call is an expression with the syntax:– function-object(arguments)– function-object is usually the function name– Arguments is a series of 0 or more comma-separated

expressions corresponding to the function’s parameters– When the call is executed, the parameters are bound to the

argument values

• It is also possible to mention a function by omitting the () after the function-object– This does not execute the function

• Exercise: write a function implements intersection for two iterables

Examples>>> def intersect1(a, b):... result = []... for item in a:... if item in b:... result.append(item)... return result...>>> intersect1(range(10), range(5, 20))[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]>>> def intersect2(a, b): # same function using list comprehensions... return [ x for x in a if x in b ]...>>> intersect2(range(10), range(5, 20))[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]>>> f = {'i1':intersect1, 'i2':intersect2}>>> f['i1'](range(10), range(5, 15))[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Modules and Imports

A Quick Note


• From this point on, we’re going to need to use more and more modules

• A typical Python program consists of several source files, each corresponding to a module

• Code and data are grouped together for reuse

• Modules are normally independent of one another for ease of reuse


• Any Python source file can be used as a module by executing an import statement

• Suppose you wish to import a source file named, syntax is:– import MyModule as Alias– The Alias is optional

• Suppose contains a function called f()– To access f(), simply execute MyModule.f()– If Alias was specified, execute Alias.f()

• Stylistically, imports in a script file are usually executed at the start (after the shebang, etc.)

• Modules will be discussed in greater detail when we talk about libraries


• import sys

• from sys import *

• from sys import path

Command-Line Arguments

• Arguments passed in through the command line (the console)– $> ./ arg1 arg2 …– Note the separation by spaces– Encapsulation by quotes is usually allowed

• The sys module is required– import sys

• Command-line arguments are stored in sys.argv, which is just a list– Recall argv, argc in C---no need for argc here, that is

simply len(sys.argv)

Example #! /usr/bin/env python # import sys product = 1 for arg in sys.argv: print arg, type(arg) # all arguments stored as strings for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): product *= int(sys.argv[i]) print product

Command-Line Arguments

• Don’t reinvent the wheel

• Use getopt or argparse

• In fact, you should have your own argument parsing magic.

• A python program that generates getopt / argparse code based on a config file?

File I/O

File Objects

• Built in type in Python: file• You can read / write data to a file• File can be created using the open function

– E.g. open(filename, mode=’r’, bufsize=-1)– A file object is returned– filename is a string containing the path to a file– mode denotes how the file is to be opened or created– bufsize denotes the buffer size requested for opening

the file, a negative bufsize will result in the operating system’s default being used

– mode and bufsize are optional; the default behavior is read-only


• lines = open(filename, ‘r’)• lines = open(filename, ‘r’).read()• lines = open(filename, ‘r’).readlines()

• lines = map(lambda x: x.strip(), open(filename, ‘r’).readlines())

• lines = map(lambda x: x.strip().split(‘,’), open(filename, ‘r’).readlines())

#The last one is pushing it. Poor form!

File Modes• Modes are strings, can be:

– ‘r’: file must exist, open in read-only mode– ‘w’: file opened for write-only, file is overwritten if it already exists,

created if not– ‘a’: file opened in write-only mode, data is appended if the file exists, file

created otherwise– ‘r+’: file must exist, opened for reading and writing– ‘w+’: file opened for reading and writing, created if it does not exist,

overwritten if it does– ‘a+’: file opened for reading and writing, data is appended, file is created

if it does not exist• Binary and text modes

– The mode string can also have ‘b’ to ‘t’ as a suffix for binary and text mode

– Text mode is default– On Unix, there is no difference between opening in these modes– On Windows, newlines are handled in a special way

Tip on working with binary files• The struct module is great!•

• Read from file, unpack, process, pack, back to file!

File Methods and Attributes

• Assume file object f

• Common methods– f.close(),, f.readline(), f.readlines(),

f.write(), f.writelines(),

• Common attributes– f.closed, f.mode,, f.newlines

Reading from File #! /usr/bin/env python #

f = open('sample.txt', 'r') # Read entire file into list. lines = f.readlines()

# Go through file, line by line. line_number = 1 # It is also acceptable to iterate directly through f # (try it, but remember to remove f.readlines() first) for line in lines: print line_number, ":", line.strip() line_number += 1

# Closing can be done automatically by the garbage collector, # but it is innocuous to call, and is often cleaner to do so # explicitly. f.close()

Writing to File #! /usr/bin/env python #

f = open('sample2.txt', 'w')

for i in range(99, -1, -1): # Notice how file objects have a readline() method, but not # a writeline() method, only a writelines() method which writes # lines from list. if i > 1 or i == 0: f.write('%d bottles of beer on the wall\n' % i) else: f.write('%d bottle of beer on the wall\n' % i)



• Try rewriting the code from ‘Reading from File’ using read() instead of readlines()– Note: read() returns the empty string when

EOF is reached

• Try rewriting the code from ‘Writing to Files’ using writelines() instead of write()

CSV• Comma-separated values• Common file format, great for spreadsheets• Basically:

– Each record (think row in spreadsheets) is terminated by a line break, BUT

– Line breaks may be embedded (and be part of fields)– Fields separated by commas– Fields containing commas must be encapsulated by double-quotes– Fields with embedded double-quotes must replace those with two

double-quotes, and encapsulate the field with double quotes– Fields with trailing or leading whitespace must be encapsulated in

double quotes– Fields with line breaks must be encapsulated with double quotes– First record may be column names of each field

CSV (cont’d)

• Format is conceptually simple• Sample CSV file:

– Name,Age,GPAAlice,22,3.7Bob,24,3.9Eve,21,4.0

• Discussion: think a CSV/reader or writer would be easy to implement?

• Exercise: how would you encode the following field:– Hello, there


Reading a CSV File

• Don’t reinvent the wheel


Reading a CSV File

• Use the csv module• Create a reader:

– csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, \ dialect=‘excel’, delimiter=‘,’, quotechar=‘”’)

– csvfile is opened csv file• E.g. open(‘sample.csv’, ‘r’)

– Dialect, delimiter, quotechar (format parameters) are all optional

• Controls various aspects of the CSV file• E.g. use a different delimiter other than a comma

• Reader is an iterator containing the rows of the CSV file

Writing a CSV File

• Again, use the csv module

• Create a writer object– csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=‘,’)– Again, csvfile is a file object– Format parameters allowed

• Common methods:– .writerow(), .writerows()

Pretty Config Files

• There is a module for that.


Pretty Config Files


foodir: %(dir)s/whatever

dir=frob long: this value continues in

the next line


JavaScript Object Notation



JavaScript Object Notation



Good for config files

Can store structured data

Can be used for object persistence

ORM (Object Relational Model) is a better way to go.


We still have time.

Let’s abuse python.

Interesting modules: dis, gc

We still have time.

Disassemble python environment at runtime!

We still have time.

Change whatever you like.

We still have time.

Now, something more interesting. What else can you overwrite?

Fun with garbage collection

Fun with garbage collectionSomething that comes up in programming interviews once in a while, the weakreference.

Useful for large cache maps. If it’s collected, so be it. If it’s not collected yet, great!

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