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Potential Hazards in Food: Update Systems in

Ens ring the concept of Ta ab in FoodEnsuring the concept of Tayyab in Food

The Third Gulf Conference on Halal Industry and its Services13-15 May, 2014

Sheraton Hotel, State of Kuwait

Professor Dr. Mian Muhammad Nadeem RiazDirector, Texas A&M University, TAMU, USA

نظم مستجدة في :مكامن الخطر على الصحة في الغذاءتحقيق مفهوم الطيب في الغذاء

اض ن ا أ رياضمحمد نديم ميان .د.أجامعة تكساس أيه أند أم، تامو، الواليات المتحدة األمريكيةمدير أبحاث البروتين،

لصناعة الحالل وخدماتهالثالث مؤتمر الخليج 2104مايو 15 - 13

فندق الشيراتون، دولة الكويت

Concept of Concept of HalalHalal Concept of Concept of TayyibanTayyiban

TayyibanTayyiban ‐‐ wholesome, good, wholesome, good, healthy, safe, healthy, safe, clean, nutritiousclean, nutritious, , qualityquality

Concept of Concept of WholesomeWholesome Guidelines from Guidelines from TayyibanTayyiban

WholesomeWholesome FoodsFoods

Healthy FoodsHealthy Foods

Safe FoodsSafe FoodsSafe FoodsSafe Foods

CleanClean FoodsFoods

Nutritious FoodsNutritious Foods

Quality Foods Quality Foods 

Guidelines from Wholesome FoodsGuidelines from Wholesome Foods




Codex Codex AlimentariusAlimentarius

FDA GuidelinesFDA Guidelines

USDA GuidelinesUSDA Guidelines

Etc. Etc. 

Food Processing in Developed Countries Food Processing in Developed Countries

Most of the International food companies follow very Most of the International food companies follow very strict rules for producing strict rules for producing TayyabanTayyaban FoodsFoods

For Example, Cargill, DuPont and Nestle has their own For Example, Cargill, DuPont and Nestle has their own guidelines for wholesome and clean foodsguidelines for wholesome and clean foods

They will never violate any rule They will never violate any rule which jeopardize which jeopardize the the safety or cleanliness of foodssafety or cleanliness of foods

Food Processing in Developing Countries Food Processing in Developing Countries

Major issues of Major issues of TayyabTayyab food is in developing countriesfood is in developing countries

Some time do not follow rules for Some time do not follow rules for TayyabTayyab foodsfoods

No one to ask them or they do not careNo one to ask them or they do not careyy

They need education about hazards in foodThey need education about hazards in food

They need to learn how to produce They need to learn how to produce TayyabTayyab foodfood

Food Processing in Developing Countries Food Processing in Developing Countries

In less developed countries In less developed countries –– 7070% of deaths among % of deaths among children under children under 5 5 are linked to are linked to contaminated food contaminated food ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐(FAO, (FAO, 20032003))

Now Our Food is GlobalNow Our Food is Global

Now Our Food is GlobalNow Our Food is Global

Food importuned from Developed Countries like Food importuned from Developed Countries like Europe USA and Canada take care Europe USA and Canada take care TayyabTayyab Food by:Food by:

1. 1. FFood Safety laws of their ownood Safety laws of their own

2 By government rules and regulation2 By government rules and regulation 2. By government rules and regulation2. By government rules and regulation

Awareness about Food HazardsAwareness about Food Hazards

We need to take proactive approachWe need to take proactive approach

Not ReactiveNot Reactive

Potential Hazards in Food are GlobalPotential Hazards in Food are Global

How to Control Hazards in FoodHow to Control Hazards in Food

Hazard can be controlled by using appropriate safety Hazard can be controlled by using appropriate safety controlcontrol

Visual Observation Visual Observation 

Laboratory analysisLaboratory analysis

Controlling processing parametersControlling processing parameters

Traceability SystemsTraceability Systems

How to Control Hazards in FoodHow to Control Hazards in Food

How the traceability system works?How the traceability system works?

How to Control Hazards in FoodHow to Control Hazards in Food

How the traceability system works?How the traceability system works?

From Farm to Plate

FarmSale and Transport Slaughter Processing Retail Catering YOU

Hazard Identification

LivestockControl Program

Good Hygienic Practice = Risk Management

HACCP HACCPNational Standards

How to Control Hazards in FoodHow to Control Hazards in Food

What is Cross Contamination? What is Cross Contamination?

The The transfer of transfer of biological, physical biological, physical and and or chemical contaminants or chemical contaminants (hazards) (hazards) to to food food products from products from raw ingredientsraw ingredients, , foodfood handlers vectorshandlers vectors or theor thefood food handlers, vectorshandlers, vectors, or the , or the production environmentproduction environment

How Cross Contamination Occur?How Cross Contamination Occur?

Addition of contaminated ingredients after the kill stepAddition of contaminated ingredients after the kill step

Cross contamination from the processing environmentCross contamination from the processing environment

Cross contamination from peoples and /or vectorsCross contamination from peoples and /or vectors

Cross contamination from equipment after the kill stepCross contamination from equipment after the kill step

Cross contamination during samplingCross contamination during sampling

Cross Contamination Cross Contamination Prevention and Prevention and ControlsControls

ScienceScience‐‐based guidance on safe food practices is vital at based guidance on safe food practices is vital at all levels all levels ––from farm to consumer from farm to consumer ––to prevent to prevent contamination of food contamination of food duringduring

P d iP d i ProductionProduction




Cross Contamination Cross Contamination Prevention and Prevention and ControlsControls

RRapid detection kit for microbe, pesticide residues, apid detection kit for microbe, pesticide residues, antibiotics in food productsantibiotics in food products

Example: PoultryExample: Poultry

Challenges to Food HazardsChallenges to Food Hazards

Current Consumer trends are:Current Consumer trends are:

Natural foodsNatural foods

Minimally processed foodsMinimally processed foods

Organically grown foodsOrganically grown foodsOrganically grown foods Organically grown foods 

No No synthetic pesticides, herbicides, synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, fertilizers, fungicides, fungicides, veterinary drugs (e.g. antibiotics, growth hormones), synthetic veterinary drugs (e.g. antibiotics, growth hormones), synthetic preservatives and additives, irradiation and preservatives and additives, irradiation and GMOsGMOs

Consumer Food Safety ConcernsConsumer Food Safety Concerns

Current Consumer trends are:Current Consumer trends are:

11.Chemical .Chemical residuesresidues

22. Antibiotics. Antibiotics

33 HormonesHormones 33. Hormones. Hormones

44. Food irradiation. Food irradiation

55. Additives. Additives

66. Poor sanitation. Poor sanitation

77. Microbial contamination. Microbial contamination

88. Pesticides. Pesticides

Most Serious Hazard for Halal FoodMost Serious Hazard for Halal Food

What is on our Radar? What is on our Radar? 

Non HalalNon HalalNon HalalNon Halal

Most Serious Hazard for Halal FoodMost Serious Hazard for Halal Food

Non Halal ingredients contamination throughNon Halal ingredients contamination through

Hidden ingredientsHidden ingredients


Releasing agentsReleasing agents

Antifoaming agentsAntifoaming agents

Filtering agentFiltering agent

Clarifying agentClarifying agent

Bleaching compoundsBleaching compounds

Undeclared IngredientsUndeclared Ingredients

Several ingredients are not mentioned on the labelSeveral ingredients are not mentioned on the label

-- Releasing agentReleasing agent

Processing aids and Hidden Ingredients

Undeclared IngredientsUndeclared Ingredients

-- Antifoaming agentAntifoaming agent

Processing aids and Hidden Ingredients

Undeclared IngredientsUndeclared Ingredients

-- Filtering agentFiltering agent

Processing aids and Hidden Ingredients

Undeclared IngredientsUndeclared Ingredients

-- Filtering agentFiltering agent

Processing aids and Hidden Ingredients

Undeclared IngredientsUndeclared Ingredients

-- Clarifying agentClarifying agent

Processing aids and Hidden Ingredients

Undeclared IngredientsUndeclared Ingredients

-- Bleaching CompoundsBleaching Compounds

Processing aids and Hidden Ingredients

Undeclared IngredientsUndeclared Ingredients

-- Food Food GGrade Lubricants rade Lubricants

Processing aids and Hidden Ingredients

Most Serious Hazard for Halal FoodMost Serious Hazard for Halal Food

InIn aa complexcomplex andand globalizedglobalized worldworld itit hashas becomebecome increasinglyincreasinglydifficultdifficult toto tracetrace thethe lineslines thatthat linklink rawraw materialsmaterials withwithproducers,producers, productsproducts andand consumersconsumers

Most Serious Hazard for Halal FoodMost Serious Hazard for Halal Food

SustainableSustainable SwineSwine ResourcesResources believesbelieves thatthat mothermother earthearth hashasprovidedprovided usus withwith oneone ofof herher mostmost valuablevaluable resources,resources, thethe pigpig

BecauseBecause ofof this,this, itit isis ourour responsibilityresponsibility toto drivedrive thethe greatestgreatest valuevaluewewe cancan forfor thethe animalsanimals harvestedharvested

Most Serious Hazard for Halal FoodMost Serious Hazard for Halal Food

Pork  (185 Different ingredients)Pork  (185 Different ingredients)

Protein Hydrolysate

Pancreatic Enzyme


INS Number: 243,261-1, 261-2, 262-1, 262-2, 263, 271, 280, 281, 282, 283, 296, 297, 300, 301, 302, 304, 317, 322, 326, 327, 330, 331-2, 331-1, 331-3, 332, 332-2, 333, 350-1, 350 2 351 1 351 2 352 1 352 2 363 381Hydrolysate


Varieties of Raw Materials


350-2, 351-1, 351-2, 352-1, 352-2, 363, 381, 415, 420, 421, 422, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 442, 469, 471, 472b,472c, 472f, 472g, 474, 475, 476, 478, 480, 481-2, 481-2, 482-1, 482-2, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 570, 575, 576, 578, 579, 585, 620, 621, 622, 623, 627, 631, 634, 635, 636, 639, 951, 1100, 1520


Most Serious Hazard for Halal FoodMost Serious Hazard for Halal Food


Animal brain shatteredAnimal brain shattered

If animal has Mad Cow DiseaseIf animal has Mad Cow Disease

Virus will travel to BloodVirus will travel to Blood

Contaminate body and meatContaminate body and meat

Hazard will spearedHazard will speared

Latest New Hazard for Halal FoodLatest New Hazard for Halal Food

Toxic Environment Among HCBsToxic Environment Among HCBs

No control over Halal Certifying bodiesNo control over Halal Certifying bodies

No uniformity and guidelinesNo uniformity and guidelines

Latest New Hazard for Halal FoodLatest New Hazard for Halal Food

Toxic Environment Among HCBsToxic Environment Among HCBs

United Arab Emirate has different law United Arab Emirate has different law 

One Arab country reject the shipment, other accept the One Arab country reject the shipment, other accept the same shipmentssame shipments

Latest New Hazard for Halal FoodLatest New Hazard for Halal Food

Toxic Environment Among HCBsToxic Environment Among HCBs

Most of the HCBs do not accept others Halal certificatesMost of the HCBs do not accept others Halal certificates

Most of the HCBs do not recognize other HCBsMost of the HCBs do not recognize other HCBs


MostMost ofof thethe foodfood safetysafety hazardhazardcancan bebe controlledcontrolled byby usingusingdifferentdifferent foodfood safetysafety systemssystems

ToTo produceproduce HalalHalal andand TayyabTayyab ToTo produceproduce HalalHalal andand TayyabTayyabfoodfood wewe needneed toto workwork inindevelopingdeveloping countriescountries toto enforceenforcefoodfood safetysafety regulationsregulations

To make sure food is Halal and To make sure food is Halal and Tayyab Muslims need to follow Tayyab Muslims need to follow religious hazards as well religious hazards as well 


(foreign materials)

Chemical hazard(toxins from plants,

animals, microorganismschemicals/allergens

Hazardsin Halal Food

Haram Hazard (Najis, haram,

prohibited activities)

Biological Hazard(bacteria, virus,

molds, parasites, GMO






Safety Panel


Industry Religious Affairs



Haram CCP Establishment/Surveillance Halal

Free of Haram HazardHALAL




Free of Physical Chemical Biological Hazards


InIn shortshort MuslimMuslim communitycommunity needsneeds toto addressaddress allall ofofthesethese issuesissues toto assureassure thatthat itit hashas aa foodfood supplysupply thatthat isisnotnot onlyonly HalalHalal butbut alsoalso TayyabTayyab

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