concord college music enrichment programme · w/b 1 june venue and date tbc • open mic at...

Post on 09-Jan-2020






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Annual Calendar of Music Events and

Performing Opportunites 2019-20

What’s on…

Music Clubs 2019/20(N.B. – all music clubs run during

Autumn-Spring terms unless otherwise stated)

MoNdAyJazz club @ 6.15pm, in Theatre

Music technology club (as advertised – check notice board)

tueSdAy“Vox” Choir @ 4.20pm, in MB6

SAMBA band @ 4.20pm, in Theatre

wedNeSdAywind group @ 4.30pm, in Theatre

Band coaching club @ 6.30pm, in MB6/Theatre

thurSdAyorchestra @ 4.20-5.20pm, in Theatre

CoNCert tripSAs advertised – Check notice board

MuSiC CliNiCSABrSM Aural/theory – (check music notice board)

Concord College Music Enrichment Programme

(All sessions are free unless otherwise stated. Abbreviation symbols: T.I.C= teacher in charge)

• Orchestra-AutumnandSpringtermsasadvertised–theatre T.I.C: Mr Kokkinos

• Musicalinstrumenttuition–Weekly after lessons as advertised – Lesson available to all upon request

• Choir‘Vox’–AutumnandSpringtermsasadvertised– in MB6 T.I.C: Miss Perrins

• Windensemble-AutumnandSpringtermsasadvertised–theatre T.I.C: Mrs Blakeman

• JazzBand–AutumnandSpringtermsasadvertised– in Mu2 T.I.C: Mr Rainbow & Mr Stevens

• ABRSMexamsTheoryandAuralpreparationclasses. Time and location – Information on Music notice boards. T.I.C: Mrs Giles & Mrs Le Boutillier

• Musiccompetitions.Subject to consultation with the Head of Music or via recommendation by a music teacher

- ShropshireMusicServiceCountyShowcasecompetition(countylevel)

- ShropshireMusicServiceMusicianoftheYearcompetition(countylevel)

- GregynogYoungMusicianoftheYear(internationallevel)

• SymphonyOrchestraexperienceT.I.C: Mr Kokkinos

- Shrewsbury School Symphony orchestra: Autumn & Spring terms - wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm – Shrewsbury School

- ShropshireYouthOrchestra(membershipfeeapplies):Alternate Saturdays 9.30-12.30pm

• BandCoaching–AutumnandSpringTermsasadvertised– MB6 T.I.C: Mr Rainbow & Mr Stevens

• SAMBADrumsBand–AutumnTerm,Tuesdays 4.15-5.30pm – theatre T.I.C: Mrs Peta Yapp

• MusicTechnologyclub–AutumnandSpringTerms asadvertised–MB2T.I.C: Miss Jones

For further information on Music at Concord CollegeContact the Head of Music | ConCord CollegeACton Burnell HAll | SHrewSBury | Sy5 7PFT 01694 731868 | E

Autumn term 2019• WindbandDay–Wedn 9 October

(Theatre/Old Chapel) @ 1.30-5.00pm

• TalentShow(ledbytheBTECgroup)– Thu 17 October (Theatre) @ 7.30pm – Dress/Tech rehearsal: Wedn 16 October from 2pm (Theatre)

• Openmicatlunchtime–Tues 22 October (MH) @ 12.50pm

• Radiodayexperience–Wedn 23 Oct (MB) @ 9.30am-12.30pm

• Endofhalftermopenmicnight–student led Wedn 23 Oct (Theatre) @ 8.30pm

• Concordconcertocompetitionauditions– Wedn 6 Nov (Theatre) @ 1.30-3.30pm

• ConcordShowcaseconcert–Sat 16 Nov concert at Theatre Severn @ 7.30pm

• Openmicatlunchtime–Tues 19 November (MH) @ 12.50pm

• ConcordCollegeWinterFayre–Sun 24 November (MH) @ 1.30pm (student led)

Summer term 2020• Openmicatlunchtime–Tues 19 May (MH)

@ 12.50pm

• Endofhalftermopenmicnight–student led Wedn 20 May (Theatre) @ 8.30pm

• Form3crosscurricularperformance– w/b 1 June venue and date TBC

• Openmicatlunchtime–Tues 9 June (MH) @ 12.50pm

Spring term 2020• SongwritingworkshopwithBeckyBiggins–

Wedn 15 January (Old Chapel) @ 1.30pm-5.00pm

• HouseArtsfestival–Sat 1 Feb (student led)

• StringsandPianodaywithprofessorsfromRNCM–Wedn 5 Feb (Old Chapel & MB) @ 1.30pm-5.00pm

• Openmicatlunchtime–Tues 11 February (MH) @ 12.50pm

• Endofhalftermopenmicnight–student led Wedn 12 Feb (Theatre) @ 8.30pm

• CountyShowcaseMusicCompetition– Thu 13 February

• GregynogYoungMusicianCompetitionpreliminaryround – end of Feb date TBC

• Concordconcertocompetition–Sat 7 March (Theatre) @ 7.30pm

• BTECsongrecordingproject–Mon 24-Fri 28 Feb

• CountyYoungMusicianoftheYearcompetition– Fri 13 March (Theatre) @ 6.30pm

• TalentShow(ledbytheBTECgroup)– Thu 12 March (Theatre) @ 7.30pm – Dress/Tech rehearsal: Wedn 11 March from 2pm (Theatre)

• Openmicatlunchtime–Tues 17 March (MH) @ 12.50pm

• Form3Activitiesweek.CommunityoutreachArtsAwardskillssharefocus–w/b 23 March date TBC

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