confidential copyright 2008. cato research ltd. bringing your projects to a higher level

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CONFIDENTIALCopyright 2008. Cato Research Ltd.

Bringing your projects to a higher level.

CONFIDENTIALCopyright 2008. Cato Research Ltd.


• Introductions of Cato Team

• Company Profile

• Today’s Presentation

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Cato Research Team

Andrée Lefebvre, B.Sc. RAC

Director, Regulatory Affairs &Assistant Managing Director

Cato Research Canada

Christine Warrington

Global Strategic Sales and MarketingHeadquarter Office Durham, NC

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We are a full-service contract research and development organization with global resources

dedicated to helping pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies efficiently and

expeditiously navigate the drug development process in order to bring new drugs, biologics, and

medical devices to the people who need them.

Company Profile

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Cato Research

• Full service financially stable global drug development company headquartered in RTP, NC. Global presence.

• Founded in 1988 -20 year anniversary

• Over 300 Employees

• Project teams lead by Ph.Ds and MDs

• Established Cato Research Drug Fellowship Program

• Clients include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, venture capital and academia

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Therapeutic Expertise

• Oncology

• Neurology/Psychiatry

• Cardiology

• Gastroenterology

• Dermatology

• Endocrinology/Metabolic Disorders

• Infectious Disease

• Immunology

• Hematology

• Ophthalmology

• Nephrology

• Pulmonology

• Rheumatology

• Vascular Disorders

• Anesthesiology and Pain

• Rare Diseases

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Cologne, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany

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Johannesburg, South Africa

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San Francisco, CA

Montreal, Canada

Boston, MAWashington, MD

Durham, NC

Worldwide Locations


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Full Service Development Services

• Clinical Trial Services - Phases 1 to 4

• Pharmacovigilance

• Medical Monitoring

• Data Management

• Biostatistics

• Regulatory

• Quality Assurance

• Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC)

• Nonclinical

• Strategic Consulting

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Quality Assurance Best Practices in

a Good Laboratory Practice Environment

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First, a few words from the wise…

The basic concepts underlying quality systems are quite simple:

Say what you do,do what you say,

prove it andimprove it

Janet Woodcook, M.D.Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research


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Why do we need GLP?• In the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's, Industrial Bio-Test

Laboratories (IBT) performed about 35-40% of all U.S. toxicology testing

• Of 867 audits of IBT performed by the FDA under the 1962 law, 618 studies were invalid due to numerous discrepancies between the study conduct and data

• FDA sued and the courts found four IBT managers guilty of fraud

• As a result of the IBT incident, the FDA decided to regulate laboratory testing

• In 1976, the FDA GLP guidelines were proposed; they were finalized in 1978 and became effective in 1979

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Good Laboratory Practice Good Laboratory Practice for Nonclinical Laboratory Studiesfor Nonclinical Laboratory Studies

Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 58

• The goal is to demonstrate SAFETY of test article before use in humans

• Do controlled, well-documented laboratory studies

• Use prospective and approved protocols

• Document testing methods and findings

• Provide Quality Assurance review

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Organization of GLPsOrganization of GLPs• GLP Subpart AGLP Subpart A –– ––


• GLP Subpart BGLP Subpart B –– ––


• GLP Subpart CGLP Subpart C –– ––


• GLP Subpart DGLP Subpart D –– ––


• GLP Subpart EGLP Subpart E –– ––




• GLP Subparts H-IGLP Subparts H-I –– –– [RESERVED]

• GLP Subpart JGLP Subpart J –– –– RECORDS AND REPORTS


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The 10 Commandments of GLP1.1. Thou shalt appoint study directors and quality Thou shalt appoint study directors and quality


2.2. Thou shalt be competent, as a result of education, Thou shalt be competent, as a result of education, training and experiencetraining and experience

3.3. Honor thy protocol and thy SOPsHonor thy protocol and thy SOPs

4.4. Thou shalt conduct studies in adequate and clean Thou shalt conduct studies in adequate and clean facilities facilities

5.5. Thou shalt identify test and control articles and Thou shalt identify test and control articles and document their usedocument their use

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The 10 Commandments of GLP

66. . Thou shalt maintain and calibrate equipment Thou shalt maintain and calibrate equipment according to a specified scheduleaccording to a specified schedule

7. Thou shalt document and correct all deviations7. Thou shalt document and correct all deviations

8. Thou shalt not commit fraud; all thy work thou 8. Thou shalt not commit fraud; all thy work thou shalt note, sign and dateshalt note, sign and date

9. Thou shalt have archives9. Thou shalt have archives

10.Thou shalt not turn your back on the FDA10.Thou shalt not turn your back on the FDA

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A Few Definitions

• Nonclinical laboratory study– in vivo or in vitro experiments in which test articles

are studied prospectively in test systems under laboratory conditions to determine their safety

– NOT studies utilizing human subjects, clinical studies, field trials in animals, basic exploratory studies for utility, for determining physical or chemical characteristics of a test article

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A Few Definitions (cont.)

4 important parts of a GLP study

• Sponsor

• Management

• Study Director (SD)

• Quality Assurance Unit (QAU)

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A Few Definitions (cont.)

• Sponsor– A person who initiates and supports a study

with financial or other resources– A person who submits a nonclinical study to

FDA – A testing facility, if it both initiates and actually

conducts the study

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A Few Definitions (cont.)• Management

– Designates a study director before the study starts

– Replaces the study director promptly if necessary during the study

– Assures that there is a quality assurance unit– Assures that test and control articles or

mixtures are tested for identity, strength, purity, stability, and uniformity

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A Few Definitions (cont.)• Management (continued)

– Assures that personnel, resources, facilities, equipment, materials, and methodologies are available as scheduled

– Assures that personnel clearly understand the functions they are to perform

– Assures that any deviations from these regulations reported by the quality assurance unit are:

• communicated to the study director• and corrective actions are taken and documented

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A Few Definitions (cont.)• Study Director

– Scientist of appropriate education, training and experience

– Responsible for overall technical conduct of a nonclinical laboratory study and for the interpretation, analysis, documentation and reporting of results

– Assures that all study records are archived at the end of the study

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A Few Definitions (cont.)• Quality Assurance Unit

– any person or organizational element, designated by management to perform the duties relating to QA of nonclinical laboratory studies

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§58.15 Inspection of a testing facility

• A testing facility SHALL permit FDA to inspect the facility and to inspect (and copy) all records and specimens

• Except – quality assurance unit records of findings, or

corrective actions recommended and taken

• FDA will not consider a study for a marketing permit if the testing facility refuses to permit inspection and the applicant still must submit the results of the study to FDA!

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§58.35 Quality Assurance Unit

• Duties– QAU monitors each study to assure

management that all systems are in conformance with GLP regulations

– QAU shall be entirely independent of personnel conducting a particular study

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§58.35 Quality Assurance Unit (cont.)

• Duties – The quality assurance unit shall:

• Maintain a master schedule sheet of all studies, indexed by test article and listing these elements:

– test system, nature of study, study initiation date, current status, sponsor identity, and name of the study director

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§58.35 Quality Assurance Unit (cont.)

• Duties – Maintain copies of all GLP protocols – Inspect each nonclinical laboratory study at

adequate intervals; maintain written signed records of periodic inspections

– Bring to the attention of the study director and management immediately any problems found during an inspection that may affect study integrity

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§58.35 Quality Assurance Unit (cont.)

• Duties – Periodically submit to management and to the

study director written status reports on each study, noting problems and corrective actions taken

– Determine that no deviations from approved protocols or standard operating procedures were made without authorization and documentation

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§58.35 Quality Assurance Unit (cont.)

• Duties – Review the final study report to assure accuracy

in description of methods and Standard Operating Procedures, and that results accurately reflect the raw data of the study

– Prepare and sign a statement specifying dates of inspections and when findings were reported to management and study director

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The QAU SOPs (and related)

• Topics:– GLP Training– QA training within the GLP environment– Structure of the QAU, e.g.

• Inspection group, archiving group, validation group

– QA Reporting Systems, e.g.• To respond to QA findings

• To report to management (including trend analysis)

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The QAU SOPs (and related)

• Topics (continued):– Good documentation practices– “Inspection” of computer systems– QA Master Schedule– Archiving procedures (including off site

archiving)• Disaster recovery plan

– Data Audit

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Good Documentation Practice• Documentation should permit the complete

reconstruction of a study

– Record data directly, promptly and legibly in indelible ink

(never pencil)

– Initial and date all observations and any resulting changes, but do not obscure original data

– Initial and date only work you’ve performed

– Do not document selectively or in advance of performing the activity

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Good Documentation Practice• Do not use white-out correction fluid or tape• Do not use ditto marks as raw data

• Copy all heat sensitive paper and stamp “exact copy”

• Explain why any raw data not used was not used

• Verify critical calculations using a second person and document this

• Notebook pages requiring a second signature shall be completed with that signature

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Good Documentation Practice• Properly head all pages, tables, columns; identify


• Describe Statistical & Calculation Procedures used

• Sign, Date, and File automated printouts (e.g., QC forms)

• Retain all Raw Data (original records) in the Study File

• Do not document by exception. Use positive documentation, even if only a check mark.

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Good Documentation Practice• Documentation must allow another person to be

able to accurately reconstruct what you have done

• Keep all original observations including those observations recorded directly into a computer

• Sign and date all computer printouts

• Never back-date anything

• Follow SOPs and Protocol

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Good Documentation Practice• Document all deviations with accompanying


• Indicate in the record all applicable units and equipment used

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Raw Data Correction

• All changes to raw data must be made without obscuring the original entry

• All changes must be initialed and dated by the person making the change, accompanied by an explanation for the change

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Abbreviations for ReasonsNotation Meaning Definition

EE Erroneous Entry Entry of a wrong number or incorrect word

SP Spelling Error Entered word is misspelled

RD Repeated Data Data are already correctly entered elsewhere

MC Miscalculation Number shown is the result of a miscalculation

NL Not Legible Entry is illegible or has been overwritten

OE-OK Original Entry OK Ignore single line cross-off

STET Original Entry OK Ignore single line cross-off

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Now, you have selected a CRO…

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The due diligence starts…

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Reference:Compliance Program Guidance

for FDA Staff

• BIMO – Bioresearch Monitoring– 7348.808 Good Laboratory Practice

(Nonclinical Laboratories) – FDA version– 7348.808A Good Laboratory Practice Program

(Nonclinical Laboratories) – EPA Data Audit Inspection

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Bottom Line…

• 7348.808 Good Laboratory Practice (Nonclinical Laboratories) is FDA’s instruction manual for its inspectors’ use when they “audit” your GLP facility or study(ies)

• Be pro-active, and make sure you know what they’ll want to see

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INSPECTIONALGeneral Instructions

1. Determine the current state of GLP compliance by evaluating the laboratory facilities, operations, and study performance

2. Organization Chart - If the facility maintains an organization chart, obtain a current version of the chart for use during your inspection

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INSPECTIONALGeneral Instructions (cont.)

3. Facility Floor-plan –

• Obtain a diagram of the facility

• Identify any areas that are not used for GLP activities

• Use the floor plan during the inspection to ensure that it is really up-to-date

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INSPECTIONALGeneral Instructions (cont.)

4. Master Schedule Sheet

• Obtain a copy of the firm's master schedule sheet

• Determine who decides if a study is a GLP study

5. FDA 483’s

• Obtain a copy and review findings

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Areas of Expertise of the Facility• Testing facilities may conduct one or more types

of GLP studies. – Physical-chemical testing

– Toxicity studies

– Mutagenicity studies

– Tissue residue depletion studies

– Analytical and clinical chemistry testing

– Other studies (specify)

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SOP Evaluation

1. Review the SOP index and representative samples of SOPs to ensure coverage of all of the areas identified in GLPs

2. Verify that only current SOPs are available at the personnel workstations

3. Review key SOPs in detail and check for proper authorization signatures and dates, and general adequacy with respect to the content (i.e., SOPs are clear, complete, and can be followed by a trained individual)

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SOP Evaluation (cont.)

4. Verify that changes to SOPs are properly authorized and dated and that a historical file of SOPs is maintained

5. Ensure that there are procedures for familiarizing employees with SOPs

6. Determine that there are SOPs to ensure the quality and integrity of data, including input (data checking and verification), output (data control), and an audit trail covering all data changes

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SOP Evaluation (cont.)

7. Verify that a historical file of outdated or modified computer programs is maintained. If the firm does not maintain old programs in digital form, ensure that a hard copy of all programs has been made and stored.

8. Verify that SOPs are periodically reviewed for current applicability and that they are representative of the actual procedures in use

9. Review selected SOPs and observe employees performing the operation to evaluate SOP adherence and familiarity

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If the firm has computerized operations, determine…

• Who was involved in the design, development, and validation of the computer system?

• Who is responsible for the operation of the computer system, including inputs, processing, and output of data?

• Determine whether computer system personnel have training commensurate with their responsibilities, including professional training and training in GLPs.

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If the firm has computerized operations, also determine…

• Whether some computer system personnel are contractors who are present on-site full-time, or nearly full-time

– Include these contractors as though they were employees of the firm

– Specific inquiry may be needed to identify these contractors, as they may not appear on organization charts

• Interview and observe personnel using the computerized systems to assess their training and performance of assigned duties

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• For computer systems, assess that the following procedures exist and are documented: – Validation study, including validation plan and

documentation of the plan's completion– Maintenance of equipment, including storage

capacity and back-up procedures• Control measures over changes made to the

computer system, which include the evaluation of the change, necessary test design, test data, and final acceptance of the change

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EquipmentComputers (cont.)

• Evaluation of test data to assure accurate transmission and proper handling when analytical equipment is directly interfaced to the computer

• Procedures for emergency back-up (e.g., battery

system and data forms for recording data in case of computer failure or power outage)

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Storage and Retrieval of Records

• Determine how and where computer data and backup copies are stored, that records are indexed in a way to allow access to data stored on electronic media, and that environmental conditions minimize deterioration

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Storage of Computer Records

• Determine to what electronic media such as tape cassettes or ultra high capacity portable discs the test facility has the capacity of copying records in electronic form

• Report names and identifying numbers of both copying equipment type and electronic medium type to enable agency personnel to bring electronic media to future inspections for collecting exhibits

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Assess the procedures by which the study director:

• Is assigned and replaced• Assures the protocol and any amendments have

been properly approved and are followed

• Assures that all data are accurately recorded and verified

• Assures that data are collected according to the protocol and SOPs

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Assess the procedures by which the study director also:

• Documents unforeseen circumstances that may affect the quality and integrity of the study and implements corrective action

• Assures that study personnel are familiar with and adhere to the study protocol and SOPs

• Assures that study data are transferred to the archives at the close of the study

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QAU Operations • Ratio QA employees to all employees (5 to 8%)• Review and verify QAU SOPs to assure that they

cover all methods and procedures for carrying out the required QAU functions, and confirm that they are being followed:

1. Maintenance of a master schedule sheet

2. Maintenance of copies of all protocols and amendments

3. Scheduling of its in-process inspections and audits

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QAU Operations (cont.)

4. Inspection of each nonclinical laboratory study at intervals adequate to assure the integrity of the study, and maintenance of records of each inspection

5. Immediately notify the SD and management of problems likely to affect the INTEGRITY of the study

6. Submission of periodic status reports on each study to the SD and management

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QAU Operations (cont.)

7. Review of the final study report

8. Preparation of a statement to be included in the final report that specifies the dates inspections were made and findings reported to management and to the SD

9. Inspection of computer operations

10. Training

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More scrutiny of QAU• Verify that, for any given study, the QAU is

entirely separate from and independent of the personnel engaged in the conduct and direction of that study

• Evaluate the time QAU personnel spend in performing in-process inspection and final report audits

– Determine if the time spent is sufficient to detect problems in critical study phases and if there are adequate personnel to perform the required functions

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• Document any conditions that would lead to contamination of test articles or to unusual stress of test systems

• Determine that computerized operations and archived computer data are housed under appropriate environmental conditions (e.g., protected from heat, water, and electromagnetic forces)

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Equipment (other than computers)

• For representative pieces of equipment check the availability of the following: – SOPs and/or operating manuals– Maintenance schedule and log– Standardization/calibration procedure,

schedule, and log – Standards used for calibration and


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Testing Facilities Operations

• Determine if the testing facility has established and follows written SOPs necessary to carry out study operations in a manner designed to ensure the quality and integrity of the data (including method validation)

• Determine if the testing facility has appropriate controlled storage for study samples

• Determine if the testing facility maintains and calibrates instrumentation as per SOPs

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Animal Care

• Purpose: To assess whether animal care and housing are adequate to minimize stress and uncontrolled influences that could alter the response of test system to the test article

• Inspect typical animal room(s) that will be housing your study

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Animal Care (cont.)• Review pest-control procedures and

documentation of the chemicals used. Identify individuals responsible for the program. When a contractor provides the pest control, determine if someone from the laboratory accompanies the exterminator at all times.

• Determine whether the facility has an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Obtain and submit a copy of the Committee's SOPs and most recent committee minutes to verify committee operation.

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Test and Control Articles

• Characterization and Stability of Test Articles - The responsibility for carrying out appropriate characterization and stability testing may be assumed by the facility performing the study or by your company

• If you intend to perform the test article characterization and stability testing, verify that the test facility has the procedure in place to document that this testing will have been conducted according to GLP (or GMP)

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• Determine the number of archive locations – waterproof? Fireproof?

• Determine who is the individual assigned as archivist

• Verify method of indexing and the time period when documents/slides/computer data are archived after completion of the study

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Your audit report

• Classify your findings– Critical, major, minor or observations

• Provide a compliance assessment statement

• Summarize your audit and request a response within 30 days

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Remembering an FDA Inspection…

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A Big…

Thank you

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