configuring endnote to convert abbreviated journal titles to full journal titles

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Configuring Endnote to Convert Abbreviated Journal Titles to Full Journal Titles

This should prove useful towards insuring that full journal titles are used in citations formatted

in styles (such as APA) that call for complete, non-abbreviated journal titles to be used in bibliographic citations.

Step 1: Open Endnote Step 2: In Endnote select Edit and then Preferences; then on the left side select “Term Lists” and then uncheck the "Update lists during data entry" and “Update lists when importing or

pasting references” boxes and click OK.

Step 3: From the Tools list select “Open Terms List” and “Journals Term List”

Step 4: Click the Terms tab, highlight the entire list of journal titles and abbreviations (click in the box and push CTR+a), and then click the “Delete Term” button

Step 5: Select the Lists tab and highlight Journals; then click “Import List”

Step 6: Go to “Local Disk (C:)”, “Program Files”, “Endnote X2” (or whatever version of Endnote you use), and open “Terms Lists”

Step 7: Select Medical journal (or other) subset; and then click Open

Step 8: Click OK on the Journals window and then click Close on the “Term Lists” window

Now that the files containing the non-abbreviated journal titles have been added to Endnote, any styles (such as APA) that require bibliographic citations to include full journal titles will need

to be modified in Endnote (instructions follow)

Step 9: Click on Edit, “Output Styles”, and “Open Style Manager”

Step 10: Select the style to edit and click the Edit button

Step 11: Click “Journal Names”

Step 12: Select the radial button next to “Use full journal name” and then click the “X” in upper right hand corner to close window and click Yes to save the changes; this completes the process

Having completed these steps your style will place the full title of journals into bibliographic citations.

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