conflict mngmt

Post on 16-Dec-2014






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What is conflict?

Conflict is any situation in which your concerns or desires differ from those of another person

It causes painful tension set up by a clash between opposed and contradictory impulses

Conflict(contn’d)Conflict arises when there is………

Disagreement between employees. Employees who just don’t get along (there isn’t an

apparent conflict). Personality clashes Underlying stress and tension Ego Problems Communicate to one another differently. Spend large amounts of time together. Depend on one another to “get the job done”.

Conflict (cont’d)

• Conflict does not always have to be negative. When employees are able to challenge one another’s ideas in a supportive environment, new ideas are generated and fostered.

• It is important to remember that conflict will always exist between employees. Effective supervisors have the skills to manage the conflict process and turn disagreements into ideas.

Bad Consequences of Conflict

Breakdown of Relationships

Breakdown of collaborative ventures

Causes of Conflict

The Aggressive or Competitive behavior of human beings

Competition for limited resources


Introduction to Change

Clashes between Values and Interest

Cultural Influences

Misinformation, Assumptions and Expectations

How to Resolve Conflicts

• Clarify what the disagreement is• Establish a common goal • Discuss ways to meet the goal• Determine the barriers • Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict• Acknowledge the agreed solution and

determine the responsibility each person has in the resolution

The Do’s…….

Understand that conflicts are inevitable. Resolve to address conflict quickly. Focus on the problem. Be open to solutions. Acknowledge how others are feeling. Listen actively.

The Don’ts…..

Focus on personality traits that cannot be changed.

Interrupt. Attack. Disregard the feelings of the employees. Avoid the conflict. Allow emotions to take over the conversation. Impose personal values or beliefs

• Conflict is not necessarily unfavorable. When properly managed it results in several advantages such as increase in personal growth, enhanced communication, and producing better outcomes. However, if not managed properly it will result in your decline.

• Therefore, it is upto you to manage a conflict and turn it to your advantage, or to let it get in the way of your goals.

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