
Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Things had gotten crazier.Mark 3 7 Meanwhile Jesus and His followers traveled to the shore of the Sea of Galilee; as always, a huge crowd from Galilee and Judea gathered. 8 People had come from miles to see this man they were hearing so much about. They came from the big cities, including Jerusalem of Judea, Tyre and Sidon of Phoenicia, and from the region of Idumea, south of Judea. 9-10 Since Jesus had healed so many, the sick and

the infirm pushed forward constantly to touch Him, to be healed, and to ask His blessing. The crowd pressed so closely around Jesus that He asked His disciples to get a boat He could board if the crush became too great.

Not like this.Mark 3 11 Most wanted to be near Him, except for those possessed by unclean spirits. Those people fell down before Him.

Unclean Spirits: You are the Son of God.

12 But He ordered them not to reveal His true identity.

The True, Obedient RemnantMark 3 13 Jesus called together a select group of His followers and led them up onto a mountain. 14 There He commissioned them the twelve. [Later He calls them His emissaries.] He wanted them to be with Him. He sent them out to spread the good news 15 and to cast out evil spirits [and heal diseases]. 16 Here are the names of the original twelve: Simon (whom Jesus called Peter, meaning “the rock”),

17 James and John (the sons of Zebedee, whom Jesus called “the Sons of Thunder”), 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew (the tax collector, also called Levi), Thomas, James (the son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon of Canaan (who was also called “the Zealot”), 19 and Judas Iscariot (who one day would betray Jesus to the authorities in Jerusalem so God’s purpose could be fulfilled).

What’s gotten into Him?Mark 3 20 Jesus and His disciples went into a house to eat, but so many people pressed in to see Jesus that they could not be served. 21 When Jesus’ family heard about this craziness, they went to drag Him out of that place.

Jesus’ Family (to one another): Jesus has lost His mind.

22 The scribes, for their part, came down from Jerusalem and spread the slander that Jesus was in league with the devil.

Scribes: That’s how He casts out demons. He’s casting them out by the power of Beelzebul—the ancient Philistine god—the prince of demons.

Beware the unforgivable sin.Mark 3 23 When Jesus heard this, He tried to reason with them using parables.

Jesus: Listen. How can Satan drive out Satan? 24 A kingdom that makes war against itself will collapse. 25 A household divided against itself cannot stand. 26 If Satan opposes himself, he cannot stand and is finished.

27 If you want to break into the house of a strong man and plunder it, you have to bind him first. Then you can do whatever you want with his possessions. 28 Listen, the truth is that people can be forgiven of almost anything. God has been known to forgive many things, even blasphemy. 29 But speaking evil of the Spirit of God is an unforgivable sin that will follow you into eternity. 30 He said this because the scribes were telling people that Jesus got His power from dark forces instead of from God.

Doing God’s will was Job One.Mark 3 31 When Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived, they couldn’t break through the crowd, so they sent word in to Jesus that He should come out to them. 32 The crowd was pressed in tight around Him when He received the message, “Your mother and brothers [and sisters] are waiting outside for You.”

33 Jesus looked around.

Jesus (answering them): Who are My mother and brothers?

He called into the silence. No one spoke.

34 At last His gaze swept across those gathered close, and Jesus smiled.

Jesus: You, here, are My mother and My brothers! 35 Whoever does the will of God is My true family.


Heal us!

Leave us alone!

Judas. Really?

Come home.


You’re evil!

Jesus.Banish my demons.

Heal the earth!

End all slavery.

Restore my soul.

Stop all the hating.

Cure this cancer.

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