congress program

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August 5–11, 2012 Toronto, Canada

PROGRAM (final version ― updated 2 August, 2012)

Sunday 5 August

2:00 pm – 6:00 Registration and Welcome ― Kelly Library Lounge (ground floor, 113 St. Joseph Street)

6:00 pm Opening Mass ― St. Basil’s Church Cardinal Archbishop Thomas Collins presiding followed by

Opening Reception ― Charbonnel Lounge Sponsored by ICMAC and the Archdiocese of Toronto

Monday 6 August

9:30 am Welcome

Richard Alway, Praeses, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Joseph Goering, University of Toronto

9:45 – 12:15 Plenary Sessions ― Alumni Hall 400

Chair: Orazio Condorelli Thier, Andreas The Evolution of Legal Knowledge in Medieval Canon Law. The Example of C.

14 q. 4 cc. 5 and 6

(Coffee Pause 10:45 – 11:15) Chair: Anne Duggan

Dolezalek, Gero R. Taking Inventory of Manuscripts. Survey of Tasks Achieved and Tasks to Do

12:30 pm Light Lunch provided

12:30 pm Board Meeting of the Stephan Kuttner Institute ― Senior Common Room (light lunch provided)

2:30 pm – 6:00 Concurrent Sessions 1–8

Session 1 ― Alumni Hall 400

Chair: Gisela Drossbach

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Cushing, Kathleen G. Monastic ‘Centres’ of Law? Some Evidence from Eleventh-Century Rome Depreux, Philippe La Profession monastique au temps de la réforme d’Aix (816/817–

818/819) et les formules de voeux, de petitio des novices et d’oblation des enfants Constable, Giles Abbatial Election during the Regency of Suger of St. Denis

Session 2 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Florence Demoulin-Auzary

Basdevant-Gaudemet, Quelle hiérarchie d’après la législation conciliaire des IVe–VIIe siècles, en Occident? Brigitte

Siméant, Clarisse L’Apparition et la signification de l’expression ‘Jus parochiale’ Lault, Marie-Clotilde Le Droit canonique et la notion d’incorrigibilité

Session 3 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Bruce Brasington

Salonen, Kirsi Reconsidering Sacra Romana Rota in the Late Middle Ages Piergiovanni, Vito Il mare nella canonistica medievale: note normative e dottrinali Di Renzo Villata, Medieval Canonists and Criminal Law in the Modern Age

Gigliola Session 4 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Robert Sweetman

Grebner, Gundula Canon Law and the Early Artes Dictandi Budský, Dominik Processus iudiciarius secundum stilum Pragensem: Its Manuscripts and Edition

(Coffee Pause 4:00 – 4:30) Session 5 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Bruce Brasington

Austin, Greta Rethinking the Panormia Sedano, Joaquín Books Four and Ten of the Collection in 10 Parts: The Personality of the Collection Brugnotto, Giuliano Riflessioni di filologia sull’edizione del Decretum electionis di Enrico da Susa

(and Giulietta (Ostiense) Voltolina)

Session 6 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Charles Donahue, Jr.

Schmoeckel, Mathias Wichtiger als Wahrheit? Wie weit reichte das Beichtgeheimnis im Mittelalter? Perruso, Richard The Juramentum Perhorrescentiae in the Fourteenth Century

Session 7 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Thomas Wetzstein

Hitzbleck, Kerstin Quod est executor? The Canonist Guillaume de Montlauzun on the Role and Competences of the Executors of Papal Provisions

Meyer, Andreas Attention, No Pope! New Approaches to Late Medieval Papal ‘Litterae’ Session 8 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Frederik Pedersen

Vadum, Kristoffer Quia iuris ordo in iudiciis requiritur ― A Norwegian Ordo Iudiciarius and the Reception of Canon Law in the Province of Nidaros in the Late Thirteenth Century

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Haug, Eldbjørg The Council of Basel, the Rise against King Erik the Pomeranian and the Last Provincial Statute of Norway

7:30 pm Thomas Kuttner How Did Stephan Kuttner React to the Nazi ‘War Against the Jews’ ― Alumni Hall 400

Tuesday 7 August

9:30 am – 12:00 Plenary Sessions ― Alumni Hall 400

Chair: Uta-Renate Blumenthal Roumy, Franck Silentium perpetuum et absolutio ab impetitione: l’Expression de la sentence

définitive et de la requête irrecevable dans la procédure canonique des XIIe et XIIIe siècles

followed by a brief presentation of Roumy, Schmoeckel and Condorelli, ed., Der Einfluss der Kanonistik

auf die europäische Rechtskultur

(Coffee Pause 10:30 – 11:00) Chair: Martin Brett

Firey, Abigail Learning Law in the Carolingian Empire

12:15 pm Light Lunch provided

2:00 pm – 5:30 Concurrent Sessions 9–16 Session 9 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Thomas Izbicki

Coppens, E. C. Super Specula: Its Reasons and Consequences Viejo-Ximénez, Paucapalea’s Summa ‘Quoniam in omnibus’ Revisited

José Miguel Gelting, Michael H. Innocent III’s Sermon ‘Qui habet sponsam’: A Report of a Consultation by the

Pope with his Cardinals? Session 10 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Ludwig Schmugge

Korpiola, Mia Qui facit adulterium, frangit fidem et promissionem suam: Adultery and the Church in Medieval Sweden

McDougall, Sara Adultery in Late-Medieval Northern France Falzone, Emmanuël The Legal Framework of Divorce ‘a mensa et thoro’ and the Administration of

Justice within the Low Countries Session 11 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Kriston Rennie

Heil, Michael Clerics, Courts, and Canon Law in Early Medieval Italy Halfond, Gregory Contextualizing the Council of Tours (567) Monroe, William S. A Synod of Ravenna Confirming the Cadaver Synod

Session 12 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Greta Austin

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Andersen, Per Negotiating the Law ― Legal Procedure between Ecclesiastical Ideology and Secular Practice

Pedersen, Frederik ‘A Simple and Straightforward Man ... even though He Looked like a Slav’: Asger of Lund, Canon Law and Politics in Denmark, ca. 1085–1140

Juozapaitienė, Rusnė The Problem of Ecclesiastical and Secular Court Competence Delimitation in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (XIV–XVIII centuries)

(Coffee Pause 3:30 – 4:00) Session 13 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: John Lomax

Lepsius, Susanne The Function of Roman Law in Interpreting Unam Sanctam Conklin, George ‘Redde singula singulis’ and ‘Suum cuique tribuens’: Legal Phrases with Allusive

Political Connotations in Stephen of Tournai Pihlajamäki, Heikki Towards Material Truth: The Influence of the Canon Law of Procedure on the

Medieval Swedish Provincial Laws Session 14 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Andy Orchard

Meens, Rob Did Fulbert of Chartres Write a Penitential? Elliot, Michael D. The Worcester Collection of Canons: The Need for a New Edition Péricard, Jacques Canonical Collections of the Cathedral Chapter of Albi (VIIIth–XIIth C.): Some

New Perspectives Session 15 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet

Bassani, Alessandra The Tractatus De Testibus by Ugolino da Sesso Delivré, Fabrice The Libellus Super Electionibus of William of Mandagout (1285/1294). History

of a Success in the Medieval West (13th–15th Centuries) Laurent-Bonne, Un Canoniste oublié : Étienne de Clapiers, abbé de Saint-Victor de Marseille

Nicolas Session 16 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Kirsi Salonen

Wagschal, David Unity and Diversity in Early Medieval Canonical Collections Zajac, Talia Marriage Impediments in Canon Law and Practice: Consanguinity Regulations and

the Case of Orthodox-Catholic Intermarriage in Kyivan Rus’, ca. 1000–1241 Giannakopoulou, The Canonical Responses of Petrus Chartophylax (Constantinople 1091/1092)


6:15 pm Memorial Service for Deceased Canonists ― Trinity College (Anglican) Chapel

7:30 pm Reception Hosted by Trinity College, University of Toronto

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Wednesday 8 August

9:00 am – 6:00 pm Excursion ― Niagara Wine Country, Falls and Historic Region The bus leaves from in front of Kelly Library on St. Joseph Street at 9:30 am sharp. Lunch at Jackson-Triggs Winery, Niagara-on-the-Lake (

Thursday 9 August

9:30 am – 12:15 Plenary Sessions - Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Kenneth Pennington

Larson, Atria Peter Landau’s Contributions to the Study of Gratian and Other Canonists Clarke, P. D. Peter Landau’s Contribution to the Study of Canonical Doctrine and Jurisprudence Somerville, Robert Peter Landau at Yale

(Coffee Pause 10:45 – 11:15)

Chair: Kenneth Pennington

Landau, Peter Master Peter of Louveciennes and the Origins of the Parisian School of Canon Law around 1170

12:30 pm Light Lunch provided

2:30 pm – 6:00 Concurrent Sessions 17–24 Session 17 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Chris Coppens

Drossbach, Gisela Places of Production, Import Pathways, and Legal Transfer: Two German Decretal Collections

Dusil, Stephan Presenting Legal Knowledge. The Prohibition on Hunting by Clerics in the Twelfth Century

Duggan, Anne J. ‘Our Letters Do not Usually Make Law (‘legem facere’) on Such Matters’ (Alexander III, 1169): A New Look at the Formation of the Canon Law of Marriage in the Twelfth Century

Session 18 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Joaquin Sedano

Barralis, Christine Les Décrets des conciles provinciaux du nord de la France au XVe siècle: premières observations sur l’évolution des législations ecclésiastiques locales

Szuromi, Sz. Anzelm Canonical Manuscripts in the Collection of the National Library of St. Petersburg Cavina, Marco Marital Justice: The Canonists between Husbands and Wives

Session 19 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Nicolas Alvarez

Roberts, Gregory Policing and the Public Interest in Communal Bologna Gillen, Nicolas Escaping the Lion of St. Mark: Church Asylum in Renaissance Venice Perron, Anthony Synodal Statutes and Customary Law: Competing Visions of Ecclesiastical


Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Session 20 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Jason Taliadoros

Izbicki, Thomas M. How the Language of Transubstantiation Entered Medieval Canon Law Shwartz, Louis ‘Law Began with the Fall of the Angels’. How Canon Law Got its Wings: Angels

in the Decretum and its Glossa Ordinaria Parlopiano, Insanity, Blame, and ‘Quidam teologi’ in Durham C.III.1

Brandon T.

(Coffee Pause 4:00 – 4:30pm) Session 21 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Orazio Condorelli

Silano, Giulio The Council of Trent on Images: Modern or Mediaeval? Walther, Helmut G. Canon Law and Theology: John of Legnano’s Part in the Quarrels between

Aristotelians and Jurists in the Era of the Beginning Theological Faculty at 14th–Century University of Bologna

Cavallar, Osvaldo The Conscience of the Jurist: Baldus de Ubaldis Reconsidering the Legality of his Own Patrimonial Investments

Session 22 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Christof Rolker

Schoenig, Steven A. The Palliated Suffragan Brasington, Bruce C. The Summa ‘Queritur cuius sint hec verba’ Ott, John S. Texts and Church Reform: The Eleventh-Century Manuscripts of the Provosts of

Reims Session 23 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Stanley Chodorow

Dondorp, Harry Dumoulin and the Monetary Doctrine of Medieval Canon Law Decock, Wim A Canon Law of Junk Bonds. The Spanish Scholastics and the Market for Debt Hardman, Elizabeth Debt Litigation in the Bishop’s Court of Carpentras, 1486–1487: The Court and

Its Users Session 24 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Melodie Eichbauer

Baker, Travis Gratian’s Tract on Monasticism and its Sources Hilken, Charles Canon Law in the Monastic Chapter Room Sharp, Tristan William of Pagula’s Speculum Religiosorum: A Local Compendium of Monastic


6:30 pm ‘St. Lawrence’ Barbecue

followed (8:00 pm) by a showing of the film La Notte di San Lorenzo / Night of the Shooting Stars in Alumni Hall 400

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Friday 10 August

9:30 – 10:30 Plenary Session ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Robert Somerville

Winroth, Anders Where Gratian Slept: The Life and Death of the Father of Canon Law

(Coffee Pause 10:30 – 11:00)

11:00 – 12:30 Concurrent Sessions 25–28 Session 25 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Kathleen Cushing

Knibbs, Eric Isidorus Mercator, Damasus I, and the Invention of the False Decretals Hartmann, Wilfried Zur Entstehungszeit der sogenannten Kanones von Nantes und von Rouen North, William L. The Formation of Canonical Cognition in the Age of Reform: The Evidence of

Bonizo of Sutri’s Liber de Vita Christiana Session 26 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Martin Pickavé

Lomax, John Phillip Negotium Christi vs. Negotium Terrae Sanctae: The Crusade in Papal-Imperial Discourse, 1215–1250

Wetzstein, Thomas The Deposition of Frederick II (1245) ― A Public Lesson in Procedural Law Molnár, Péter La Reprise du terme ‘Plenitudo potestatis’ au profit des souverains laïques

Session 27 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Giulio Silano

Sinisi, Lorenzo The Lost Collection: The Liber Septimus of Pope Gregory XIII Bégou-Davia, Michèle Les Origines doctrinales du Liber Sextus Padovani, Andrea An Unknown Work about Legal Procedure in the Fifteenth Century: Iohannes de

Imola on the Fifth Book of the Liber Extra Session 28 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Rob Meens

Hamilton, Louis I. The Canons of the First Lateran Council: New Evidence, New Contexts Brett, Martin Lateran II and Usury Summerlin, Danica Drafts and Divergent Traditions: Three Manuscripts of the 1179 Lateran Canons

12:30 pm Light Lunch provided

2:30 – 4:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 29–32 Session 29 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Charles Hilken

Reynolds, Roger E. God’s Money in the Pseudo-Isidorian Collectio Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis L’Engle, Susan Glossing the Margins: Strategies for Learning the Law Sahaydachny, Ante et retro oculata: Tradition, Authenticity, and Sources in Gratian’s Definition

Antonina of Error in Marital Consent Session 30 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Katherine Christensen

Eichbauer, The Teaching of Substantive Law in Causae 22–26 of Gratian’s Decretum

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Melodie H. Lenz, Philipp The Context of Transmission of the Decretum Gratiani in St. Gallen,

Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 673: An Investigation of pp. 201a–246b Wei, John C. The Later Development of Gratian’s Decretum: From the Second Recension to the

Vulgate Text(s) Session 31 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Thibault Joubert

Demoulin-Auzary, La Situation des enfants exposés en droit canonique médiéval Florence

D’Alteroche, Bernard Le Clerc fornicateur d’après X. 3. 2. 7 et 8 Pose, Nicolas L’Erreur dans la confessio in iure selon les canonistes (XIIe– XIIIe siècles)

Session 32 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: William North

Rennie, Kriston The Canon Law of Legation Keygnaert, Frederik The Terms of the Local Interdict in the Archdiocese of Rheims (9th–12th Centuries) Wheeler, Nicholas B. Pope St. Gregory the Great as a Student of the Law: Cases of Corruption

4:00 pm – 4:30 Coffee Pause

4:30 pm – 5:30 Stephan Kuttner Institute Report ― Alumni Hall 400 Peter Landau

5:30 pm – 6:00 Robert Somerville Volume Presentation ― Alumni Hall 400

Saturday 11 August

9:30 am – 1:00 Concurrent sessions 33–40 Session 33 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: Peter Clarke

Donahue Jr., Charles English Canon Lawyers of the Fourteenth Century: A Moment of Transition? Mausen, Yves Les Constitutiones d’Othon et d’Ottobuono relues par John Ayton Rowberry, Ryan Max The Social Origins, Education, and Financial Relationships of Gilbert Rothbury, a

Clerical Common Law Judge (1290–1321) Session 34 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: John Ott

Álvarez de las Lanfranc’s Readings on Canon Law Asturias, Nicolás

Vaughn, Sally N. Anselm Speaking for God: Arguing at Court Before Canon Law Chapman, Alice Auctoritas in Bernard of Clairvaux and Gratian

Session 35 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Louis Hamilton

Schmidt, Episcopus, conservator et iudex: Bishops as Protectors of Religious Orders Hans-Joachim

Robinson, Jonathan Bartolus of Saxoferrato, the Franciscans, and the Authority of the Pope

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

Bartocci, Andrea San Giovanni da Capestrano e le costituzioni generali dell’ordine dei Frati Minori nel 1430

Session 36 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Katherine Christensen

Gallai, Gergely Notes on the Origin of Damasus, a 13th–Century Canonist in Bologna Makowski, Elizabeth The Curious Case of Mary Felton

(Coffee Pause 11:00 – 11:30) Session 37 ― Alumni Hall 400 Chair: John Wei

Lenherr, Titus Gratian und die Glossa zu den Psalmen und den Paulusbriefen: Beobachtungen und Fragen

Taliadoros, Jason The Use of Scripture in Ricardus Anglicus’s Distinctiones Decretorum Haering, Stephan The Sacrament of Baptism in the Works of the Anglo-Norman Canonists in the

12th and 13th Centuries Session 38 ― Alumni Hall 107 Chair: Atria Larson

Rolker, Christof Worse than Buggery? Incest Discourses in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries Lorenc, John An Early Fourteenth Century Confessor’s Legal Toolkit: The Origins of John of

Freiburg’s Legal Learning in the Summa Confessorum Théry, Julien The Papacy’s Criminal Procedures against Prelates, from Alexander III until

Benedict XII (1159–1342) : Judicial Inquiry as an Instrument of Centralized Government in the Age of Theocracy

Session 39 ― Carr Hall (Father Madden Hall) Chair: Andreas Meyer

Joubert, Thibault Unius uxoris vir: Le Lien sponsal entre l’évêque et son église dans le Décret de Gratien

Schneider, Elisabeth Les Origines théologiques de la personne en droit canonique médiéval Kermabon, Nicolas La Complicité par omission dans le droit canonique médiéval (XIIe–XVe siècle):

entre casuistique et influence du droit romain Session 40 ― Carr Hall 103 Chair: Mathias Schmoeckel

von Mayenburg, The Medieval Peasant and Canon Law ― The Rural Population between Freedom David and Bondage in the Works of the Decretalists

Gotowko, Piotr A Study of a Religious Chivalry in the XIV Century

1:00 pm Light Lunch provided

3:00 pm ICMAC General Assembly ― Alumni Hall 400 President: Kathleen Cushing

7:00 pm Closing Banquet ― Sam Sorbara Auditorium (Brennan Hall)

Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law

General Announcements:

For Congress wireless internet access, select the Wireless Network: ‘UofT’, and enter the UserID: ‘CanonLaw’ and Password: ‘ICMAC’. Visit the Book Exhibit and Sale in the Common Room of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (59 Queen’s Park Crescent East). Visit the Library of the Pontifical Institute and its display of canon law materials on the 4th Floor of the Kelly Library (113 St. Joseph Street). Your Congress name-tag will allow you entrance to the Library and its facilities. Daily Mass (8:00 am) held 6–11 August at Loretto College Chapel (70 St. Mary Street, across the street from St. Michael’s College). Program Committee: Peter Clarke, Orazio Condorelli, Kate Cushing, Gisela Drossbach, Joe Goering, Magnus Ryan, Anders Winroth Local Arrangements: Flavia Silano, Michael D. Elliot, Michael O’Connor, Lawrin Armstrong, Joe Goering

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