connecting iot andy cross, director elastacloud ltd windows azure mvp da zee zij oek. @andybareweb

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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Connecting IoTAndy Cross, Director Elastacloud Ltd

Windows Azure MVP

Da zee zij oek.


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IoT fundamentals

Billions of internet connected devices

All varying device capabilities

Devices sometimes online

Android emergent but expensive

Silicon solutions without software

Software solutions on generic hardware

This session

Largely practical

*we need luck for this to work!*

Demonstrates the state of the art with Microsoft technologies

Covers patterns and futures

Firstly - Scenario

A million internet connected, distributed heat sensors

In homes, maybe connected to intelligent heating systems

Perhaps these work in buildings (‘tenants’)

We require 4 communication types:

Notification: Send message to device

Command: Send message and receive a response

Inquiry: Receive message and send a response

Telemetry: Receive a message from the device

M2M Information Exchange Patterns


Information flowing from a device to other systems for conveying status of device and environment


Requests from devices looking to gather required information or asking to initiate activities


Commands from other systems to a device or a group of devices to perform specific activities


Information flowing from other systems to a device (-group) for conveying status changes in the rest of the world

Supporting Tech 1 -> Client

We will be using NETMF and the Netduino Plus 2.

We will be using only Open Source client libraries in order that smaller devices can reimplement or lighten the library weight

Ethernet connected as a baseline; it is possible to connect via wifi/gsm etc, but the demo gods are fickle.

Supporting Tech 2 -> Cloud

We are using Windows Azure’s storage services

These do not require SSL and this eases the load on our stack – BUT BEWARE WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOUR APP

Queue -> For command and control

Table -> For logs and reporting structured data

Blob -> For reporting unstructured data

DemoNETMF storage basics

DemoNETMF storage GB -> PB

Demo 4 types of Device Communication

FuturesWhat does the future of devices and Azure hold?

What haven’t we done today?

With more capable devices:

Secure connections via SSL

Cipher of message content

With a better client library:

Use of Shared Access Signatures for authentication

Or a totally different approach:

Windows Azure Service Bus

Why Service Bus

Lightweight protocols:


Built in security

High scalability targets


Number of Queues

Pub/Sub technologies suit multiple devices

What might be even better?

Front the Service Bus with MQTT as a custom Protocol

Binary transfer technology, with no ceremony

Lightweight, secure

With SB underneath this is scalable

Providing the fronting tier is itself scalable; Windows Azure

Final Thought: WTF do I do with the data?

A billion devices connected has the capability to produce a huge amount of data

Azure Storage can cope with this but … how do I derive meaning from it?

Answer: Using Big Data Technologies; see my afternoon session on Big Data: Data Liberty in an age POST Sql.


The slide of disaster (snafu fallback!)

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