connections between cher, sonny bono, phil spector, mk-ultra and the hells angels

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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7/27/2019 Connections between Cher, Sonny Bono, Phil Spector, MK-ULTRA and the Hells Angels 1/1

before you categorize this one in the "well, whoop-de-doo" file, as I was tempted to, just consider the fact that Cher's

ex husband , Congressman Sonny Bono, was murdered for threatening to expose CIA drug trafficking. Bono was also

closely associated with Phil Spector in the early days of his career, and Spector himself has been linked to mk.



what a great surprise - to hear that Cher is still falling for bikers! Leather guys on motorcycles have always

been her weakness (business suits repel her) and now she has a burly boyfriend who's 6'6" and 220 pounds!

He's Tim Medvetz, 38, and he customizes Harleys in Hollywood and also happened to climb Mount Everest.Cher's friend Richard Stark who owns Chrome Hearts, introduced them and they both have a preference for

black leather and silver gothic jewelry. Tim is described as a real man who "smokes Camels and drinks Jack

Daniels and eats greasy fried chicken." On June 13, Cher and Tim were at the Foxtail Lounge with a group

including Stark, but nobody realized they were a couple. The National Enquirer is already predicting

marriage, but we think they're jumping the gun. Still, we're happy for Cher.

this also reveals the milieu that Cher and other Hollywood types move in.

imo, the Hells Angels are closely involved in mk activities.

check out this Coast to Coast AM issue on Sonny Bono's murder, six months ago:


OCT 4, 2008.

Investigative researcher Bob Fletcher, discusses the mysteries surrounding Sonny Bono's death and why he

believes the former entertainer-turned-politician was assassinated. Fletcher began by providing background

on the toy manufacturing company he started in Marietta, GA in the early '80s.

Fletcher said he merged his operations with a man he'd met at marketing show in New York, and soon

discovered that his new business partner was using the toy company as a front to supply armaments for

covert NSA/CIA operations. Fletcher left the partnership, tried to sue, and began an investigation into the

activities of high ranking U.S. military and government officials, who he claims were involved not only in

secret weapons dealings but in drug smuggling as well. F letcher said he'd sent Bono his documentation and

the congressman had looked it over and decided to go after the people mentioned in the report. A week and half later Bono was


Fletcher went over the unusual circumstances of Bono's death, noting that the evidence surrounding the fatal

ski accident does not make sense. Fletcher stated that Bono had "prominent blood stains" that had soaked

through the back of his jacket and three layers of clothes, yet back wounds could not be found. He also

pointed out that Bono had no neck trauma, no contracu brain injuries, nor any other sign that would have

come from colliding with a tree at 30 mph. Fletcher suggested instead that Bono was beaten in the head with

a gun and placed by the tree to make it appear as though he'd been in a ski ing accident. According to Bono's

autopsy report, "some of the fractured bone pieces have a curved configuration" consistent with being struck

by the barrel of a .45 or 9mm pistol, Fletcher explained

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