conspiracies on 9/11 terror attacks

Post on 14-Feb-2016






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Conspiracies on 9/11 Terror Attacks. Matthew Allen Jonathon Odem. Agenda. Overview of what happened on September 11, 2001 Cover the different key conspiracies Debunks as to why some of the conspiracies may not be true 9/11 Memoria l. What happened that September Day?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Matthew Allen

Jonathon Odem

Conspiracies on 9/11 Terror Attacks

Overview of what happened on September 11, 2001Cover the different key conspiraciesDebunks as to why some of the conspiracies may not be true9/11 Memorial


Commercial airlines were hijackedThese events occurred from 8:46 am – 10:28 am5 people hijacked each of the first 3 airplanes• One crashed into WTC 1 (North Tower)• One crashed into WTC 2 (South Tower)• One crashed into the Pentagon• The other plane believed to be on path for

Washington D.C., but landed in a field in Pennsylvania was hijacked by 4 terrorists.

What happened that September Day?

(“RQ-170 Sentinel Origins”)

Towers Shortly after Impact

2,996 people were killed• 2977 were victims, 19 were hijackersThere were also more than 6,000 non-fatal injuriesThe al-Qaeda was believed to be the terrorist group behind this tragic event.

What happened that September Day?

(“September 11 Attacks”)

Initially, everyone believed al-Qaeda was to blameOver time, as evidence has evolved, some point the blame to other groups.

Who the World Believes is behind 9/11

(“Opinion Polls”)

Bush’s speeches• Defines the attacks as Terrorism on

America• America was targeted for attacks

because were labeled “brightest beacon for freedom”

Patriot Act was created in response to attacksUpgraded security in airportsDeclare war

Government ReactionBush’s Reaction

(“Why Bush”)

Government Involvement CIA had word ahead of time for the possible attacks.Michael Meacher a former British environment minister says the US Government knowingly failed to prevent the attacks.No such thing as air defense that morning once the planes were hijacked. The suspicion of Flight 93 being shot down will not be released. There were possible military planes in the area.


Second Tower being Struck

WTC 7 was said to collapse due to debris from the North TowerIt was said to collapse due to melted steel• Steel melts at almost twice the temperature as Jet

fuel burns atMany believe it collapsed because explosives installed within the buildingThermite composites found in the debris of the collapse

Was the Collapse of WTC 7 Controlled

(“Secret C.I.A.”)

WTC 7 Collapse Diagram

(“WTC 7 Collapse”)

Twin Towers ArchitectureOriginal plans called for 80 stories.Port Authority’s wanted 10,000,000 sq ft. of office space.Required 110 stories to meet the proper square footage.

(“September 11, 2001”)

Architecture Cont.First plane struck between floors 93 and 99 of the North Tower.The South Tower was struck between floors 77 and 85.

(“September 11, 2001”)

Collapse of the South TowerThe South Tower Collapses at 9:58:59 A.M. just 56 minutes after being struck.The building falls over to one side.The belief of bombs planted in the towers lower mid-section to aid in the collapse.

Collapse of the North Tower The North Tower Collapses at 10:28:22 A.M., 1 hr. and 46 min. after being struck. There is also belief in bombs being planted in the upper section of The North Tower.The top of the building collapses upon itself.

What Really Happened…The South Tower collapsed due to the heat on the structural beams of the tower causing the building to fall.The North Tower collapses due to gypsum-encased stairwells instead of concrete reinforced stairwells.

(“September 11, 2001”)

Pentagon The Pentagon was struck at 9:37:46 A.M. on the newly renovated side. Luckily the side that was struck was mostly unoccupied.There is belief to be something other than a plane that struck The Pentagon. Clues to it being another object would be the hole in The Pentagon the alleged plane left.

Pentagon just after the Attack

(“9/11 Pentagon Damage”)

Plane vs. Pentagon

(“Pentagon vs. Boeing 777”)

Pentagon Security Footage The footage that the camera outside the building caught is very choppy.The footage shows a big flash of light, and then the explosion is visible. The flash leads people to believe it could be a missile that hit the pentagon. Video

Pentagon just after the Attack

(“9/11 Pentagon Damage”)

Also known as the Blame-the-Jews theoryThe Mossad warned Jewish workers to skip work on 9/11Due to the power of the Mossad, prior knowledge of the attacks is probableAlmost 4,000 Jews were absent from work on 9/11 Most Popular in the Middle East

Anti-Semitism TheoryJewish Mossad Logo

(“The Truth”)

Debunks/Myths of 9/11Myth #1: 4 novice pilots could never achieve what took place. All 4 pilots were trained heavily in auto-pilot and navigational systems which helped in the planes successfully hitting their targets.

Debunks/Myths of 9/11 Cont.Myth #2The explosions inside the buildings when the planes hit creating a fire is the sole reason the buildings collapsed.Steel begins to weaken at as low as 400˚F and at 980˚F steel is only at 10% strength.The reason the buildings collapsed was due to weakened steal.

Debunks/Myths of 9/11 Cont.Myth #3World Trade Center 7 could not possibly have collapsed due to collateral damage.World Trade Center 7 housed a lot of fuel powered generators that powered the whole complex under power outages.The fuel for the generators caused the fire to be extensive enough to bring down the buildings.

Debunks/Myths of 9/11 Cont.Myth #4Flight 93 was shot down, because there was hardly any wreckage in the area. Flight 93 came in at such a steep angle the plane basically disintegrated on impact.The only piece of the plane was a fan from the engine located miles away from the site.

Debunks/Myths of 9/11 Cont.Myth #5The Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile. The hole left in the side of the building was nowhere big enough for a plane to have hit.Eyewitnesses stated that the planes wings were damaged from hitting a large generator and clipping light poles on the way in.The sustained damage to the wings on the way down shrunk the size of the possible hole that was left in the building upon impact.

9/11 Memorial

(“New York’s 9/11 Memorial”) - South Tower - North Tower Building Cutaway - Pentagon Video

"9/11 Conspiracy or Coincidence - U.S. Currency." Rancid News, 19 Sept. 2012. Web. 01 Apr. 2014."9/11 Conspiracy Theories." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Mar. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014."9/11 Pentagon Damage High-Resolution Aerial Photos | Public Intelligence."Public Intelligence. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014."The 11 Most Compelling 9/11 Conspiracy Theories." News One RSS. News One for Black America. 11 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.Cook, Joshua. "Congressmen." Ben Swann Truth In Media. N.p., 17 Dec. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2014."Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report." Popular Mechanics. Popular Mechanics, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.Ham, Mary Katharine. "Top 5 9/11 Truther Myths You Should Be Prepared to Debunk." N.p., 11 Sept. 2007. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.McGreal, Chris. "9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 06 Sept. 2011. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.Mol, Phil. "9/11 Conspiracy Theories." 12.4 (2006): 1-15. UNC Charlotte Libraries. Web. 24 Mar. 2014."New York’s 9/11 Memorial to Open This Year on 10th Anniversary." UrbanPeek RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.Norman, Joshua. "9/11 Conspiracy Theories Won't Stop." CBS News. CBS News, 11 Sept. 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

Works Cited

"Opinion Polls about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Feb. 2014. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.Randall, Martin. 9/11 and the Literature of Terror. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011. Print."RQ-170 SENTINEL ORIGINS: DARKSTAR HAS GROWN UP -" N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014."Secret C.I.A. Site in New York Was Destroyed on Sept. 11." Secret C.I.A. Site in New York Was Destroyed on Sept. 11. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014."September 11, 2001." Robin Patino RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014."September 11 Attacks." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Mar. 2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2014."The Truth Will Set You Free." The Truth Will Set You Free. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.Thomas, Dave. "The 9/11 Truth Movement: The Top Conspiracy Theory, a Decade Later." CSI. The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, July-Aug. 2011. Web. 30 Mar. 2014."Why Bush Didn’t Mention Canada After 9/11." FrumForum RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014."WTC 7 Collapse Diagram." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.

Works Cited

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