constituency wong chen newsletter · constituency newsletter wong chen member of parliament for...

Post on 21-Jan-2020






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Greetings from your Member of Parliament!IN THIS ISSUE







The Pakatan Harapan

Alternative Budget 2016

The 1MDB-DuSable Mystery

The Trans-Pacific Partnership


The National Security Council



Angsana Free Medical Camp

Desa Mentari Residential Survey

Tadika Glenmarie Officiation

IJM Corporate Social Responsibility Project



P104 Star Wars Fundraiser Farewell to Tim and Gillian

A very happy new year to all! This is my sixth newsletter to the people of Kelana Jaya.

My team and I will endeavour to issue one every six months to update you on our

work and progress as your Parliamentarian. For this year end 2015/new year 2016

issue, I will disclose my office’s 2015 accounts.

I am happy to report that I have attended every single day of Parliament in the last six

months. I gave seven primary speeches in Parliament and took part in numerous

interjections and debates. The primary achievement of this office is the coordinating

and preparation of the Pakatan Harapan Budget 2016. In terms of performance, as a

first term Member of Parliament (MP), I am making good and steady progress.

At the start of my term in 2013, despite winning the second highest PKR vote in

Malaysia (YB Rafizi Ramli got the highest in PKR), I was placed in the furthest seat of

the backbench in Parliament. Seating arrangements in Parliament are primarily based

on political patronage. For being an independent minded technocrat, I was

“rewarded” the very last seat in Parliament. This posed a major practical challenge.

Being seated furthest away from the Speaker means that I would not be afforded

decent opportunity to speak up for Kelana Jayans in Parliament.

However, I took this challenge in stride and decided to work much harder. My team

worked harder too. I prepared my speeches in advance, putting in facts, and

minimising rhetoric. I rehearsed and refined my delivery. My team and I invested in

research and data. I gave press statements and pursued issues rigorously. I briefed

senior MPs on complex financial issues. My team and I coordinated and prepared the

Pakatan Harapan budget. I even coordinated several MPs on human rights bills when

no MP was willing to do so.

In the recent October/Budget session, due to the formation of Pakatan Harapan, the

seating arrangements in Parliament were reshuffled. I was accorded a seat in the

middle of Parliament, sitting amongst the 2nd and 3rd term MPs. I am happy to report

that I am still the same independent minded technocrat, unwilling to partake in

political patronage, and that I let my work and service speak for itself.

As of the 31st of December 2015

National Political Issues

This year, we have seen a dramatic roll back on our

already fragile Malaysian democracy. Words cannot

express how odious the National Security Council Act

(NSC) bill is. Words too cannot describe the farce that is

unfolding on the 1MDB scandal. There is a complete and

utter redundancy of courage from all Barisan Nasional

MPs on the simple and straightforward matter of the

RM2.6 billion. The Malaysian Parliament has been

completely neutered by certain people in power.

Parliament is now being used as a tool to create an


Outside the halls of Parliament, we are witnessing

untouchable thugs run freely, provoking racial discords.

We are also witnessing a steady rise in religious

intolerance. The merger between UMNO and PAS may

become a reality within the next six months and this will

have tremendous overall implications to the Malaysian

political landscape and a direct challenge to the Selangor


It is true that PM Najib has recently successfully

consolidated power to himself. Despite the RM2.6 billion

problem and a massive drop in his popularity, he has

played a perfect political game in the last six months.

Despite the odds, he managed to strengthen his grip on

UMNO and also the civil service. He managed to destroy

the Opposition’s unity with Anwar in jail and the courting

of some opposition leaders. With the NSC Act, he will

have powers beyond the Constitution.

His strategies may make Machiavelli proud, but his gain

has a heavy cost. Ultimately the socio-political cost will be

borne by the rakyat. Politically, Malaysia’s democracy is

now entering its darkest chapter in recent history.

Community Front

I say this in every newsletter; YB Hannah Yeoh is an angel

and the best ever ADUN one can get. In the last six

months, I have also become more familiar with my

constituents both in Subang Jaya and Seri Setia.

I am particularly impressed by the community leaders of

JKP Zone 3; on the ground these guys are really

dedicated and hardworking. Their fantastic service to the

community means that my office is able to concentrate

more on national and Parliamentary issues.

We have a long list of community works and social

services in the last six months, and this report highlights a

very small sample.

Lastly, I wish to thank both my ADUNS, YB Hannah Yeoh

and YB Nik Nazmi for their dedicated services to the

people of Kelana Jaya. I also wish to thank all the

councillors and JKP members too.

Despite all the doom and gloom, I wish all Kelana Jayans

a very good year ahead. Your Member of Parliament will

continue to fight for your rights and make Malaysia a

better and fairer place for all.

Yours sincerely,

National Economic Issues

My fellow Kelana Jayans, a severe economic storm is

gathering. We have to act fast and decisively. We have to

take actions that are within our control by tackling

governance and corruption issues. In 2015, we have seen

a dramatic slowdown in consumer confidence due to a

high introductory rate of 6% for GST. This in turn has hurt

business activities. Then the 1MDB scandal exploded and

evaporated investor confidence, causing capital flight and

the Ringgit to devalue. The GST and devaluation brought

inflationary pressures and cost of basic household goods

went up and up. Only the falling oil prices is staving off a

runaway inflation. However as a net oil and gas exporter,

falling oil prices is actually a negative factor for Malaysia.

Being a very heavy borrower, we may fail to roll over our

bonds and even risk a default. If that happens, it will be

catastrophic for the Malaysian economy.

This current warm winter and OPEC’s game of

brinkmanship, means that oil prices will remain low and

we will face a fiscal crisis in 2016. We could also be

punished by a lower sovereign rating.

What does all these mean to the rakyat? Expect high

prices of goods to continue. Expect wages to be stagnant

and even loss of jobs. Expect a slowdown in the banking,

oil and gas, housing and construction sectors. Note that

household debts are at an all-time high of 88% of GDP,

so expect higher non-performing loans and bankruptcies.

Expect the government to cut social services such as

education and health care. All very bad news.

But can we expect the UMNO BN government to clean

up and curb abuses of power and corruption?

Unfortunately, being in the frontline and watching how

these people operate, I am very pessimistic on that

happening under our RM2.6 billion PM, Najib Razak.

PARLIAMENTARYSESSIONS UPDATEThe third and final parliamentary session for the year was held from the 19th of October to the 3rd of December 2015. The first session for 2016 will commence in March.

Pakatan Harapan Alternative Budget for Malaysia 2016: Averting a Crisis

Pakatan Harapan’s base philosophy is the Social Market

Economy model, which is predominantly used in Nordic

and Germanic countries. However, we are mindful of

incorporating Asian and Islamic elements and influences


Pakatan Harapan proposes a disciplined approach

towards the national budget and broadly speaking we

do not recommend pump priming for 2016. Instead our

focus will be on human capital development and

pursuit of savings from anti corruption measures. We

worked heavily on fiscal projections and also on policy

positions. We also have a special section that deals with

policy ideas to avert a looming economic crisis.

We launched the Pakatan Harapan Alternative Budget

2016 on the 21st of October after 8 long weeks of

research, analysing, number crunching, formatting,

illustrating, and writing with my office staff and interns. I

want to thank all the members and interns who worked

hard on the project. Particularly I want to thank Eric Lee,

Koh Wyhow, and Nadirah Sharif, members of my office

who had put in great effort to produce the report.

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

I am against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

(TPPA) for many reasons, but primarily on competitive

and sovereignty issues. I believe in Keynesian/social

market economy model and as such a government

must lead but allow the market to operate within the

overall national strategy and social goals.

Developed countries that now push for TPPA had all

previously benefited from market protectionism. Now

that they are developed, they sing a different tune of

“free market” and now want us to compete with them

without protectionism.

Some may say that the TPPA is a form of “tough love”.

But you can’t pit an ant against an elephant and say

“may the best man win.” All industrialised countries in

the world today built their market dominance on basic

protectionism. Now that they have reached a dominant

state, they now speak of “free trade” to increase and

cement their global dominance.

We will come back to Parliament in 2016 at the end

January, to debate the TPPA.

The National Security Council Bill

Mark the 3rd of December 2015 as the day we see the

end of our already fragile democracy. On that day, the

National Security Council (NSC) Bill, which gives Prime

Minister Najib Razak unfettered powers to declare

certain areas as security areas, was tabled and rammed

through Parliament.

The debates were serious and Pakatan Harapan MPs

were piling on our arguments in waves. We were

highlighting two key arguments.

We are going to continue to give

our all to fight these laws

I started looking into DuSable and 1MDB since April

2014 when the two entered into a joint venture to

develop a solar power plant in Kedah, as reported by

The Star. A quick search will reveal that DuSable is very

loosely connected to United States President Barack


The 1MDB-DuSable Mystery

Soon after, 1MDB and DuSable released a joint

statement insisting that they don’t have a joint venture

agreement on the solar project in Kedah, and that they

have somehow decided in a joint venture of sorts. While

I appreciate the joint statement issued by 1MDB-

DuSable, I was expecting a reply from the Prime

Minister since the matter was for him to reply to


What agreement or deal did the parties conclude? Why

is 1MDB-DuSable trying their level best to technically

justify the Prime Minister’s written reply to my

Parliamentary question, which did not even mention

any “joint venture agreement” in the very first place?

On 27th October 2015, I asked for a status update on

the 1MDB-DuSable solar power project in Kedah. Prime

Minister Najib Razak, in his capacity as the Finance

Minister, gave a curious one line written reply: that

1MDB has never signed a joint

venture agreement with


First, the Federal Constitution

provides the Yang Di Pertuan

Agong, not the PM the powers to declare

emergency and command the army. But if passed, this

Act, will allow the PM to supersede the powers of the

Agong and direct the armed forces.

Second, the powers are actually given solely to the PM,

because the council gives him the sole power to make

regulations to give effect to the Act.

Despite our efforts, we lost the vote 74 to Barisan

Nasional’s 107.

At times we seem to be stuck in a Kafka novel. I am

angry and tired. But I am not giving up. My colleagues

from Pakatan Harapan are not giving up. We may not

be able to stop the passing of draconian laws but we

are going to continue to give our all to fight these laws

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6

MEDIA RELEASESDURING THE END OF 2015The following are excerpts of several speeches and press statements I have done in the past 6 months of 2015.

“Internally... it now appears that UMNO, as a political party, is

stuck and does not have the courage to remove a very

unpopular leader. That the party is beholden to and

continues to prop up Najib is an astounding declaration.

“... This also means that the patronage system started and

used by Dr Mahathir so skilfully, is now the biggest problem

within UMNO. When the centre that is UMNO can no longer

hold, things will fall apart.”

− “1MDB and its Implications” speech delivered at the

University of Sydney on the 7th of September 2015

“What [the Opposition is] going to do [if we win] is go for

the low-hanging fruit... You try and clean up democracy

in Malaysia, put in place free and fair elections, allow the

press to be free, make sure that the MPs are well paid so

that you cut out this dependency on money which will

corrupt the administration, and you make sure the Prime

Minister serves only two terms maximum.

... So get that out and what I expect is that among 1.3

million Malaysians [in foreign countries], we should be

able to attract maybe 100,000 back in the first two years.

− The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong on the

6th of July 2015

“Under the Intellectual Property Chapter, Internet Service

Providers (ISPs) have been extended the role of “internet

police”. Here’s how: the TPPA provision requires Malaysia to

provide legal incentives for ISPs to expeditiously remove

content deemed as copyrighted material. Under current

Malaysian Copyright law, ISPs are not required to remove or

disable access to the infringing material unless they receive

notification from copyright owners.

“The TPPA has rewritten the rules of the internet...

completely to the advantage of corporations.”

− Press Statement on internet freedom with Dr. Hatta Ramli

of AMANAH on the 24th of November 2015

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6

COMMUNITY PROJECTSCommunity projects make up a big part of our service. As the office of the Member of Parliament for Kelana Jaya, it is important that we continue to engage the community at large and provide social support to the most needy.

Angsana Free Medical Camp

On the 9th of August, we organised the USJ 1 Angsana

free medical camp. YB Hannah joined my event, and for

once my office returned the favour of organising an

event in Subang Jaya.

The camp started slowly at around 8.30 a.m. so Tim,

Amir, Mr. Phang, and I went around the flats with a

loudhailer each to drum up the local residents.

When the program ended at 3.00 p.m., we have broken

all previous medical camp records.

The medical camp was made possible with the support

of Community Excel Services, World of Life, and Save

Ones Sight Mission. We served a whopping 360

residents with free medical checkup and free

medications. Thank you to the doctors, the pharmacists,

the medical students, and the volunteers.

Congratulations and a very big thank you to all!

I am especially proud of my volunteers corp, led by Mr.

Leong, Mr. Ho, Mr. Phang, and Wyhow who got

everything organised and done! It was also very nice to

see some of my former interns, Ying Ning, WWW,

Ashley, Nick, MX, Ann Charlotte, and Jia Hui, helping on

that day.

Officiating the Ladang Glenmarie Kindergarten

On the 7th of August, we officiated the Ladang

Glenmarie kindergarten which is run by YWCA. My

friend, William Arul, is a donor for the kindergarten

renovation. In conjunction with the opening, we also

held a free medical camp with Community Excel, Word

of Life, and Save Ones Sight missions for the residents

of Glenmarie.

Many thanks to my volunteers, Leong and Ho, the

doctors, medical students, and YWCA for organising

the event.

Desa Mentari Survey with Sunway University Students

On the 3rd of October, about 70 business administration

students from Sunway University assisted my office and

interns to do a complete socio-economic data survey of

Desa Mentari. About 2 months prior, we had a trial run

and completed the survey of Block 1. Subsequently, we

completed another 7 blocks, essentially Block 2 to Block


I also took the opportunity to visit 4 of my constituents

who were in severe health crisis. This is a common

pattern of urban poverty; extremely poor health. I met a

61 year old diabetic lady who has a gangrenous foot but

refused treatment. Another lady of 55 years old is

partially blind and immobile. A 45 year old man with

crippling and deformed gout in his ankle, wrists, and

fingers. I also met a woman who has withered legs.

The survey was essential to enable my office to better

understand my poorest constituents. It is extremely

frustrating that my office has had no viable data from

both the Federal and Selangor State government to

work with. Many thanks to the Annie from Sunway

University for organising the students.

The 5th of December 2015 is a busy day in Kelana Jaya.

IJM Bhd had chosen to do their CSR activities this year

in Desa Menteri, Kampung Lindungan, and Desa Ria. All

three are urban poverty areas in my constituency.

IJM sent a team of 500 persons along with their CEO

and senior managers. They cleaned up a large part of

the common areas and repaired three playgrounds. On

behalf of my constituents, I wish to thank IJM and all

volunteers again for their fantastic CSR work. I also want

to thank Mr. Leong, Mr. Ho, and Amir for a good job

organising the event with IJM.

When I began my term as Member of Parliament for

Kelana Jaya in 2013, I made a conscious decision to

dedicate the bulk of my office allocation and resources

to my urban poor constituents. Due to limited funds,

our programs are confined to welfare aid, education

and health camps. We do not have the financial means

to carry out any construction or repair works. Therefore

when IJM stepped up and agreed to carry out repair

works, we were genuinely overjoyed by the good news.

Our collaboration with IJM Bhd did not begin today.

Two years ago, we worked together on a very small but

meaningful project to repair all the broken staircases in

the Desa Ria flats, which were extremely dangerous

safety hazards for young children. The repair works

were conducted on time and within budget.

We believe that our relationship with IJM is built on the

principles of accountability, transparency, and

professionalism and based on the same, we hope that

IJM Berhad will continue to support the underprivileged

in Kelana Jaya with future projects.

IJM Bhd CSR Project

WELFAREAND COMMUNITY HANDOUTSAs recession looms, the poor of Kelana Jaya continue to suffer from an ever-growing financial burden. Our office occasionally provides monetary aid in attempt to ease their troubles. Below are some of the pictures of the welfare recipients at the end of 2015.

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6

I would like to thank Anita, Sami, Sister Stella, Ustaz Zul, Ravi and Prakash for their graciously helping our office inidentifying the neediest of residents. I would also like to extend my appreciation to Peter Chong and YB SivarasaRasiah‘s office for their invaluable contribution.

ACCOUNTSAS OF 31ST OF DECEMBER 2015The following are our accounts throughout the year of 2015.

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6


Donation 60,838.00

Interest income 40.31

Office claims 56,688.80

Reimbursement 611.00

Total Income 118,178.11


Utilities 7,308.44

Cheque fee 43.86

Rental 16,225.10

Cleaner pay 2,400.00

Miscellaneous expenses 1,381.53

Travelling & parking 22.00

Intern pay 13,350.35

Office supplies 5,239.80

Salaries and bonuses 75,403.85

EPF 17,280.00

SOCSO 1,597.20

Welfare 10.00

Tabika Desa Ria Renovation 1,405.00

Photocopier Rental 2,519.76

Medical camp 100.00

Program Mesra Rakyat 826.00

VPN 251.60

Entertainment 655.25

Loan written off 500.00

PA System rental 300.00

Staff claims 370.00

Cheque book stamp duty 15.00

Sponsorship - Projek kecil 2,233.95

Deposit for hamper 300.00

Deepavali expense 2,668.00

Service charge 106.00

Total Expenses 152,512.69

Net surplus/(deficit) -34,334.58

ACCOUNTSAS OF 31ST OF DECEMBER 2015The following are our accounts throughout the year of 2015.

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6


As at 31 Dec 2015


Fixed assets 7,725.10

Loan 942.00

Rental deposit 5,200.00

Cash at bank 15,094.95

Cash in hand 3,327.15

Total assets 32,289.20


Amount due to Wong Chen 93,023.90

Total Liabilities 93,023.90

Net Liabilities (60,734.70)


Balance b/f 26,400.12)

Net surplus (34,334.58)

Balance c/f as of 30 June 2015 (60,734.70)

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6


Here are some of the events the office held together these past six months of 2015.

We had our Star Wars Fundraising event on the 21st of December! It was

amazing; almost everyone showed up, all those who came in costume

were impressive, and the mood was quite festive. There was a even a

booth selling real fighting lightsabers, courtesy of AC Lightsabers. A

million thanks to all those who supported the event!

I would also like to extend special thanks to my staff and volunteers.

Special thanks to the heroic efforts of Mr Leong and Amir in making this

event a success. May the Force be with you all!

The 28th of August happened to be the last day for my

first and original staff, Timothy Kang. I want to thank Tim

for being the rock in my office, managing all the staff and

interns the last two years. Tim will be joining BFM as a

trainee producer.

The 31st of December was also the last day of Gillian Gan,

my research officer, in our office. She is a great

researcher and is well liked by her colleagues and

Parliamentarians from both divide. The fact that Kak

Wan, the Opposition Leader wanted to hire her is

testament to her skills and abilities. Despite the offer,

Gillian decided to stick with my office, and so ended her

tour of duty.

Working on relatively low pay despite good qualifications

is a hardship. My office is a non profit and as such it is

unfair to retain Tim and Gillian on low pay.

Both have served Malaysia, the Kelana Jaya constituency

and democracy. It is now time for them to pursue

something for themselves. We will miss Tim and Gillian

and wish them the very best in all their future


P104 Star Wars Fundraiser

Farewell to Tim and Gillian


“My internship at YB Wong Chen’s office has truly exceeded all my

expectations from the very get-go. YB Wong Chen’s focus of helping to

train the younger generation, with the help of an incredibly supportive and

open staff is something I feel that other offices could model after, from my

own personal experience.

“I’m very grateful to have been given the chance to partake in various

community works and even learn many principles that I can carry through

to my future career in law; whatever that may be. In all, it was an

experience that I will never forget and would happily do all over again if

ever given the chance.”



Our interns have been one of the most integral part of our operations. Their enthusiasm and continuous support even after their internship have been nothing short of amazing. Below are their personal testimonies of their time spent working with us.


“Interning in this office was truly eye-opening. Coming from a place where I

was not aware of how things worked in the legislative branch of our

country, I learned so much and gained valuable experiences along the way.

Being able to be part of the researching work before debates on the

proposed bills of our country made me feel like I was being part of

something important, being part of a solution.

“Interning in this office is not just all about research though, it also includes

work dealing with public complaints and welfare which is interesting, seeing

people of different backgrounds and problems, seeking a solution from the

office. Interning in a Member of Parliament's office is a really cool

experience, especially this one, where if you get a break, you might just be

able to play table tennis, Politiko or even Cards Against Humanity.”

“Throughout my one-month internship with YB Wong Chen, I realized

that one cannot simply dream of a better Malaysia, but must actively work

towards building it. For one, I learned that Malaysians (especially the

young generation) need to constantly equip themselves with knowledge

which would be beneficial for nation-building in order to actually make a

change in the nation. However, such head knowledge would not suffice;

having witnessed the way YB Wong Chen and his team attended to

various constituents (most of whom were poor), I realised that change

begins with having a genuine heart to serve the people.

“I ended my internship, feeling inspired to continue pursuing my Law

degree, with hopes that it would be a platform for me to serve the

country in the near future”


Ever wanted to learn more about the Malaysian Parliamentary process?

Join us for an internship!

You will receive a small allowance of RM20 a day and occasional free lunches.

Please send us your CV and cover letter to

Curious to know what your Member of Parliament does?


Depending on your skill set, you can help us with national policy research, community services, or both.

. . . . .

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6


Introducing the youths of Malaysia supporting YB Wong Chen in his battle for a better tomorrow.

Gillian graduated from her degrees in International Studies and Law from

University of Sydney, fought the tide of brain drain, and made the move back to

Malaysia. Uncertain about her future, she decided to delve into rediscovering her

country through an experience in public service. Gillian worked as an intern for two

months before being offered a position as Research Officer. Since then, she has

had the opportunity to sit in on Parliamentary meetings, work with the Leader of

the Opposition, and engage in urban poor issues.

While she has left the office at the end of December 2015, Gillian will endeavour to

continue the uphill battle for better freedoms for Malaysians.


Coming from a background in Sociology, Amir completed his Master’s degree at King’s

College, London in Cultural & Creative Industries. Amir is perhaps the most unusual

recruit to set foot into office. Prior to signing up as an intern, Amir believed his talents

and skillset were best suited for either showbiz or sensational journalism. It took YB

Wong Chen himself to persuade Amir into joining the office. Amir has been tasked

primarily in dealing with constituency related issues, especially in the low-cost housing

flats of Desa Mentari, although he also does his fair share of Parliamentary work.

Amir believes that his job has been nothing short of an adventure. Be it shaving heads

in front of Parliament or spending a night in Desa Mentari on an immersion exercise,

Amir is not one to shy away from any adventure and always smiles in the face of

adversity. Though initially unsure of his place and purpose, as Operations Officer, Amir

is a welcome addition to the team.



Nadirah is a law graduate from Cardiff University and had just completed her

Malaysian Bar Qualifying Examination when she first met YB Wong Chen and his

team at the Angsana free medical camp while working as a volunteer. Intrigued

and still uncertain about a profession in law, Nadirah decided to join the office as

an intern to explore alternative career options.

During her internship, Nadirah has had the chance to work with the Opposition’s

2016 Alternative Budget team, contribute to research on the Trans Pacific

Partnership Agreement, and assist in various urban poor issues. After two and a

half months, she was offered a position as Research Officer.

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6

RECENT EVENTSIN PHOTOSBelow are photos of some of the memorable events during the last half of the year 2015.

Clockwise from the top right:

1. Distribution of organic insect repellents contributed by Captain Wan Hock Leong at the PJS 7 Deepavali event

2. My whole office in preparation for Bersih 4.0 on the next day

3. Interview on BFM on national budget issues

4. With my staff at YB Hannah Yeoh’s Children’s Day Event at Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang Jaya

5. At the USJ 2 Hari Mesra Keluarga with YB Hannah Yeoh and USJ 2 residents

6. Briefing of MPs on the Alternative Budget of Pakatan Harapan for Malaysia 2016


We serve all residents in the Kelana Jaya Parliamentary Constituency, which includes:

Provided by the Office of YB Wong Chen


PJS 5 – 10 (Desa Mentari)

Taman Glenmarie

Kelana Jaya

SS5, SS7, SS8, and SS9


Raise national issues on your behalf

Represent Kelana Jaya on policies and laws

Update residents on all national issues

Welfare, Education and Medical Issues

Support applications for medical aid and welfare payments

Apply for medical fee exemptions

Connect with welfare and medical NGOs

Citizenship Issues

Support applications for blue ICs and issue letters

Follow up on JPN and immigration






Tel: 03-5613 7918

Fax: 03-5613 7919

Address: 113B (2nd floor)

Jalan SS14/1 47500 Subang Jaya

Selangor, Malaysia

Wong Chen Kelana Jaya Constituency Newsletter is anunregulated product. Information in the newsletter is forgeneral information and is not intended to be relied uponby individual readers in making or not making specificpersonal, business, and/or investment decisions. Shouldyou wish to cite, reproduce or adapt any content in anymanner, please seek our prior written permission.

Wong Chen Kelana Jaya Constituency Newsletter ispublished by Pusat Khidmat P104 Kelana Jaya AhliParlimen Kelana Jaya Selangor Malaysia.

Editor: Wong Chen

Contributors: Nadirah Sharif, Abigail Nimbalker, Lau Chun Tung, Wong Weng Wai

Newsletter #6: January 2016

Wong Chen

Kelana Jaya

Pusat Khidmat Kelana Jaya Newsletter Issue #6

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