construction of media

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Construction:I turned the brightness up so that I could get rid of shadow. Making the focus solely on the model in the image. Brightening the image also allowed me to create contrast between the background and the model however because I needed to get the shadow away it also brightened the whole image and therefore after I had used the patch tool to erase all the spots and blemishes.

I had to take away the dark circles under her eyes because it took away the dark, tense edge to the magazine. I also wanted the direct mode of

address to look more dramatic.

Because I brightened the background I had to use the ‘curves’ tool which enabled me to make my model look darker after the image was brightened. I made sure that the curve was set to a naturalistic setting so that it didn’t make the image look edited but instead came across natural.

This tool was beneficial as it helped my final product of the magazine look very naturalist but still appeal to the my target audience.


To make sure the focus was only on the model I had to blur the back ground using ‘Gaussian Blur’ this allowed me to blur the background to how intense I wanted it to be. I used the quick selection tool which allowed me to select only the background and make it blurry. Because the model was not blurred it helped emphasis her dominance.

After I had done the I decided to select the background I went to filter and clicked on ‘patchwork’ this allowed the background to be out of focus and again make sure the focus was only on the model. But the background looks very hard and rough which

emphasise the rock nature of the magazine.


I wanted to add some versatility to the magazine front cover therefore I decided to add edited the text by putting noise around the exclusive ‘I’ll let you in on a little secret’. The addition of noise allowed me to draw more attention more attention to the main, most enticing article in the magazine

Once I had done that and was happy with the outcome then I decided to edit the cover lines by putting a shadow around the text. This allowed my magazine to look a lot more edgy but it also helped add some dynamics to the page – almost as if the text was emerging from the page.


As you can see these are the stages I had to take before I can get my final product. The first image is what I first thought I wanted it to be but then I changed the boldness of the red to a very off blood red colour which is the stereotypical idea that people who listen to rock like dark, scary colours. The banner that I added at the bottom makes the magazine look very versatile and will appeal to the audience as there is never a dull moment on the page.



At first whilst creating my content page I wasn’t sure if I wanted the background to remain white however I decided to crop a bit out of the background from the front cover and place it on my contents page and set it as my background however when I did this is was too dark and did not look the way I first intended it too.

Also to create the title inserted the red Rockwell text and then added a shadow to the text so that it would create the effect that the text was popping out of the page. The connotation is that the music is loud, vibrant and bold enough to break boundaries.

Therefore I had to edit it by using the paint brush and doing black and dark brown stroke then I blurred them so that they faded into the background. I did this repeatedly until it got to the state that I wanted it to be.

I also edited a new image a magazine that I made and made the image smaller so that it looked like it was a exclusive

magazine of what Deviant have to offer next. I put this in the to right hand corner so that the reader can clearly see it but it will not be distracting for them.



To edit this image I had to select the bits (which are in red) that I wanted to have some kind of edit on them.

I blurred the background slightly so that the background where the text would be. This enabled the background to be visible but not removing the focus from the text.

After I had blurred the background I decided to add then filter ‘film grain’ because it gave the double page spread an authentic and vintage edge to the magazine.

Once I did this I was able to start adding text to my work and making more suitable for a music magazine


To create my double page spread I had make sure that my pages were proportionate to each other that is why I did it on 2 separate pages. At first I had to crop the image so that it can be equally shared on both pages. Then on right hand side of the page I had to use the select tool and create two boxes and then make then work paths for my writing this allowed me to get two columns which conforms to other music magazines that I have seen and what I saw from my research. I have also followed the eye flow theory and I have a consistent house style which is evident with the red.


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