content meets engagement

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Measuring Content Engagement Through Search Engines.


Measuring Content Success Through Search Engines!Content Meets Engagement A

Andrew Taylor, Search Marketing Manager!

The Year is 1984...!

You decide to become an author...!

The two highs for authors (in 1984)!

1.  When you receive notification that your book will be published!

2.  When your book appears in!

Produce quality content & Measure success through Search Engines!

1.  Content that is high quality and relevant engages our target audiences.!

2.  Search engines are the most advanced tool available to measure user engagement.!

Online content has similar goals, but success is viewed differently...!

Show Me the Money!

•  12,100 exact U.S. queries/month!

•  8,470 = 70/30% split of organic/paid traffic!

•  6,776 = 80% share of 1st page traffic!

•  3,727 = 55% share of 1st position clicks!

•  261 = 7% conversion rate!


261 monthly conv. x $450 lifetime value = $117,450 x 12 = $1,409,400/yr!

What do people do online?!

Search Engines are the most advanced user engagement algorithms in the world.!

Search Engines consider thousands of variables every query occurrence.!

How would you decide the most relevant search result?!

!   How many websites link to this page?!

!   Are those websites credible?!

!   Have experts shared this page socially?!

!   Does the page contain the primary keyword phrase in the body content? The title? The headline?!

!   Is this page more relevant to a certain geographic region? Or specific demographic?!

!   When people visit this page, do they leave quickly?!

!   and on, and on, and on...!

Let technology do the heavy data lifting…!…so you can develop insightful strategy.!

So... should we be obsessed with scoring high for ALL these variables?!

“Obsess over customers [and the content that reaches them]” - Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of!

Produce quality content & Measure success through Search Engines!

1.  Content that is high quality and relevant engages our target audiences.!

2.  Search engines are the most advanced tool available to measure user engagement.!

Let’s Connect.!

•  Andrew Taylor!


•  -!

•  - @YeBeWarned !

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