continuing cycles of improvement

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Improving Student Performance Across Time

Dr. Ann Saurbier

Walsh College

Troy MI

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Improving Student Performance across Time• Four-year time span – 2011 – 2014• MBA Capstone course• Specifically targeted competency• Written Communication

• Actions taken• Online course content and activities• In-class activities

• Results of actions• Closing – but continuing - the loop activities



Walsh College

• Established 1922 • Professional accounting school• Night courses for working adults

• Legacy • ‘practical’ business education for working adults

• Upper division undergraduate / graduate programs• Headcount < 4,000• 91% Part-time attendance @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Walsh College Mission

• Provide a relevant business education that integrates theory and application to prepare graduates for successful careers through:

• Faculty who bring meaningful scholarship, academic credentials and professional work experience to the learning process

• Close ties with the business community• A supportive environment that inspires student



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Walsh College Core Competencies

• Problem Solving• Research•Written Communication•Oral Communication

•Master a Business Discipline @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Written Communication Core Competency

•Organization• Tone, word choice, and style• Sources and evidence•Grammar and mechanics• Format



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Assessment of Written Communication – MBA Program

• Cycle • Annually - End of the Fall term

• Assessment Course• MBA Capstone – Strategic Management

• Assignment • Final Exam / Final Paper

• Case-based Organizational Analysis@ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

MBA Capstone Assignment

Final Exam / Researched Paper• Select a Fortune 500 company• Analyze the organization’s environment• Analyze the organization’s financial position• Determine the strategic issues facing the company• As a consultant hired by that organization

• Propose strategic recommendations to the Board of Directors @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

• Category Gap

• Sources/Evidence • Formatting



2011 – 2012 Identifiable Areas for Improvement

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

• Modality Gap




On Ground

performance @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Identifiable Areas for Improvement

Written Communication

Common Struggles?@ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

‘Bad’ news = ‘Good’ news

Data = Actionable Areas for Improvement

•Plan for Improvement• Target specific categories• Target modality differences @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement



Criteria Issue

Sources are relevant, verifiable, and authoritative.

Poor source quality

Sources are incorporated and attributed properly. Improper/no attribution

Compelling evidence is provided to support claims and perspectives.

Limited number of sourcesLow quality sources

Statements of fact and opinion are clearly differentiated.

Poor attributionLimited analysis

Document has a professional appearance and is appropriate for the intended audience.

Poor section headingsNot written for ‘audience’

Format meets the assignment requirements.

‘Book report’ rather than organizational analysis

2011 and 2012 Written Communication Results

Continuing Cycles of Improvement





• Assignment instructions/outcomes

• Targeted Student Learning Outcome

Not ‘bad’ assignmentNot improper SLO

Missing • direct tie of Assignment to SLO

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Data Driven Improvement Plan

Action Taken – Assignment Revision1. Specified Connections between Problem Solving and

Written Communication

2. Revised Assignment Instructions

3. Provided Guided Instruction @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Action #1

Clarify – and specify – the connection between the assignment’s focus on Problem Solving and Written Communication

• Retitled Assignment• From – Research Paper• To – Analytical Organizational Assessment

• Focused Attention Directly on the ‘Author’ and ‘Audience’• YOUR Recommendations to the Board of Directors @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Action #2

Revised Assignment Instructions

1. Required page minimums/maximums by section

2. Provided specific requirements on ‘allowable’ sources• High quality sources• Number /type of websites allowed• Highlighted use of APA format for source referencing/citations

3. Embedded Core Competency Rubric INTO instructions@ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Action #3

Guided Instruction

1. Sources / Evidence• Additional Online Content• Formatting Conventions/Examples

2. Format• Do / Don’t areas of focus - by paper section @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Identifiable MethodsOf Improvement

For Issues Identified



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Written Communication Results - 2013



Continuing Cycles of Improvement



• On ground vs. Online


• Online vs. On ground @ACBSPAccredited


Data Analysis – 2013 Results

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Modality Gap

• Sources/Evidence• On ground sections

outperformed Online

• Formatting• Online sections

outperformed On ground@ACBSPAccredited


2013 Identifiable Areas for Improvement

Sources/ Evidence


Continuing Cycles of Improvement


On Ground• In class student questions

• Appropriate sources• Source formatting

Online• Writing proficiency of Online

students• WRITTEN ‘practice’ cases

• vs. Presented practice cases



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Action Taken – Assignment Revision1. Revised formative assignments – all modalities

2. Scaffolded content mastery AND written communication mastery

3. Fundamentally revised summative assessment assignment



Data Driven Improvement Plan – Phase II

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Actions #1 and #2

Revised formative assignments / Scaffolded mastery

• Semester long in-depth case analysis• Weekly concept application writing assignments – all modalities• Structured ‘discussion’ of concept application – all modalities

• Scenario-based weekly concept application• Mirroring exam format

• Executive Summary of weekly concept analysis• Mirroring exam format



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Action #3

Fundamental Summative Assessment Revision – Performance Task

1. Connected Mid-term / Final papers• Scaffolded writing – two part written assignment

• Mid-term conclusions become basis for Final

2. Feedback loops• Feedback from Mid-term exam applied to Final

3. Personal inclusion scenario• Student in the direct role of decision-maker• ‘Personal’ contact with the CEO



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Improving on Good Ideas

For Solutions Identified

Phase II Ideas? @ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Written Communication Results - 2014



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Closed the Gap


• On ground vs. Online


• Online vs. On ground @ACBSPAccredited


Data Analysis – 2014 Results

Sources/ Evidence Format

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Improved Student Performance - 2011/12 to 2014Written Communication



Sources / Evidence• 57% increase

Format• 13% increase

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Improved Student Performance across Time



Rebuild Assignment/SLO Connections

Scaffold Learning

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Improved Student Performance across Time



Revise Assignment Instructions

Personalized Scenario

Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Continuing the Loop

Phase III Plans

• Revise Institutional Written Communication Rubric• better articulate/target results desired

• Continue assignment revisions

• Continue online content revisions• Mirror information shared in the classroom



Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Continuing the Loop

Building Successes Forward

Next Step Ideas?@ACBSPAccredited


Continuing Cycles of Improvement

Continuing the LoopCriterion 4.4

use results to improve educational processes in the interest of

continuously improving student learning outcomes

• Identify the problem•Target the issue•Experiment•Assess results







Continuing Cycles of Improvement



Dr. Ann Saurbier Walsh College

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