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Controlled Semisolid Forging of Aluminium Alloys Using Mechanical Servo Pressto Manufacture Products with Homo- and Heterogeneous Microstructures

Jun Yanagimoto1, Jian-Bo Tan2, Sumio Sugiyama1 and Yi Meng3,+

1Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan2School of Material Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050018, China3Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan

Controlled forging of aluminium alloys is conducted using a mechanical servo press. Semisolid forging can reduce the number of forgingpasses and energy consumption to produce a product with suitable microstructure. In the proposed semisolid forging, solid fraction of thealuminium alloys being forged is controlled to enable the manufacture of products with homogeneous and heterogeneous microstructures.Semisolid forging experiments using a predetermined sequence represented by transient changes in stroke were systematically conducted. Therelationship between the time-dependent semisolid forging sequence and product quality was discussed to reveal the semisolid forming conditionfor manufacturing products with homogeneous and heterogeneous microstructures. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2013098]

(Received March 13, 2013; Accepted April 19, 2013; Published June 25, 2013)

Keywords: forging, aluminium, energy efficiency, microstructure, servo press

1. Introduction

A short process chain in metal forming is one of theessential environmental requirements such as less energyconsumption. One of the solutions is the use of semisolidforming technology, which falls between casting and hotforming.

As can be seen in a review in CIRP annals, semisolidforming technology has various superior characteristics forestablishing a short process chain.1) In addition, semisolidforming or processing enables the control of microstructurethrough globularization and plastic flow control in thesemisolid state, such as recrystallization and partial melting(RAP). The best combination of the above two character-istics, namely, short process chain and wide range ofcapability in product property control, is a large field ofresearch and development, as was demonstrated in the toolsteel production process.2) Several investigations have beencarried out in response to the above demand in ferrous andnonferrous alloys. Alloys prepared by RAP or otherfabrication methods contain a nondendritic microstructurewith adjustable morphology3) and even exhibit adjustablefluidity and formability in the semisolid state.4) Theformability of both ferrous and nonferrous alloys in thesemisolid state has been investigated by researchers.5,6) Bothferrous and nonferrous alloy billets with a fine-grainedspherical microstructure can be made into complex-geometryproducts without macrodefects by semisolid forming.7,8)

With an optimized heat treatment schedule, the mechanicalproperties of semisolid processed ferrous and nonferrousalloys are improved and close to those of conventional hot-worked ones.9,10)

Promising aspects in semisolid forming and processinghave been shown by the above investigation. However, itcould also be deduced that the control of transient change inthe deformation rate and temperature is important to formsound products.

The mechanical servo press is rapidly expanding its rangeof application from cold sheet forming to bulk formingprocess;11) the application of the servo press in semisolidforging was attempted by Azpilgain et al.12) Its motion couldbe controlled easily so that the use of this free motioncapability of the mechanical servo press may promote thecontrol of transient change in the deformation rate andtemperature, which dominates fluidity and the liquid fractionto form the product with homogeneous and heterogeneousmicrostructures within one press machine. With the aim ofestablishing a short process chain and a wide range of controlof microstructures in bulk forming, we investigate semisolidforming, which encompasses all stages from the melt to thesolid product in a compact process using one furnace, onemechanical stirrer and one free-motion mechanical servopress, as shown in Fig. 1, taking cast aluminium alloy AC4Cand wrought aluminium alloy A6061 as examples. Thisprocess can form the product quality better than casting, andthe process is quite short compared to forging. The processwindow of the above compact process required for forming ahomogeneous microstructure is shown experimentally, but aheterogeneous microstructure could be intentionally formedif we select forming conditions that could be realized usingthe mechanical servo press.

2. Experiment

2.1 MaterialsTwo types of aluminium alloys are used in the experiment:

AC4C for casting and wrought alloy A6061, with thechemical compositions shown in Table 1. The measuredsemisolid temperature range is shown in Fig. 2. The semi-solid temperature range of A6061 is between 838K (565°C)and 925K (652°C), and it is twice as broad as that of AC4C.This broad semisolid temperature range enables a wideforming condition range, as shown below, although wroughtalloy A6061 is considered unsuitable for semisolid forming,which has aspects similar to casting owing to the existence ofthe liquid phase. The solid fraction at the representative+Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo

Materials Transactions, Vol. 54, No. 7 (2013) pp. 1149 to 1154©2013 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

semisolid temperature after mechanical stirring obtainedusing an optical microscope and an image analyzer is shownin Fig. 3. A typical characteristic of both alloys is the rapid

increase in the solid fraction just below the melting point,which suggests that semisolid forming at a high semisolidtemperature is promising for those alloys.13)

Table 1 Chemical composition of aluminium alloys used in experiments (mass%).

Material Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ni Ti Pb Sn Cr Al

AC4C 6.5­7.5 ¼0.55 ¼0.25 ¼0.35 0.25­0.45 ¼0.35 ¼0.10 0.2 ¼0.10 ¼0.05 ¼0.10 Bal.

A6061 0.4­0.8 ¼0.7 0.15­0.4 ¼0.15 0.8­1.2 ¼0.25 ® ¼0.15 ® ® 0.04­0.35 Bal.

Fig. 2 Measured cooling curve of AC4C and A6061 alloys, Tl is Liquidustemperature, Ts is solidus temperature.

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the controlled semisolid process (lightforging with free-motion press with light stirring).

Fig. 3 Relationship of sold fraction and temperature of tested materials.

J. Yanagimoto, J.-B. Tan, S. Sugiyama and Y. Meng1150

2.2 Experimental apparatusThe experimental apparatus is composed of one furnace,

one mechanical stirrer and one mechanical servo press.Mechanical stirring is conducted during cooling, to form asemisolid billet with an initial globular microstructure. Themain part of this compact process is the use of the mechanicalservo press, by which the transient change in the deformationrate and temperature, which dominate the fluidity and liquidfraction, can be controlled, using the free motion capability ofthe machine, to form products with homo- and heterogeneousmicrostructures. Many forming sequences could be testedusing the compact process shown in Fig. 1, but in the basicstep of investigations, the simplest motion of the servo pressis used, that is, a combination of fast first compression,short holding time, and slow secondary compression(forging), as shown in Fig. 4. Fast compression is aimed atdie-filling of the semisolid metal, short holding time is aimedat controlling the solid fraction of the semisolid metal, andthe final forging is the forming step. The final forming stepin the semisolid state may produce products with ahomogeneous microstructure as well as a heterogeneousmicrostructure. Solid-fraction control during the proposedcompact semisolid forming process may not be easy, but it isimportant to note that the proposed forming process allows usto form a product with a homogeneous microstructure or aheterogeneous microstructure through precise control of theforming conditions.

The experimental conditions are summarized in Table 2.The solid fraction of aluminum alloy was controlled bycontrolling the starting temperature of billet. The die setup isschematically illustrated in Fig. 5. Here, simple backward

extrusion is adopted. As no lubricant is used, adhesion ofaluminum alloy would occur on the die surface. The surfaceof die should be polished after every experiment. A diagramof time versus stroke, ram speed, temperature, and formingforce is shown in Fig. 6. Forming force during the fast firstcompression is about 8 kN, but increases to 40 kN rapidlyduring secondary (final) forging. The lower forming forceduring the fast first compression is attributed to the excellentfluidity of semi-solid slurry with low solid fraction. The rapidincrease of forming force during the secondary forging isowing to the plastic deformation of solid particles as well asthe increase in the solid fraction. The experimental conditionswere determined having limited forged load of 40 kN, inorder to avoid the damage of the container as a precondition.This forging load corresponds to the upper die pressure ofabout 49MPa.

Fig. 6 Time versus stroke, ram speed forming force diagram.

Fig. 4 Example of a mechanical servo press motion.

Fig. 5 Mechanical servo press, schematic diagram of experimental setup,dimensions of dies and products.

Table 2 Experimental conditions for semisolid forging using mechanicalservo press.

Semisolid temperature range (K)848­888 (AC4C)

838­925 (A6061)

Fast first compression speed v1 (mm/s) 16.7­4.3

Secondary forging speed v2 (mm/s) 2.0­1.5

Upper die pre-heating temperature Td (K) RT­673

Billet temperature Tf (K) 853­883 (AC4C)

908­918 (A6061)

Holding time Ht (s) 0­8.0

Maximum load in secondary forging (kN) 40

Outer/inner diameter-Height-Depth (mm) 32/20­38­24

Controlled Semisolid Forging of Aluminium Alloys Using Mechanical Servo Press to Manufacture Products 1151

3. Experimental Results

3.1 Defect formation under unsuitable forming condi-tions

The effects of the semisolid forging temperature and upperdie temperature on the formation of the underfilled defect,internal cracks and pores of the product were investigatedto realize controlled semisolid forging of AC4C and A6061aluminium alloys using the mechanical servo press. Theexperimental results are summarized in Fig. 7.

The forging temperature or solid fraction has a significanteffect on filling or underfilling in the die for both AC4C andA6061 alloy. Concerning the billet temperature, 852K, atwhich the solid fraction is 50%, is the threshold value to splitfilling or underfilling in the die for AC4C. For the A6061alloy, 836K, at which the solid fraction is 30%, is thethreshold value. The temperature of the upper die and theholding time affect the temperature drop of the materialduring semisolid processing. When the temperature drop ofthe material is large, pores and underfilling defects weregenerated in the product. The number in Fig. 7 indicates theholding time under the condition when holding time has thesignificant effects on the formation of defects. When theholding time exceeds 8 s, defects were formed in every testpiece even when the upper die temperature was about 600K.The formation of defects results from the insufficientcompressive force that does not reach the minimum requiredlimit load of 40 kN in the secondary forging. The temperaturedrop during the holding of the material just after the fast firstcompression is the cause of the elevation of the forging load,because the upper die touches the material during holding. Aprocess window does not open at lower upper die temper-ature because A6061 is a wrought alloy with less fluidity atsemisolid state.

Figure 8 shows the pores in a longitudinal section of theproduct for various holding times of the upper die. Thematerial is AC4C, and the billet temperature is 853K (solidfraction of 49%) and the upper die is not preheated. Thedefect, or pores, can be observed in the product when theholding time is 8 s. In contrast, sound products are producedwhen the holding time is 1 s by the proposed semisolidprocess, which is composed of fast first compression, holdingand secondary forging.

The defects can be caused by following two reasons.When the holding time is very short, the temperature of thebillet just before secondary forging, which is affected by theupper die temperature and the holding time, is very high andmuch liquid phase remains in the grain boundary of the solidphase. In this case, the forging load is insufficient in thesecondary forging. Thus, the defect occurred in the AC4Cproduct with a holding time of 0 s, when the billettemperature was 863K, the solid fraction was 40% and theupper die temperature is 676K. The second cause of thedefect is an insufficient plastic deformation in secondaryforging which resulted from higher resistance to deformationof the billet by the chilling effect of the upper die. This defectis dominant in wrought A6061 alloy, as shown in the rightof Fig. 7.

Awider process window for manufacturing sound productscan be seen for AC4C, such as in the billet temperature or

holding time, and upper die temperature, than for A6061, asshown in Fig. 7. This results from the good fluidity andwettability of the liquid phase with a Si content ofapproximately 7%, which is typical for a light metal forcasting such as AC4C.

3.2 Homogeneous or heterogeneous distributions ofmicrostructure and properties

In the preceding paragraph, the effect of manufacturingconditions on defects such as pores and cracks, and fillingand underfilling of the product was examined. Thehomogenization degree of homogenization of the internalstructure of the product is examined in this section. Figure 9shows an example of the measurement of the homogenizationdegree for two samples from among the A6061 alloysmanufactured by the proposed semisolid process. Thehomogenization degree is defined as the proportion that inthe solid-phase area occupies within the entire section. Theliquid-phase solidification area is enclosed by a red line in thephotograph. The solidified liquid-phase tends to remain at thetop and inside of the wall. The homogenization degree ofsample A with a billet temperature of 913K, solid fraction of33%, upper die temperature of 485K, and holding time of0 s is 86%, which is shown in the left of Fig. 9, while it is97% in sample B, for which the billet temperature is 918K,the solid fraction is 29%, the upper die temperature is 573K,and the holding time is 0 s.

The measured homogenization degrees of AC4C andA6061 products under various experimental conditions aresummarized in Fig. 10. Detailed measurement has beenmade in the process windows shown in Fig. 7 to form theproduct without defect, such as upper die temperatureranging from 483 to 683K and holding time ranging from0 to 4 s. It is found that the homogenization degree tends todecrease when the solid fraction is low in the secondaryforging. This phenomenon is attributed to the excessiveamount of liquid phase, and could be adjusted by controlling‘Step 2’, which will be described as follows. It is worthnoting that the sound product with a homogenization degreeabove 90% can be manufactured from the liquid by theshort and one-shot process comprising mechanical stirring,and fast first compression, holding and secondary forging,utilizing the free-motion ability of the mechanical servopress.

3.3 Formation mechanism of internal microstructure byproposed process

According to the experimental results shown in Figs. 7and 10, microstructure evolution and deformation behaviorsthat reveal the tactics for manufacturing a homogeneousproduct are surmised as three steps, as illustrated in Fig. 11.

‘Step 1’ is the formation of a homogeneous semisolid alloyslurry that fills the cavity of the forging die during the fastfirst compression. During this step, the solid particles orgrains should flow in a liquid matrix without any aggrega-tion. Once the solid particles aggregate to form the solidnetwork, the liquid phase and solid phase cannot fill thecavity simultaneously: thus, the liquid phase would flowfaster and permeate, resulting in phase segregation. From theabove viewpoint, to obtain the optimal discrete semi-solid

J. Yanagimoto, J.-B. Tan, S. Sugiyama and Y. Meng1152

ally slurry, the solid fractions of AC4C and A6061 alloyslurries should be less than 50 and 30%, respectively, asshown in Fig. 7.

‘Step 2’ is the partial solidification stage after the semisolidalloy slurry filled the cavity in ‘step 1’. In this stage, a solidphase network will be formed, but there is a certain amountof liquid phase, such as 20­30%, remaining on the grainboundaries of solid particles, and the liquid phase is almostconfined in the aggregated solid-phase network. This processis affected by the punch temperature and holding time.The holding times for AC4C and A6061 alloy slurries shouldbe a few seconds depending on the punch temperature, asexplained in Section 3.1.

‘Step 3’ is the secondary forging in the semisolid state toform the final product. The forging load is limited owing to

the die strength at high temperature. Thus, the fluidity shouldbe maintained to keep the low forging load, but an excessiveliquid phase will cause excessive heterogeneity of theproduct. If the liquid phase is confined inside the solid-phasenetwork, phase segregation is negligible. The liquid phaselocated at the grain boundaries of solid particles plays the roleof lubricant in the second motion and reduces the formingload. The plastic deformation caused by the secondaryforging can eliminate the defects occurrence during first fastcompression such as porosities. If the production was carriedout on much more powerful press machine with stronger die,the quality of products would be even better.

Fig. 7 Process windows in proposed semisolid forming.

Fig. 9 The example of measuring the homogenizing degree.

Fig. 10 Optimum semisolid forming conditions in terms of homogenizingdegrees.

Fig. 11 Schematic illustration on the formation of homo- and heteroge-neous microstructure.

Fig. 8 Inner defects of AC4C semisolid forging products. Formingtemperature is 853K (49%), die temperature is room temperature.

Controlled Semisolid Forging of Aluminium Alloys Using Mechanical Servo Press to Manufacture Products 1153

4. Conclusion

A one-shot semisolid forming process starting from moltenaluminium alloy to form the product is proposed, utilizingthe free-motion capability of the servo press. This processcomprises mechanical stirring, and fast first compression,holding and secondary forging, utilizing the free-motionability of the mechanical servo press. With the aim ofdetermining the acceptable process window of the proposedsemisolid process, the effects of forming temperature, punchpreheating temperature, and holding time between the fastfirst compression and secondary forging on the internalstructure of aluminium alloy parts were investigatedexperimentally. The possibility of the production of high-quality aluminium alloy parts by controlled semisolid forgingwith a short process chain by using a servo press wasclarified. The results were summarized as the process windowin Fig. 7 and the optimum forming condition to obtain thehomogeneous product shown in Fig. 10.


This study was financially supported by a Grant-in-Aidfor Scientific Research on Innovative Area, “Bulk Nano-structured Metals”, through MEXT, Japan (contract No.22102005).


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