controlled storage training presented by marcie dickson honeywell quality engineer nasa safety and...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Purpose Provide personnel with the knowledge and standards that will be required to perform work associated with the control of NASA flight hardware and soft-goods. Controlled process of flight hardware and soft-goods are vital to ensuring that quality products are fabricated to specifications and to ensure a safe manned space flight program. Without controls on the raw and finished materials we cannot guaranty that the material purchased to be used during the fabrication was actually used. Controlled storage also provides a protected environment to the flight hardware or software to ensure it is not damaged and is accounted for.


Controlled Storage Training

Presented by

Marcie DicksonHoneywell Quality Engineer

NASA Safety and Mission

Purpose• Provide personnel with the knowledge and standards that

will be required to perform work associated with the control of NASA flight hardware and soft-goods.

• Controlled process of flight hardware and soft-goods are vital to ensuring that quality products are fabricated to specifications and to ensure a safe manned space flight program. Without controls on the raw and finished materials we cannot guaranty that the material purchased to be used during the fabrication was actually used. Controlled storage also provides a protected environment to the flight hardware or software to ensure it is not damaged and is accounted for.

Knowledge Requirements• Personnel working controlled storage shall know:

– How to complete the Controlled Storage Inventory Log, Controlled Storage Check IN/OUT Log and JSC 911 tags.

– Process for items being received and removed from controlled storage inventory.

– Process for items being logged IN/OUT from controlled storage.

• Student Quality Assurance (SQA) personnel shall know:– How to complete the Controlled Storage Inventory Log, Controlled

Storage Check IN/OUT Log and JSC 911 tags.– Process for items being received and removed from controlled storage

inventory.– Process for items being logged IN/OUT from controlled storage.

Supporting Documentation

• Controlled Storage Check IN/OUT Log• Controlled Storage Inventory Log• JSC 911 Tags• Controlled Storage Standards JWI 4210.2

TestingPersonnel working controlled storage will be given a written test.

• SQA will be required to make a minimum of 90 on the test.

• Fabricator of soft-goods (without stamping privileges) will be required to make a minimum of 80 on the test.

• The written test will be administered only once to any person wanting to assume the SQA responsibility.

• If the person does not pass, but want to perform this task then additional training will be provided and retest will be performed if approved by test administrator.

• The NASA HUNCH office will keep the test results on file.

Stamp ControlControlled Storage (CS)

• Stamps will only be issued to students who receive a 90 or better on the written exam.

• Each school/class will be issued stamps for up to two students and the teacher(s).

• The Controlled Storage stamp will be identified as HUNCH CS XX, were XX is the stamp number.

• Stamps will be kept in a lock box in controlled storage. • Students will not take their stamps home. • If the student is not in the program the following year the stamp will be

reassigned to another student the following year• A stamp log will be maintained to identify who stamps are issued to.• It is the students responsibility to ensure only approved inspected work is


Controlled Storage Check IN/OUT LogThe purpose of this log is to allow technicians the ability to check items in and out of the controlled storage as they work on the part.

HUNCH (Name of School) Controlled Storage Check IN/OUT LogDate IN/OUT Description Part Number Lot/Serial # Class Quantity Remove/Return by QA Stamp

Date: Enter the date the item is being removed or returned to controlled storageIN/OUT: Annotate if the item is coming IN or OUT of controlled storageDescription: Enter name of item from block 3 of the JSC 911 tagPart Number: Enter the Part Number of the item from block 1 of the JSC 911 tagLot /Serial Number: Enter Lot Number or Serial Number from block 2 of the JSC 911 tag Class: Enter Class of Hardware. See block 10 of the JSC 911 tag

Class I – Flight HardwareClass II – Flight-like HardwareClass III – Not for Flight

Quantity: Enter the number of items (perform count). Reference block 7 of the JSC 911 tagRemove/Return by: Enter name of the person returning or checking out itemQA Stamp: QA stamps and dates the transaction after verification

Controlled Storage Inventory LogThe purpose of this log is to maintain a list of class I materials that are currently in controlled storage or have been in controlled storage. A Xerox copy of the 911 tag is to be kept with this log.

HUNCH (Name of School) Controlled Storage Inventory Log

Date: Enter the date the item is received into controlled storageQA Stamp: : QA stamps and dates the receipt of material after verificationDescription: Enter name of item from block 3 of the JSC 911 tagPart Number: Enter the Part Number of the item from block 1 of the JSC 911 tagLot /Serial Number: Enter Lot Number or Serial Number from block 2 of the JSC 911 tag Class: Enter Class of Hardware. See block 10 of the JSC 911 tag

Class I – Flight HardwareClass II – Flight-like HardwareClass III – Not for Flight

Quantity: Enter the number of items (perform count). Reference block 7 of the JSC 911 tagRelease: Enter the date the item is released from controlled storageQA Stamp: QA stamps and dates the release of material after verification

Date Received

QA Stamp

Description Part Number Lot/Serial Number

Class Quantity Date Released

QA Stamp

JSC 911 TagJSC Project Parts Tag

• The 911 Tag has numerous fields/blocks we are concerned about:• Name: Block 3 is the name of the item to use in the description field for the

controlled storage logs.• Part Number: Block 1 is the part number of the item to use in the part number

field for the controlled storage logs.• Lot/Serial Number: Block 2 is the the lot or serial number of the item to use in the

lot or serial number field for the controlled storage logs. • Released/Received: Block 16 lists the documentation used to transfer the item

from the schools controlled storage.• Quantity: Block 7 and/or Block 16 lists quantity that was received/released.• Stamp: Black 16 stamp column received/released stamps showing that the

movement was verified


• Item received at controlled storage.• Item used by technician.• Item used up.• Item released from controlled storage.

Items Received in Controlled Storage

Items Used By Technicians

1. Technician locates the item that is needed and goes to the check-out station.

2. Complete Controlled Storage Check IN/OUT log – checking ‘OUT’ item3. Log is stamped and dated4. The technician returns the item that has been checked out.5. Complete Controlled Storage Check In/Out log – checking ‘IN’ Item6. Log is stamped and dated

Items Used Up

What happens?The technician returns a 911 tag to be checked in and the material is all used up.

1. Controlled Storage Check IN/OUT log write the Date, in, description, part number, Lot/Serial numbers, class, quantity and name of the person that is returning the item.

2. Controlled storage inventory log write the date released, of the item and quantity is zero.

3. Place the 911 in the inventory log next to the copy of the 911 tag.

4. Both Logs are stamped and dated.

Releasing Items from Controlled StorageAn item is released from controlled storage via a TPS or DD Form1149.

– Items ship to JSC via an 1149. The 1149 needs to be signed showing that the item was released.

– Items ship to another controlled storage via a TPS. The ‘released step’ initials and date. If the TPS has an assigned “MIP” (Mandatory Inspection Point), NASA QA will be required to perform an inspection as this point.

– Note: Items are not marked released until the items are logged OUT and documented via the Controlled Storage Log

Procedure1. Removed the item from the controlled storage area

2. CONTROLLED STORAGE CHECK IN/OUT LOG - Complete data required for the Controlled Storage In/Out Log3. CONTROLLED STORAGE INVENTORY LOG - Complete data required for the Controlled Storage Inventory

4. Stamp the controlled storage inventory and check IN/OUT logs.

5. 911 TAG (BLOCK 16):‘Transaction Document#’ - Enter “Received (school name) CS” and record shipping document number.‘QTY/BAL’ – Enter Quantity of this transaction/New Balance‘DATE’ – Enter date of transaction‘STAMP’ – QA stamp

6. Sign the shipping document. Make copy of shipping document and place in Acceptance Data Package (ADP)


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