convection concepts for the ancients and beyond

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Convection Concepts for the Ancients and Beyond

A quick discussion on some important hippie bullshit

architectural concerns


• A statement of relevance

• A walkthrough of one possible airflow pattern

• A randomish blurb of structural and anthropological statements.

Statement of relevance

Human needs don’t change much. Actually this is not true, because we (our population size) are dependent on infrastructure.

With each advance in infrastructure there comes an increase in population capacity, and without infrastructure our population would die back to some degree depending on the infrastructure lost. So in truth, for each advance in infrastructure, our needs include it.

This can exclude technology that has been discovered assuming it has not been included in our infrastructure, which is interesting to consider for this presentation.

Relevance cont. / on conspiracy

Governments have always maintained a level of secrecy, but if the secrecy were intended to prevent holocaust, it can be assumed for conversation that it is possible or even likely that technology or information on technology may be kept secret.

There need not be open corruption for this to take place if the goal is to prevent overpopulation without the loss of human life.

Statement Cont./ religion

Religion is important for this discussion, as religious organizations are responsible for nearly all architecture in the ancient age, and the current understanding is that this architecture is purely for religious purposes (including cathedrals, temples, pyramids, mosques, etc.) If it were such that buildings infrastructural value caused dramatic increases in population, and that the loss of these structures would equate to the dramatic loss of human life, it may then be worthy to consider that in order to maintain these structures even through uncontrollable military activity religious leaders would have chosen to make them somehow sacred and separate from infrastructure in general, which would have been controlled entirely by the military in order to control the economy. This would potentially protect a population from holocaust even through foreign conquest.

Airflow over the next few pages

It sucks, but lets start with materials.

These statements are able to be referenced. (they are not quotes, though, and it would still be a report)

• Metal conducts heat more than rock.

• Wood is complicated, and in some ways is like rock, but in between rock and metal. (it has both, but mostly lots of air)

• Metal will quickly conduct heat gained from solar radiation away from its surface, rock will take long to do so, and store heat, wood is in the middle.

Please be understanding of my struggle

• This is difficult to describe, and my understanding is not yet clear anyway.

• The actual heating process of air is intricate.

• This means that some of my flows may not be perfectly accurate, but mostly the broad flow should be.

No light yetJust before morning everything is the same temperature. All stored heat has been lost. The air does not change temperature at any surface in the area, and so the air is very still.

First LightAt first light, the surface begins to warm. This is a unique part of the day. The metal tip heats less air than the stone rooftops. The energy moves more rapidly towards the center of the metal. The stone, however, warms the air as the heat remains at its surface.

The air mass above the warmed air is large, and will continuously feed cool air through the path of least resistance (which has been created by the initial airflow at the tip)

The energy transfer is continuous and complex. As the warmed air rises, it cools. The energy does not change its position as rapidly as the air, and “looks” like it is dispersing, not flowing. (Actually it would be a mix. Consider friction, conduction among air molecules, conversion of heat to kinetic energy, etc.)

The day beginsThe stone is touching the metal tip. Initially, this causes the metal to warm the stone that is not exposed (covered). The stone that is warmed, and near the gold, eventually warms the gold, which conducts the heat to the air more rapidly. The air in contact with the gold is much cooler than the air warmed nearby. This heats and widens the area of falling air, creating a slow smooth airflow and heating pattern. (more air is heated than without the structure)

Broad DaylightIn an urban area of equal building height, the air warms as one

mass. The air at the edge of the area is not heated (probably because of vegetation, or water), and cool air can move to replace the warmed, lighter air. If the area is large enough, however, this exchange (slowed by walls, buildings, etc.) cannot cause a complete flow pattern. The airs viscosity will prevent exchange where the force of gravity is equal across the barrier between the two air masses. The cathedral (and square) will provide for a complete airflow pattern.

Mid to Late DayThe air mass over the equal height urban area will eventually become so

light compared to the cool surrounding air that a sudden and rapid exchange will occur. This will allow for cool air to enter the entire urban area, but create potentially very powerful winds, or even tornadoes. (this is why trailer parks are prone to tornadoes). The air over the engineered urban area will have warmed more slowly and more equally. Airflow will be constant throughout the day, and gentle, providing both fresh air and a pleasant, gradual temperature change.

No picture

The end of the day will show the flat urban area to be very cool, as the heat has escaped violently and rapidly as a large air bubble. The area with religious structures will have created an air-mass that moves much more slowly, and gradually disperses rather than exploding off the surface. The air will cool more slowly due to slower airflow, and remain pleasant throughout the evening.

The stone stored energy

The stone in both cities stored solar energy. In the flat urban area the heating process will repeat, causing rapid air exchanges at night. The heat in the cathedral will warm the metal tip, and cause a light airflow throughout the evening and night. As the air is still flowing gradually, the entire area will cool gradually, and there will be a steady supply of fresh air.

Some anthropological bunk.

Airflow is important, and a subject of modern concern. It is a great limiting factor, and improper airflow causes deaths in the modern time. People die in nightclubs when they are overcrowded, and during times of strife when forced into tight spaces to escape violence. Airflow is more than just oxygen, however, and air is a carrier for disease.

In ancient times, and throughout all times, there has been pollution. Automobiles are not the only sources of pollutants. Pollutants include human and animal waste, food waste, the dead, fire products (ash, soot), and lacking airflow can cause excess humidity among overpopulation, providing an optimal environment for microbial growth. It may even be enjoyable to stay in the warm crowded area,,, (and breed disease).

Animals populated cities. Slaughtering of animals occurred in cities. The dead would be wherever they were and sometimes left for long. Using water for sanitation is relatively new. Many ancient cultures may have kept dry religiously to keep clean. Any standing water is home to bugs and microbes, and clear water may have been absolutely unavailable once out of the source. Making beer to preserve water is at least as old as the Ancient Egyptians, and for many it was their only drinking water.

Poverty is not only a modern problem. Some may argue that cities were not filled with poverty, but this would only be possible through military force. Reproduction in poor populations is always at maximum sustainable capacity. The limitations are food and shelter, and they do not go unused unless protected by force. Any urban development would have been surrounded by a population of people living any way they can. These people would likely impact the living conditions of the city, and would require infrastructure and management to prevent a constant overpopulation cycle. (consider the importance of hunting where predatory populations are reduced). Cannibalism, barbarism, and disease would be at rates, not times.

How did they figure it out?

Humans living in modern air conditioned environments do not experience the outdoor environment like an ancient human would. They would be highly sensitive to the microclimates created by structures. Human skill and understanding develops through constant trial and error, with each action leading to more innovation and potential. To start making shade or windows is to become a master at placement. Ancient humans were as intelligent as humans today, and our modern technology is the product of their innovation. If a trader notices a growing population without disease, it is only a matter of time before they start to notice the micro-climatic effects of their structures.

How can we miss it?

Our structures have overpowered ancient structures. The difference between air conditioning and an urban heat island is much more than the subtle (however important) difference of a block of sandstone. Modern improvements are exponentially more impactful. The modern sewage system will prevent more disease than a block of sandstone ever could.

Why stop now?

It is a very long description and filled with debate to discuss our understanding of energy and population technology and economy.

I also have difficulty quickly discussing military action, which is given credit for nearly all civil advance and activity. I should end with some words.

Some key words

• Power

• Secrecy

• Self-interest

• Organic “accidental” development vs. planning with understanding. (it may be that people did all of their ancient building without ever “knowing”)

On Mesopotamian architecture

• ""Residential design was a direct development from Ubaid houses.----This house ,, faced inward toward an open courtyard which provided a cooling effect by creating convection currents.""

• Taken from the wiki

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