coordinating a business meeting

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Coordinating a Business Meeting. Suzanne Stear BTST 542 November 14, 2012. Objectives. Effective coordinating Creating an agenda Inviting guest speakers – (role playing) Informing attendees Publisher calendar Elements Time Frames. Unorganized and Ineffective. Who? What? Where? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Coordinating a BusinessMeeting

Suzanne Stear

BTST 542

November 14, 2012

ObjectivesEffective coordinatingCreating an agendaInviting guest speakers – (role playing)Informing attendeesPublisher calendar

ElementsTime Frames

Unorganized and Ineffective

Who? What?

Where? When? Why? How?

Effective Coordinating

What is coordinating?

To organize something complexNumerous people are involvedBring their contributions togetherForm a coherent or efficient whole


Handout – Example and non-example

Appropriate communication - 5 main elementsProfessional appearanceRevisions

Inviting Guest SpeakersInternal guest speakers - email or phone

Handout – email exampleExternal guest speakers – phone

Role playing examples – Unprofessional vs. Professional

I V F N – Inform, Verify, Forward Agenda, Notify

Informing AttendeesEmail to attendees –

Handout – email exampleVideo - YouTube – Coordinating a Business MeetingDistribution list saves time

To inform if not attendingTrack – send materials

I V N – Inform, Verify, Notify

PublisherIncorporate 3 coordinating elements into calendarDevelop time frames for each element

AssessmentQuiz – handout – turn in 11/28/12 Email Publisher calendar assignment –

Publisher AssignmentCalendar Elements:

October thru December 2012 – for 12/4/12 meetingList Agenda, Inviting Guest Speakers, and Inviting attendees

Time Frames:10/5/12 - Inviting external guest speaker Mr. Smith by phone11/1/12 - Begin creating agenda 11/1/12 – Invite attendees via email to verify by 11/15/1211/15/12 - Confirm with Mr. Smith email, forward agenda to him 11/16/12 – Track verifications of attendees (attending/not attending)12/5/12 – Send out non-attendees information (agenda and handouts)

Effective coordinating skills Trial and error Share skills learned

Quality is never an accident.By, John Ruskin


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