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Post on 19-Jul-2018






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Snapchat Corner 03

Article: GA 1 04

Article: GA 2 07

Article: ECO 10



Article: GA 3 09

Article: EC

Article: HRC

Article: SC



Pictures 15

Snapchat Corner


The second day of SAIMUN broughtthe conference to a new location, theexquisite Sheraton Building. GA1delegates were clearly excited aboutthis relocation. Delegates were alreadypresent and ready to go one hour priorto the start of the conference. Thefatigue of the previous day did not seemto affect them at all as they conversedwith one another excessively. Theycontinued on to lobbying session. Evenwhen the debate started twenty wholeminutes late, the delegates never seizedto lose their eagerness.

When we finally moved onward to thedebate, our first resolution was one thatfocuses on cybersecurity and cyberwarfare. It is expected of the first everresolution of the day to receive anoutburst of participation andinvolvement. After the main submitter’sspeech, there were up to twenty pointsof information that bombarded thespeaker. We later on found out that thisis the inevitable outcome consideringthe quality of the resolution. Thesolutions it proposed were mostly onlybeneficial for MEDCs and were lessadvantageous to the LEDCs, somewere considered ineffective. Onedelegate even hinted the resolution tobe mostly useless. Seemingly, it wasnot a surprise to anyone that theresolution received an overwhelmingamount of opposing votes.

The following resolution aimed to solvethe issues of Weapons of MassDestruction (WMD) and it followsdown the same path as the first, failed.

Not only did the resolution have someformatting errors, there were severalcontradicting causes that weredebated over extensively. Despite theproactive submission of amendmentsfrom the House, the resolution stillreceived a devastating number ofvotes against.

But the debate on the issuesconcerning WMD did not stop there.The third resolution brought morethan just quality clauses. Overall theresolution was concrete. It providedthe necessary steps to limit thetension on the matter and provide afortified foundation for the problem.But that was not the highlight of thedebate. To mention the question ofWMD, DPRK cannot be missed out.Although was briefly talked about inthe debate over the second resolution,it was nothing compare over theintense discussion regarding its WMDand the danger DPRK poses towardothers. The delegate of Guatemalaemphasized DPRK’s intention behindtheir denial of resolutions concerningWMDs and their threat to strike theRepublic of Korea and the UnitedStates. From this, a response fromDPRK himself is expected. To quotethe delegate, DPRK stated that “nodamages have been done, yet” and“we have no use of WMDs, yet.”

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After the approval of the previous resolution,the final resolution of the day was discussed,sparking another interesting debate. While theintention was to bring aid to refugees inEurope and put an end to the terrorist groupsespecially the Daesh was clearly good, thedelegate of Libya seemed to be more concernedabout the loss of the valuable oil when theystrike the Daesh. Adding to that, she has thefear of refugee turning out to be dangerous andis a threat to the economy. In the end, the well-constructed resolution was kept with itsoriginal intention and was passed.

Today had turned out as interesting asexpected if not more. The misplaced prioritiesof countries like Libya were intriguing (forexample when Saudi Arabia was concernedmore about the money loss for the WMDs morethan the loss of lives). The delegate ofAustralia’s misconception of the term “co-submitter,” and the word “yet” being DPRK’sfavorite had surely added spice to theconference.

Altogether, the first day of the debate for GA1was, as the delegates would say “both intenseand embarrassing.” Even so, all delegationsagreed that “it is not until tomorrow that wewill face the real battle.” There are a lot toexpect for the third and final day of SAIMUN2016.

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“We will now begin roll call. All delegatesplease take a seat.” -- Head Chair GA2

General Assembly 2 started off with mainsubmitter Libya’s resolution about thequestion of development of newagricultural methods, in the context offood security and world hunger. Althoughshe faced numerous critical points ofinformation, the delegate of Libya stillanswered them with confidence. Thisresolution was supported by variousnations; however it did not pass despitethe 5 amendments from Uganda, UnitedStates of America, Uruguay, and Cyprus.

Main submitter Bosnia and Herzegovina’sresolution was presented next. Despite hisdelicate figure, the delegate of Bosnia wasborn for big problems, with his conciseand direct answers to all points ofinformation, he certainly left a greatimpression on everyone. The proposal wassupported by various countries, includingArgentina, Sweden, Panama, Venezuela,and Egypt. There was a tense debateabout the vagueness of the resolution as awhole, resulting in the delegates of USAand Cyprus commenting on EVERYSINGLE CLAUSE. Unfortunately, withan overwhelming number of against votes,this resolution was not passed.

The delegate of Portugal’s resolutionregarding to the question of addressingthe Eurozone Crisis was caused quite adispute, especially between the delegationof Spain and everyone’s audibility.

In fact, USA even motioned to extendto POI, in which the chair accepted(delegates, this motion does not existin the SAIMUN procedure). Severalamendments that aimed to improve theirrelevance and format of theresolution were submitted. The tensionin General Assembly 2 even causedGreece to speak for an amendmentthat he was supposed to be against.Despite multiple supports from nationsworldwide, the resolution was notpassed.

Turkey gave a wonderful speechregarding to her resolution ofproviding equal access to public healthcare. Spain again aggravated at thefact that no delegates voice theiropinion about the negative side inCroatia’s amendments. However, thistime, the Chairs have acknowledgeSpain’s passionate pleading andencourage the House to speak for theiropinion. Answering to the Chairs’encouragement, Cyprus speak againstthe amendment with the reason thatLEDCs cannot afford suchamendment. The debate once againended with the resolution not passed.

The second day ends with adetermined mood, and no resolutionspassed out of the four. Let’s hope foranother fruitful day tomorrow!

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ARTICLE:GA 3By Ke l l y Han

Welcome back to the second day of GA 3 !

Day 2 of SAIMUN 2016, especially inGA3, turned out to be a bit morecomfortable as everyone could chat anddiscuss the resolution easily. However,some of them were still feeling nervous asthey knew that in about 20 more minutesthey were going to be facing the mostintense and pressuring part, known as thecore of MUN, the Debate Session.Meanwhile some of them were veryconfident and comfortable, the rest werestill worrying about the debate.

Let’s meet the delegate representingBolivarian Republic of Venezuela beforethe conference begins:

Good morning the Delegate of BolivarianRepublic of Venezuela, how do you feel sofar?I am feeling Okay, but a bit nervous dueto the pressure of time.”

Have you finished your resolution yet?“Pretty much. I’m working on it and amalmost done”

There were only about 10 more minutesuntil the debate session. Everyone wasgathering into small groups to help eachother on their upcoming speeches as wellas giving one another enthusiasticencouragements and advices.

The debate session began with thequestion of implementation strategyfor disaster relief presented by thedelegate of Chad. After reading theresolution, the delegate of Chad madehis speech, stating his strong supportthe resolution. Even though the debatehad only begun, many delegates hadalready enthusiastically rose to statetheir questions and viewpoints. As heanswered the raised points ofinformation, we could clearly see howChad had made very insightfulresearch about the topic. unfortunatelyhowever, the resolution was notpassed.

The next debate discussed the issue ofoverpopulation, presenting theresolution of Panama. The delegate ofPanama gave many sharp andsignificant points toward this topic.Consequently, this resolution haspassed. Moving to the next resolutionwhich regarded the wearing down ofWorld Heritage Sites, the delegate ofItaly took the floor as main-submitter.Italy confidently backed her resolutionup with clear, specific, and wiseclauses that effectively suggestedmethods to improve upon the issue.The resolution passed.

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ARTICLE:GA 3By Ke l l y Han

The last resolution of day 2 in GA 3 wasabout the question of implementation of aninternational strategy for disaster relief.The delegate of Philippines stronglyencouraged all nations to change thesituation as she pointed out thatPhilippines is the one of the mostvulnerable country in the world facing theworst disasters many years such astyphoons. This delegate also mentionedhow education could help people indisaster by stating that the more quantityof people is educated, the more lives weare able to save. This resolution receivedmuch support from other delegates. Theresolution turned out to be a success asthe brilliant delegate of Philippines hasprovided a wonderful and perfectresolution.

On the other hand, the conference is muchbetter and more comfortable than the firstday. All delegates are really excited aboutdebating back and forth in order toexpress their views toward the issues.Even the delegate of Philippines is veryexcited, she spoke to the wrong point; shethen reminded by the Chair and went backbut not forget to say “I will return after awhile”. In spite of the fact that this is asignificant conference and it needseveryone to be very polite; however, wecannot avoid the secretly laugh and chatwithin the room as when they hear theword “condoms” appearing in questions .

In addition, some delegates submitted“silly amendment such as adding oneword to the example” said the Deputyof Chair and he also warned thedelegates to not waste valuable amountof time to debate about it. There arestill delegates still smile, signal, andeven give direct conversion with eachother as they are very excited. Besides,some of the delegates plays with theircups. Even our deputy of Chair stillmade mistake such as spoke “stupidquestions” instead of “uselessquestions”. In addition, a cutecomment from the Republic of Koreato the delegate of Philippines that: “ Ifyou add an amendment to thisresolution, you will make it become…….. PERFECT”. Besides, thedelegate of RoK also broke out thesleepy atmosphere in the conference bygoing up and said: “ This delegatewants everyone to wake up and VOTEfor this resolution”. He also answeredto the questions of other delegatesthat: “ This delegate does not haveanything to say because it isPERFECT”. During break time, theatmosphere is totally different fromthat of the beginning. In addition, thedelegate who strike against still talkedfriendly with her friend, who is striked,as nothing had happened.

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Let’s meet the delegate of Republic of Korea :

Three words to describe about the debate that you justhad coming through.“Okay, Fine, good” *smile*What do you expect from this conference?“ I want be more confident, that’s all” *laugh*

Let's meet the delegate of Chad:

How do you feel so far?Good, but a little bit pressure of time.

2. You are the main submitter of the disaster problemand how do you feel when your resolution is notpassed?“It’s OK, it does not matter to me anyway because it isnot exactly my favorite topics. However, time also aproblem. So yeah, next time I will do my own topic.”*confident tone*

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The second day of GA 3 was coming to an end aftermany stresses and pressure. In spite of the intensivemood within the conference, everyone had successfullydone his/her job as being a delegate, Chair, Admin, orPress. After all, everyone seemed very comfortable andrelaxing. They all worked very hard to make thisconference happen smoothly and successful. It does notmatter that the resolution had failed or passed, aseveryone tried their best to express their viewpoint. Aswe can see, this is not only where people can debatewith each other but also an opportunity for those whowant to practice their public speaking, want to be moreconfident, explore about the issues as well as countriesaround the world, last but not least, this is a goodchance for students to know and learn from each other.The GA 3 has 3 resolutions left and we will becontinuing on the next day, engaging a more intensiveand successful debate.


ECOSOC conference began to debateabout the resolutions in Day 2. The firstone is about the international tradedevelopment. The delegate of Iran – mainsubmitter – brought amusement to thedebate by saying that his group’sresolution shall pass because of theblessing from Allah. There were a lot ofAmendments regarding this resolution.The delegates of Barbados and Ugandastrike clause 3, stating that limiting oilproduction from OPEC countries did notbenefit countries that import oil.However, delegates from Saudi Arabiastated that oil price nowadays hasdropped 70%, which means that theOPEC countries were affected. That iswhy OPEC countries limited oilproduction. Eventually, this Amendmentwas passed. The delegate of Canada alsoadds a sub clause about not using childlabor. But the South Korean delegate goagainst it. He said “LEDCs used childlabor for cheap labor”. Anyway, thisAmendment was also passed. Thedelegates of Iran said that he was notconfident that his resolution would notpass. However, since Allah blessed thisresolution, he believed that it should pass.The final voting concludes that thisresolution is passed with 2-votedifference.

The second resolution is aboutintegration and promotion ofsustainable urban growth. Thisresolution also met with a lotAmendment. One of them is from thedelegate of Canada. This delegate addsa clause that says that the LEDCsneed to have filters on factorybuildings to reduce greenhouse gases.Although this Amendment was passed,there are some disagreements. Forexample, the delegate of Mauritaniarefuted it, stating that it was biastoward the MEDCs. The delegate ofSouth Korea also said that it is“unrealistic”. Eventually, theresolution as a whole was passed.

The third resolution, which was alsothe longest one, was about thereduction of wealth disparities indeveloping countries. The mainsubmitter, delegate of Cote d’Ivoire,emphasized the clause about education.One notable Amendment was from thedelegate of Barbados. This delegatestrike the clause about “the belief thatsociety is a place where people getalong and cooperate with each other”.He stated that it was not relevant tothe topic about wealth disparities.However, this Amendment was passedand the resolution is also passed.

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The final resolution of Day 1 was about the promotionand integration of sustainable growth. The firstsubmitted Amendment was from the delegate ofAfghanistan. He strikes the clause about “storing CO2under seabeds or empty oil deposits. He said “Wecannot contain CO2 like putting a plastic bag on achimney”. Another one is from the delegate of Canadain which she added a clause about using ghost cities todeal with population explosion. However, Pakistandelegate disagree. She said: “These ghost cities wasabandoned before so why would we relocate people tothese places again?” The first Amendment was passedbut the other one wasn’t. The delegate of Iran stated:“This resolution is like a donut”. He allude that thisresolution has “holes” and shall not pass. Eventually,this resolution was the only one that was not passed inthe first day.

The final work is for the chairs to choose a resolutionfor the plenary and they choose the second resolution.In short, the debate today was very effective. Thedelegates participate actively and gave a lot of ideas forthe resolution. The delegate of Afghanistan said: “Ithas been a very fun experience so far. My opinionshave been shifted several times”.

P A G E 1 2


The second day of SAIMUN conferencecommenced with a short hour for alldelegates of the EnvironmentalCommission to make some last changes totheir resolutions. Both delegates andchairs tried to finalize the resolutions sothat the debate sessions was able to startas soon as possible. With tremendouseffort showed, the EnvironmentalCommission were able to debate the totalof four resolutions within day two ofSAIMUN regarding all three of theissues: the disposal of chemical and waste,the transition to green economy, and theillegal wildlife trade.

Two out of four resolutions debated wereabout the disposal of chemical waste.Countries like China, Uruguay, Brazil,and Congo presented much of theirinterests regarding this issues as theymade up the majority of time of debating.As the first resolution’s main submitter,Uruguay suggested that his groupresolutions aimed to build a communitywith long lasting knowledge regardingsustainable environment through themeans of government regulations,education, and awareness. However,other delegates concern the safety of someof the concepts in the resolutions becauseof the requirement to approach hazardouslandfills. In addition, some delegatesquestioned the potential of the resolutiondue to the vagueness and broadness of it.

Answering and erasing these concernsfrom the delegates, Uruguay andCongo stated that the vagueness of theresolution is signifying the diversity ofeach and every country. In addition,there should always be safe viewingdistance and protected gears. Withmany submissions for amendmentsfrom the house and some strongoppositions from few delegates such asChina, the future of this resolutionwas unsure. Disregarding this, thedelegate of Uruguay stated in aresponse to press member that “Thisresolution will pass, the strengths ofour team arguments can outweigh theuncertainties of other delegates.” Unfortunately, the resolutions fail topass due to the overwhelming majorityof against votes.

China and other countries submittedanother resolution in another attemptto solve the issues of waste andchemicals disposal. In his openingspeech, China assured that thisresolution was the most effective andfastest way to solve the issue.Although Congo believed that thisresolution cannot be pass due to theimpracticalness and impossibility toachieve a common GDP range for allcountries. Nevertheless, theresolutions was a success after someamendments from delegates includingSpain.

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For resolutions regarding the transition to a greeneconomy, Cote D’Ivoire acted as the main submitter fora resolution. Responding to press member about thegroup’s resolution, she was confident in the resolutionwith assured 99.98% chance of it being passed.According to her, the resolution had all the requirednecessaries, comparing it to a perfect hamburger withall needed ingredients. Even with opposition fromAustria with the impression that the resolution is toovague and the uncertainty in the enforcement of it, theUnited States of America and Cote D’Ivoire submittedamendments to strengthen the resolution. Inconclusion, clapping was in order since the resolutionwas able to gain the votes needed for it to be passed.

For the last resolution of the day, New Zealand, andother co-submitters tried to tackle to issue of illegalwildlife trade. New Zealand started her speech,emphasizing that awareness is one of the key solutionsto this issue.

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Although with good intentions for the issues, manydelegates believe that adjustments were required tomake this resolution. For instance, Saudi Arabia addedan amendment to ensure online business to takeresponsibilities for the products they offer. Congofurther helped this potential clause by adding a second-degree amendment stating the necessity of inspectorsfrom the United Nations in implementing this clause.With a near perfect resolution, the resolution seems tobe dividing the house, but in the end, it was not able topass the meticulousness of some delegates.

Overall, the second day of the conference was a successfor the Environmental Commission as resolutions wereable to spawn fruitful debates. Even with thediscomfort for many delegates with the unbearableheat in the room, everyone was willing to participate inorder to state their opinions about these issues.


Day 2 of the Human Rights Council wasa roller coaster of emotion. It started outa bit slow compared to yesterday as manyof the delegates attended late. In addition,there were some cases of small accidentsthat took place. One delegate injured hishand from an open wire while anotheralmost knocked down a painting in theroom. It was clear that some delegateswere still tired. However, everythingchanged when the first debate started.We can see how most of the delegateswere confused about the first topic.

The first resolution of debate wasconcerning the impact of climate changeon human rights. Even the resolution wasdeemed confusing for the main-submitterherself, the delegate of United Statesadmitted that it was confusing for herwhen she first approached the topic. Thesame case clearly applied to the majorityof the delegates, even after the resolutionwas gone over and the delegate of UnitedStates had completed her speech. Evenafter some more explanation after thespeech, many of the delegate still doubtthe effectiveness of the resolution due tothe vague nature of it. This ambiguitywas somewhat resolved, thanks to bedelegates’ endless attempts to improveupon the resolution, through thesubmission of many amendments.

The resolution, in the end, passed.Some delegates, however, still believedthat this resolution was more like onedebated in the EnvironmentalCommission rather than in the HumanRights Council, due to the insufficienttalk of human rights relating to climatechange as opposed to the numerousclauses addressing the factors of climatechange. Unfortunately, the confusiondid not stop there.

The second resolution that was debatedwas regarding the question of women inpower and decision making. At firstglance the resolution seemed perfectlyfine. Once we take closer observationsto the resolution, however, a lot ofquestions were asked by delegates. Thefirst and most frequent question was,“Why would Iran and Saudi Arabiasupport a resolution that approve ofwomen rights? As pointed out by manydelegates, both of these countries isnotorious for their negative view onwomen’s rights due to the heavyinfluence of Islam in addition to theiralmost non-existent attempts to supportthe notion. However, it did not stopthere as many other delegates alsocalled attention to the incredibly longand tedious clauses within theresolution.

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ARTICLE:SCBy Ann i e Tr i eu

Today was a fruitful debate for theSecurity Council. The House wasdebating over the question of threats tointernational peace and security causedby terrorist attacks. It did not take longfor the delegates to start attacking eachother. Unfortunately the delegate ofFrance was the target in today’s sessionas he received many criticisms from otherdelegates.

While the House was debating over anoperative clause submitted by thedelegate of USA and Ukraine, Francemade a speech speaking against theclause, despite that the clause suggestednumerous methods to reduce and controlterrorism. He was concerned whether ornot the overall clause could be applicableto every nation. Therefore, he called forthe entire House to submit amendmentsto modify the clause. China alsosupported France’s point of view, but wassoon fired back by the delegate ofUkraine. She asked the delegate ofFrance “Is sitting there thinking ofamendments and doing nothing betterthan trying new theories to see whetherthey are applicable or not?” She thencontinued to comment that France andChina should reconsider their votes aswell as asking them vote for the clause.Despite France, Japan, Spain and China’sobjection, the clause successfully passed.

However, the criticism for the delegateof France didn’t stop there. AfterFrance gave his speech about hisoperative clauses, it received manyquestions from other delegates toclarify the intention of the clause. Italso received comments from thedelegate of Ukraine and Angolastating that these clauses wereredundant and stated the obvious.France answered all these questions aswell as calling the delegates to submitamendments to perfect his clauses.Unfortunately, his answers were notable to satisfy other delegates. Thedelegate of Russia criticized France forputting no effort in makingamendments himself but insteadrequesting other people to do so. Atthis point, the delegate of NewZealand was concerned whetherFrance did his research, as Francestated, “the flow of the debate wasdisturbing.”

After many hours of ups and downs inthe committee, the resolution on thequestion of threats to internationalpeace and security by terrorist attackswas passed. What a great start forthe Security Council.

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03What a line!

Ooh! Someone'sbusy

See that girl overthere? Send this toher!


Just tentativelywatching

I didn't tilt that!

Excuse me, can youlower thetemperature? It'sgetting a littlesteamy here...








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