cosc1030 data structures in java. important notes final drop date – july 13 web site is our...

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Important NotesImportant Notes

Final drop date – July 13Web site is our information center Check web site before raising questionsEnrollment or change session – go to officeRead Ch. 1 before next lecture

Course PlanCourse Plan

11 1/2 Lectures– May have quiz in class

4 Assignments worth 5% each– Expect Reports plus programs

Midterm Exam worth 30%– Common Midterm

Final 50%– Common Final


May 29 – Java Review June 5 – SE Concepts & Comp Complexity June 12 – Object Reference (A1 Due) June 19 – Recursion June 26 – Linear Data Structure (A2 Due) July 3 – Midterm July 10 – Modularity & Data Abstraction

July 17 – List, String and DMA (A3 Due)

Lecture (continued)Lecture (continued)

July 24 – TreesJuly 31 – Hash Table (A4 Due)August 7 – Sorting 1August 14 – Sorting (2) Final Exam

JAVA ReviewJAVA Review

Main Features of JAVA JAVA Language entities Name and Scope Data Types Operations & Expression Control Flows Classes and Objects Fields and Methods

Main Features of JAVAMain Features of JAVA

JAVA Platform– Portable, Byte Code, Interpreter

Network Enabled– Applets, URL

Security– Signed Jars, Sandbox Model

Multi Thread– Concurrent, Synchronized Method

Main Features of JAVAMain Features of JAVA

Strong Typed – Type Checking at Compilation Time – Dynamic Checking for Casting

Exception HandlingGarbage CollectionThin Core + Expandable Library OOP

JAVA Language EntitiesJAVA Language Entities

Literatures Variables Expressions Statements Labels Methods Types Classes and Interfaces Packages


Atomic values without a name– 27, 033, 0x1B, 1L – 3.1415 1. .1 1.0E-10 10F– ‘A’, ‘á’,‘\n’– “This is a literature.”– true, false

static final int ZERO = 0– ZERO is not a literature, it’s a named constant


A simple name of a– package, type, variable or method

Declaration – Specifies the kind of entity that the Id denotes

Definition– Implements the entity it specifies

Declare before use


public interface IFace { //

public static final int ZERO = 0;

public void foo();



public class Biz implements IFace {

private int i = 0;

private Object obj = new String(“A string object”);

public Biz() { i = (obj == “A String object”) ? 0 : 1; }

public void foo() { System.out.print(“foo()”); }

public void main(String args) {…}



Denote to a language entity Simple Form and Dot-form Duplicated Names

– Have the same dot-form– Not allowed

Variable names – field, local, formal parameter Method Names Type names – Primitive, Class & Interface Package Names

Scope of namesScope of names

Scope – a part of a program text in which the entity can be referenced by its simple name

Hidden Scope Due to Overridden A Name May Visible Outside Its Scope Use its dot-name notation.

– a.b.c;– this.c; super.c;– …foo().c;

class Test extends Base { // public int var = 0 is defined in Base

int var = 1;

public Test foo(int var) {

var = 2; // Which var is changed?

try {

int var = 3; // Is this legal?

} catch (Throwable ex) {

int var = 4; // No, both are syntax errors


// What are values of super.var, this.var, and var respectively?

// They are 0, 1 and 2 respectively.


public void bar() { int var = 5; }


Scope of name


Field variables– Class Fields– Instance Fields

Local variables Formal Parameters Variable Attributes

– Public, Protected, Private– Static,– Final, Transient, Volatile

Visibility of VariablesVisibility of Variables

Visibility – where it can be referencedA variable is visible within its scope.Field variables

– The scope is the whole class– Public field is visible via object reference– Protected field is visible in sub-classes– Private field can only be accessed in the class


Expression calculates valueEach expression has a static typeThe value generated is of the (sub) typeCreate a new object – constructor Method call is an expression of the return


Precedence of OperatorsPrecedence of Operators

Postfix ops : . [exp] (args)exp++ exp-- Unary ops: ++exp –exp +exp –exp !exp ~exp Creation and typecast: new exp (type)exp Multiplicative: * / % Additive ops: + - Shifting ops: << >> >>> Relational ops: < > >= <= instanceof Equality ops: == != Bitwise and, or, and xor: & ^ | Logical and && Logical or || Conditional operation: ? :

Assignment ops: = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= >>>=

Control FlowControl Flow

Atomic statement – assignmentComposition – S1; S2Branching – if-then-else, switchLooping – for, while, do-whileException handling – try-catch-finalCommunication between objects – Method



Primitive Types– void, int, long, float, double, char, boolean

Reference Types– Array – hosts indexed elements of the same type– String – non mutable sequence of characters– Interface – contract– Class – implementation of a type– Abstract class – customizable common structure,

partially implemented

Array TypeArray Type

Initialize an array int[] ia = new int[3]; System.out.println(ia[0]); // what is the output Shape[] shapes = new Shape[3]; System.out.println(shapes[0]); // what is the output for( int i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++ ) { shapes[i]= new Rectangle(……); } One dimensional array in Java int[][] iaa = new int[3][]; for (int i = 0; i < iaa.length; i++ ) { iaa[i] = new int[i+1]; }

String & StringBufferString & StringBuffer

String is non-mutableString abc = “abc”;

abc = “aBc”; // did not change the string “abc”

String def = “This is ” + abc + “ string”;

StringBuffer sBuff = new StringBuffer();StringBuffer sBuff = new StringBuffer();

sBuff.append(“This is ”);


sBuff.append(“ string”);

sBuff.setCharAt(8, ‘A’);


Building block of Java One class one file Extends super class – Object the root of all classes Implements interfaces Template of objects constructed from it A class may declare:

– Fields– Constructors– Methods– Static initialization block


Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {…} Default constructor – no parameter new Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, 1.0,1.0) Implementation of a constructor

– Initialize all field variables– Call another constructor – this(…)– Call super constructor – super(…) as its first statement– Canonical constructor – do the real job– Other constructors transform parameters and then call

the canonical

Class Rectangle extends Shape {

Point upLeft, buttomRight;

Rectangle (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {

Point p1 = new Point(x1, y1);

Point p2 = new Point(x2, y2);

this(p1, p2); // call canonical constructor


Rectangle(Point anUpLeft, Point aButtomRight) {

super(); // call super first

upLeft = anUpLeft; buttomRight = aButtomRight;



Methods Methods

Method header - Signature– Return type– Method name– Parameters– Exceptions

Overloading methods – same name but different parameters

Overriding methods – defined in subclass with the same signature in the super

Abstract method Canonical method

Summary of Java ReviewSummary of Java Review

Features of Java– Platform independent, network enabled, multi threaded,

interpret, object oriented programming language

Language entities– Name and scope– Primitive & reference types– Classes – Methods, Constructors, Fields & Static block– Arrays – one dimensional array– String and string buffer

Object vs. ClassObject vs. Class

Class is a description of objects – static Class specifies behavior of objects

Object only exists at run time – dynamicObjects differ in types – construction classObjects differ in state – value of their fields


A contract between user and implementerLoosen couple between components Different Implementations from different

vendorsHide implementation details to usersParallel development of a project

Abstract ClassAbstract Class

Partial implementationProvide important conceptsHide implementation detailsCustomizable StructureCustomize by sub-classingA sub-class only needs to implement

unfinished parts


class SubClass extends SuperClassThe SubClass inherits all fields and

methods from the superFields and methods can be overriddenOverridden fields and methods still visible

via superAdd subclass specific fields and methodsReuse super class

Overloading & OverridingOverloading & Overriding

Overloading– A name used for different meanings– 3 + 5 and “A string” + “another”– Methods with different signatures

Overriding – Re-implement method in sub class– Overridden the method in super class– The method in super still visible– Dynamic binding and polymorphism

class Shape {……

void draw() { // be overridden in sub classes

System.out.println(“Don’t know how to draw a shape”);



class Rectangle extends Shape { ……

void draw() { // overriding

drawLine(…); drawLine(…); drawLine(…); drawLine(…);


void draw(Device device) { // overloading method

drawLine(…, device); …



Select method to be invoked at run time based on dynamic type of the requesting object.

The actual behavior of a name denoted is dynamically determined

Most specific method is invoked

class Shape { void draw() {…} }

class Rectangle extends Shape{

void draw(){…}}

class Circle extends Shape {

void draw() {…}}

Shape myShape = null;

myShape = new Rectangle();

myShape.draw(); // draw rectangle

myShape = new Circle();

myShape.draw(); // draw circle

Important OO ConceptsImportant OO Concepts

Interface and class– Contract vs. implementation

Inheritance– Single inheritance in Java

Method overloading– Different signatures to the same method (name)

Method overriding– Provide specific method implementation in subclass

Polymorphism– Determine which method to invoke at run time

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